Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 522 The old man who destroys the world

"Please baby, turn around!"

A black gourd emerged, and an ancient universe rushed out of it. It condensed into a Tao sword in an instant, and flew out, destroying all the spell power. It flew out with a sound and penetrated his chest, leaving behind a terrifying The ferocious sword mark.

Moreover, the light of his soul suddenly dimmed a lot.

This is the Immortal-Slaying Gourd, and now it has become a quasi-immortal emperor-level divine object. Once it is locked, it cannot be avoided.


Hong Di roared, the spell did not take effect, but he suffered such a big loss.

He punched out, and the blazing glow illuminated the sky, making the Great Chaos Tribulation seem to be about to collapse. As soon as he punched out, the light shone in all directions, and the Hong Emperor groaned and kept retreating.

Emperor Yu went crazy, and the emperor-killing war spear vibrated, forcing the Footprint Emperor to retreat and kill Xu Yu. A bright divine spear illuminated one epoch after another. Chifeng was stained with blood, and the light it emitted crossed the ancient epochs. .

The war spear of Emperor Yu has become a part of his body, and he is invincible. Almost no enemy can stop him and destroy the eternity.

Xu Yu blasted out with his left palm, covering Hongdi, and struck horizontally with the sword in his right hand, which was not weaker than the downwind.

The emperor-killing war spear thrust forward. The movement was not very fast, but it seemed as if a sacred voice from heaven came out, and in an instant it pierced Xu Yu's forehead bone.

Xu Yu's hand was like a piece of crystal jade, shining brightly with clouds, and his eyes were endlessly cold. He held the spear peak with two fingers.

Such a blow is enough to destroy countless big worlds and shatter the endless starry sky, but now it is caught between two fingers.

With a shocking blow, the emperor-killing war spear was blocked. When the child heard this, everyone was petrified, his eyes were filled with shock, and he could not move.

Only a finger away from the forehead, the laws of heaven are swallowed up and entangled with endless threads. As long as they are penetrated, even the quasi-immortal emperor will be turned into smoke and dust without any accidents.

However, all the powers of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's laws were suppressed, making it difficult to make any progress.

Xu Yu's eyes were like torches, and two beams of light shot out from his eyes, turning into two heavenly swords, tearing apart the sky, and slicing across Emperor Yu's neck.

Emperor Yu's face changed drastically, and all kinds of lights filled his body. He tried to break free, but he could only move a little bit despite his best efforts.

Blood shot into the sky, and Emperor Yu's entire neck seemed to have been cut open. He collapsed and fell down. He quickly retreated and covered his neck.

Xu Yu's expression was indifferent, and he covered it forward with a palm, knocking him away and causing him to fall from the chariot, but he stepped forward and stood on the chariot!
At this moment, in the silent universe, a corpse was floating, its eyelids were moving, and it was about to open.

Moreover, the corpse made a sound, penetrating into the boundless void, slow and low: "Why bother, why bother!"

A dry universe, cold and dark, there has been no sound for hundreds of millions of years, but today it has changed,
A mutilated corpse suddenly opened its eyes, and the brilliance it shot tore through the universe. The two beams of light were more fascinating than the fairy sword, bright and sharp.

Looking from a distance, it looks like two lightning bolts bursting out in the darkness, breaking the eternal tranquility!
"Huh? The aura of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor?"

Xu Yu stood on the chariot, his eyebrows suddenly sharpened.

Several people stopped fighting each other and looked into the distance, while Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu also had extremely serious faces.

The nine-headed ancient beast pulling the cart roared and tried to break free, its terrifying aura boiling, but was suppressed by Xu Yu, leaving them to roar dullly.

Xu Yu held the sword tire, and the runes in his eyes condensed into beams of light, piercing the sky and staring into the distance.

"Could it be him!"

Xu Yu's mind was concentrated, thinking of Jiu Youao, who was known as the old man who destroyed the world.

Deep in the universe, after the corpse said those four words, it stood up slowly and stared in a direction indifferently. The whole body gradually began to exude vitality, as if it had life characteristics.

He only has one leg, and the other leg is also missing the sole of his foot, and he has one arm. He is very mutilated, and the hair on his head is as withered and yellow as weeds. The whole person looks very ancient, having experienced the vicissitudes of time.


He raised his only arm, shook the universe, and then pointed in multiple directions in the universe.

With a bang, the remaining bodies flew from all directions in the depths of the dark land, and they were quickly spliced ​​together. Their flesh and blood squirmed and healed quickly.

Then, with a bang, his remaining parts were connected together, and his body was complete.

There are old black clothes on his body. Even though the body is broken and has been floating in the universe for who knows how many epochs, the black clothes are still there, giving it a sense of ancient vicissitudes.

There were blood stains and holes on it, and it looked very ancient. At this moment, as his body revived, the tattered clothes began to move and spread, erupting with overwhelming divine power.

In an instant, the entire universe was covered by thick black clouds.

That is the original power of darkness that is so rich that it cannot be resolved!
In the darkness, his body was almost invisible, only an outline, thin and elongated but with increasingly blazing eyes, like two small suns in the darkness, dazzling and terrifying.

The next moment, he began to take steps, penetrated the void, broke through the boundary wall, and descended into the dark place with boundless pressure.

In an instant, the dark land boiled, and huge waves rose from the boundary sea, rolling towards the sky, accompanied by a tragic aura, as if the end of the world was coming, and the final disaster was approaching.

At the place where the old man landed, chaos broke like a wave and surged into all directions. As he moved in black clothes, he was surrounded by tribulation light and broke through all obstacles!
A ball of black light surrounded him, and his aura was extremely terrifying!
"The old man who destroys the world, the strongest existence!" Xu Yu thought in her heart and had some thoughts.


Hong Di spoke with a hint of excitement at the fact that he was addressed like this.

Emperor Yu was arrogant and just held his hand in front of him without calling him a senior. This shows how amazing this person's origins were. Even the Quasi-Immortal Emperor valued him very much and did not dare to neglect him.

"People who share the same ideals don't have to do this!"

His power is very strong, and when he comes here, the world sea is turbulent, the waves are shaking, and they are constantly beating the sky. The power of darkness permeates the universe, and it is majestic in the universe, as if it is the best in ancient and modern times, and respected by all directions!
The old man was polite and treated Hong Emperor and Yu Emperor as equals, without being condescending.

"Senior, he is the first emperor who created the world. We are all latecomers, so we should respect him." Emperor Hong said and glanced at Xu Yu.

The first emperor in the world, this title is too scary.

"I don't dare to take it seriously. They are all quasi-immortal emperors, and they are all members of the same religion. Moreover, when I was born, the Human Emperor was already famous." The old man smiled and looked at Xu Yu.

Several quasi-immortal emperors were shocked. They did not expect that the Human Emperor was even older than this old man.

"The origin has no era, the human emperor is eternal, and the era of all heavens is respected, I also yearn for it!" The old man who destroyed the world closed his head, and his eyes flashed with a strange color.

Xu Yu's face was dull and her whole body was full of fairy light.
Pai, standing on the chariot with his sword standing, just looked at him coldly.

"Human Emperor, why are you suffering? At your level, is there anything you can't see through? Logically speaking, you have been around longer than me and should know about it. But now you are against us because of some ants and insects. Is it worth it, quasi-immortal emperor, it’s too much to bear, why bother killing each other? You and I are both seekers of the truth, so we should work together. ""You have lost your humanity and think that you are already transcendent. It is extremely ridiculous!"

Xu Yu treated him indifferently, but the Footprint Emperor spoke up and scolded him sternly. He came down to quell the chaos, but now that he has recovered, his old ambitions have not changed!
"Resurrection from the dead, you should cherish it, the seven emotions and six desires, the feelings of the hometown, the hatred and madness, in a smile, the road is ruthless, the fairy love is like frost, the world is just a fetter for us, when all the mountains and rivers are broken, everything will When the calamity turns to ashes, you should understand that only my way is eternal!"

The old man said calmly, as if he was sure that everything would happen as he said.

"Why do I need others to judge my way? My way is only in the fist!" Xu Yu sneered, with blazing lightning flying in his eyes, splitting the vast sky!
Suddenly, a terrifying aura rushed out, as if it could penetrate the past, present and future, and spread across all heavens and worlds.

His whole body was crystal clear, and every inch of his skin shone with golden light, as if it were made of golden spar.


Xu Yu's attack was simple and direct, with a punch that had the energy of an emperor. He hit it with a big opening and closing, and a violent wave swept out, destroying all directions.

In an instant, the boundary sea was shattered, and large areas of the sea dried up.

Just under one punch, it was completely annihilated. A wave and a fragment of the world disappeared completely and turned into nothingness. The dazzling brilliance illuminated the past, present and future.

"The Human Emperor has been famous for a long time. He wished he could compete with his contemporaries. Now that he has been able to do so, his long-cherished wish has been fulfilled," the old man who destroyed the world said coldly, wearing black clothes and a terrifying aura.

The clay figurine still has some anger, let alone a quasi-immortal emperor.

We have different paths and do not want to conspire with each other. Only one battle will determine everything!
He slapped a palm, as dark as ink, blocking Xu Yu. Infinite black light bloomed, turning into thousands of sword lights, slashing forward.

Among them, there is his way and his method. His unparalleled fighting power is reflected. In the blink of an eye, all the heavens will be overturned.

This was a shocking battle. Xu Yu went crazy with the killing. His eyes were stunning, his long black hair was dancing wildly, his sword was clanging, and he was fighting fiercely with the old man who destroyed the world!
They criss-crossed each other and once again fought towards the depths of the boundary sea.

Gradually, for some unknown reason, Xu Yu's body was like a torch, terrifying power surged crazily, his old skin seemed to be cracking, and a powerful vitality filled the air...

"Senior...he is about to break through!" Hong Di suddenly exclaimed.

"There is no breakthrough. It's just Nirvana and the birth of an immortal fetus. It may be more complete. It can also be said that I have taken a step and stepped into the realm of the Immortal Emperor. But in the end, it is all in vain, just like me back then."

Emperor Hong was moved. The reason why he respected this old man so much was not for other reasons, but because this man had achieved some level of Immortal Emperor, and was extremely defiant!
"The dark power stopped me at the last step, so what can you do." Old Man Mieshi sneered.

They tried various ways, but they were unable to break through the dark origin of the Immortal Emperor, but it allowed them to be slightly purified, see hope, and see the dawn of success.

He apparently became an Immortal Emperor because of his exposure to darkness, and Hong Emperor and others were also influenced by him before they came into contact with darkness.

"Human Emperor, you can't go any further and forcefully break through, you can only perish," the old man who destroyed the world said solemnly, his eyes were extremely deep,
"The end of the road? That's just for the cowardly

Mouth, it is not applicable to this emperor!" Xu Yu said loudly

laughing out loud.

"Only by looking up at the light in the darkness can there be hope!" Old Man Mieshi argued.

"It's a joke, I am a Taoist. I am the source of all Taoism. How can I talk about light and darkness?"

With the dazzling brilliance and the majestic aura, the other Xuanzhi stood there, combined with the avenue of heaven and earth, forming an aura that made all living beings want to worship.

Wisps of divine chains of order surrounded his body, forming a terrifying aura!
In his body, immortal blood flows, brilliantly

The hair is gorgeous, the majestic figure is majestic, and the endless brilliance falls from the avenue, hanging in the sky like a waterfall, surrounding this splendid and blazing body.

"Something is weird, I can't let you transform anymore!" Hong Di suddenly burst out.

Hong Di attacks. Not only is he proficient in the art of curses, but his own combat power is also terrifying. Purple energy is steaming, and large areas of chaos turn into purple gold, condensing in front of him.

Hong Di, with unparalleled momentum and indescribable purple energy, raised his entire combat power to its peak. He wanted to kill Xu Yu and stop his transformation process.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, Emperor Hong's palm fell, the billions of seas of chaos shook, and a big purple hand condensed invisibly.

It was melted from chaos and fused with Hongdi's hand!
This is not a random strike, but an unparalleled killing technique!
Xu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he contained a terrifying divine light, which seemed to be able to penetrate the three realms and six realms. It suddenly shot out, and the beam of light surged, shaking the past, present and future!
This is no different from the creation of the world. The light of the beginning and the original laws all drooped down and became blurry.

The big purple hand exploded and turned into billions of purple rays of light.

But the beam of light did not stop, and continued to cut through the eternal heavens. It suddenly whirled down and landed in its real palm.

This blow was extremely powerful. When it collided with Hongdi, the magnificent aura vibrated, and billions of life-and-death auras circulated, ups and downs.


Then, Hongdi was cut with a bloody mark. The white finger bones were exposed, and it flew up and struck on his shoulder, almost cutting off his arm.

Hong Di was horrified, coughing up blood and retreating. He was convinced that this person had undergone a transformation, and it seemed that he had really taken a step forward.

All this happened in the blink of an eye.

"Stop being so arrogant!"

The Footprint Emperor's dragon marched forward, cutting off the Hong Emperor's path. He raised his hand and slapped it away. Billions of rays of divine light stirred up and fought with the Hong Emperor, sharing the pressure for Xu Yu.
"The heretic must be killed, we can't let him continue!" Emperor Yu also yelled, and the killer came. He felt a little frightened and had a bad feeling in his heart.

The old man who destroyed the world had a gloomy expression on his face, and did not make a move immediately. His eyes were bright, as if he was observing the situation.

The emperor-killing war spear was flying across the sky, and the red light it emitted was extremely dazzling, like a bloody sun standing across the sky.

Xu Yu shouted coldly, pointing his finger at the sky and the earth, and a chaos surged, pressing down on him, causing sparks to fly from the Emperor-killing war spear, and the roaring sound was endless.

The two of them fought, Xu Yu's divine power was as mighty as the ocean, and he and Emperor Yu fought from the sky to the earth, and from the earth to the sky.

"What a human emperor, I can't keep you!" Old Man Mieshi's eyes were blazing with shock. Xu Yu's aura became more and more terrifying, making him a little solemn.

There was a buzzing sound, and the power of darkness surged. The old man took action, using his unparalleled power to join forces with Emperor Yu to hunt him!
"Whatever means you have, just use them!" Xu Yu said coldly. He held a sword in one hand and made a fist seal with the other to strike at the two quasi-immortal emperors.

A flying sword flew across the sky, and an endless beam of light fell down, slashing vertically and horizontally, killing everyone and shocking the world, and the sword energy rolled into the sky.

There was a violent collision, gray fog filled the air, and the ocean was boiling. This area was almost evaporated dry.

Waiting for all the light to dissipate, both of them looked ugly. They found that even if they joined forces, they couldn't do anything to him!
"Go ahead, you'll be on your way to bring over all the people of darkness. Era after era have passed, and it's the harvest season again." Emperor Yu ordered coldly while fighting.

For so many years, they have been flowing slowly, attracting only a few dark evolved creatures, but they have never mobilized a large number of people like this. (End of chapter)

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