Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 524: Suppressing the Three Emperors

Therefore, at the critical moment, he delivered such a world-shaking blow!
The blood shot into the sky, flew straight to 30,000 feet, and was torn apart by his sword-like eyes.

Then, his sword embryo approached and penetrated his body all at once, splitting from his forehead bone and causing blood to spurt out!
The old man who destroyed the world moved quickly, and eight of his nine tails were chopped off by Xu Yu's beam. In addition, his body split open and was almost split in two by the force.

At this moment, he had transformed into a human form, standing in the boundary sea, with a strange and ominous black mist spreading around him, and his eyes stared at him coldly.

"If your skills only stop here, then everything will be over." Xu Yu said lightly, his eyes as cold as frost,
Not far away, Emperor Hong and Emperor Yu both felt frightened. Even the old man who destroyed the world was defeated. The strength of the Human Emperor was too terrifying!
Old Man Mieshi was dripping with blood and his whole body was shaking. It was not because of pain, but because there was a murderous aura permeating the air, which represented his inability to calm down.

He slowly raised his hand, turned into sharp claws, and pointed at Xu Yu.

"Nine Netherworlds destroy the world!"

With a loud roar, a shadow condensed behind him, looking like Jiuyou Ao, huge and boundless, and headed towards Xu Yuzhen to kill,

Dark light flowed from the body of the old man who destroyed the world, and combined with the Dharma, the Dharma and the true body also merged into one. The aura of destroying the world exploded, the universe collapsed, and all the remaining worlds turned into ashes.

At this moment, in the boundary sea, countless remaining boundaries are collapsing and disintegrating.

A huge roar of beasts, and large claws wrapped in ferocious black energy, overwhelming the sky and the earth.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is that behind him, the nine divine chains of order run through the universe, pierce through the sea of ​​​​the world, absorb the power of the origin of the world, and sweep towards Xu Yu,

This is an earth-shattering battle. In the final showdown, Jiuyouwei will fight tooth and nail and use the most powerful means to save the defeat.

"It's ridiculous that Jiuyou will destroy the world. Let me show you what the Dharma is!"

At this moment, Xu Yu's body actually emitted wisps of light, steaming up and gathering behind it.

Not long after, a phantom appeared, which was the appearance of his true form, but much larger, with an imperial crown on his head and a majestic figure.

The Dharma image truly looks down between heaven and earth, swallowing mountains and rivers with its energy, and its eyes can shatter time and space.

It is a kind of transcendent self-confidence, with an invincible posture in ancient and modern times.

This is his - the Dharma of the Emperor of Heaven!
When he first practiced the Fighting Immortal Way, he had gathered the Dharma Appearance, and now he was performing it at the pinnacle of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. The Dharma Appearance, like that of a peerless Immortal Emperor, was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the Dharma form was also integrated into his body, filled with blazing light, and divine chains surrounded his body, forming an aura that could be worshiped by all living beings.

Then, an extremely majestic supreme aura penetrated the past, present, and future, and burst out in an instant!
A majestic body appeared, looking down at the world, and in its place, the power of eternity flowed.

Xu Yu's mind was concentrated, as if he had fallen into some kind of wonderful state, as if he had advanced to the most powerful realm.

A shocking blow broke out, and the two of them rushed towards each other, including their entangled Dharma forms, and they also fought together!
However, not long after, the roar of the old man who destroyed the world was heard.

The roar of the beast rang out and shook the ages. The sound was not only heard in the current world, but also stirred in the long river of time. The terrifying sound was heard in many time and space.

Many people even think that this is God’s

Xu Yu and Dharma merged and became one, turning into a ray of light that penetrated the abdomen of Old Man Mi Shi's body, and finally stepped on the chest of Old Man Mi Shi...

The emperor's blood burns the starry sky, and the red glow dyes the sky!

The old man who destroyed the world roared, and he was trampled under the feet of the Human Emperor with such domineering majesty. What a humiliation it was. He had never been so humiliated since ancient times!
"Broken!" Xu Yu scolded lightly, and his feet suddenly
work hard.

With the final blow, Old Man Destruction's Dharma was penetrated, and his body was torn into pieces under his feet, spreading like a spider web. Blood flowed along the cracks, and then exploded with a bang.

The old man who destroyed the world was robbed, and with a hiss, the fire of his soul tried to escape. As long as the fire of the soul existed, with his methods, there was hope of recovery!
call out!
The immortal pot hanging from Xu Yu's waist fell, and suddenly enlarged, lying across the sky, the mouth of the pot automatically fell off, and the light intertwined, like a galaxy rotating, all the surrounding quasi-immortal emperors, spilled blood or blood, poured into it. go!
Immortal Refining Pot!
The light flows from the mouth of the pot, and the whale sucks the cow to drink. The beams of the avenue interweave and hit his body, trying to absorb him completely and smelt him!

The old man who destroyed the world roared at the end and fought with all his strength, trying to break out. He felt that if he really entered the weird fairy pot, there might be no hope of turning around.

But unfortunately, he lost his last chance to escape. Xu Yu's eyes turned, and a beam of destruction rushed out. Thousands of frightened people broke apart the light of his soul, and he could not condense into one body for a short time.

The Immortal Refining Pot exudes an ancient aura and is resurrecting, absorbing the heaven and earth. The stars in the sky have fallen down, stirring up huge waves billions of miles away in the seas of several realms.

In the sky, the light of Old Man Mieshi's disintegrated soul was all bound and completely collected into the Immortal Refining Pot.

The arrogant Jiuyouwei ancestor, the old man who destroyed the world, was suppressed like this and became Xu Yu's prisoner!
Inside the Immortal Refining Pot, it was shaking violently, and the soul was still stirring with blood. Unfortunately, it was difficult to defy the heavens. No matter how hard he attacked, he could not shake this world-shattering Immortal Pot.
Furthermore, every trace of his vibrating blood was swallowed up by the Immortal Refining Pot, and when refined, it actually became the Immortal Refining Pot's own nourishment.
Today's Immortal Refining Pot is incredible, almost the best among Quasi-Immortal Emperors.

He used light fairy gold, dark fairy gold, void fairy gold, and other fairy gold to smelt him, and added the world stone.

The most important thing is that he carved the quasi-immortal emperor's formation and kept it warm with Tao fire for an extremely long period of time. Apart from the immortal emperor's weapons, he almost has the best defense!
Although the Quasi-Immortal Emperor is difficult to kill and will take a long time to be destroyed, when the Immortal Old Man falls into the Immortal Refining Pot, he will be doomed and will be destroyed sooner or later.

Originally, this pot was extremely evil in Kundi's hands. It could swallow blood and nourish itself. Now it has become a peak immortal emperor's weapon, which is even more remarkable.

"Senior!" Emperor Hong exclaimed, not expecting him to
The strongest among them were suppressed.

"The Human Emperor..." Emperor Yu's eyes stood up. Although he did not respect the old man who destroyed the world, he also knew that his fighting power was terrifying. Now that he was defeated by the Human Emperor, he felt a little heavy.

In their eyes, the first person to become a quasi-immortal emperor, someone who truly broke into the imperial realm, was easily suppressed.

The two of them were restless, but they still had to face the two quasi-immortal emperors Shi Hao and Liu Shen, as well as the Footprint Emperor who was looking at him eagerly to see if he was going to do something evil!
Before long, they couldn't hold on any longer.


Hongdi was hit by Shi Hao's palm. His pupils shrank violently and he quickly retreated. His eyebrows were split and bloody, and his soul was wounded.

"Why, my body is weak!" Hong
Di suddenly exclaimed.

This is not a good sign. Now that Old Man Mieshi has been suppressed, they are facing four quasi-immortal emperors. Now their condition has dropped again. This is fatal!
Not long after, Emperor Yu's color also changed, and he also weakened. His eyes were blazing, and he said bitterly: "Damn old guy, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Pill he gave will probably only restore your energy and energy for a short time."

He realized it in an instant, and immediately hated Old Man Mushi.

Both of them were no longer in peak condition, Hongdi was the first to give up, and Yudi was the last to enter a weakened state.

The two quasi-immortal emperors have cracks intertwined with each other, and the bones can be seen deeply. The situation is already precarious for them. After all, there is still Xu Yu who has not taken action!
"Back off..."

Xu Yu asked Shi Hao and others to step back. He wanted the remaining two people to suppress them and put them into the Immortal Refining Pot.

When Shi Hao, Liu Shen and others heard this, their expressions became solemn and they left the battlefield. taste!
His eyes were so blazing that it was almost impossible to look directly at him, like a hundred thousand stars gathered together, shining forever on the sun and the moon.

A streak of blood flew up, and Hong Di shouted. He was pierced on the spot, and his head rolled down. There was no way to avoid or hide.

"I won't give in!"

Emperor Hong roared angrily. He was actually beheaded like this. If Old Man Miushi hadn't given him the fake medicine, he was confident that he could still hold on for a while.

Xu Yu activated the Rebirth Sword Technique, cutting off his head and cutting off his soul, making him frightened and angry, but he had no choice but to roar unwillingly.

The Immortal Pot Whale sucked the cow's drink, swallowed up its body and soul, and took it in.

Next, Xu Yu moved his eyes to Emperor Yu.

"As the emperor, how can I be a prisoner?!" he shouted, his eyes blazing, almost breaking through

This world.

The Yu Emperor is still fighting despite being trapped. He is very powerful and disrespectful to Old Man Mieshi, calling him an old man. Naturally, he does not want to become a prisoner.

However, Xu Yu's big hand overturned, suppressing the sun, moon, and stars, and slashed vertically with his palm fingers, as sharp as a sword from the sky, sinking into his flesh and blood, causing him to fly up and break his tendons.

Emperor Yu roared in pain, and tens of thousands of fairy feathers emerged from his body, turning into peerless fairy swords, densely packed, and flew towards Xu Yu.

In an instant, the Chaos Sea was riddled with holes, badly shot by arrows, and a world suddenly opened up.

This is the strength of Emperor Yu. Except for the old man who destroyed the world, he is the most powerful among the three emperors!
One arrow fills the world!
All the arrows were flying and shooting towards Xu Yu!
Xu Yu snorted coldly, moved his hands slightly, and immediately aroused a huge fire, burning up the nine heavens, and blasted towards those feather arrows.

Finally, after burning them all, Emperor Yu coughed up blood and his eyes dimmed.

At this time, the Immortal Refining Pot flew over, and the body of the pot hit Yudi's body, causing him to explode. His body was shattered by the impact, and his soul was sucked into the pot.

call out!
The rays of light from the spout of the Immortal Immortal Pot faded away and became silent again. It flew upside down and hung on Xu Yu's waist.

Incredible power!
Shi Hao, Liu Shen, and Footprint Emperor were all amazed. They were all quasi-immortal emperors, but Xu Yu's path had gone too far, and they couldn't see through it.

At this point, in the world, the three quasi-immortal emperors Cang, Hong, and Yu, as well as the old man Miushi, were all executed and suppressed in the body of the pot!
"It's over..." Shi Hao whispered and breathed a sigh of relief. The four quasi-immortal emperor-level dark creatures were suppressed.

Liu Shen and Footprint Emperor also looked relieved. They suppressed the Four Emperors and were one step closer to their goal.

"What's going on in the Immortal Realm?" Footprint Emperor asked suddenly


"It's good, all the dark creatures have been killed before they get close to the Immortal Realm!" Shi Hao said with a smile.

In fact, when Xu Yu fought with several Quasi-Immortal Emperors, not counting his own actions, the aftermath of their battle alone destroyed many Fallen Kings.
There were still some dark creatures who were preparing to march towards the ancient palace to kill the Immortal Realm and Jiutian, but they encountered Shi Hao, Liu Shen and others who had just become quasi-immortal emperors, and were naturally wiped out.

Today's Immortal Realm is still divided into many fragments and has not been unified. However, many fragments are guarded by experts at the level of Immortal King and True Immortal, and information between each other is also transmitted very quickly.

When they returned to the fairyland again, they immediately shook the fragments of the fairyland!
The four dark quasi-immortal emperors were all suppressed!
Emperor of Heaven!
People from all walks of life are reciting the names of Xu Yu and others, and temples have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. The whole world is rejoicing. The most terrifying dark age, but because of a few emperors, they are all safe and sound, even better than the previous small liquidation. The times must be stable.

Four quasi-immortal emperors!
However, the top leaders of the Immortal Realm are not blindly optimistic. They know better. The black disaster in the deepest part of the Ultimate Ancient Land has not been put down. If it is not eliminated, it will always be a disaster.

In the following years, butchers, burial masters, chicken farmers and other Emperor Light Immortal Kings asked several great emperors for their experience on how to break into the quasi-immortal emperor realm.

Xu Yu did not hide his clumsiness. There seemed to be a lot of four quasi-immortal emperors now, but not to mention the corpse immortal emperors of the ultimate ancient land, as well as the strange creatures of heaven and earth, there was still a long way to go.

The four quasi-immortal emperors have given many sermons in the Tiandi City over the years, expounding the wonderful principles of the quasi-immortal emperors. I hope they can break through that barrier soon!
One day, Xu Yu sacrificed the Immortal Refining Pot again.

The Immortal Refining Pot swayed, filled with blood, and several quasi-immortal emperors inside screamed and roared angrily. Over the years, they have been in the Immortal Suppressing Pot, and they have suffered a lot, and their soul light has dimmed a lot.

"Human Emperor! You deserve to die!" Cang Emperor roared.

"If you kill us, you will suffer disaster in the future!" Hong Di also said bitterly.

He is good at deduction, controls the world's destiny, and sees a glimpse of the future.

It should be noted that at this level, the quasi-immortal emperor cannot explore it no matter what, and cannot see through it at all.

The Quasi-Immortal Emperor himself was blinded by the secrets of heaven, whether in the past, present, or after his death, they were all covered in mist, but Emperor Hong claimed to have glimpsed a hint of the secrets of heaven.

"Falling into calamity, what a joke, I am the greatest calamity in this world!"

With a wave of his hand, the entire Immortal Refining Pot suddenly shook, and wisps of soul marks were melted and decomposed by the Immortal Refining Pot!

Xu Yu scolded lightly, and the chaotic sword energy suddenly swelled in the pot, slashing at the soul marks of the emperors.

Clang Clang!
Screams rose and fell, and wisps of marks were decomposed, turning into Yuan Shen Dao diagrams one after another, on which were engraved some methods and cultivation paths of the quasi-immortal emperors. He peeled off these Yuan Shen Dao diagrams and provided Reference Butcher et al.

This is equivalent to Xu Yu dismembering the souls of several quasi-immortal emperors and giving them a vivid lesson in the advancement of quasi-immortal emperors!

Hong Emperor and Yu Emperor were both screaming, this method was too cruel, even worse than killing him and them!
This is equivalent to cutting them into pieces. This will not make them die immediately, but will make them torture all the time. This will be an extremely long period of time.

However, no matter how they cursed and roared, Xu Yu remained calm, analyzing all their Tao and Dharma, and summarizing the experience of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor to Butcher and others.

He hoped that in this world, the older generation, such as the Butcher, the Burial Master, the Samsara Pan, and others, could rise quickly and ascend to the throne.

After all, the strength of Etu in all the heavens and worlds is so powerful that even immortal kings can be born in batches.

Now, with God supporting them, they can develop well.

In the future war, only Quasi-Immortal Emperors, or creatures above Quasi-Immortal Emperors, are qualified to compete for the future!
Therefore, the peace in this world does not mean peace. In the future, there will be battles in places such as the Soul River, the burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven, and the plateau!
Moreover, for some reason, he felt a throbbing feeling in his heart, as if this piece of ancient history was about to disappear, which puzzled him and gave him a sense of urgency. (End of chapter)

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