As time passed, Xu Yu realized the Tao for tens of thousands of years, his strength transformed again, and his body evolved again.

This time, the transformation is more complete than before. The light of the Immortal Emperor is rippling and blessing all over his body.

There is only one final leap left to truly reach the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

"Emperor Realm!"

Xu Yu spoke softly. He was creating magic, carving out his own path, and studying his own unparalleled imperial magic.

Over the next tens of thousands of years, his whole body shone brightly, his aura exploded, he underwent astonishing transformations, and one door after another opened in his body.

His whole body was glowing, and magical runes were engraved on his body one after another. Many big stars turned to ashes in an instant, and all the galaxies collapsed, leaving only this true body, which seemed to have smelted all the Tao fruits.

"Why, it's always close!" Xu Yu's hair was flying, and his eyes were blazing. He felt that his whole person had been sublimated, but his realm was still unable to reach the realm of the Immortal Emperor, as if there were always some flaws.

"Break it for me!"

Xu Yu roared, and his whole body burned, bright red and as pure as ruby.

I saw that in the blazing sea of ​​fire, as bright as ruby, his whole body was surrounded by dots of light rain, like an ancient phoenix reborn from nirvana.

He used the Immortal Phoenix Nirvana Technique to undergo a world-shaking transformation, in order to eliminate the flaws in the Dao Fruit and completely enter the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

His whole body was intertwined with blazing light, and his Taoism was fused into one, melted into a single point, and exploded in an instant.

With a bang, he succeeded, and his whole body was like a fairy phoenix reborn from nirvana, with a mighty aura flowing out!
The aura of the Immortal Emperor filled the air! The Immortal Emperor of the Corpse was awakened.

Deep in the Ultimate Ancient Land, the Corpse Immortal Emperor was awakened again, his eyes became increasingly cold, and he said: "My good brother, has he really reached the emperor's realm?"

His eyes were extremely strange, gradually turning from a black hole to a little golden light. He sat up and straightened the chain of order on his body again.

But the next moment, Xu Yu felt the changes in her body and looked inside, feeling that something was missing.

"This is not my way!" Xu Yu coughed up a mouthful of blood. Although the Immortal Phoenix Nirvana is very powerful, it is not the emperor's way. He took the initiative to quickly withdraw from that stable state.

He wants to achieve his own exclusive imperial path, that is what is best for him!
His body became weak for a while, and he withdrew from the wonderful environment of the Imperial Realm. His whole body was crumbling and suffered backlash.


He was surprised to find that although his realm had fallen, his combat power did not seem to have been lost much, and he still seemed to have immortal emperor-level combat power.

"I almost let you succeed. I can't let you continue!" the Corpse Immortal Emperor said coldly.

With an earth-shattering roar, two bright golden rainbows shot out from the eyes of this huge creature, shooting at Xu Yu, turning into two heavenly swords, intended to penetrate his head and completely cut off his vitality.

His forehead bones glowed, and the Immortal Golden Cauldron soared into the sky, emitting the radiance of the Emperor. It clanged and blocked all the heavenly swords transformed into golden rainbow light.

Today's Immortal Golden Cauldron has long evolved into a godless weapon that is not weaker than the real Immortal Emperor's weapon. Just wait for Xu Yu's final leap to become an Immortal Emperor's weapon.

"Let's fight!"

Xu Yu roared loudly, and his eyes tore through the world. Various ancient beasts rushed out from his eyes and turned into tangible substances.

Suzaku brought fairy fire and fought across three thousand realms; the gods of chaos opened up the world and roared to the sky; Kunpeng flapped its wings and shattered many big stars in the universe
All the black mist evaporated, and it disappeared inch by inch. In an instant, the ancient land was as bright as day!
At this moment, the power of the Immortal Emperor bloomed, vast and unpredictable, the heavens opened up, and the heavens collapsed!
"How is it possible? You didn't fall to the Lower Emperor Realm!" The corpse Immortal Emperor's dark pupils revealed a look of surprise.

How can a person who has fallen to the imperial realm still maintain the fighting power of the imperial realm!
"In the world, I am the only one who will be eternal. There will never be a second emperor born. Killing you to establish the Dao today will also break the last bond of the mortal world!"

Deep in the Ultimate Ancient Land, the corpse of the Immortal Emperor had already sat up, his hair standing on end, his eyes extremely cold, and then he shot out a blazing beam of light.

"Back then, I taught you how to practice. Today, I will let you know what fighting is!" Xu Yu shouted.

Xu Yu's aura was extremely terrifying, and the fighting spirit surged into the sky, overwhelming all the heavens and worlds, causing a huge earthquake in the depths of the Ultimate Ancient Land...

One thought brings about a hundred lifetimes of silence; the eyes turn and the world changes!
Deep in the Ultimate Ancient Land, an astonishing drastic change is taking place. The black mist surges like a wave, almost turning into a tangible substance.

The sky is drooping and the black mist is endless. Only Xu Yu's figure in white stands under the sky. Let the stars disappear and watch the sea turn into smoke, and the whole body is filled with blazing light.
His white clothes are as white as snow, his eyes are deep and unparalleled, and they contain the scene of the destruction of the galaxy. The aura in his body makes the universe crack, and the order of all things naturally collapses.

"I am the emperor, respected by all the heavens and worlds. Are you worthy of teaching me a lesson?" The Immortal Emperor of Corpse scolded coldly and spoke quietly.

As he opened his mouth, the endless black mist of the Ultimate Land rolled and rolled overwhelmingly, filling the entire universe. Any wisp of black mist could cause a king to fall into disaster and turn into a dark creature.

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, and there was a scene where the world was opening and closing, and the universe was collapsing. There was no defense at all. The sharp light in his eyes seemed to have spanned eternity.

His eyes pierced the sky and split the earth, killed gods and immortals, went up against the sky, and purified the black mist oppressing the universe.
At the same time, a ray of breath overflowed, causing endless waves in the boundary sea to rise and fall.

The movement of his eyes actually affected all realms.

Xu Yu's fighting power was astonishing, his disillusionment disappeared in the void, he walked in the beginning of the world, and stood at the end of the world.

The ultimate ancient land is filled with black mist, raging and

It came out in a mighty and mighty way, seeming to infect all the heavens.

The Immortal Emperor of Corpses was sitting on a stone chair, looking like he was lording over the world, looking down at Xu Yu from a high position, cold and ruthless.

"If you want to fight me, you must first remove the seal I left in the past. I wonder if you have the strength, my good brother." The Immortal Emperor of Corpses said coldly, with a sneer on his lips.

"Why don't you dare!" Xu Yu said lightly, extremely calm, and looked at the Corpse Immortal Emperor indifferently,


Xu Yu dropped his palm sword, and the clanging sound was endless. Like the Milky Way falling, it was endless, and the Divine Chain of Order on the Corpse Immortal Emperor was suddenly broken, and the Divine Chain could no longer restrain him.

The Corpse Immortal Emperor's pupils shrank slightly, revealing a strange color. Unexpectedly, he actually cut off the chain of the God of Order.

The black light curtain that originally covered his mountainous area shattered like ice crystals at this moment, and was then absorbed by him. This was the power of his rules that he used to seal himself back then.

He only had one hand, half a head, missing eyes, and was just a broken body. He looked extremely miserable, but he was filled with astonishing imperial power.

"I'm free!" The Immortal Emperor of Corpses roared into the sky, filled with black mist, sweeping through the Ultimate Ancient Land to the other side of the Boundary Sea. Xu Yu's sleeves rolled up, and endless light danced, filling all the black mist, preventing it from spreading to other great realms.
"Brother, thank you very much. To express my gratitude, I will send you to the afterlife!" The Corpse Immortal Emperor said indifferently, filled with murderous intent.

The Corpse Immortal Emperor's pupils were blood red, and they were as intimidating as two magic knives. His aura was as strong as the sun, and his fingers were spread out. The beams of light shot out one after another, hitting him.

Each thumb is like a sword made of condensed black mist, which is extremely dazzling, and the divine light is as sharp as a drill, piercing the whole world.

"Immortal Emperor of Corpses, you are not an emperor, you are just a decayed body, sleep in peace!"

Xu Yu stepped on the fairy light, squeezed the magic formula with his hands, and condensed a magic seal.

The big seal is like the blue sky, in all four directions, like the emperor's jade seal falling down, destroying all things, one after another of auspicious energy falling down, invincible!
This is the Chaos Seal!
If the sky falls, with one blow, all the light beams will turn into ashes like passing clouds, and they will be destroyed by him!
"I fell from the Immortal Emperor realm, but I have gained the emperor-level combat power. Maybe it's not even close, but I have the capital to go toe-to-toe with the Immortal Emperor."

The hollow eye sockets of the Corpse Immortal Emperor were deep-set and extremely dark.

Although it was just a broken corpse, and the expression could not be seen, one could feel its solemnity. This brother of his was always so unexpected.

"It's just a corpse. I also want to know how much of your former peak power you still have. I'm very interested," Xu Yu said calmly.
"Disrespect the emperor and you will be punished!" Immortal Emperor of the Corpse

Drink loudly.

A sound like a tsunami came out, and black mist rushed up from behind the Corpse Immortal Emperor, like billions of ancient stars sinking, and all the big stars were annihilated into ashes.

He is like an ancient demon that has existed for hundreds of millions of years. He was born out of nowhere, with monstrous black energy raging in all directions. Every inch is black light and every inch is black flame.
The black energy was so vast that it submerged Xu Yu and tried to refine it. In an instant, many of the ancient remnants in the sea of ​​​​world were instantly turned into dust.

One after another, the sound of swords and the sound of phoenix chants were emitted in the black light. The swords and swords were shining, the immortal phoenix was flying, the unicorn was roaring, and the real dragon was circling. The ten evil magic techniques were performed to the extreme by the Corpse Immortal Emperor.

Xu Yu remained motionless and resisted the attack.

And, after he stabilized the situation, he moved forward on foot, pressing forward.

With each step, this ultimate ancient land trembled, billions of stars rose and fell, and the vast aura filled the sky and earth, terrifying.

Xu Yu formed a seal with both hands and released the power of the avenue. The runes appeared one after another, stirring up the past and present, as if they had penetrated into the future, and aroused unspeakable power.

After he formed the seal and took it, all the runes merged and bloomed with fairy light!
He suppressed the attack with force, it was his supreme power, the runes were overwhelming for eternity, and he hit his chest with a bang, knocking out the power that caused the universe to collapse.

The Corpse Immortal Emperor was glowing all over, with a faint golden light rippling from his black body, having shed most of his terrifying power.
Xu Yu's pupils shrank and her face moved slightly.
Rong, that is the Immortal Sutra, which was passed down to Feng Yuan by him in the Origin Era.

"Recognized you? Yes, it is the Immortal Sutra. Now, I have interpreted it into the unparalleled imperial law." The Corpse Immortal Emperor said coldly.

"So what? It's just a corpse after all!"

Endless light bloomed, the gorgeous light between the two burned fiercely, and the sound of chanting became eternity.

The duel between the two split open the universe, and the ancient times were fragments of time. The two of them participated in creation and covered the past and present, as if they were reversing the long river of time.

The duel between the two emperors is enough to shock the ages. The long river of time emerges and the light curtains interweave, shocking ancient history!
Throughout the ages, such battles have been rare. They were so shocking that they were enough to shock the ages and make everyone in the Thirty-three Heavens tremble.

The only regret is that neither of them is in peak condition.

One is the incomplete corpse Immortal Emperor, and the other is an incomplete Immortal Emperor.

However, the combat power of both of them has reached the emperor level, which can be called a shocking battle.

"I'm invincible!"

The Immortal Emperor of the Corpse roared, his body covered with black energy that blocked out the sun, his hair stood on end, his eyebrows also stood up, he released dazzling divine light, the entire starry sky shook violently, and a sea of ​​stars fell!

The emperor's fist flew across the sky, breaking the light of the galaxy in the universe. The two black rivers seemed to connect the past and the present, and their power was shocking.

Xu Yu's eyes suddenly blazed like a torch. The essence and blood all over his body burned, almost boiling. The Dao Fruit in his body seemed to have turned into a cocoon, with wisps of light intertwined and ready to break out of the cocoon at any time.

His body flashed in the starry sky, like a war immortal coming to the world, the most powerful and strong, confronting the Corpse Immortal Emperor head-on, fighting many times, and endless blood splashed.

The murderous aura weighs billions, like mountains and rivers erupting, like the sea bursting its banks, like the starry sky collapsing, rumbling and roaring, and blazing lightning flooding the universe.

After thousands of moves, Xu Yu landed a palm, and the sound shook the sky for eternity. The universe collapsed, and the corpse of the Immortal Emperor flew out!
The Corpse Immortal Emperor flew up and smashed into the endless star. The entire human joints moved out of position and were almost shattered.

Xu Yu's body was in tatters, blood was flowing from his body, and it was riddled with holes, like a piece of worn-out porcelain that would crack at any time.

This battle was earth-shattering, and the two men fought so fiercely.

"After all, it's still a little bit worse," Xu Yu's eyes were as condensed as a sword, shining brightly.

He once used the Immortal Phoenix Nirvana Technique to forcefully enter the Emperor Realm. Although he exited the Immortal Emperor Realm, his combat power has not dropped, and he is not much different from the real Immortal Emperor.

It is a pity that his Yuan Shen does not maintain the Emperor Realm Yuan Shen, and has some flaws, otherwise it would not be so difficult to fight against the Immortal Emperor of the Corpse Immortal Emperor.

"Am I defeated?"

Among the ruins of the star, a tattered skeleton stood up staggeringly, with dark eye sockets, standing there motionless, as if he was a little distracted.

"Brother, you are still so stunning. It's a pity. As the emperor, I am undefeated." Soon his eyes seemed to light up with black fire,

The Immortal Emperor of Corpses roared, his eyes blazing, shining brightly in the heavens, sweeping across all realms.

At the same time, the fairyland shook. A rotten wooden box trembled violently and shook wildly. Then it flew away with a loud sound, at an incredible speed.

Immediately afterwards, Daluo Jian Fei flew across the sky and flew away.

"not good!"

Shi Hao, who was sitting in the Tiandi City, suddenly opened his eyes, chased the stars and the moon, spread out his Kunpeng wings and passed away, wanting to catch the rotten wooden box and Da Luo sword embryo!
However, the rotten wooden box and the Daluo sword were too fast, surpassing the quasi-immortal emperor, and suddenly disappeared without a trace in front of Shi Hao...

(End of this chapter)

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