Emperor Cang's eyes were blazing, and he encompassed the universe with one palm, reaching towards the black blood. This was what he wanted most.

Xu Yu's eyes were blazing, and he shot out a terrifying beam of light to scare away the black blood. After all, Jing was the origin of the Black Lord and was worth studying.

However, with a sound of black blood, it suddenly reached its peak, and the fragments of time flew and disappeared directly on the spot, making it impossible to find. Even the two quasi-immortal emperors were difficult to find in a short time.

At this moment, in the Boundary Sea, on an island hundreds of millions of miles away, a young man was sitting cross-legged. His black hair was disheveled and his skin was like snow. He looked very delicate, but his aura was breathtaking, as if he was an immortal king.

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and looked at the drop of black blood that suddenly appeared in front of him in shock...

"The rich origin of darkness contains the ultimate power..."

This young fairy king looks pretty, with red lips and white teeth, and clear eyes. At this moment, there is a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

He is Chen Changsheng, the dark body of Xu Yu. He has set foot on the boundary sea hundreds of thousands of years ago, and now he has reached the realm of the giant Immortal King.

Although he was a body of darkness, he was still extremely dignified, because he felt that this drop of blood definitely transcended the realm of the Immortal King, and he did not know what kind of divine object it was.

"If I were here, I would definitely understand." He sighed softly. The body of darkness was too far away from me, so he couldn't sense it.

The drop of black blood slowly rotated, all the black mist dispersed, and with a chirping sound, it disappeared straight into his body.

His expression changed. If that drop of black blood that surpassed the Immortal King broke out, even if he was a body of darkness, he would not be able to withstand it.

But soon, he gradually calmed down. The drop of black blood was not violent, but very gentle, moistening the substance silently and shining a little, as if it recognized him...

"My Emperor Ji!"

Emperor Cang shouted angrily, and within his dead gray eyeballs, golden pupils blazed, turning into golden edges that illuminated the world.

He was exploring, even spreading his wings, temporarily abandoning Xu Yu to pursue the origin of the emperor. For him, nothing was more important than that.

However, how could Xu Yu let him get what he wanted? He chased after him and cut off Emperor Cang's retreat, preventing him from leaving.

On the one hand, he was worried about getting that drop of black blood.

On the other hand, if he returns to the ultimate place, he will definitely cause disaster. He is determined to eliminate all evil and not give him the slightest chance!
"Ahhhh! If you destroy my Diji, we will fight to the death!"

Emperor Cang roared angrily, his eyes widening. For endless years, he had given up everything just to become emperor.

Nowadays, it is not easy to meet a true blood of the Immortal Emperor level. Even the dark true blood is enough for him to reveal the secret of becoming an emperor.

But because of Xu Yu's obstruction, he missed the opportunity, so he was naturally resentful to the extreme.

The boundary sea is infinite, and even a quasi-immortal emperor cannot fully observe it. After a while, the black blood had already disappeared without a trace.

"It's up to you, are you worthy?" Xu Yu sneered, standing on the sky, looking down at him.

Cang Emperor roared angrily, his shots were like lightning, his figure was like a dream, every collision had an amazing power.

His hair shone, turning from gray to gold. Suddenly, his temperament changed. He was extremely powerful and heroic. It seemed that even his flesh and blood began to become fuller, and the divine light of his veins disappeared and was no longer exhausted.

"Sacrifice to heaven, sacrifice to earth, and sacrifice to heroic spirits!"

He shouted loudly, his eyes were extremely captivating, and as his eyes turned, he created all things, and a simple and dim altar appeared in front of it, with a faint luster.

His body glowed extremely brightly, and some blood dripped down, not only black, but also golden, and even bright red, and fell onto the altar.

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. He saw many scenes appearing on the altar. They were all major events in ancient times. Every scene was shocking.

The reason why Emperor Cang has reached this point is that his path to success is very strange, terrifying, and extremely cruel in its hardships.

He sacrificed the heroes of an era, and all the contenders were reduced to sacrifices on the altar. In the end, when he became the quasi-immortal emperor, he even sacrificed blood to the ancient world where he lived, and even the Cang clan was not spared.

The Cang Clan has taken root in many great realms, and the great realm he is in is hardly any weaker than the great realm where his ancient ancestor, King Cang, has his ancestral lineage.

However, it was such a big world, but in the end, it died and became an inconspicuous wave in the world sea. It was sacrificed with blood and became the nourishment for his enlightenment.

He led the Ting tribe across the sea and entered the dark land. Those people became sacrifices for unknown reasons and all died, leaving him alone, guarding the dark place in the ultimate ancient land.

Emperor Cang's whole body glowed, and his own state also changed. He used his own blood to communicate with the altar made of avenue symbols. He wanted to sacrifice Xu Yu alive!
Sacrificing him, sacrificing land, and sacrificing heroic spirits is not to respect the three, nor to sacrifice for them, but to sacrifice alive.

"My body is immortal and will last for eternity. Who can sacrifice me! Me?"

Xu Yu snorted coldly, his body was glowing, his chest was glowing, and six blazing lights boiled, almost burning, and swept towards the altar.

Even though a strange altar blocked his way, he remained calm and not panicked.

"Break it for me!"

He shouted, and the six blazing lights first turned into clouds and smoke and then swirled together, turning into a sword of reincarnation. In the blazing light, there was a terrifying aura, and time fragments were flying around it.


He shouted loudly and slashed out the sword of reincarnation transformed from the six paths in his body to destroy all things!
With six paths of reincarnation in his body, he has achieved the status of quasi-immortal emperor, and he can already use it as a means of attack!
The altar cracked and turned into countless fragments. Then the light of the Samsara Sword flickered slightly, and the blazing light flowed, absorbing all the altar fragments and integrating them into the Samsara Sword, becoming its nourishment.

Afterwards, the Samsara Sword disintegrated, turned into cloud smoke, and sank into his chest, making the six paths in his body more perfect and seemed to be nourished.

Even Emperor Cang was a little stunned. What kind of weird magic was this? It actually absorbed his altar and turned it into nourishment. This was almost his proud method, but it was resolved so easily and freely!
What he didn't know was that if he attacked normally, Xu Yu would have to resist. However, he sacrificed his soul on the altar, but was suddenly restrained by the six paths in his body.


Cang Emperor, the golden light faded away, his body withered again, his hair was no longer golden, and the blood flowing out also changed strangely, turning black, and he started fighting with Xu Yu again!
Behind Cang Emperor, a pair of wings appeared, no longer tattered, one black and one white, extremely weird. The power of yin and yang suddenly burst out, forming a pattern of avenue, suddenly incited to kill Xu Yu,


Xu Yu took action and made a seal with his right hand, like a dragon and a peng. With just one blow, the sky collapsed, the boundary sea rolled, and the stars fell!
Cang Emperor's gray hair was disheveled, and his right palm was like a blade, turning into a crimson beak. It was a real phoenix beak, shining brightly, pointing towards the dragon's head.

When the real phoenix beak was approaching, Xu Yu's fingers changed again and turned into wicker, surrounded by the God of Order. Then he strangely bypassed the beak and hit the Cang Emperor's chest. With a pop, frightening blood spattered. flower.

The universe was overturned, the universe exploded, the boundary sea boiled, and the battle situation gradually tilted. Xu Yuxue's finger was like a knife, and he was shot flying across the sky many times, bleeding in the starry sky.
Every time Xu Yu makes a move, his power boils. In a single thought, all things arise and die, destroy or create all things, infinite, infinite, without beginning or end!
"Kill!" Xu Yu scolded lightly.

"I am the Lord of Heaven, the Immortal Emperor of all realms, who can kill me!"

Emperor Cang's body was in tatters, and his hair was stained with blood. His face was ferocious, and his punch seemed to shatter everything, penetrating the past, present, and future. This punch was too fierce.

This was a hateful blow from Emperor Cang. In fact, he had been suppressed for so long, and there was a depression in his heart that had not been released for a long time. The beam of light stands side by side with the long river of the world, shining from the current world to the ancient times, and faintly crossing the sky of the future, lighting up the night sky like a blazing lightning, shaking people's hearts.

"Ignorant and fearless, ridiculous!"

Xu Yu's black hair is disheveled and her eyes are blazing.
Sheng, various symbols arranged, condensed, mighty and dry


In his eyes, the endless law struck out, and the sky dimmed. Big stars turned one after another, filled with chaotic energy, and had a shocking power.

At this time, dragons and phoenixes sang in harmony, surrounding Xu Yu, and he was like an immortal emperor resurrected, pushing the stars in the sky, walking in the sky,

His eyes were terrifying, and every time he blinked, the heaven and the earth resounded, like the sound of scriptures from the Great Dao.

When Xu Yu's eyes are closed, extremely terrifying power will flow out, which can crush people like a big millstone, and the beam of light emitted by the innate divine eye can destroy all things.

The produced light picks up the movement of Dad's fist and hits these light beams on the light market. The light stars scatter everywhere, and each blow is as heavy as billions, just like stars colliding!

The next moment, the billions of miles of sky shook like a picture scroll, Xu Yu's eyes burst out with endless brilliance, imprinting on the air, the light was frightening, emitting a terrifying aura.


Emperor Cang was shocked and angry. The skin of his fists was torn and bloody, and even the bone stubble leaked out.

It was so miserable that the light all over his body dimmed a lot.

But his eyes did not stop, they continued to shoot out, and then he hit Cang Emperor and flew into the air.


Emperor Cang's eyebrows exploded, and he was penetrated by Xu Yu's eyes. The light of the quasi-immortal emperor shines through the past and present, unparalleled in the world.

"I finally feel what it feels like to be defeated..."

Emperor Cang is laughing, feeling sad, confused, and lost, and finally turning into madness. The power in his body is boiling, cracking his forehead bones, and the light of the soul is shining, creating ripples on the great road.

He did not die immediately. Even if his soul was torn apart, he could not be destroyed. This was the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

As for the Black Lord, strictly speaking, it is not a real living being. It has certain limitations in the world, otherwise it would not be so easy to be destroyed.
Emperor Cang's brows were split and bleeding. He stepped back and stared at Xu Yu coldly. His chest was heaving. It was obvious that his mind was not calm.

"Defeat, this is not your ultimate destination."

Xu Yu smiled slightly, as if he had a plan in mind to deal with Emperor Cang.

The Immortal Golden Cauldron emerged, covering the sky and the sun, twisting in the void, emitting an inexplicable aura, and then turned into a chain of great avenues, clanking.

"You..." Emperor Cang's expression changed, and he had a vague premonition.


The chains are flying, the divine light is exploding, and all kinds of fairy lights are swaying, like waves, with the aura that seals the world,
He came at great speed, bounded towards Cang Emperor, and locked him directly. Cang Emperor didn't even have a chance to resist.

The chain clanked and the runes were blazing, not only acting on his body, but also locking his spirit.

"You dare to humiliate me?" Cang Emperor roared. He, a quasi-immortal emperor, was actually tied up. Was he about to become a prisoner?

He felt his soul surging and wanted to break free, but was helpless.

"What if I humiliate you? There is no use in using your words. The true dignity of an emperor must be spoken with your fists!" Xu Yu glanced at Emperor Cang indifferently, causing his expression to change suddenly, and he suddenly became gloomy.

"Tie up a quasi-immortal emperor!"

"The Quasi-Immortal Emperor was suppressed by the Emperor of Heaven!"

People in the Immortal Realm, Jiutian, and Burial Realm were in a daze, and then started uproaring, talking, and being extremely excited. They had witnessed a miracle and a splendid and glorious history.

"Cut it off!"

Cang Emperor roared, and a pair of huge wings sprouted from his back, filled with terrifying divine energy. He wanted to break free, but the chain turned into a Tai Chi diagram also aimed at him, and the runes flickered, and his wings were also given away. Locked.

Later, Emperor Cang shrank his body again, trying to escape, but the divine chain also shrank, just like him, like a gangrene attached to the bone, which he couldn't get rid of at all.

"It's useless, no matter how hard you try, it's all in vain!"

Xu Yu looked down at him from a high position, with a cold and ruthless expression, as if he were watching a clown struggling. That look in his eyes deeply hurt Cang Emperor.
Emperor Cang's face was ashen, his eyes were dim, and his lips moved, but in the end he could not make a sound.

This scene deeply shocked many powerful people in the Immortal Realm. It was so powerful that they could even look down on it when facing a quasi-immortal emperor!
"Emperor of Heaven."

Not long after, the crowd became loud and many people shouted
With the word "Emperor of Heaven", a steady stream of faith and thoughts gathered towards the final city.

Killing the Black Lord and suppressing the Cang Emperor, this is so brilliant. If Kunti is included, there are three people.

They knew that a major crisis had been resolved, and even the Quasi-Immortal Emperor had suppressed it.

At the same time as Bi, Xu Yuxue's heart shone brightly, and a chain connected to Emperor Cang, taking him away. He was disillusioned step by step and disappeared from the world sea.

Not long after, he brought the gloomy-looking Cang Emperor to the Immortal Realm.

Emperor of Heaven!
In the world, monks from all realms are chanting his name with great piety. If there is no Heavenly Emperor, then the Immortal Realm may be over. It is not easy for an emperor to destroy the Immortal Realm!
Fortunately, he moved the battlefield in time, and the fairyland was not seriously damaged. Some areas disintegrated, and they were relatively deserted areas with few people.

Although he suppressed the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, Xu Yu knew that Emperor Cang was not the most powerful in the Dark Cage.

Emperor Yu, Emperor Hong, and Old Man Mieshi have not yet appeared.

Especially Old Man Mieshi, who is a true Half-Step Immortal Emperor level existence. If a few of them take action, I am afraid that even Xu Yu will only be able to bleed in the world sea in the end.

Of course, perhaps it is because the great liquidation has not yet completely arrived, Old Man Mieshi and the others are still sleeping, or perhaps they do not pay attention to the outcome of the battle between him and Emperor Cang.

But all in all, since they didn't take action, it was a good thing for Xu Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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