Chapter 526 Former friends

The heaven and earth collapsed, and everything returned to ruins. In this place, fairy phoenixes were flying, divine dragons were circling, and the golden lotuses of the avenue were blooming one after another, and various scenes appeared.
Because this place was too extraordinary and involved the Immortal Emperor, that's why he encountered such resistance.

Creatures of this level have naturally deceived Tianji and cannot be explored by them.

That is to say, Xu Yu's mysterious methods, astonishing cultivation, and his unparalleled deduction skills made it possible to force him to observe, otherwise it would be difficult for other quasi-immortal emperors to do so.

Finally, he saw those blurry but real scenes.

He saw this body that had breathed and breathed in the past!
"Sure enough, he is still alive, but I don't know why he breathed out so many years in advance." Xu Yu frowned and looked at those scenes.

The time when the Corpse Immortal Emperor breathed out was many years earlier than the original trajectory. I don’t know if it was an accidental coincidence or other reasons!
Many years ago, it was his breath that spewed out black mist, turned into avenue runes, rolled out overwhelmingly, swept across the sea of ​​​​world, and spread across the Immortal Realm.

When he inhaled, the infinite essence of many large areas such as the Immortal Realm and the Burial Ground was drawn away and gathered here.

In a breath, all worlds are overturned!
This is the power of the Corpse Immortal Emperor!
However, after he finished all this, the Corpse Immortal Emperor seemed to have lost his strength and fell into a coma.

Xu Yu was secretly frightened. Fortunately, he could not continue to breathe. Otherwise, it would have been an unimaginable disaster for all walks of life.

Spurting out one's own dark essence, absorbing the holy loan and pure essence, this is like a fair and equal exchange.

Later, he traced back to the source and saw Emperor Yu, Emperor Cang and others coming here with pure power to refine the darkness and obtain the scriptures of the Immortal Emperor.
Then, he saw the people of darkness, kowtowing step by step, extremely pious, and was led to this place.

One after another, the ancient palaces were shrouded in darkness. Many geniuses, a large number of talents, and the creatures in the dark cage outside the pass have been eroded, absorbing the darkness, and at the same time their own pure origins have been absorbed away.

Then he saw four quasi-immortal emperors. In order to obtain scriptures, they would summon the people of darkness to come here to make sacrifices every once in a while.

However, they dare not continue to do this, and they are also afraid of falling completely into darkness and losing themselves.

Of course, they also attacked this place and had a big battle, hoping to completely break this place. Wait until you enter to get the real Immortal Emperor Rune.

"It's a pity that we can't see the face of the corpse!"

After Xu Yu's exploration was fruitless, he began to sit here cross-legged, enlightening and practicing, hoping to enter the true realm of the Immortal Emperor.

Thousands of years have passed in a hurry

One day, he was suddenly awakened. He suddenly raised his head and looked into the deepest part of the Ultimate Ancient Land.

In the darkness, there was a pair of empty eyes, slowly opening and staring at him.

"Later, do you want to take over the great cause and effect with an Immortal Emperor?" A cold voice came, his face was wrapped in black mist, and the corpse was opening its mouth, it could happen.

"Who are you!"

Xu Yu shouted. He felt that this creature was definitely familiar to him. When he heard his voice, the familiar feeling in his heart became stronger.

"The only one in heaven and earth - Emperor!" The majestic voice penetrated into the darkness. If there was not a light curtain there, it would definitely shake the world.

Even so, this ancient land is beginning to tremble and rumble, and the stars in the sky are falling and blooming.

At the same time, the black mist that shrouded the emperor's corpse gradually dispersed, revealing a majestic and familiar face.

"Feng Yuan..." Xu Yu's eyes widened and she couldn't help but call out.

Feng Yuan!

I saw that his face was no different from Feng Yuan in the past Origin Era.


After a moment of silence, in the darkness, a dazzling beam of light suddenly emitted from the eyes of the corpse, red as blood, staring closely at Xu Yu...

An eternity passed, and when I looked back on my past, I saw this person again!
The eyes of the Corpse Immortal Emperor are blazing, and the light beam from the red eyes is so astonishing. It flows through the vicissitudes of eternity, leading up to Qingming Immortal Mansion, down to Jiuyou Huangquan, and the vast aura is overwhelming.

"Feng Yuan!"

Xu Yu sighed softly. How could Xu Yu not recognize his appearance? Even if it takes hundreds of millions of years to reincarnate, he would not forget this face easily.

And Xu Yu couldn't calm down. He didn't expect that the Immortal Emperor of Corpses, the ultimate villain in perfection, turned out to be Feng Yuan.

Feng Yuan from the Origin Era!
In the Origin Era, the guy who often followed him and called him brother was actually the legendary Corpse Immortal Emperor.

Dark clouds surged, darkness rolled, and both of them fell silent in the Ultimate Land, making the Ultimate Land seem even more silent.

"Brother, eternity has passed away and the sea has turned into dust. I never thought that you and I, brothers, could meet again in this life!"

In the darkness, the corpse exuding a rotting atmosphere made such a loud sound, and his eyes suddenly became as dark as ink, becoming more and more terrifying.

"Unexpectedly, the source of the black trouble in this world is actually you. Are you... still the same person you used to be?"

Xu Yu concentrated, looked at the terrifying corpse as huge as a mountain, and sighed slightly.

It can only be said that fate is unpredictable and fortune plays a trick on people.

Who would have thought that in that era, that young man who was so heroic and ambitious would become the source of evil troubles?

"Naturally, I have always been me, the only one in heaven and earth, and will last forever!"

The obsession within the corpse is very domineering, with a domineering temperament, and it is aloof, as if it wants to control everything in the world, and no one can disobey it.

"Since the origin, you have disappeared for countless epochs. When I came to the sea of ​​​​world, I did not find your figure. I thought that you had fallen, and even our world was destroyed. But you can still appear now, which is surprising. I was surprised."

The Corpse Immortal Emperor said coldly, his eyes emitting a terrifying beam of light, which was extremely shocking. Obviously he was also very surprised.

"How was that realm destroyed?" Xu Yu frowned.

The realm he was talking about was naturally the realm where he first came to the Origin Era, and it was also the realm where he became the first human emperor.

He remembered that after he left that world and experienced countless years, when he looked back again, it was already in ruins and disintegrated. This has always been an unsolved mystery in his heart.
"I don't know, my body is not complete, and there are still some memories left." The Corpse Immortal Emperor said calmly,

Xu Yu nodded slightly. The person in front of him was not the complete Feng Yuan.

He still has part of his pure soul, which was sealed in a rotten wooden box, and part of his body is in the small coffin in Da Luo Jian's womb. Now he is not in the complete form of the Immortal Emperor, otherwise he would not be ordered. The divine chain is locked.

"After you left, after I became an Immortal King in cultivation, I began to cross the boundary sea to look for traces of you..." Next, Feng Yuan, to be precise, the Corpse Immortal Emperor, told many past events, and he also understood a general idea .

The original Feng Yuan waited for him for many years after achieving the Immortal Kingship, but in the end he didn't wait for him, so he was ready to hit the road.

He was about to leave that realm and go to the realm sea to find Xu Yu, but before leaving, he needed to establish himself as a human emperor.

The human race cannot live without a master for a day. In order to commemorate Xu Yu, he left Xu Yu's deeds and statues in the human race, and then he disappeared into the boundary sea in front of him.

Although he did not find Xu Yu, he rose rapidly step by step in the boundary sea, and slowly became a quasi-immortal emperor, and later became an immortal emperor. When he broke through, he encountered a strange attack and fell into darkness.

"It's a pity that you have fallen into darkness..."

Xu Yu shook his head, feeling a little regretful that such an outstanding person in the past was now completely plunged into darkness.

"It is true that it has been eroded by the darkness, but so what? Even if you fall into the darkness, you are still the only emperor, immortal and immortal. Brother, if you join me, we can see the splendor of the world and the bright picture of the world together. ." The Corpse Immortal Emperor said coldly and comfortably.

"Falling into darkness, you are no longer you. The real Feng Yuan would not say such words." Xu Yu shook his head.

"I am Feng Yuan, Feng Yuan is me, brother, why can't you see clearly even though you are outside the puzzle?" The voice of the Corpse Immortal Emperor was a little cold, and it was accompanied by a faint murderous intention.

"Different Taoists do not seek each other's will. Don't worry, I will find your true body and bring you back completely and completely."

Xu Yu spoke calmly, his eyes were extremely deep, looking at the Immortal Emperor who was as big as a mountain of corpses, he spoke coldly.

Xu Yu knew that Feng Yuan was him, but he was not Feng Yuan.

The current corpse is just a strong man who fell into darkness. He may have retained the memory of his previous life, and was affected by Feng Yuan's body, and he also had some feelings for Xu Yu, but it was not him after all.

Otherwise, Feng Yuan would not have set up a light curtain and let the Divine Chain of Order lock his corpse, because the corpse might get lost and cause disaster to the world at any time.

"In this case, you insist on being my enemy. Even if I call you brother, you must not violate the emperor's will!" The Corpse Immortal Emperor said coldly again,
Xu Yu's body shook slightly, and his soul was attacked invisibly, as if there was a will to control his body and kill his soul.


The light in Xu Yu's eyes flowed, splitting the sky, and struck at this will. Sparks scattered in front of him, making a loud noise, causing the entire void to split open, and large cracks were densely covered.

"You are attacking me!" Xu Yu said coldly.

Even though he knew that the person in front of him was not the real Feng Yuan, but the blackened part, he still had a hard time accepting it.

At the same time, at the Corpse Immortal Emperor, immeasurable dark matter erupted, turning into a shocking storm and impacting outwards.

Unfortunately, there was a light curtain covering it, which directly blocked a large amount of his dark matter. Only part of it overflowed, and the power was suddenly reduced.

The dark matter rushed out and turned into a ferocious dragon. It bared its teeth and claws and had unparalleled magical power as it fought towards Xu Yu.

This demonic dragon is extremely extraordinary and can fight against a quasi-immortal emperor!
After a fierce battle, Xu Yu defeated the dark dragon, but he transformed into a black phoenix, soaring with wings, carrying a world-destroying black flame, and burned it.

Xu Yu's fist seal is like a sea of ​​stars burning, like blood stains on the heaven and earth, hitting the black phoenix.

Next, the dark matter continued to evolve in countless ways, and many of them had dangerous forms and magical techniques, which were very eye-catching.

As a Taoist ancestor who has half-stepped into the realm of the Immortal Emperor, Xu Yu's strength is astonishing. He killed all the creatures transformed by the Corpse Immortal Emperor.

"Brother, why are you so stubborn?" the corpse said quietly in the darkness.

In the darkness, the Immortal Emperor of Corpses suddenly opened his mouth and exhaled forcefully. In an instant, the world turned upside down and the sun and moon fell together.

The sky collapsed, and the dark matter turned into a hurricane, intertwined with dense avenue symbols. It shook the boundary sea and caused huge waves.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is that he took a breath and suddenly caused a drastic change. He tried to plunder the essence of heaven and earth on the other side of the boundary sea again, but failed.

"seal up!"

Xu Yu moved his hands, and a brilliant symbol appeared. There were real dragons coiled around, fairy phoenixes flying, and Suzakus with monstrous fire across the sky. It was like a vast prehistoric world. Fight!
He couldn't watch him destroy the other side of the world sea. This was the terrifying power of an Immortal Emperor.

Even if it is blocked by the light curtain and there are major problems with his body, in the end, he will still have the power of the peak quasi-immortal emperor level, which is not something that ordinary people can withstand.

This big collision was much more intense and dangerous than when he killed the Dark Matter and turned into the Ten Evils just now.

Even Xu Yu felt that his body was about to burst and his soul was about to explode.

Because, the Immortal Emperor of Corpse sat up from the stone chair violently, and the chain of order that was tied to his body made a clanging sound, and finally collapsed. Immortal Emperor of Corpse chanted a spell, and sprayed out some killing light from his mouth, trying to kill Xu Yu. .

"Those who rebel against the emperor will perish even if they are my brothers!" the Corpse Immortal Emperor said coldly.

This is not a really fierce battle, but it is extremely dangerous. The methods of the Corpse Immortal Emperor are extremely amazing. Even if he is restrained like this, the degree of danger is higher than that of the Old Man of Destruction.

In the end, Xu Yu blocked his terrifying offensive and did not let him plunder the essence of heaven and earth.

The corpse was tied up, trapped there, and suppressed by the light curtain. It exerted such power, which was really shocking.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is only a remnant, not a complete corpse. All that is left is obsession.

"I am the emperor, and although I am dead, you and I are the emperor, and we are destined to die!" The dark corpse said coldly, with an infinite chill.

"Needless to say, there will be a war!"

Xu Yu closed her eyes and began to continue her retreat to understand the path of the Immortal Emperor.

With his keen eyesight, he could already see that there was a big problem with this corpse. It was suppressed there, forced to struggle, and consumed a lot, and now it was about to fall into deep sleep again.

The corpse was covered with a divine chain of order, and the chain trapped him, seeming to make him sleepy and spent his entire adult life in a deep sleep.

Xu Yu knew that this was what Feng Yuan did when he was awake. He was afraid that after his complete depravity, all living beings would be devastated, so he imprisoned himself.

However, with the return of dark matter, and Feng Yuan's absorption of the essence from the other side of the boundary sea, sooner or later, he will break free from the chain of order that his original body arranged.

By that time, if he has not become a true Immortal Emperor, I am afraid that the whole world will perish.

(End of this chapter)

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