I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, the Human Emperor's Seal shook violently, and a brilliant shadow of golden light emerged from the Human Emperor's Seal.

The sky and the earth are quiet, and a mysterious force is powerful, not far away, everywhere in the world.

Tart, tart, tart!
It was as if there was a person walking from the endless battlefield, with countless corpses lying at his feet. The mountain of corpses was rising and falling in a sea of ​​blood, moving from far away to near.

He seems to have come from outside the world, and also seems to have condensed from nothingness in ancient history.

A figure crosses the world, staring at the heavens for eternity. Behind him, an ancient sacrificial place seems to have appeared...

Heaven and earth are in harmony, all species are unified, the sky is filled with brilliance, like the stars condensed together, blessing their bodies.

"Well, I didn't expect that my backup plan would actually come in handy."

As he spoke, the sound of the Tao rumbled, and the coercion that blanketed the heaven and earth spread out, causing the heaven and earth to collapse, the immeasurable sea of ​​stars to rise and fall, and time and years seemed to be cut off.


"what happened……"

The Immortal Realm was violently shaken. Although they were separated by an endless distance, they felt an extremely terrifying pressure that made their bodies crack and almost collapse.
"Quasi-Immortal Emperor, another Quasi-Immortal Emperor!"

In the Immortal Realm, some people were horrified. They did not expect that another quasi-immortal emperor would be born. They had sensed that kind of aura from Kun Di.

"Much better than Kundi!" Liu Shen and Dao Yin looked at each other with solemn expressions. They both felt very uncomfortable. Their hearts were extremely horrified. An invincible quasi-immortal emperor was born. At first glance, it was obvious that the person who came was evil!
"Is it a creature from the Ultimate Land?" They were thinking a lot, remembering some situations that Xu Yu had introduced to them.

In the ultimate place, there are three quasi-immortal emperors. The strong man who once left his footprints besieged and died for those three quasi-immortal emperors!
Xu Yu opened and closed his eyes, looking down at the thirty-third heaven, aloof and terrifying, as if he was creating the world, with chaotic energy surging, and he stared coldly at the person in front of him.

His left pupil emits soft light, and the silvery white light is flowing, gurgling like water, wrapping his body, constantly flashing various brilliance, healing himself.

His face was solemn. Now that he had just broken through, his body was seriously injured and he had not recovered immediately. The appearance of this person suddenly made him aware of a big crisis.

At the same time, strings of thin threads flew out of his right eye, and he reversed cause and effect, looking for this person and wanting to explore his origins.

He instinctively thought of one of the three quasi-immortal emperors, Cang, Hong and Yu, but he vaguely felt that this was not the case. This person was very dangerous, much more powerful than Kundi, and extremely terrifying!
He was quite uneasy in his heart. Who was this person? Why did he appear from the Human Emperor's Seal? He looked so sacred and peaceful, but it made him extremely palpitating.

You know, the Human Emperor's Seal is the supreme treasure that symbolizes the fate of the human race, and there is actually a living being hidden in it.

Doesn't this mean that when Xu Yu came to Perfect Time and Space, he was noticed by the other party?
In addition, the Human Emperor's Seal has witnessed all Xu Yu's experiences from the human realm to the quasi-immortal emperor.

Thinking about it this way, Xu Yu suddenly felt horrified.

The visitor is not good!
"A ray of divine thought has been sleeping for eternity. Unexpectedly, the era of my chief priest has not passed yet, and another quasi-immortal emperor has been born in the heavens."

The golden figure's eyes wandered, overlooking the sky. In his eyes, there was an endless sea of ​​stars rising and falling, and he showed a strange smile.

"Who are you..." Xu Yu's eyes widened, her mind was slightly shaken, and she vaguely thought of a terrible fact.

"What do those guys in Soul River and Ancient Underworld do for a living? They actually allowed the heavens to give birth to a quasi-immortal emperor, huh? Why can't my spiritual thoughts communicate with me?
He muttered to himself, seemingly not taking Xu Yu, the quasi-immortal emperor, into consideration at all. He murmured to himself, his voice was very soft, but it spanned the universe and spread to all walks of life.

Many people were confused and didn't understand what he meant at all. However, Xu Yu's eyes suddenly brightened and he showed a solemn expression.
"That's all, this ray of spiritual thought was sacrificed to the seal. It was done at will. I didn't expect that there would be a chance for recovery. Although it only has the combat power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor now, it is enough to erase this little guy!"

The golden figure said indifferently, casting his eyes on Xu Yu with a sense of exploration.

Xu Yu's face was moved. This person turned out to be the incarnation of a ray of spiritual thought. How terrifying?
How powerful is his true form?
"Well, the founder of a system seems to have given birth to an extraordinary Taoist fruit in his body, which is quite amazing." He said calmly, his tone was calm and there was no big fluctuation.

It seems that the person who created the system is just like that in his eyes!
"Who are you?" Xu Yu turned his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"Era's have risen and fallen, great times have changed, and those in the world who know my name have all fallen!" He was plain and indifferent, but everyone's expressions changed.

At this moment, he collapsed, and all the golden light faded away, revealing his true body. Wisps of black mist hung down from his Heavenly Spirit Cap, protecting his entire body.

At this moment, wisps of black mist fell, dyeing his entire body black, instantly becoming extremely dark, without a trace of light anymore, and became extremely gloomy.

At this time, the whole world was shocked, because this person was filled with a strong sense of oppression, as if an immortal emperor had been resurrected!
"This is……"

Xu Yu's eyes condensed, shooting out rays of fairy light, staring at the creature that had faded away from its golden light and transformed into its true form.

"The Source of Darkness!"

His heart was shaken. The creature in front of him seemed to be much richer than the source of darkness in the ancient artifact. Facing this person was like facing the source of darkness.

"For future generations, please remember that my name is Black Lord, and I am the one who will lead the sacrifice in this life. I will send you to your death today!"

He said indifferently, as if countless ghosts were crying, shocking the heavens.

The next moment, the sky split open, and various divine lights intertwined and wisps of black mist rippled out, sweeping across all realms in an instant.


"what happened……"

"Unknown, this is unknown power!"

"The source of ominousness!" Xu Yu smiled in his heart.

He knew that there were a total of ten chief priests in the Etu Plateau, and the chief priest in this life was the Black Lord, a terrifying existence at the level of an Immortal Emperor.

In the heavens, the Immortal Emperor is also known as a road-ending creature!
The Lu Jin level Immortal Emperor can be regarded as standing on the top of all living beings. Apart from the ancestors of the plateau, they are the most terrifying existence.

In the distant years ago, the chief priests lived in the land of evil, overlooking the heavens and the world. They watched for a long time, sitting and watching the vicissitudes of the sea and the world.

In every era, there will be a strange immortal emperor and a chief priest who will launch a great sacrifice and offer blood sacrifices to all the heavens and worlds.

And these heavens are much vaster than the heavens that everyone usually knows.

The Immortal Realm, the Burial Realm, the Other Realm, the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, and the Ultimate Land, including the Realm Sea, can only be regarded as one realm among ten thousand realms in a strict sense. You can imagine how terrifying it is.

Moreover, in every era, there is an ominous substance.

For example, black blood, gray fog, golden substance, silver unknown, etc.

Today's era is the era of black blood, and the chief priest of this era is called the Black Lord.

Moreover, the fall of Emperor Bone Brother, the Immortal Emperor of Corpses in the Ultimate Ancient Land, is closely related to this person.

The Black Lord, although ranked low among the top ten strange things, is indeed a road-ending creature, extremely terrifying.

But now, with the war in the sky, they should have no time to take care of this place. Why would a ray of the Black Lord's spiritual incarnation reside in the Human Emperor's Seal? This made him very confused.


At this moment, many creatures in the whole world began to scream. Their bodies, when a wisp of the Black Lord's spiritual consciousness appeared, had experienced changes, as if they had been affected.

The cold and dark mist was spreading, causing many people in the world to instantly turn pale and turn their lips purple. Then they coughed up black blood, and an ominous aura enveloped their entire bodies...

"As expected, he is the chief priest of the Black Blood Era!"

Xu Yu's eyes darkened. Just a ray of spiritual thought appeared in the world, and a strange aura emerged, thus polluting the world.

At the beginning, the Corpse Immortal Emperor was led by the black master and assisted by the white master, which caused him to fall into darkness.

"The eternal sky is a picture, this scene is just repeated over and over again." The black master's eyes are deep, and with his thoughts, the sea of ​​stars rises and falls, and all the ways become empty.

He has a belief in invincibility, because they are invincible, and the entire ancient history is covered in their shadow,

He stood there alone, overlooking the wasteland, indifferent and indifferent.

An ominous gloom has shrouded the sky of history for who knows how many epochs.


The next moment, Xu Yu snorted coldly, and his eyes swept across the sky. The world-changing light rippled, setting off terrifying beam ripples, reflecting the world, cleaning away the filth, and some dark auras instantly evaporated.

"I... recovered!'

"It was Immortal King Jiuyan who saved us!"

All souls are aware of it, and with a thought, they actually sensed a ray of unparalleled eyes, which burned away all the dark aura surrounding them.

"Does it make sense? The heavens are overthrown, all within the palm of my hand!" The Black Lord said indifferently, taking the lead step by step, and with each step, infinite Dao patterns appeared.

"A ray of spiritual thought stores the seal, revives it with one light, and kills the genius of future generations with one hand." The dark voice of the Black Lord came.

His tall figure was wrapped in black mist. He was suppressed with one punch, the sky and the earth collapsed, and immeasurable light swept across. He was so angry that he shook the universe sea.


Xu Yu's eyes were cold and stern, battle blood was surging all over his body, his bones were ringing, his orifices were shining, and his whole aura suddenly became fierce.

The void twisted, and the imperial light emerged, covering the heaven and earth, sending out destructive fluctuations.

Xu Yu flipped his hand and slapped it away. The blazing light in his palm tore through the universe, and the runes intertwined, sweeping down thousands of avenues of killing.

The clear air rises, the turbid air descends, the infinite light beam boils, and a big world is opened up!
The two of them casually dueled and struck a blow, opening up a vast world.

This is the power of the quasi-immortal emperor level!
"Interesting. After so many great sacrifices, I have witnessed many peerless geniuses. You are also amazing." The black master said calmly.

He did not know how many epochs he had witnessed the rise of heroes, the eclipse of many giants, and the fall of the god-lords and emperors who were the best in a great era.

"I am a Taoist and will be immortal for all eternity. Are you worthy of judging this emperor?" Xu Yu said indifferently. As he opened his mouth, the heaven and earth roared violently, thousands of ways sang in harmony, and all kinds of divine lights swayed.

"Young man, you are extraordinary, but in my eyes, you are nothing. In my eyes, the quasi-immortal emperors in all the worlds are just bigger ants." The Black Lord smiled coldly, looking like It was very strange that after so many years, someone dared to say such a thing to him.

In the long and distant years, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor was just an insignificant episode in his life. The glory and glory he once had will eventually be annihilated in ancient history and forgotten by him.

"Nao Noisy, times have changed. Do you think you are the one I am? It's just a ray of divine thought, and you will die here today!
Xu Yu's hair was flying wildly, his eyes were as blazing as the sea, and he slapped forward with his palm!
The Black Lord chants, and countless runes bloom, vast and unfathomable, beyond the stars in the sky, billions of divine lights ripple, endless.

This is the skill that he has accumulated over the long years, and various avenues have exploded together. Although he is only the incarnation of a ray of spiritual thought now, his power is extremely unbelievable.

Boom boom boom!
All kinds of laws and ancient secret techniques were all cast by him alone. Every rune was a kind of Tao, with overwhelming killing power that shook the past, present and future.

Xu Yu scolded lightly, and the supreme magical power began to explode. Various divine chains of order rushed out from all over his body, clanging, locking the sky and trapping the earth, and colliding with their magical powers.

Xu Yu's body exudes a light golden luster, the immortal meridians are running, and the eyes gradually become blazing. Because he feels a bit of oppression, it is like a chaotic thunder roaring in his body, and the battle blood is surging, like angry dragons, in the meridians of the body, and even The limbs and bones were swimming around and running, making a roaring sound that shook the sky.

He continued to take action, his blood was surging, his power was vast, and he became the only one in the world.

His right hand turned into a pale golden divine sword, as thin as a cicada's wing and crystal clear as chalcedony. Wherever the sword pointed, the chaos was annihilated into nothingness.

There was also a pair of blazing eyes. Wherever the eyes passed, the praises of immortals could be heard invisibly, and even the devil was wailing.

The Black Lord, the two beams of light emitted from his eyes were so cold.

At the moment, the long river of time is turbulent, and the years are crushing ruthlessly. This place is in chaos, and their legal bodies are fighting fiercely.

The sky and the earth shattered, and the world collapsed. Even across the endless distance, some areas of the Immortal Realm almost collapsed. At critical times, Xu Yu would always disperse some power to protect the Immortal Realm and other great realms.
"You're not even a bunch of ants, but you don't mind. I think highly of you..." The Black Lord shook his head.

In his eyes, he didn't even look at the creatures in the heavens. The creatures below the quasi-immortal emperor realm were just a piece of grass or a stone and would not attract his attention at all.

"It's ridiculous. You regard them as dust, but you don't know that you are also a piece of grass."

Xu Yu raised his fist to kill, and fought fiercely with the black master again, staining the sky with blood.

The battle of quasi-immortal emperors!
The two fought fiercely, from the Immortal Realm to Chaos, and from Chaos to the Boundary Sea.

Countless living beings were sifting through chaff, all of them trembling with fear.

The two figures were entangled and fighting fiercely.

The battle between living beings at this level is too terrifying. If it is affected, even the giant Immortal King will kill me.

The two of them held hands, shocking waves surged out, the sea of ​​​​the world rolled, their magic power turned into ripples on the avenue, and then into a storm.

The terrifying aura was like a beast from the wild, rushing towards the sky, rolling with divine power, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to crack, and many big stars in the sky to be knocked down.

This kind of atmosphere, this kind of domineering, this kind of murderous intention can really shock the world and is rare in ancient times.

Black waves surged into the sky in the boundary sea, and the waves were tens of millions of miles high, while the stars fell like flying sand and rocks. The scene was terrifying and boundless.

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed

During this period, Xu Yu's blood spattered, his limbs cracked, his spine creaked, and his chest seemed to be penetrated.

This is not a good phenomenon. At this critical time, if such a situation occurs, it can easily lead to disaster.

Because, when he just broke through, he was attacked by the black master, which was extremely dangerous for him.

In his left pupil, silver-white brilliance was flowing, steaming, and constantly flashing various brilliance to heal himself.

Ten thousand years later, his aura became more powerful and began to suppress the Black Lord.

"A wisp of spiritual thought, you still can't do it?" Xu Yu stepped forward and made a fist seal to kill!
Those crystal palm fingers are so attractive that they can break through almost any obstacle!
The black figure groaned and was hit by a slap. The Black Lord was angry. He was so strong, yet he was cut down by someone.
A slap, even an insignificant incarnation of divine thought, was unacceptable to him.

The immortal realm, the burial ground, and the bodies of every creature are trembling. Is the emperor finally showing his defeated image?
"I am the only one in this world, so I will suppress all monsters and monsters!
Xu Yu's whole body bloomed with immeasurable light, and as his eyes turned, he opened up the world and even knocked him away many times.

The Black Lord roared, and for a moment, there was a surge of blood, like a vast ocean hitting the sky, sweeping across the world.

At this moment, the heavens were crumbling, and countless people saw that the sky was red, the avenue was dimming, the order was broken, and it seemed to be destroyed.

That is to say, the Immortal Realm, Jiutian and other places are far away, otherwise they would definitely collapse in an instant without any meaning.


The Black Lord roared, he didn't expect that only ten thousand years had passed, and he had suffered such a big loss. That young man was so terrible.

This young man's fighting ability was indeed beyond his expectation. He was like a born warrior who leapt forward in the battle and rose up in the blood.

Xu Yu held the palm of his hand empty, and drew a sword from the sky that suddenly fell down. The sword's light rolled out thousands of times, countless galaxies boiled, and the beam of light shot into the sky, shaking out a terrifying thunderous killing sound.

The killing light surged across the boundary sea and shook out. The shocking beam of light seemed to turn into eternity, reaching far and wide.

In the boundary sea, some of the fallen creatures approaching were extremely frightened, their scalps were numb, but they could not avoid it. They were invisible and were disintegrated by the light of the sword, turning into blood mist.
Xu Yu's fist was like a dragon and snake, his waist was like a sharp sword, and his feet were on the road. His speed reached the extreme, and he seemed to be traveling in the void. He and the black master fought fiercely, and blood spattered, dyeing the vast sea red.
The black master had disheveled hair, stars in his eyes, his ears were buzzing, and his mouth and nose were bleeding. After so many years, he had suffered such a shame and humiliation.

He cast spells, and strange black mist kept emerging. He wanted to subvert the battle and pollute him.

All the rising stars in the world should be killed with all their strength!
The light was brilliant and reflected thousands of things. Xu Yu's eyes reflected all the stars and dust in the sea and everything in the world.

In just a short moment, there seemed to be an infinite universe, endless time and space emerging, light and shadow intertwined, misty and profound.

The beam split the sky, making endless clanging sounds, splitting the heaven and the earth, actually splitting the universe, and shook out the cosmic sea.

The turbid and pure light in his eyes has evaporated all the heavy fog, and wherever it shines, there is the pure land of light. At the same time, the Immortal Golden Cauldron flew out and connected the vast heaven and earth. As it rolled, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the sea of ​​stars sank, and the Yin and Yang Qi rolled toward the black mist.

Where he looked, the black mist was steaming, and the divine light came to the world, clearing everything. Hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers flowed with auspicious light, the black mist dissipated, and only the fairy light shrouded it, making it immortal for all eternity.

When the Immortal Golden Cauldron moved, a shocking wind blew up from the boundary sea, and countless light particles emerged, purifying all the black mist.

"These eyes of yours are a bit special. Please offer them up, I want to study them!" the black master said with great interest, his eyes shining with cold light.

The next moment, his breath surged, and threads appeared from the void, connecting endless time, as if they came from the future, and as if they traveled from the past, wrapping around the black master's body.

Xu Yu's eyes flashed with divine light, and he suddenly noticed that his aura suddenly improved a lot. It seemed that his strength had increased due to this, but his figure became increasingly illusory and seemed to disappear at any time.

In the haze, many people saw a figure. Behind him, a vast sacrificial land appeared, and his power blessing faintly came from there.

Infinite black billows sweep across the sky!
Xu Yu's face was slightly solemn, and he felt that his body had become stiff, as if he was trapped by the chains of the avenue, or as if he was walking in the mud with billions of boulders on his back.


The misty sacred light surged, the terrifying blazing light bloomed, and the energy that created the world emerged in Xu Yu's eyes. At this moment, he seemed to be torn towards the sky, cutting off the long river of the past, present and future.

His eyes condensed countless runes, and they surged out, slashing out at once. Suddenly, the sky and the earth roared, and the chain of the avenue seemed to be broken, and he broke free.


The black master's face darkened, he didn't expect that the other party could still fight against him now.
His eyes became more and more terrifying, with countless black marks

It's all spreading around it, and time is in chaos,
As for the countless rules and orders in the heaven and earth, they are like waves, burning, extinguished and then turned into nothingness. This is where his breath comes from.

Moreover, beside him, many phantoms appeared, reflecting in the sky, and powerful creatures lay at his feet. This was the result of his battle in the past, and now it was revealed.

At this moment, Xu Yu's whole body turned into a blazing light, and she fought fiercely with him again. All kinds of Tao Qi were intertwined, and the divine light was flying, reflecting in all the worlds.

Xu Yu showed his true strength, and he used the Ten Evil Immortal Techniques, Liu Shen Technique, Rebirth Sword Technique, etc., and they were all integrated together, causing the sky and the earth to sink, and the sun and the moon to fall together.

Another thousand years have passed. The fight between the two was so brutal that they were both seriously injured.

Bang! Bang! Bang!
The Black Lord groaned, and parts of his body were being damaged, with hideous blood holes appearing. Although he was the incarnation of spiritual consciousness, he was robbed and looked like an ordinary living being.

And Xu Yu also had cracks in his body, and there were one after another.
There is a trace of blood, which looks very uncomfortable.

In the Immortal Realm, Liu Shen, Shi Hao and others couldn't help clenching their fists, their hearts agitated. They hadn't grown to that point yet, otherwise they could fight side by side with him!
"What a pity, it's just a wisp of spiritual thought, parasitic in the seal, and a lot of energy was consumed by the seal, otherwise why would it be like this.

He spoke calmly and spat out a mouthful of blood, but his tone remained calm and content.

"It's ridiculous. Instead of wallowing in the glory of the past, why not speak with your strength!"

Xu Yu's white clothes were spread out. Although it was stained with blood, she was charming and handsome. Her pupils were like fairy swords, emitting a dazzling beam of light.

"Prince of the Sacrifice, the sky cannot be destroyed, the earth cannot be buried, and eternal immortality is not something you can understand at your level!" the black master said indifferently.

"What a joke, in front of me, talk about immortality, talk about immortality, under my fist, only the soul of the dead will be eternal!"

He exerted his strength in the air and blasted out with a palm. Thousands of silk ribbons and all kinds of avenues were all transformed into light beams, performing the birth and death of the infinite universe, the boundless sea boiling, and the boundless waves surging.

He was too strong, and he was not afraid because he was transformed by the Black Lord's spiritual thoughts.

His whole body glowed, and he punched continuously, sending the black master flying into the air many times, causing his blood to splash into the sky.

The storm erupted in the boundary sea and swept across the sky, and every living being could no longer remain calm.

The Black Lord coughed up blood again, and his whole body became weaker and weaker. Although he recovered very quickly, it was difficult for him to withstand such consumption.

"Haha, it's really wonderful!"

At this moment, an ancient, vicissitudes of voice came from the depths of the boundary sea... (End of this chapter)

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