"Become Emperor!"

There is a sense of urgency in his heart to achieve the throne of Immortal Emperor!
However, another hundred thousand years have passed, and he woke up from seclusion, but it seems that he still cannot break through that threshold.

"This world is too comfortable, and it is not easy to break through.

He decided to hit the road and go to the ultimate place again to look for opportunities for breakthrough. Only the most dangerous places can unleash his amazing potential!
When he passed on his disappearance, everyone in the fairyland was shocked!
Several quasi-immortal emperors and some giants were shocked. Is the Emperor of Heaven about to go on the road again?
They all know that the current black disaster has not ended with the fall of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. There is a real emperor in the deepest part of the Ultimate Land, and that is the source of darkness!
"In the ultimate ancient land, there is an emperor who will live forever, and in one breath, all worlds will be overthrown!" This is what Xu Yu told them back then.

"Brother, let me go with you." Shi Hao, an expert in art, was bold and eager to try, wanting to accompany him.

"It's not time yet. I'll explore the way first. You don't need to come with me."

Xu Yu glanced at Shi Hao. Now he has not been a quasi-immortal emperor for a long time, and his background is not deep enough. That place is too dangerous and should not be easily set foot in.

And Xu Yu himself has already stepped into the realm of Immortal Emperor. When he fought against several quasi-Immortal Emperors, he underwent a transformation and almost completely entered that realm.

"Come back safely!" Liu Shen whispered. She didn't say much, but her sincerity could be felt.

"A true man, this is what you should do, go into the darkness alone, and look forward to death as soon as you return home!" The Footprint Emperor also sighed with emotion.

The kings looked at him quietly and saw Xu Yu off.

He was on the road again, and they entered the dark land, and then passed through it, heading towards the ultimate ancient land.

The darkness passed away, and after walking out of this ancient land, what I saw was not necessarily so bright.

Today's scenery looks more like a blood-stained dusk.

He came to the ultimate ancient land, one step was to infinity, and his speed was extremely fast.

Soon, he stopped because he saw some temples appearing on the main hall, which were sacred and splendid. They were the ancient Jie Yin Temple.

In the ultimate ancient land, the ancient palaces of Jie Yin are densely covered.

Xu Yu's eyes flickered, and without any further pause, she set out on the road again and moved forward.

In fact, not long after we advance, we will reach the deepest part of the Ultimate Ancient Land.

In the distance, shining brightly, there is a monument, not too high, as white as jade, sacred and flawless.

This is the end of the ancient palace of hordes, and there is a strange power fluctuation going forward.

This is……

Xu Yu's eyes were bright and solemn, and the blazing symbols in his eyes were densely covered. He immediately recognized that the material of this stele was the same as the bone of the original solution.

On it, there are some runes engraved, which are clear and profound. This is... the final chapter of the original true solution! The ultimate chapter!
He is engraved on this monument, silent and silent!
Xu Yu's eyes were bright, and he quickly confirmed that this was the last chapter of the original true explanation. It was related to the previous two parts and was the final chapter.

Xu Yu's eyes were flowing, and he glanced at this technique and contemplated it for a moment. This was a technique practiced by a quasi-immortal emperor, but that was all, it was over.

He did not involve the real Immortal Emperor level field.

However, he also saw this person's method, verified his way, and gave him some inspiration.

The three branches of the great road always have something in common. He memorized this method and passed it on to several Emperor Guang Immortal Kings for reference when he was preparing to return to the Immortal Realm.

At the same time, bursts of black mist rose up from the deepest part of the Ultimate Ancient Land, like dark clouds covering the sky, emitting terrifying and boundless fluctuations.

The black mist covers the sky, and the dark clouds cover the nine secluded places!
The ultimate ancient land, where the night is deep and the ancients last forever, suddenly explodes.

Deep in the ultimate ancient land, terrifying fluctuations sweep across the world, shocking the hearts of the people!
His eyes wandered and he saw a broken stone tablet in the deepest part of the Ultimate Land. There were several ancient characters engraved there, which were constructed from the runes of the avenue. No matter what era the creatures were from, as long as they were strong enough, they could understand them.

An opportunity to become emperor!
These are the words left on the broken stone tablet that attract people's hearts.

"The opportunity to become an emperor only belongs to one person!"

Youyou sighed softly, like some kind of obsession, echoing!
Then, Xu Yu saw some scenes from the past. The old man who destroyed the world, Yu Emperor, and Hong Emperor Cang Emperor all wandered and stopped here.

It is too difficult to achieve the status of Immortal Emperor. Except for the great world of Perfect World, even the total number of Immortal Emperors in all the heavens and worlds throughout the ages is not too many.

Of course, there are even fewer now. Apart from the ten great Immortal Emperors of the Weird Clan, who are as powerful as God, there may not be many left. If the battle continues, the Immortal Emperors of Heaven may continue to wither.

Xu Yu once met the Black Lord. He was a powerful man who was as good as the Immortal Emperor. He was not ranked high among the top ten priests. It is conceivable that even a ray of spiritual thought left behind was so terrifying. Know the true strength of the Immortal Emperor.

The former world-destroying old man had successfully transformed once, but still had not entered the realm of the Immortal Emperor. However, his combat power was so terrifying that the other three emperors did not dare to slack off.

Now, Xu Yu has touched the threshold of the Immortal Emperor, half-stepped in, but still feels that the Immortal Emperor realm is endless.

He followed the path of fighting immortals. During the decisive battle with several emperors, his body underwent transformation and his path advanced by leaps and bounds. However, this was not enough for him to advance to the true realm of immortal emperors. He only touched the threshold of the immortal emperors.
Perhaps, he has gone further than the old man who destroyed the world, but after all, he has not completely broken through!
He calmed down his thoughts and stood still, his eyes opening and closing, reflecting the sky, looking into the deepest part of the Ultimate Ancient Land.

He knew that sleeping inside was the only Immortal Emperor in the perfect world - the Corpse Immortal Emperor!
In order to prevent the corpse immortal emperor from becoming one, he would not bring the rotten wooden box.

Because the rotten wooden box contained part of the pure body and spirit of the Corpse Immortal Emperor.

Suddenly, the black mist surged toward the outside. There was no doubt that it was carrying a large amount of rich dark matter, which was almost impossible to dissolve and almost boiling. It was the origin of darkness, carrying a rich dark power.

However, there are also avenue runes among them, which contain supreme secrets. Those secrets transcend the quasi-immortal emperor level and involve the imperial realm.

This made Xu Yu's expression slightly change, and he immediately judged that it was the mystery that surpassed the realm of quasi-immortal emperor and was a real immortal emperor rune.

In that darkness, there are avenue runes blooming. As the source of darkness spreads outward, there are not many, but they are amazing. Every rune is very obscure and involves too many. For the quasi-immortal emperor, it is extremely precious. ,
The profound meaning of the Immortal Emperor's scriptures is so shocking that it is no wonder that Old Man Mieshi and others want to come here to explore and voluntarily fall into the darkness!
Because, through darkness, they can find an opportunity to break through the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. For them, this is undoubtedly the dawn of despair!
However, in Xu Yu's view, even giving them the complete Immortal Emperor scriptures will not help. At most, they will continue to make difficult progress in the realm of quasi-immortal emperors, and at most they will reach the level of the old man who destroyed the world. Because they are all quasi-immortal emperors, not quasi-immortal emperors like Shi Hao who has opened up his own evolutionary path,

Strictly speaking, he himself, as well as Shi Hao, Liu Shen and others, are not just quasi-immortal emperors, but Tao ancestors!
Only the creatures who create and expand the road are qualified to be called Dao Ancestors!
They are also in the quasi-immortal emperor realm, but they are the pinnacle existences in the quasi-immortal emperor realm! There are not many Taoist ancestors in the world.

As for Dao Ancestor, the probability of breaking through the Immortal Emperor is even higher.

In the distance, the dark substance becomes thicker, spraying outwards, and terrifying, but the runes contained within it contain shocking mysteries!
"Whoever learns from me will live, and whoever resembles me will die!"

Xu Yu's expression was very calm, and his eyes were sparkling. He was not in a hurry to get it, but stood there indifferently, observing!
If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to bear it long ago. After all, the shocking fortune is right in front of them. If they miss it, they may never have the chance again.

But Xu Yu had a stable nature, and his innate divine eyes could penetrate many mysteries, which made him aware of many things that were wrong, so he could remain calm.

It wasn't until much later that he began to carefully observe the runes, think about them silently, break them down, and deduce them.

Soon, he revealed his strange color, and all the scriptures were imprinted in the origin of darkness. If you want to contact the scriptures, you must touch the darkness.

During this process, as he captured the runes of the avenue, the origin of darkness was also refined to be integrated into his body.

"This is the darkening..."

Xu Yu clearly understood that this is how the dark matter in the bodies of the Old Man of Destruction and the Three Emperors Cang Hongyu came from. If things go on like this, they will definitely be fully invaded by the dark matter. Even if the quasi-immortal emperor has accumulated too much Taoism, it will be difficult to eliminate it.

Because the dark matter in this place involves the true imperial level.

Creatures like Old Man Destroying the World and Cang You are cold and merciless for the sake of becoming the Immortal Emperor. Believe that the great road is ruthless and that only the emperor is eternal.
At their level, as long as they can achieve the status of Immortal Emperor, they can do anything.

What’s the point of absorbing the source of darkness!
After hundreds of millions of years of ups and downs, perhaps any strong person will get tired and will not care about anyone except himself!
The road is ruthless, the heart is like frost, they will be involved in everything, only transcending everything is the final choice!
Relatively speaking, Xu Yu can better understand their choices, but after all, they are enemies.

Dark matter surged, Xu Yu observed silently, and began to refine. Every time he refined, he could get less than runes, which was of great benefit.

At the same time, fire erupted from his body, like a glazed flame, forcing all the dark matter out,

After a period of observation, he found that his energy and spirit had been drained, and a lot of it had been absorbed by the dark place, which was equivalent to an exchange.

He exchanged his energy and spirit for scriptures, but was eroded by darkness.

At the same time, he forced out more and more dark matter, and obtained more and more Immortal Emperor scriptures.

He continued to take steps to explore more and wanted to see what the condition of the corpse was.

Not long after, he saw a layer of black light, covering a large area in front of him.
Among them, it is hazy and blurry, and an outline can be vaguely seen!
"Immortal Emperor of Corpses!"

Xu Yu's eyes were blazing. It was a huge humanoid creature, even bigger than the mountains. He was sitting on a stone chair, lying on his back, his body was mutilated.

Xu Yu's heart palpitated. Why does this person feel so familiar...

His eyes became even more blazing, and the beam of light shot into the sky, operating his innate divine eyes to the extreme, staring carefully into the depths of the black mist.

Finally, he saw it clearly. Under the bloody dusk, in the desolate and troubled mountains, black mist rolled, and a giant lay on his back in the imperial chair polished from the stone mountain.

His whole body was pitch black, and his body seemed to be rotten, exuding a rich black mist, which was the true origin of the dark matter.

The darkness comes from a corpse! That is the corpse emperor in front of me!
"The breath of the Black Lord!"

Xu Yu's eyes moved and he sensed the aura left by the Black Lord on the Corpse Immortal Emperor. Because he had teamed up with his divine mind, he sensed it immediately.

Moreover, the Corpse Immortal Emperor has not only the aura of the Black Lord, but also the aura of another Immortal Emperor, who is expected to be the White Lord.

At the beginning, it was the Black Lord who attacked, and the White Lord assisted, who made the Corpse Immortal Emperor fall!
The corpse of the Immortal Emperor was very broken, as if it had been torn apart, starting from the head and spreading to the abdomen. However, the head was surrounded by a group of black mist, and the face could not be seen clearly.

The upper half of the body was missing half, such as half of the head, left arm, etc., but the lower half of the body remained intact. He was lying on his back on a stone chair.

Corpse Immortal Emperor!
If that huge body were lifted up, it would definitely stand upright against the sky. There is a vague coercion and aura of the Immortal Emperor on his body.

Even if he is dead, he can still do this, which shows how terrifying and fascinating it was at the beginning!
Dark matter is all emitted by rotten words, corroding this ancient land. The source of the black disaster in this world is here!
If you look closely, you can see that there are divine chains of order locking him, tying him up and trapping him on the stone chair. At the same time, the light curtain, which was originally sacred, was also suppressed here, but it was corroded into black by dark matter.

It seems that he is no different from the human race, except that he is huge and boundless
Only his face was surrounded by a thick black substance, making it unreal and very mysterious.

"Who is it?"

Although Xu Yu couldn't see clearly, he felt that the breath was becoming more and more familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was, as if all traces had been erased.

When it comes to the quasi-immortal emperor, all the horizons are obscured, making it extremely difficult to deduce. What's more, for the immortal emperor, everything in the past, present, and future is almost undetectable. Even for him, it is extremely difficult to detect.

Countless darkness invaded, rushing toward his body, trying to pierce his skin, penetrate into his soul, and completely blacken him!
His eyes were blazing, and he constructed a symbol of the avenue, turning it into a light curtain to block the black mist. At the same time, his energy and blood surged, surged, and vibrated, isolating those breaths and forming a protective wall.

At this time, the dark matter was too strong, almost assimilating him. One can imagine the vast power of darkness in Old Man Destruction and others.

"Who is it?"

His mind became more and more throbbing, and he began to use amazing deduction skills. He did not use it on the corpse immortal emperor, but began to deduce the traces of the past events in this place.

He used his Taoism, activated his supreme magic power, and began to evolve, hoping to find the past events of this place.

(End of this chapter)

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