Chapter 516 Emperor Cang appears
The sound was so loud that it actually resonated with the heaven and the earth, causing the vast land to tremble violently, as if an immortal emperor had descended and oppressed the world.

"Dark Underachiever?"

The Black Lord stabilized his figure and stared into the depths of the sky.

There was light flowing from his eyes when he opened and closed them. Although his body was in tatters, he still had a forgiving aura, as majestic as a prison!
"Who are you..."

Xu Yu asked in a deep voice, already having a guess in his heart, this was another quasi-immortal emperor, and not only why he always felt that he sensed a familiar aura.

The dark quasi-immortal emperor is most likely Cang Hong, Yu, or Old Man Mieshi. There is no doubt about these quasi-immortal Yun Yan, but I don't know which one it is.

"Yun Yan!"

In the void, the shadow of a huge central palace suddenly appeared, and the majestic voice echoed and rumbled, making it appear sacred and inviolable.

Immediately afterwards, the central palace opened wide, and a thin figure emerged. Sitting on a high cloud jade chair, he looked down at the two people.

This is the creature called the Emperor.

Obviously, he is powerful and invincible. He is sitting there tall with a cold face, carrying an aura of immortality and eternity, transcending the world.
However, his body was too skinny and gray, and seemed to be filled with the aura of death, with an unexplainable strangeness and ominousness, which was very strange.

There is only one pair of eyes that are so captivating, like two golden lamps, or more like the two suns of darkness reincarnation, as if they can lead the lost soul to return and lead people to reincarnation.

He has gray hair, and even the whites of his eyes are gray, but his pupils are golden, sharp and captivating, and each ray of luster is enough to tear the Immortal King apart.

The emperor's robe, old and ancient, looked loose and bulky on his skinny body.

On top of his head, he wears a Yun Yan crown, flowing with nine colors of brilliance, illuminating all living beings, but there is also a black aura entangled in the nine colors, which is rich and frightening.

The hearts of the kings of the Immortal Realm were trembling. Another emperor came unexpectedly. Suddenly there were more variables. They couldn't help but worry about Xu Yu.
"You should be pious and sincere when you see the emperor. Why don't you worship the emperor?" The creature who claimed to be the emperor was extremely indifferent and looked at the two people with the attitude of a king.


The Black Lord was angry. He was just a dark latecomer, but he was actually asked to worship and kowtow. It was ridiculous. He had never seen such a ridiculous thing since this era.

Xu Yu also looked stagnant and felt a little speechless. This guy seemed to be pretending to be his ancestor. Judging from his rich dark aura, he must be one of the four people.

"If you don't worship the emperor, your true life will be lost. Your name is on the reincarnation monument. Kowtow every step of the way. Your sins will be cut in half on the road to rebirth. I will protect your true soul!" The creature who calls himself the emperor looked at the black master indifferently and sat on the jade stone. On the chair, as if sitting upright on the ninth level, there is an invincible aura that suppresses the world.

It has to be said that he is indeed very strong. If it were an ordinary creature, as soon as he opened his mouth, his soul would be likely to be split apart and he would embark on the path of reincarnation.

"What a junior who doesn't know where to start!" The Black Lord scolded angrily, wrapped in black mist and bursting with anger.

All the dark creatures can be his descendants, but this person actually disrespects him?
With a roar, he struck out with a palm, extremely powerful, and directly covered the face of the powerful man who calls himself the Emperor.

"Bold!" The creature who calls himself the emperor shouted coldly.

A gray hand, almost shriveled, skin as thick as bones, slowly and heavily slapped towards the black master, bringing with it the majestic power of the emperor.

In that palm, the sun and moon rotate, the stars are infinite, the universe is opening up, chaos is entangled, and a vague and dim path of reincarnation emerges.

He may not seem big, his size is very ordinary, but he controls everything in the world, opens up land, controls reincarnation, is extremely terrifying, and wants to force the black master to go to the afterlife.

The creature who claimed to be the emperor collided with the Black Lord and struck a blow. The entire world sea was in great turmoil, wailing and trembling. The endless sea water surged into the sky, and the universe also cracked, forming a terrible energy storm that ravaged the heavens.

The two powerful men's peerless blow shook the heavens and the earth, and the long river of time was cut off.

"Fallen quasi-immortal emperor?" Xu Yu also spoke.

The body is surrounded by fairy light, illuminating the earth, aloof and peerless, forming a sharp contrast with its dark aura.

"The emperor is supreme, the years change, the eras reincarnate, even if all things are destroyed and all things wither, my body will last forever, so how can I fall?"

The voice of the gray-haired man on the jade throne was very calm and indifferent, with a kind of self-centeredness. He despised all things in the world. Only the emperor will live forever and will remain immortal.

Xu Yu said nothing, just stared at him, staring at every part of his body, because he always felt that this person looked familiar.

"It's you……"

Suddenly, his eyes pondered, and he finally recognized him. He had interacted with the creature in front of him.

This was the strange black shadow that had attacked him in the Immortal Era. He chased it to the boundary sea, but found nothing.

Later, at the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, he made a sneak attack on Yun Yan and other human races, but was later defeated by the martial arts imprint of his Human Emperor Seal. It was also during that time that he met Yun Yan.

"Recognize it? Yes, that black shadow is the emperor, the former incarnation of the Immortal King, who came specifically to find you."

The self-proclaimed emperor spoke in such a calm and indifferent manner, his eyes as cold as ice.

"Why?" Xu Yu frowned, that black shadow was deliberately looking for him.

"The Cang King of my clan has died. When I was young, I once determined to kill you, but for my long-cherished wish, I transformed into a wisp, walking around to detect your traces!"

The self-proclaimed emperor was a charred creature, with gray hair raised up, and his eyes were captivating, exuding an aura of self-reliance and self-reliance.

"Are you from the Cang tribe?"

Xu Yu's eyes were cold, combined with the dark shadow behind him and a series of speculations.


The self-proclaimed emperor responded silently, the brilliance in his pupils was flowing, the golden clouds were as sharp as the Tao, and the whole person was gradually submerged by chaos and darkness.

"That's it! Are you going to avenge your ancestor?"

The man in front of him is Emperor Cang, the ruler of the Dark Court.

In the Origin Era, he once killed Cang, Hong, Yu, and the Three Great Kings. Now, is he seeking revenge?
"Revenge, a joke, the emperor is ruthless. I once established the immortal inheritance of the Cang clan. In order to not be restrained, I later destroyed him with my own hands. Emperor, I kill you without the shackles of the clan, just to end the obsession in my heart. It has nothing to do with anything else!"

"Of course, your appearance is an unexpected surprise for me!" Emperor Cang sneered, leaning on the throne with both hands, staring straight at the Black Lord with a pair of indifferent eyes like frost...

"Underachiever, do you know who I am!"

The Black Master's eyes were blazing, and seemed to fill the vast land, which was extremely cold.

And between the opening and closing of his eyes, there was actually black blood flowing, with a strong and unknown aura. Every trace seemed to pollute everything.
And as the blood dripped, the beasts began to roar, and areas were cracking, horrified to the extreme.

"The rich aura and original power are purer than the ultimate ancient land! I am very happy!"

Cang Emperor smiled faintly, looked at the Black Lord, and completely ignored his words.

Even Xu Yu stared at him, thinking that Emperor Cang was here to help, but he didn't expect that he had a vague feeling of disapproval of the Black Lord.

"What do you want? I am the Black Lord. I am invincible in the world. I am the true emperor. The origins of Luju level creatures all come from me."

The black master said coldly, with stars falling in his eyes.
The scene where chaos disappears and a shocking killing light blooms,
"The source of darkness? Interesting! Sure enough, it involves the level of the Emperor's Dao. If you do some research, you may be able to get a glimpse of the Emperor's Dao!" Cang Emperor nodded, his gray hair disheveled, his eyes deep, and his huge Emperor's clothes fluttering in the wind. , stood up directly from the throne and stared at the Black Lord coldly.

"Underachiever, do you want to devour the Lord? If I sense it, I will definitely crush you to ashes!"

The Black Lord's eyes widened with anger. He didn't expect that he, who was also a body of darkness, would actually study him.

To a certain extent, this quasi-immortal emperor was indirectly created by him, but now he actually wanted to attack him, so how could he not be angry.

"If you get the origin of the imperial way, I will be the ancestor of all spirits on earth! How much of your current state is at the peak?"

"When I become the emperor and make the decision, I will rewrite all the order in the world. At that time, even if you are here in person, what will happen?"

At this moment, he was heartless and indifferent, not caring about the threat of the Black Lord at all.

"Throughout the past and present, you are invincible above and below. No matter how longing for defeat, no matter the source of darkness, you are now a sacrificer in front of me after all!" Emperor Cang said indifferently.

Since he was born, he has been making great progress, sweeping through the crowd.

Until one day, he reached the top, transcended above, looked down at the Immortal King, and the whole world was silent. Now that he had the chance to become an emperor, the intoxicating aura of the dark origin made him unable to extricate himself.

"Okay, okay, you are a latecomer. If you dare to despise me, I will give you death!"

The Black Lord laughed angrily, and the aura all over his body suddenly surged, turning into infinite divine light, sweeping across the sea of ​​​​boundaries, cleansing all realms, and making people feel heartbroken.

"Sacrifice your soul to me!"

Although Cang Emperor's body was shriveled, he was full of arrogance and invincibility. His golden pupils glowed, and with a loud roar, the sea level dropped a lot. Billions of sky cracked, fell, and ceased to exist.

The Black Lord let out a long roar and fought fiercely with him. The blazing light danced and everything was reduced to ashes.

At this moment, Xu Yu was speechless. He seemed to be an outsider, quietly watching this good show.
However, this also gave him a chance. Whether his body was injured or not, he quickly seized the time to recover. His whole body was radiant and he quickly repaired the injuries he had suffered over the past tens of thousands of years.

At the same time, he was also very vigilant, wary of these two people, and also watched the depths of the world sea to see if any other quasi-immortal emperors would arrive.

The Cang Emperor and the Black Lord were killing each other, and blood was splattered from the very beginning!
The black master's face was ashen. If he hadn't been severely damaged before, he wouldn't have been so miserable. In his opinion, this young quasi-immortal emperor was not qualified to fight with him.


The Black Lord roared and froze the universe. All kinds of divine energy exploded, and the beams split. Each beam of light represented an invincible way.

"Behead you to establish the Dao and ascend to the Emperor's palace!"

The center of Emperor Cang's brows glowed, and a handsome man appeared. That was the light of his soul, and it was his former martial appearance, which was very different from his current appearance.

And the Black Lord's spiritual light surged and entangled with him. It was two strange auras entangled, which was extremely fascinating!

Two strands of spiritual light bloomed and collided together, causing the long river of time to roll violently and seem to be changing its course.

"You should also accept the calamity for this emperor!"

The gray-haired Cang Emperor roared, and a huge black shadow appeared behind him. It was terrifying, like a giant beast. It rushed over at once, trying to devour Xu Yu and pull him into the abyss of time.
There, there is a series of pictures, with the burial site opening, the birth of a foreign land, the first opening of the earth, and all kinds of amazing scenes.

Xu Yu's face was indifferent. This Cang Emperor was really arrogant. He actually attacked him and the black master at the same time, forcing him to drag him from a spectator state into the battle.

His eyes turned, the light surged, mixed with the terrifying aura of Taishi and Wuliang, turned into a cracking sword light, and fell in reverse!
Each ray of sword light is a beam of light that catches people's attention, and its sharp edge reflects all the scenery. You can see it in the long river of time.

There are countless figures wielding swords at the same time.

Of course, his sword light also pressed down on the Black Lord at the same time, and he wanted to completely wipe out the Black Lord. After all,

This person is an anomaly, it’s better to kill him as soon as possible!
For a time, the scene was dripping with blood and the scene was extremely horrifying. The battle between emperors and emperors could easily involve life and death.

"Damn it!"

The Black Lord roared, he was actually attacked by two emperors.

Next, the three of them started a melee and started fighting!
Not long after, poof!
A ray of sword light struck down on Emperor Cang's shoulder, causing his bones to crack on the spot and blood splattering across the sky.

At the same time, he waved a big hand and slashed down with five fingers. If the magic knife fell, it would hit the black master's body again, causing him to fly up.

The gray-haired Cang Emperor roared angrily, and behind him, a figure emerged
A pair of huge rotten wings, boundless in terror. With a slight flutter of wings, the law surged, shrouding Xu Yu and the Black Lord.

The next moment, a breath of destruction spread across the ground, binding him and destroying him in this world. This is the law of destruction.

Xu Yu's eyes were as cold as the abyss that had been silent for billions of years.

His arms shook, runes emerged, divine light flowed in his arms, billions of divine rays imprinted on his body, infinite divine energy was restrained, only waiting for an explosive singularity.

The fire was blazing, blazing, and accompanied by a high-pitched immortal phoenix cry, his arms turned into two immortal phoenixes born from the fire, surging with divine flames that could burn everything.

If the opponent uses the Avenue of Destruction, then he will use the vitality of Nirvana and rebirth to fight against him.

His arms turned into immortal phoenixes, encompassing the entire universe, swallowing up the four seas, and then suddenly fell down, sweeping towards the Black Lord and Cang Emperor without distinction. The light shone brightly and shocked the world!
The next moment, the three of them emitted a dazzling brilliance that seemed to cover the whole sea of ​​​​the world, and the world was dotted with brilliance.

Kill kill kill!
The three of them fought, from above to underground, and then from underground into earth, fire, wind and water, opening up the world and evolving all things.

During this period, Cang Emperor and Hei Lord fought many times and suffered no injuries, but Xu Yu became more and more courageous as they fought, one person suppressing the two!
Gradually, Black Lord and Cang Emperor put aside their prejudices in a short period of time and tacitly chose to join forces to fight. For a while, the struggle became more intense!

The long river of time emerged, and the Sanrao Yuanshen escaped and began to fight, entering the long river of time and fighting towards the future.

But the real body is fighting in this world, and the soul is in the future, with world-shaking power, and the will of immortality is spreading.

The killings in this world were undoubtedly very brutal, with blood splattering on the sky, anger in the sky, and the bodies of the Black Lord and Cang Emperor were broken into many pieces many times.

However, they will heal soon and fight again in their true form. After all, it is not easy to kill a quasi-immortal emperor.

No matter in the past or in the future, there are several strong figures fighting, but they are transcendent in the long river of time and do not affect those times and spaces.

Perhaps, no one realizes how terrible and fierce battles they faced in their time.


After tens of thousands of moves, the Black Lord roared loudly, blood rushed, and cracks appeared on his body. He couldn't bear it anymore.

It's not that the black master is not strong, but that Xu Yu is too strong

After fighting with him for tens of thousands of years, his source had been almost exhausted. Now he has experienced the battle with Emperor Cang, and Xu Yu, who became more and more courageous as he fought, naturally he couldn't hold on any longer.

The Black Lord exploded, sending out wisps of black mist, and on top of that black mist was a drop of rich black blood.

(End of this chapter)

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