Zhongyan Immortal King City is very lively. Leaders from almost all clans are here. The great Immortal Kings are here to visit the Quasi-Immortal Emperor on the one hand, and to seek ways to break through on the other.

Liu Shen, Dao Yin, Qi Yu and others all appeared and asked him for advice on how to become a quasi-immortal emperor.

On this day, a sudden change occurred in the Burial Land. A piece of land that had been silent for a long time cracked open, and the ancestor of the Burial Clan was born.

This ancestor was the first living being to come into contact with the ancient artifacts of origin. He had disappeared for hundreds of millions of years and remained silent for countless epochs.

Many people thought he was dead, even some burial kings thought so. Unexpectedly, he was reborn and sealed himself under an earthen jar.

The power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor woke him up.

"I've seen the Emperor of Heaven!" The burial master came and entered the imperial city.

"Emperor Light Immortal King..."

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. The imperial light on the body of the burial master was very strong. This creature was extremely powerful in the Immortal King Realm, but it still failed to take the last step.

"I entered the Boundary Sea at the beginning, and then I sensed the horror there, and then turned back, and fell silent in the burial ground. I was disturbed by the battles between several emperors over the years, and then I woke up." The burial owner said calmly.

He then expressed his intention to come and asked for advice on how to become a quasi-immortal emperor.

Many immortal kings had the same goal. Xu Yu was very serious and explained his way without reservation. The process of becoming a quasi-immortal emperor was his most valuable experience.

Shi Hao, Liu Shen, Thunder Emperor and others have not yet gathered the imperial light, but they are not far away, and the burial master has been in this realm for many years. Xu Yu also hopes that several more quasi-immortal emperors can be born here to increase the number of ancient emperors. The foundation of the world.

Xu Yu followed the path of fighting immortals, and so did Shi Hao, so he felt the deepest, had a deep understanding, and benefited the most.

Liu Shen, Qi Yu, Lei Di and others also benefited a lot and were deeply touched.

Because once in the Immortal King Realm, when everyone reached the level of giants, the path was almost cut off. From now on, they will all explore by themselves.

There are no such methods as the Immortal King's Limit and the Emperor's Light Immortal King. They are collectively called giants. This suddenly made them enlightened and they had a systematic concept.

Later, Xu Yu spent 20,000 years to upgrade the Immortal Pot to a quasi-immortal emperor-level weapon, suppressing the Cang Emperor's spirit and physical body respectively.

In the following years, he began to analyze Cang Emperor's Tao and Dharma and study his path. A hundred thousand years passed in the blink of an eye.

He peeled off the silk and cocoons of Cang Emperor's way, and imparted the perfect analysis to the immortal kings. Another hundred thousand years passed.

It is a pity that the Burial Master still failed to break through the Emperor's Light, which he deeply regretted, but Xu Yu was not surprised. Quasi-immortal emperors are not so easy to achieve.

Liu Shen and Shi Hao were the first to gather the emperor's light.

Calculating the time, it seems that 800,000 years have passed since the original battle at Bianhuang Diguan.

One day in the 800,000th year, Xu Yu, who was meditating, was startled.

An extremely terrifying force appeared and came from the other side of the boundary sea.

Changes occur again at the end of the boundary sea!
It was a frightening force, extremely powerful, turned into a symbol, swept by the wind and waves, and hit the back of the dam.


A terrible whistling sound sounded, like a devil crying. It was a hurricane transformed by the runes of the avenue, spreading rapidly and sweeping across all worlds! The magnificent power was so vast that it shook the heaven and the earth.

Even in the Immortal Realm, everyone is trembling, and the creatures below the level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor are trembling all over, as if they are facing the vast power of heaven!
The sky and the earth were disintegrated, actually breaking apart, a violent explosion occurred, and all the magic circles also disintegrated and burned. This scene was shocking. There were magic circles at the level of quasi-immortal emperors in the Immortal Domain, but such a catastrophe happened. .

But what makes people feel a little relieved is that when those magic circles burned, although they did not save the place and resist the power, they turned into soft lights and protected many living beings.

"Immortal emperor level power!"

Xu Yu stood tall in the sky above the Imperial City, his eyes flashing. Even the quasi-immortal emperor was powerless to resist this kind of power.

"Jiehai, what happened over there? Is the Immortal Emperor of the Corpse about to revive? Probably not. At this point in time, it probably hasn't arrived yet!" Xu Yu's mind was spinning, and she was thinking silently.

The Immortal Realm truly disintegrated, shattered into pieces, and turned into hundreds of dry areas, drifting into the distance and separated from each other, which was equivalent to being dismembered.

This power is so terrifying that even a quasi-immortal emperor can only protect himself and cannot do anything else.

Then, this hurricane of runic creations stirred up, gradually spread, penetrated Jie Bi unexpectedly with a bang, and swept away towards Jiushi Land.

In addition, runes and other symbols spread to the burial ground, turning into a shocking wave that wreaked havoc in all directions!
Xu Yu attacked. It was impossible for him to watch those avenue symbols and rush into Jiushi Land.

His eyes glowed with fairy light, creating ripples of the avenue, turning into a light curtain to withstand the storm.

His whole body was astonishing, his body glowed with immeasurable light, and his back was like a sacred mountain, holding up a piece of green, blocking the terrible storm.

With a buzzing sound, his Human Emperor Seal, Immortal Golden Cauldron, and Immortal Refining Pot all rushed out and hung on the sky, extremely condensed, suppressing the storm and preventing them from spreading further.

He walked upright against the sky and the earth, his body towering into the sky. Even the sun, moon and stars were spinning in his hair. He suppressed the storm and returned to the sea. His strength was shocking. He could only try his best to reduce the loss.

Suddenly, endless essence overflowed from the disintegrated hundreds of immortal realms and surged towards the other side of the boundary sea.

At the end of the boundary sea, there seemed to be a huge turtle that opened its mouth and absorbed all the energy.

The same thing happened in burial places and foreign lands, and they were all disintegrating.

The vast divine power is earth-shattering!
This scene is really astonishing. Just sweeping like this will make the earth dry up. If it continues like this, the world will most likely fall into the age of the end of the Dharma again.

"Do you regard this land as leeks and harvest it wantonly?" Xu Yu's eyes were cold. He also knew the relationship between this great world and the ultimate ancient land.

The Immortal Realm was shaken and turned into thousands of pieces. The distance between Peter and Peter was getting further and further away. Compared with the heyday of the past, he was obviously in decline.

Later, many Jingran disappeared, submerged into the void, separated from each other, and fell into the wilderness of the universe.

There was a fragment that caught Xu Yu's attention. It was not big, but it was surrounded by a mysterious aura. It disappeared in front of him with a swipe. In an instant, he could not find it.

This is a drastic change in heaven and earth.

Just like how the Ninety Lands were disintegrated and divided into nine layers and ten continents, today's Immortal Realm is even more complete, directly turning into hundreds or thousands of pieces.

Of course, the fragments of the Immortal Realm are much larger and cannot be compared to the Ninety Lands.

Because he was originally the fusion of multiple universes. In the past, a fairy king could rule a vast universe.

Even if it disintegrates, any piece is boundless. Especially the Imperial City, where Xu Yu ruled, suffered the least loss. This fairyland fragment is the largest, close to one-fifth of the area of ​​the fairyland. On the one hand, there is a world tree taking root, and on the other hand, On the one hand, there are many immortal kings and they are the most powerful!
However, the Immortal Realm eventually collapsed and turned into many fragments. At this time, he clearly understood that the fairyland in later generations would be disintegrated in this way!
"Is it possible that the Corpse Immortal Emperor is breathing? Is he really about to wake up? Or is there any sign of recovery?" He secretly guessed.

In the depths of the boundary sea, the great hurricane came very quickly. It took away a lot of goblin energy, and all the domains became a lot darker.

But fortunately, there are many powerful people now, and the masters at the Immortal King level are still there, and they can nourish a place. After a period of time, those places will gradually recover.

The fairyland, the burial area, and everywhere can no longer be calm. Everyone is panicked and doesn't know why.

Fortunately, some Immortal Kings, Burial Masters, and others stabilized the situation.

There are also many immortal kings who have gone to Zhongyan Immortal King City to find Xu Yu to solve their doubts.

"A storm is rising in the Ultimate Land. Perhaps this is a sign of the true emperor's resurrection." He slowly opened his mouth and explained this way.

"The real emperor!" Everyone was shocked. Over the years, they also learned from Xu Yu's mouth that there was a real emperor of darkness in the ultimate place.

They were all heavy-minded and thought they still had a lot of time to practice, but if the emperor really revived, maybe even Xu Yu wouldn't be able to resist it, right?
"No need to worry."

Xu Yu explained again that although there were signs of recovery, it would take a long time for him to truly recover, which made the kings relax slightly.

Then many immortal kings wanted to take action to unite the immortal realms again, but were stopped by Xu Yu.

"Fragments are also a way to preserve them. If they are reunited, if a disaster strikes, they will undoubtedly repeat the same mistakes. On the contrary, if they are far apart from each other, many risks can be avoided." He explained.

He knew that if he did not quell the black disaster in the Ultimate Land, there would be a big crisis after all. Who knew whether the Corpse Immortal Emperor would continue to breathe the essence of this place and stay far away from each other, which would save more lives.

Moreover, now almost all the fragments of the Immortal Realm are guarded by Immortal Kings, so the order is not too bad, and cultivation can be carried out smoothly.

Moreover, with the Immortal King around, the fragments can also communicate with each other, without much impact.

However, the situation has changed now, and something may have happened in the ultimate place. Xu Yu is a little worried, and he feels a little uneasy, so he wants to go and investigate.

The most important thing is that if the Corpse Immortal Emperor revives, half of you, Yu Emperor and Old Man of Destruction, will also revive.

At some point, they will find out that Emperor Cang was suppressed, and in this case, they will most likely launch a great liquidation in advance.

"Time waits for us." He sighed softly.

When he reaches this state, his spiritual consciousness is naturally extremely sharp. This ultimate place is about to be visited.

But before that, he still has one big thing to do, which is to increase Zhu's background!
"Fellow Taoist, why don't you wake up?"

Xu Yu's eyes turned to Shi Hao, and his tongue burst into thunder, accompanied by the sound of the Tao, which made people enlightened.

Naturally, he was not against Shi Hao, but towards...the fire in his body!
The fire flashed, and a ball of fire appeared. It was only the size of a fist. It was made up of symbols. It was not like a divine flame. It had a simple aura and contained Taoist charm.

"This is?" Shi Hao's eyes flashed. He had asked Xu Yu many times before, but Xu Yu had not given him an answer before.

"The Divine Flame of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor." Xu Yu sighed softly.

"As expected." Shi Hao nodded. In fact, he, the Emperor Light Immortal King, could not use this fire. It is conceivable that its origin is astonishing.

"I wonder who it is?" Qi Yu was surprised, and the other kings also looked at the flame with incomprehensible expressions. Unexpectedly, there was a ball of divine flame at the level of a quasi-immortal emperor in Huang's body.

"The one who fell in the imperial years..." Xu Yu said.

"It's him!"

The kings looked moved. On the embankment, a line of faint footprints became the focus of discussion among the powerful men and also became the focus of discussion.
Generation after generation, they are full of motivation and spiritual torch, lighting the way forward for future generations.

Unexpectedly, this ball of fire once belonged to him! That quasi-immortal emperor!
Xu Yu's eyes were bright, staring at this ball of imperial fire. He was very special. Over the years, Shi Hao had been copying the great road.

"I'm here to help you recover!" Xu Yu looked at the fire and spoke solemnly.

Resurrect the quasi-immortal emperor!
The kings looked moved, is this really okay?
"You can give it a try." Xu Yu pondered. Originally, he wanted to accumulate some more years, but unfortunately time did not wait for us. He had to quickly revive the Footprint Emperor and increase their heritage.

A ball of imperial fire also contains traces of soul light.

One hundred thousand years later, a hazy figure in white appeared, as if from ancient times. The white robe and white robe, very elegant, reappeared in the world...

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your kindness!" The Footprint Emperor handed over his hand.

A person who had been dead for hundreds of millions of years was actually revived by Xu Yu.

The Footprint Emperor's eyes flickered, and he seemed to be able to open up three thousand realms with just one thought.

"It's a pity that the physical body is no longer there, so it doesn't count as a complete resurrection!" Xu Yu sighed, the Footprint Emperor now only has his spirit, no physical body, and the physical body is in a dark place.

Soon, the kings reappeared, and they were all surprised. The emperor of the fallen era had revived!
They saluted him one by one, showing great respect for him. To them, this was a great forerunner, an immortal pioneer!
"Thank you very much for all these years." The Footprint Emperor looked at Shi Hao and smiled slightly. Parasitizing in Shi Hao's body, he copied many principles. If he is truly revived, his strength may be further improved.

All the kings are very happy, now they have added a quasi-immortal emperor level of combat power!
"In the ultimate place, something unexpected happened. Fellow Taoist, would you like to follow me there?"

Xu Yu planned to leave and invited the Footprint Emperor.

"Naturally." The Footprint Emperor nodded. His physical body is still there. Only through fusion can he be truly revived.

The kings were shocked, and the two emperors wanted to explore the ultimate place and explore the source of darkness!
"Brother, be sure!" Shi Hao was worried and lent him all the Da Luo sword embryos.

Finally, Xu Yu set off, and many kings came to see him off, watching the two emperors walking towards the boundary sea.

"Aeons ago, I once crossed the sea alone to quell the chaos. I didn't expect that I would have a companion in this life." The Footprint Emperor's eyes moved and he looked at the faint line he left on the dam. The footprints are full of emotions.

"I hope the two emperors can return safely!" An Immortal King said.

Overlooking the eternity, hundreds of millions of years have gone up and down, one era after another has passed, and finally an emperor has emerged. If he fails. Then there is probably no hope for the land.

"Now, the two emperors are marching together, should they be fine?" someone said.

Shi Hao clenched his fists. He was now the Emperor Light Immortal King, and he was one step away from breaking through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. He hoped to rise quickly and fight towards the depths of the world sea to accompany his brother.

Liu Shen, Zang Tu and others were silent. They were only one step away from the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and they also hoped to go to war.

On the other side, there are at least two or three quasi-immortal emperors whom they know, and there is also a real immortal emperor. (End of chapter)

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