Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 519 Giants in the depths of the sea

Chapter 519 Giants in the depths of the sea
Time flies, the years are like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the two of them have not arrived yet.

Even as a quasi-immortal emperor, he cannot forcefully cross the sea. The sea area is so vast that ordinary teleportation arrays cannot be used here.

Only some islands can carve large formations, which will make the speed faster.

Along the way, the two killed an unknown number of fallen immortal kings and used their Taoist bones to refine the supreme killing array.

Although they now have two quasi-immortal emperor-level combat forces heading to the other side of the World Sea to quell the chaos, none of us dare to call out the terror on the other side of the World Sea.

In the Immortal Realm, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and temples stand one after another, becoming more and more magnificent, and all tribes are chanting the name of the Emperor of Heaven.

For so many years, the Boundary Sea has been relatively calm. Now the Immortal Domain and other places have been reduced to fragments, making it difficult to find. There are also many powerful Immortal Kings.

Even if Xu Yu left, they would not dare to wield swords and kill.

When reaching the depths of the boundary sea, in order to avoid changing

Therefore, to protect the soul of the Footprint Emperor, he temporarily put it into the six realms of his body, waiting to reappear after landing.

The boundary sea is rolling, the fairy light is blazing, and Xu Yu is walking on the waves.

Along the way, they met many people, all of whom were powerful men who had left a mark on ancient history. They all sat cross-legged on the isolated island and suddenly opened their eyes.

Xu Yu nodded, but did not stay any longer and went straight to the ultimate place.

After they left, the kings were extremely shocked.

The Great Reckoning is coming, and from time to time there will be a storm in the Boundary Sea that will wipe out the Immortal King. The Immortal King and the Immortal King who have been deep into Jianhai for three years are constantly escaping from the Boundary Sea.

But the person in front of him took the initiative to move towards the depths of the boundary sea. How strong and confident this must be!

In the depths of the boundary sea, the power of darkness suddenly erupted, and the terror was overwhelming, as if the ocean was rolling back, sweeping towards here.

Xu Yu's eyes were blazing, and the power of his sword was brilliant and majestic. The roar shook the heavens, cutting through the storm and piercing a road.

There was a buzzing sound and violent tremors, and something big happened suddenly that shocked the kings of the sea.

In the depths of the boundary sea, there are many palaces, one after another, emerging from the void and coming down. Each one is connected by a divine rainbow, like a road.

"The ancient palace of Jie Yin appeared in pieces, forming a road between them," the kings were horrified.

Xu Yu looked indifferent, even the Quasi-Immortal Emperor could suppress him, so how could he be afraid of a mere person.

With his hair flying, he stepped forward with his hands behind his back.

A ray of fairy light flashed, and he disappeared directly from here, heading straight to the end of the sea of ​​​​boundaries!
Endless darkness stretches across the sea!
Above the sea, only the ancient temples shine, connected by divine rainbows and connected with each other, forming the only eternal road.

"The ancient palace of Jie Yin is sacred and bright, but it leads to darkness!"

Xu Yu pondered and began to take steps. It seemed that his movements were slow, but with every step he took, millions of miles disappeared behind him, and time seemed to be reversing.

The fragments of the avenue are flying, heading towards the distant ancient times.

The avenue is rumbling, suppressed by inexplicable laws.

At the end of the darkness, the long night is endless, only the light of day flows, the light of the future shines, and the fragments of the past mark flow.

With a bang, the war drums of the ancient heaven were beating, making an extremely dull sound, and a road broke through the darkness, flashing with light, and emerged in front.

The connected road to the ancient palace has reached its end.

And there, a plain gray embankment appeared across the front, as if we were on the other side of the world.

Xu Yu's eyes were piercing, and he stared ahead. Through the dam, he saw a vast world. Everywhere was pitch black. Even the quasi-immortal emperor could not explore it all. The rules here were different and mysterious.

It was unusually quiet. This was the end of the boundary sea, but there was no sound. There was no so-called dark storm.

He raised his eyes and saw some islands in distant places, showing strange colors. Those places were dotted with islands, reefs, and huge rocks standing on the sea, and there were living creatures there.

"How is it possible? Who is he? A master from which era! What a terrifying smell!"

"A terrifying and powerful man is not afraid to lead the ancient palace and follow the path he built."

On the island, some ancient creatures suddenly opened their eyes and were shocked.

Because they feel terrified

I always felt that that young man was so powerful, shocking and incomparable.

At this moment, several figures appeared in the passage built in the ancient palace and landed, attracting Xu Yu's attention.

Both of them are extremely powerful. There is a layer of imperial light rippling outside their bodies, and the symbols of the avenue are blazing, protecting them from falling into disaster.

"Butcher, chicken farmer!"

Someone exclaimed, recognizing the two people.

"This kind of breath, the emperor sublimates, becomes an emperor!?"

The butcher spoke in surprise. His body was very tall.
Wu, with a broad back, is a sturdy man with a black hard bow on his back.

"It's the Emperor of Heaven, the final Emperor of Heaven who pacifies foreign lands!"

The person next to him is a woman. She looks very delicate and delicate, but her aura is very attractive, no less than that of the butcher.

This is the creature who raised a group of chickens. He comes from the burial place and is the descendant of the burial owner! Over the years,

She walked on the boundary sea and learned about some major events on the other side from the mouths of some creatures.

The butcher and the chicken farmer both had their bodies surrounded by Emperor Guang, but unfortunately they failed to break through.

The emperor fell behind, and now Xu Yu is the only one who succeeds!
"Human Emperor!"

At this moment, an island shines

, a person came very quickly,

The person's thick black hair was spread freely, his body was full and strong, his aura was terrifyingly calm, his body was surrounded by imperial light, and his eyes had double pupils...

"I have met His Majesty!" This tall man
He said tremblingly, his eyes were red, he was really surprised.


Xu Yu didn't expect that Jingran saw him. Yuhong, a man with double pupils, is the human emperor who succeeded Xu Yu and can also be said to be the second generation human emperor.

Xu Yu had traveled for endless years, and when he left the ancient world of immortal monks, he met him in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, and got along with him for a while.

Unexpectedly, we would meet again in this dark place at the end of the Boundary Sea.

In history, every human emperor has mysteriously disappeared. Could it be that they all came here? He thought Yu Hong had raised a question.

"Yes, Your Majesty, you crossed the sea back then. Every emperor with the highest level of cultivation will follow your footsteps..."

Later, Yuhong said that every human emperor disappeared because he came to the boundary sea. He had also seen two later human emperors, but they all withered and fell. He was the only one who was still alive.

He has now condensed the Emperor's Light, and is only one step away from the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. He is considered a top existence at the end of this world sea.

"Human Emperor!"

Many Immortal Kings are surprised. They have lived for an extremely long time and have heard rumors about the fragmentation of the human race.

According to legend, there was an unparalleled human emperor who, in a distant era, once led the humble human race to rise and became the top clan in all worlds. Later, he disappeared into the sea of ​​​​the world. Unexpectedly, that human emperor is still alive today!
The butcher and chicken farmer were also shocked and surprised. They didn't expect Xu Yu's origin to be so outrageous.

Even the butcher was shocked. He was from the Emperor Luo era, and this person was even older than the Emperor Luo. It was really shocking.

He communicated with Yuhong Butcher and others for a while, and learned a lot of information. At first, when the dark storm was raging hundreds of thousands of years ago, they left this place, but later it subsided and returned, while Jufu and others originally I had planned to turn back to the Immortal Realm, but I came back along the Jieyin Ancient Palace.

"On the way back, we saw the ancient artifact heading towards the dark place." Finally, the butcher told Xu Yu the information.

Origin of ancient artifacts!
Xu Yu's face moved slightly, the ancient artifact was back.

Back then, when he fit into the Tianxin of the Immortal Realm and had the combat power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he sealed and exiled the two ancient artifacts of origin. Later, when he became the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he also looked for these two ancient artifacts of origin, but found nothing. I didn't expect it to fly back.

"Hongdi, is it possible that you have recovered?" he thought silently.

He remembered that the two origin ancient artifacts were both created by Emperor Hong.

"You'll know once you find out!" He calmed down, said goodbye to everyone, and walked away, about to board.
"be careful!"

The expressions of many creatures changed, and each of them became terrified. Many people retreated to the island and began to hide.

The next moment, the sky collapsed, and there were ghosts and gods howling. If this place fell into the end of the world, the black divine chain of order would turn into a storm.

It is said to be a limiting wind, but in fact it is a law, a symbol of order and avenue. All kinds of rune ripples gather together, and then become crazy and powerful, raging across the world.

This kind of storm is so terrifying that even the Immortal King can hardly resist it.

It came from behind the dam, there was a cracking sound, and there were immortal kings and divine soldiers floating and blowing out of the sea.
Come, and then the void explodes, completely destroyed.

It can be seen from this that for hundreds of millions of years, how many outstanding people have fallen into this place and their bones are buried in the ultimate place.

Even their weapons sank into the boundary sea!
Xu Yu's body has a faint luster.
Man, the Immortal Sutra is running, tenacity and immortality, the invisible light curtain emerges, and it withstands the storm. This is the strength of the quasi-immortal emperor level!
And some of the creatures hiding on the island are suffering terribly. If the island is not extremely special and can be called a natural barrier, they will all die.

But even so, their bodies were all trembling. The dark storm and avenue symbols were densely packed, and some were eroding the islands, making those kings miserable.

The king who can reach the ultimate place is even the weakest in strength. You can imagine how terrible the storm is.

The next moment, he took action. As his sleeves rolled up, the sword energy moved vertically and horizontally, tearing the world apart, stirring endlessly, cutting through the storm, obliterating all the black symbols, and preventing those living beings from being robbed.

He put his hands behind his back and stared inside with bright eyes, silently thinking about what caused the corpse to breathe in advance. What happened in the deepest place now? Hong Di and others seemed to be completely revived?

"What an emperor!"

All the immortal kings breathed rapidly, and they were all stunned. Their faces were filled with disbelief. They raised their hands to destroy the dark storm. What an amazing power this was!
Even Yuhong was shocked. The first emperor Jingran had become emperor, which made him unable to calm down for a long time.

"One step is only a short step away from the world." The butcher and the chicken farmer could only sigh with regret. Their bodies were contaminated by the glory of the emperor, but they were still unable to take that step completely.

After thousands of tribulations, hundreds of generations of difficulties, and an eternity of time, why did they reach this point? Isn't it to become an emperor? And today, they witnessed an immortal miracle with their own eyes.

How could they not be frightened by a person who came from the other side of the boundary sea without ever stepping into the ultimate place and becoming emperor early?

At this moment, the storm stopped,

Xu Yu's clothes fluttered, and under the dark sky, he became the only bright spot, shining in everyone's hearts.

He headed straight for it.

"Everyone, please step back. I want to set foot in that realm." Xu Yuping said calmly and looked at the immortal kings.

It didn't take long for him to disappear from everyone's sight. Behind the embankment, the dark place lived up to its name. It was as dark as ink and it was difficult to see the end, as if it was at the edge of the universe.
There is no life here, there is no flow of energy, and it is lifeless. If death passes, now he breaks in alone.

Moreover, the laws of the Great Dao here are very different from those in the outside world, and it is difficult for ordinary people to adapt. If the body of the Immortal King is there, there is even a possibility of disintegration.

Above the sky, various mysterious forces are exploding

Move, and, with the divine chain of order crossing, I want to penetrate him and kill him!
However, he had a calm expression and walked slowly and unhurriedly. When he was less than a foot away from him, all the chains and chains broke automatically, collapsed, turned into little black lights, and were completely wiped out.

The invisible aura released from the body is enough to erase many things. This is its strength. He is walking in the dark ancient land. Looking at this world, there are sacred mountains as black as ink, towering into the sky, and huge rivers, so black that it makes people feel sad. Shit.

On the ground, there are mountains of corpses, some as huge as mountains, and some of them normal human beings.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he even saw a few creatures who had condensed the imperial light during their lifetimes. They were extremely powerful, but they still fell.

If you think about it carefully, they are a bit sad. For hundreds of millions of years, both those who aspired to become emperors and those who wanted to quell the darkness have all died in this place. No matter how glorious they were during their lifetime, they have become a thing of the past.

next moment,
A dragon roar shook the world and resounded throughout the world
Yu, the dark wind and cloud exploded, violently turbulent, the pile of corpses, and a pile of ashes, turned into a dark dragon, bared its teeth and claws, and attacked Xu Yu, and it suddenly burst out with the power of a quasi-immortal emperor!
"A wisp of the will of heaven and earth, how dare you act evil?"

He turned his palm like a knife and slashed it down vertically. With a blazing light, he split open his skull. Then his palm burned and he tore it apart with a sudden shock.

The sky and the earth exploded, and the origin of darkness boiled in this ancient land, just like the temple of Senluo descending, extinguishing all life in the world.

The demon dragon's body is exploding, and the quasi-immortal emperor's laws are shattering the sky, like jade and stone burning together, trying to extradite him to hell. However, his body is filled with wisps of blood invisibly, evaporating and burning all matter in an instant.

He continued to move forward, and after the fighting subsided, there was no sound anymore. The black aura of death was filling the air, and some ribbons of black mist were wrapping around the mountain.

He stepped on the fairy light, without touching the dust, and crossed the sky. Everything he looked at was scenes of loneliness, decay and withering.

"There is a formation!"

Xu Yu's eyes narrowed, and he saw this vast ancient land, swaying here and there, with very broken formation flags, and some broken fairy gold, which were all the magical materials of the magic formation.

"The Quasi-Immortal Emperor's great formation has the aura of Cang Emperor.

Breathe!" Xu Yu's expression condensed slightly and he looked at the broken magic circles.

(End of this chapter)

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