Since the four of them discovered the secret of darkness, they began to cultivate dark creatures in a planned way to feed themselves.

We just hope that one day, we can add up to a small amount and use the power gained from the dark creatures to help them break through the path of the Immortal Emperor.

After accumulating in this world, there are already a lot of Immortal Kings in the World Sea. In the view of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, the harvest season has arrived and they will all be welcomed.

Xu Yu wanted to stop him, but the dark power of the old man who destroyed the world was surging, and his old skin was cracking, as if he had temporarily transformed into a womb of darkness.

Violent fluctuations swept through the world, and even the trophies at Xu Yu's feet, the Yu Emperor's chariot, and the nine-headed ancient beast were all affected and exploded.


Emperor Yu's eyes were cold, and he began to flap his wings, disintegrating the chaos, interweaving various rays of light, trying to imprison him.

The old man who destroyed the world also took action, sending out terrifying ripples of darkness that swept towards Xu Yu.

At this moment, chaos intertwined and imprisoned his body.

"Open it for me!"

With a loud roar, six ancient worlds emerged again. They were the six paths in his body, the supreme secret, turned into eternal reincarnation.

The six paths in the body, promoted to the quasi-immortal emperor realm, became more and more terrifying, possessing shocking divine power. At this moment, they suddenly burst out!
Six blazing lights cut through eternity! He broke free all of a sudden.

"It doesn't matter if you break free, it's just a unique secret technique." Yu Di smiled coldly and wanted to move out, but the next moment, his smile froze.

The six divine lights intertwined and spun out and rushed out. They did not disappear just because they broke the confinement, but instead penetrated towards him.

"Dare you!"

Emperor Yu's color changed and he held up the crossbar of the war spear, because he was horrified to find that his body seemed to be frozen, and even the war spear almost fell off.

Blood spattered, Yudi's body began to crack again, a terrifying crack appeared between his eyebrows, and the emperor-killing war spear became much darker.

The old man who destroyed the world was so powerful that he actually warned in advance and avoided this unparalleled blow!
With his blood boiling, Xu Yu held the Great Luo Sword in his hand and struck the two quasi-immortal emperors. His body was wrapped with immortal chains, like an immortal phoenix reborn from the ashes.

"Stop him, we can't continue!"

Old Man Mieshi changed his color and yelled. He was no longer as kind as before.

Several people fought all the way, gradually leaving the ultimate ancient land and arriving at the deepest place in the boundary sea.

Emperor Yu flapped his sacred wings, accompanied by the dazzling light rain, and his whole body seemed to be covered in immortal battle clothes. He held the Emperor-killing war spear and stabbed at Xu Yu angrily,

Emperor Yu was extremely powerful, and his momentum spread out, shattering the heavens. Within the sea of ​​realms, the waves represented one broken realm after another.

The war spear was as red as blood, and its power was so strong that it could burst. The peak of the spear entwined the long river of time, piercing through eternity, and it was extremely powerful when it came to the eyes.

Xu Yu pointed his fingers like a sword and struck it. The place was suddenly annihilated, the boundary sea exploded, and chaos overwhelmed the sky and the earth.

At the same time, the old man came, his palms were extremely domineering, destroying the heaven and earth, and suddenly became violent.

"Three against two, let's be beheaded. If you want to become an emperor, stop dreaming," Emperor Yu yelled crazily. After many collisions, he was seriously injured. His whole body was shaken violently. He coughed up blood and foam from the corners of his mouth, and was injured. He was severely injured, and he seemed to hate Xu Yu to the extreme!
"Three against two, you are wrong, now it is four against three!" A loud laugh came from the other side of the boundary sea, and the sound shook the heavens and reached far and wide!
Hong Emperor and Yu Emperor changed their expressions at the same time, and there was a bad feeling in their hearts, as if something bad was about to happen.

Above the sky, there are two people crossing over. They are both wrapped in divine light, surrounding the avenue symbols. Those avenue symbols are extremely gorgeous and breathtaking.

The power of the quasi-immortal emperor!
Even the old man who destroyed the world frowned, unexpectedly another hostile quasi-immortal emperor came to kill him!
call out!
The blazing fairy light swept across the heaven and earth, and a fist light shattered all things, penetrated the past and present, and swept through all the heavens and worlds. It was majestic and majestic like prison!
The beam of light stood side by side with the long river of time, shining from the current world to the ancient times, and then cut through the future, pressing down in the direction of Hongdi.

"How brave!"

Hong Di's whole body was glowing, purple energy was surging, murderous intent swept through the ages, his long hair was scattered, and huge power accompanied him. He waved his palm and struck towards Shi Hao.

Violent and terrifying aura swept across the sky from all directions. Emperor Hong's pupils shrank, and he was horrified. This man was extremely powerful!
"Another Emperor! Who are you?" Emperor Hong's face suddenly darkened, as ugly as a dead child.

"My name is Huang!" the visitor shouted.

His white clothes were spread out, and his grace was breathtaking. Although he looked very delicate, his pupils were like fairy swords, emitting dazzling beams of light!
The word Huang shakes the mountains and rivers and sweeps across the sea. As it opens, it seems that the heavens are rising and falling!
He is Shi Hao, who has achieved the status of Quasi-Immortal Emperor and came from the Immortal Realm.

"All of you people of darkness have been slaughtered and completely destroyed!" Shi Hao said coldly.

In the boundary sea, they encountered the dark army led by the fallen king, and they were wiped out by him.

The faces of several dark quasi-immortal emperors darkened, and their expressions were sinister, but thinking about it, no matter how many kings there were, it was impossible to resist the quasi-immortal emperor.

Shi Hao's fist seal was unparalleled, illuminating the three thousand worlds. His divine power boiled and he attacked Hong Emperor again. With an invincible momentum,
"Huang, a future emperor, you rashly challenge my majesty, you are seeking death!"

Hong Di stopped drinking, and the purple energy came from the east, spurting out immeasurable light. His whole body was glowing, like an emperor conceived in the scorching purple sun. The aura of his whole body was so blazing that it would burn up nine days!
In the sonorous sound, Emperor Hong's body was covered with a layer of purple armor, which was the pure essence of his body. His magic power and spirit were condensed into one. He wanted to use all his strength to kill this young emperor who didn't know the heights of the world before him?

Hongdi, who was wearing imperial armor, bloomed with monstrous purple clouds. His right hand was like a blade, slashing towards Shi Hao. Billions of rays of light bloomed, almost cutting off the boundary sea.


Shi Hao was not afraid at all, the battle blood in his body was surging, and his black hair was dancing wildly. He still greeted him with a fist seal, and with the majestic breath, all the stars in the sky washed down!
Immediately afterwards, the green clouds rippled, and a towering willow tree appeared, green and blazing, with a surging aura, exuding the pressure of a quasi-immortal emperor.

The willow tree descended and turned into a beautiful woman. He brought chaos with him. When he raised his hand, countless chaotic willow branches were drawn out, like a divine chain of order, and they struck towards Yudi.

"How brave. Anyone who dares to fight me like this will die!"

Emperor Yu was furious, holding the emperor-killing war spear, and struck away, colliding with the willow branches.

At the same time, a pair of sacred wings behind him stirred up the wind, which was hundreds of millions of miles away, and the order formed by many branches collapsed on the spot.

Moreover, its wings exploded in an instant, turning into two broad sword-like weapons, slashing forward, and the whole universe was split. The Footprint Emperor was speechless. His opponents were separated like this. For a moment, he had nothing to do.

"This era is amazing. So many quasi-immortal emperors have been born." Old Man Mieshi looked a little solemn.

Suddenly there were two more quasi-immortal emperors, neither of whom seemed to be a fuel-efficient lamp. They were extremely powerful and suddenly reversed the offensive and defensive momentum.
Brilliant runes surround the bodies of Shi Hao and Shi Hao, and mysterious patterns are densely covered. They look down on the world, and they all have invincible spirit, facing off against the two quasi-immortal emperors.

Hong, Yu, and the two quasi-immortal emperors roared. The two newly promoted emperors were too strong. In addition, they had already suffered a lot from the duel. They were at a disadvantage when they competed with the two emperors Shi Hao and Liu Shen.

In particular, the emperor who was killed by them countless years ago, wandered between the two emperors, aloof from the world, and always gave them a blow at the critical moment.

"Is this what it feels like to be hunted?" The Footprint Emperor whispered, and a strange feeling arose in his heart.

"Despicable, are you bullying me because our wounds have not healed?" Yu Emperor roared. The old wounds from the previous duel with Xu Yu and Footprint Emperor had not healed, but now new wounds have appeared again, causing them to retreat steadily.

"That's not what you said when the three of you were hunting me alone," the Footprint Emperor sneered. The depression in his heart has been accumulated for hundreds of millions of years. It can't be eliminated so easily.

He continued to look for opportunities to attack the two emperors in the war and inflicted critical heavy losses on them.
In fact, with his strength, he was not weaker than any of the three emperors, but he was hunted. Now the world has turned, and he finally has the opportunity to take revenge!
Now, in addition to Xu Yu, there is also an old man who has not taken action for the time being, and several quasi-immortal emperors are fighting in a melee!
Now, this is a major event that has never happened since the beginning of the world. It seems that there have never been so many quasi-immortal emperors in this world!
"Hmph, there is no immortal protagonist in the world. Maybe you are an outlier, but in front of us, you can't change the world!" The old man who destroyed the world said coldly.

He once used the power of darkness to reach the imperial realm, so he was naturally arrogant. Even though he seems to be in decline now, he is still arrogant.

"These are two imperial pills that I have refined with all my life's efforts. Take them as soon as possible, restore your body, and send them to death. Don't let me down!"

He sacrificed two ancient elixirs and flew towards the two quasi-immortal emperors. They were like being refined from dark immortal gold, emitting black light, carrying a fragrant crystal, and flowing with mysterious brilliance.

After Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu took the Emperor Pill, they swallowed it in one gulp. Instantly, their bodies were filled with energy, all kinds of divine power surged, and all kinds of brilliance shone, making their vitality strong again.
They joined forces and pressed forward together, with murderous intent boiling over.

"Hahaha, as soon as your injuries have recovered, you clowns will be killed as soon as possible!" Hong Di laughed, his eyes gleaming with murderous light, boundless in terror.

"I am invincible in the world. Looking through the past and present, what about you five emperors? You can't defy heaven, so surrender to me!" Emperor Yu said with great pride.

Shi Hao, Liu Shen, and Footprint Emperor all looked indifferent. They had nothing to say now but fight to the death!
"One battle will determine the outcome!"

Xu Yu said calmly, his expression was always as deep as his eyes.

For him, it was an unexpected surprise for Shi Hao and others to break through to the quasi-immortal emperor realm, but even if a few of them failed to break through, he still had the strength to suppress them!
He stared at the old man who destroyed the world, his eyes as sharp as a knife. This man was very strong, almost as strong as him. He should kill him with all his strength.

His body is indeed transforming, but if he wants to truly reach perfection and move towards the realm of the Immortal Emperor, there are indeed many dangers. This road is so difficult that it is almost despairing!
Boom boom boom!
The two of them were entangled together, their magic power was strong, and the chaos was surging. They killed each other until blood splattered everywhere, and they were completely crazy.


At this moment, the old man who destroyed the world roared loudly. He revealed a huge wolf head with thick red hair and a huge horn on his head. The fierce flames were overwhelming!
The old man who destroyed the world, whose true form is Jiuyouao, is the ancestor of this clan!
It opened its bloody mouth and gnawed at Xu Yu.

With this mouthful, the world sea was annihilated, and all the stars in the sky fell, falling into his mouth. The scene was so terrifying that even the other quasi-immortal emperors changed their expressions slightly.
This kind of magical power is countless times more powerful than the Taotie magical power. It can truly swallow the sky and eat the earth, and can refine all things in the heavens and earth.

The huge divine wolf head and bloody mouth devoured everything nearby, emitting a black light and refining everything.

Xu Yu sacrificed Da Luo's sword embryo and slashed forward with a clang, blocking everything.

On the head of Old Man Destroyer's red wolf, a pair of black special horns glowed, hitting the sword tire, roaring violently, sparks flying everywhere, and even the space was annihilated.

Incredible power!
At their current state, they usually maintain their human form. Now that the body of Destruction has reappeared, it is obvious that he is serious about killing him as quickly as possible, no matter the cost!
call out!
At the same moment, nine tails rushed out from behind the wolf body of the old man who destroyed the world, and swept towards Xu Yu, like a giant snake flying into the sky, trying to tear the world apart.

Yu, cut off time.

Xu Yu's figure changed, and his eyes were extremely cold. These were nine giant snakes. They were clearly nine real dragons. They were as black as ink, with ferocious dragon heads. They opened their huge mouths and had thick fangs. If they were struck by him, they would definitely... seriously injured.

I have to say that Old Man Mieshi is indeed powerful. He is worthy of being a terrifying existence that has half-stepped into the Immortal Emperor Realm. His strength is too terrifying.

The original body of Jiuyouao, coupled with the cultivation of the Half-Step Immortal Emperor, the two combined together are terrifying!
His descendants are in the Immortal Realm, and they once practiced with Xu Yu, but the old man who destroyed the world was a giant in the world sea, and he had destroyed one big world after another.

It can be seen that his forehead bones are shining with a bright black light, and then countless portals appear in the sky, as if they are connected to an unknown place, and many soul lights ripple and sink into his soul.

"Primal Gate!"

Xu Yu's eyes were bright, and he could see at once that those portals were the primitive gates, and these primitive gates were found in all realms, not just in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

And those soul lights all come from the essence of the souls of the creatures in the world of the original gate.

In an instant, his mind became clear. It turned out that this primitive gate was the back-up plan for Old Man Destruction to harvest the souls of those geniuses!
His long black hair stood up completely and his eyes were as sharp as knives, staring at the old man who destroyed the world.

The sound of the sword shook the sky. Xu Yu held the sword body and walked on the fairy light to kill. Countless sword lights surged like the sea of ​​swords undulating, shaking the heaven and earth, shaking the universe!
Countless sword lights, as thick as mountains, reach up to the sky, like a heavy sea of ​​stars pressing down, boundless.

"Human Emperor, suffer death!"

The old man who destroyed the world roared, and the dragon tails behind him moved forward, like waving an ancient universe. The heavens shook together for eternity, and the world was disintegrating, unable to withstand the terrible fluctuations.

Xu Yu's figure was disillusioned and he escaped again. The sky full of sword light and the Nine Heavens Dragon Tail collided and were annihilated in all directions!
This battle is long and shocking! Wow!
The old man who destroyed the world roared and couldn't fight for a long time, which frightened him. Moreover, the opponent seemed to be getting more and more frustrated, and his fighting power became even more terrifying.

Every time, his opponent seemed to be able to dodge his critical fatal blow, and kept improving during the battle. Not only did his transformation not stop, it continued, which sent shivers down his spine.

It was another brutal battle, and their battle had reached a fever pitch!
call out!
Xu Yu's eyes were blazing, and he shot out two dazzling rays of light, striking at the old man who destroyed the world. Not only could he see through the source, he was also the sharpest divine sword!
Xu Yu's eyes were as condensed as a sword, and he keenly launched a key blow, slashing towards the dragon's tail, hitting it with a clang, and finally blasting open its skin, with blood splattering out.

"Ah..." Old Man Mieshi shouted.

Most of his magic power was concentrated on the nine dragon tails, and now he was in severe pain and roaring loudly.

Xu Yu naturally knew that. He had studied the Ten Evil Creatures, especially the strength and weakness of the tribe's talents. He knew all about them. This was the benefit of foresight.

(End of this chapter)

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