The boundless sea boiled, huge waves surged into the sky, and countless broken ancient worlds were reduced to dust under the pressure of the vast Immortal Emperor.

Deep in the sky, a rotten wooden box flew back from the boundary sea and landed in front of the Corpse Immortal Emperor.

"What, you're out of trouble!"

The soul imprint in the rotten wooden box noticed the current situation and was obviously shocked. He made a sound and shook there. It was just that he had just been awakened and had not yet awakened. He had not yet recognized Xu Yu.

Xu Yu's expression was dull, his body was surrounded and wrapped by strands of fairy light, and he quickly repaired his injured body.

The Immortal Emperor of the Corpse raised his hand and burst out with boundless divine light, directly blasting towards the rotten wooden box. The terrifying aura surged and the rotten wooden box cracked!
The next moment, the rotten wooden box exploded, and bursts of light rained down, extremely gorgeous, covering the place, as if the most sacred thing had been born.

When everything calmed down, a temple appeared, ancient and mysterious, with a sense of historical vicissitudes. It was made of wood and was extraordinary in its antiquity.

Xu Yu's white clothes were dancing, her black hair was flowing, and her eyes were shining brightly, staring at the ancient temple.

It possesses unfathomable power, contains the breath of creation, is the product of origin, and now chaos surges from the inside out.

At the same time, Xu Yu saw a creature sitting cross-legged in the ancient temple.

It was a ball of blazing light, wrapped in a living being, shrouded in light mist. It sat there cross-legged and suddenly opened its eyes, giving people an extremely mysterious feeling.

That was transformed into a trace of the soul's mark!
"Huh? An emperor! Something familiar!"

The creature sitting cross-legged in the rotten wooden box was a trace of the soul mark, but at this moment it spoke in surprise.

At this time, two golden rainbows shot out from the eyes of the Corpse Immortal Emperor, and the golden light was also entangled with black light, shooting towards the temple.

"Presumptuous, what are you doing!"

In the temple, the creatures in the light fought fiercely and did not succumb to the Corpse Immortal Emperor.

"You and I are of the same origin. Today we should unite and fight against the enemy together!"

The Primordial Spirit mark in the oldest temple was shocked after hearing the words. It was awakened by the impact of this avenue rune, and many things came to mind.

"Brother, is it you? It's really you!"

The soul mark was excited, and he spoke in a trembling voice.

However, the next second, he was entangled by two beams of light and condensed together.

call out!
The two groups of light entangled with the soul mark, were compatible with each other, and finally merged with the physical body.

"I didn't expect that I would return to my physical body again. I am still me, but you are no longer you," the corpse said lightly, his eyes flowing with golden light.

"This is brother, do you want to take action too!"

The soul mark angrily rebuked and continued to speak
Dao, after the fusion, he naturally knew who the enemy the Corpse Immortal Emperor was talking about.

"What's the difference? You are me, and I am you! As for my brother, he is our bond in this life. His ways are contrary to ours. We should kill him and eliminate any future troubles!" The black light flashed, and the corpse immortal emperor spoke.

"Presumptuous, that's my brother, how dare you take action against him? You are a dark body, so of course my brother will not associate with you!
My choice was just like my brother's, the darkness broke into my body, so I chose to lock up my remaining body!"

"Part of the soul left, and you took away part of the body!" the Corpse Immortal Emperor said coldly.

"The purpose is to save myself and leave some pure flesh and blood and soul behind. Maybe there will be a chance to recover one day."

"Purity, haha, has been completely eroded long ago
Got it!" The Immortal Emperor of Corpses sneered.

Xu Yu's eyes condensed, knowing a lot about what happened back then.

When Feng Yuan first entered the realm of the Immortal Emperor, he was attacked by two chief priests. The power of darkness broke into his body and eroded his soul and body.

Then, he cut off part of his body, as well as some soul marks, and let him leave.

Then, he locked his true body here again, which was his own suppression.

He realized that something was wrong with him, and he was afraid it would bring disaster to the world.

However, now the Corpse Immortal Emperor has lost control and has gone to the opposite side.

"Brother, I'll hold him back. You leave quickly and advance to the Immortal Emperor realm completely, otherwise I won't be able to control myself." The corpse Immortal Emperor's eyes emitted a golden light, which was the mark of the soul when he spoke.

His face was ferocious, showing a trace of pain, as he was too much affected by the Corpse Immortal Emperor.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here today just to help you escape from the darkness!" Xu Yu said softly.

"Ha, that's ridiculous!" The corpse emperor's pupils turned black again, black holes, and he forcibly suppressed the soul mark, making him fall silent.

"After all, it's just a partial soul mark, so you still have to respect me!" the Corpse Immortal Emperor said indifferently.

"The imperial sword that has been silent for eternity is time to unsheath it again." The Corpse Immortal Emperor said coldly, reciting a spell and summoning.

With a sound, a sword appeared from the depths of the sky, coming from the other side of the sea boundary, emitting infinite light and suddenly slashing towards Xu Yu.

The sword body is brilliant, its fierce force has torn apart the heavens of all ages, and its power is extremely powerful. All things are born, destroyed, and decayed. It covers the long river of time!
At this moment, the power of the Immortal Emperor bloomed, so vast and inexplicable that the strong men in all the worlds noticed his resurgence.

His power is supreme, it can be said that it is unprecedented, and it truly affects all spirits and the void of all realms.

However, the next moment, blood splashed everywhere!
In fact, his body was not cut, but the sword energy was
It came through the hair and hurt his body!
Xu Yu pointed, and the whole arm turned red, transformed into a phoenix wing, auspicious flowers rushed up, and the red glow was dazzling.

This finger is extremely powerful. It embodies the divine nature of the Immortal Emperor. It is unstoppable, can destroy everything, and can destroy all spirits.

With a bang, it bounced on the sword tire, making him shake violently.

"The Imperial Sword is stained with blood!"

The next moment, the Corpse Immortal Emperor shouted loudly, and the sword body was extremely fierce. It fell again, bringing the Immortal Emperor's field with billions of sword lights across the sky, colliding with Xu Yu, and countless worlds were born and destroyed, and rotated!
The next moment, the most splendid light erupted from the Ultimate Ancient Land, directly illuminating the boundless starry sky, shaking the ages, and shattering all history.

Immortal Emperor Realm!
The warrior is unparalleled and can enter the emperor's palace in one step! This is his path to the Immortal Emperor!
Xu Yu's whole body transformed to the extreme, and his soul and body underwent qualitative changes. In the battle, he became a true unparalleled emperor!
Immortal Emperor Realm!
He has a majestic appearance, his black hair is naturally disheveled, his white clothes are as white as snow, his temperament is extraordinary, his spirit is as rich as jade, and he stands like an immortal monument.

An aura belonging to the Immortal Emperor grew as mighty as a vast ocean, gradually becoming more powerful and sweeping across all realms.

"Immortal Emperor!
Xu Yu just stood there, and his physical body would collapse the heavens of eternity. As time went by, everything was unstable because of his existence.

"Immortal Emperor, no, besides me, who can stand in the realm of Immortal Emperor?"

The Immortal Emperor of the Corpse was talking to himself, he was deep in thought, his face was a little gloomy, he did not expect that his brother seemed to have really established himself in this realm.

At the beginning, he could see that he had fallen to the Immortal Emperor Realm, but how quickly he had successfully transformed again and turned into the Immortal Emperor Flawless.

"Here, let me test how good you, the Corpse Immortal Emperor, are!" Xu Yu said calmly, very calmly.

"I am the first emperor in all eternity. Even if you are the emperor, it is not enough!" His blazing hair was flying, and his eyes shot out two astonishing rays of cold electricity, tearing apart the vast sky.


In an instant, thousands of swords roared together, and huge beams of light shot straight into the sky. Each beam was like a great mountain, and they were all filled with the slightest pressure from the Great Luo Sword Embryo.

This is not sword energy or sword light, it is just some energy fluctuations that naturally flow when it revives, but even so, it can level countless vast ancient worlds.
The sword embryo fell again, and the majestic sword monster You swept across the world. It seemed that even if thousands of suns gathered together, its light would not be as powerful. In front of him, everything was dim.

However, Xu Yu stretched out her hand and just flicked her fingers.
Da Luo's sword chirped softly, and it became quiet in an instant. He was actually restrained and could not show off his power again.

The mighty sword light of all realms, the immortal imperial sword, all its power came to an abrupt end in an instant. He held the sword and stroked its body gently.

In the cold light, the simple rough sword body turned out to be as bright as a mirror, reflecting Xu Yu's indifferent and deep pupils.

Xu Yu raised his eyes and looked up. Thin threads were flying and immersed in the sword body. He wanted to observe it, but unfortunately, the sword body was only filled with chaotic energy, and there was no trace of it.

According to rumors, Da Luo's sword embryo can reflect everything in the world of mortals and all things in the future. However, in Xu Yu's case, it can't reflect any scene. There is only an unpredictable chaos, as if it was deliberately hidden by heaven and cannot be seen.
"Do you want to take this sword in your hand and deal with me?" The Corpse Immortal Emperor was shocked in his heart and his pupils shrank. He was shocked that he had such fighting power after entering the Immortal Emperor realm for the first time.
"There is no need for an imperial sword. A pair of fists is enough to suppress the past, present and future. I will give you a chance to return to your peak and fight me."

Xu Yu spoke indifferently, her pupils emitting an astonishing beam of light as she stared at him. There was no joy or anger in her plain eyes. She said such words calmly, without joy or sorrow.

He flicked his fingers, and the Great Luo Sword Fetus trembled, turning into a sword light, peerlessly sharp!

Under the sky, the Corpse Immortal Emperor's pupils glowed with murderous light. He raised his hand to hold Da Luo's sword, and his aura suddenly increased a lot.

The void beside him cracked, and the peerless sword energy surged into the sky, cutting off the long river of time, and endless years began to appear.

Except for the calm after Xu Yu's death, the world sea was in great turmoil, shaking violently, in which countless ancient worlds were derived, disillusioned, and reincarnated.

"Brother, you are too trusting!"

The Immortal Emperor of the Corpse's face was gloomy. The other party dared to underestimate him so much. How could he endure it if he was so proud and arrogant.

"You are still so conceited. If I return to my peak, you will have no chance." The Immortal Emperor of Corpses said coldly.

"My blood is boiling, and I am thirsty for a rival. I hope you will not disappoint me." Xu Yu said.

"As you wish!" The Corpse Immortal Emperor's eyes were dark and profound. He pointed out a point, and a mighty force of rules swept towards Daluo Sword Embryo.

The next moment, Da Luo's sword tire cracked.

But at this moment, the Da Luo sword's embryo fell off, and finally a small gray coffin fell from inside.

"Sure enough, it's this small coffin!" Xu Yu's eyes turned.

Rumor has it that the real main material was refined into the coffin, while the leftover materials were refined into the sword tire.

The coffin was in the sword fetus. Although Xu Yu knew that the coffin was in the Da Luo sword fetus before, it was of no use because except for the Immortal Emperor, there was no way to break the seal of the sword fetus.

So now, the small coffin finally appeared
"I refined the sword, and this coffin has existed since ancient times. When facing him, whatever I see will determine the outcome. Back then, I saw myself becoming the Immortal Emperor of Corpses, locked here, and it finally came true.

What about you, will you die here in the end?"

The Immortal Emperor of Corpses said coldly, with a compelling chill in his tone.

The coffin has existed since ancient times, and the Daluo sword body is its leftover material, which he refined.

Xu Yu's face was dull, and he held the sword in his hand more than once. It was all blurry, and the future scene was not manifested, but he didn't know why.

"It's over. No matter what you see, you will die!" the Immortal Emperor of Corpses roared.

With a bang, the small coffin opened next to him, and a broken body fell from it, belonging to the upper body, bloody.

This is the pure physical body that was separated from the corpse in the past. Just like the mark of the soul, it was once sent away. The soul was sealed in a rotten wooden box, and the physical body was sealed in this coffin.

Now, this remnant body has also been born, and the light is rippling. The two bodies have successfully merged, and the light is shining in an instant.

"Now that I have regained my peak combat power, there is nothing to fear. Even though we are both emperors, I am also the most respected among emperors!" The Corpse Immortal Emperor said coldly. Now that his body is complete, the incomplete body has been completed.
Da Luo's sword embryo made a sound, and the mottled fragments fell off. At this moment, they were all reorganized and merged into one body, turning into a sword embryo again.
With a bang, the Great Luo Sword Fetus appeared in his hand, and expanded in size. Finally, it matched his huge body and became a terrifying giant sword.

"The emperor's sword is covered in dust, and he longs to drink the emperor's blood!"

The words of the Corpse Immortal Emperor were cold and arrogant. He was very conceited and domineering, and the mighty imperial light swept over the sky.


The Immortal Emperor of the Corpse shouted, waving his arm, and struck with a sword. This scene was too terrifying. The Immortal Emperor's action would shock the past, present, and future, and the impact would be too far-reaching.

With a roar, the sea of ​​chaos was divided, and the sword energy stretched across billions of miles, reaching everywhere and killing everything!
Destroy the common people!
His sword is enough to destroy the heavens, bring everything to an end, and bring everything to ruins. It is too terrifying.
Even the long river of time is trembling, blurry and dim, about to disappear.

Xu Yu looked calm and looked ahead quietly. In his eyes, the evolution of stars and the mysteries of the birth of the universe were all flowing together.

However, at the next moment, his whole aura suddenly exploded!
The imperial majesty fills the air, the fairy light overflows, and the terrifying fighting spirit surges, shaking the eternal blue sky and sweeping across the world.

Xu Yu was very fierce. His innate divine eyes opened, exuding the original breath, and sounded like the divine sound of the first opening of heaven and earth.

Its eyes sparkle, evolving the endless mysteries of the universe and starry sky. Every ray of light is like a sword of chaos, so sharp that it can split open the cosmic sea with a casual aura.

The innate divine eye of the Immortal Emperor has evolved to an incredible level. In the blink of an eye, the world is dry and silent, the vast sea turns to ashes, and another era begins for all worlds!
He sealed the vast fighting energy pouring out from the Corpse Immortal Emperor, preventing him from rushing towards the other side of the boundary sea, and was completely blocked by it.

His eyes were flowing, and the beam of light was shocking, hitting the sword body, making him bounce high, and there were billions of rays of sword light, tearing apart the heavens for eternity.

In an instant, this place returned to its original point, the heaven and earth were at peace, everything collapsed, all the stars in the sky turned into powder, and the whole universe collapsed.

"I don't believe you, you have just stepped into this field, how can you compete with me!" The sky drooped, the wind roared, dark matter boiled, and the whole world was filled with energy.

In the blink of an eye, the world is dry and silent, the sea turns to ashes, and the world has entered another era!
He sealed the vast fighting energy pouring out from the Corpse Immortal Emperor, preventing him from rushing towards the other side of the boundary sea, and was completely blocked by it.

His eyes were flowing, and the beam of light was shocking, hitting the sword body, making him bounce high, and there were billions of rays of sword light, tearing apart the heavens for eternity.

In an instant, this place returned to its original point, the heaven and earth were at peace, everything collapsed, all the stars in the sky turned into powder, and the whole universe collapsed.

"I don't believe it. How can you compete with me when you have just set foot in this field!" The sky drooped, the wind howled, the dark matter boiled, and the whole world was filled with terrible murderous intent.

"If we fight in the same place, whoever competes with us will lose sight of the ancient history!"

Xu Yu laughed, his aura became more majestic, and a beam of blood rushed up from the heavenly spirit of his forehead, blooming with immeasurable light and penetrating all the worlds!
In the sky, Xu Yu steps forward. His hair is flying, his back is majestic, and he has an unparalleled imperial power. He has an unparalleled style, as if he is stepping towards this world from a distance.

Although he had just entered the Immortal Emperor Realm, he was extremely confident and had a transcendent temperament. The sun, moon and stars all seemed dim in front of him.

"In the past, present and future, as a respected person, I will make all things empty and suppress the enemies of this world!" (End of this chapter)

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