The Immortal Emperor of Corpses roared. At this moment, he used all his strength, without any reservation, and used all the forbidden secret techniques to kill Xu Yu.

He deeply realized that his brother was indeed extremely beautiful in ancient and modern times. He was in the same realm and had unparalleled appearance. It was not just talk, but he really had that kind of terrifying fighting power.

The imperial law...covers the sky!
Xu Yu spoke softly, and then the figure suddenly became illusory. Various symbols flickered and turned into a wisp of smoke, disappearing from the place without a trace or trace!
And all the secret attack techniques of the Corpse Immortal Emperor stopped strangely, as if they were frozen in the void and lost their target, and then exploded.

"How can it be!"

The Corpse Immortal Emperor's pupils were black and he was very shocked. Why did his shocking attack fail?
All the Dharma and Tao came to a standstill, as if they were fixed in the void.

But the next second, a chill ran down his spine. He discovered that his secret technique was not frozen, but disappeared, and he lost all attack targets.

It stands to reason that the Immortal Emperor's shocking blow cannot be avoided, and no matter where he is, he will be instantly pulled back to the starting point, but now something like this happened.

"It's so deceptive, open it for me!"

His pupils are deep, and he shoots out one after another amazing beams of light, sweeping across the world.

However, what shocked him was that Xu Yu seemed to have disappeared in this world, and there was no trace of him in the past, present, or future.

"How could this be?"

The Corpse Immortal Emperor was shocked. Even if the Immortal Emperor disappeared completely, there should be a trace left, but he could not find it.

However, the next moment, something even weirder happened. His dark eyes suddenly froze slightly, as if he was confused.

He was a little confused, as if he had lost all his memory. In a short period of time, his mind went blank.


The next moment, Xu Yu reappeared, but at this moment, the Corpse Immortal Emperor was not aware of it at all.

Xu Yu's eyes turned, and he let out a sound like the opening of the universe, which suddenly penetrated the world and blasted towards the corpse of the Immortal Emperor, causing his blood to splash thirty thousand feet.


At this moment, the Immortal Emperor of Corpse's eyes became clear again. He wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. He coughed out a mouthful of black blood, and the sword embryo clanged and flew out.

He suddenly raised his head, his hair disheveled, his face cold and shocked, and said: "What kind of method are you doing!"

It's so weird, it actually caused an Immortal Emperor's full blow to miss, and temporarily erased all his memories, making him lose consciousness.

"The emperor's law - covering the sky! No one can see it, no one can defeat it!"

Xu Yu said calmly, this is his exclusive imperial method.

Cover up the aura, erase the traces of one's body, and disappear in the long river of time. In the same situation, almost all attacks from the past to the present are ineffective, which is equivalent to having an invincible effect in an instant and being immune to all effects.

"Cover the sky! Cover the sky! I don't believe that in front of this emperor, you can really cover the sky with one hand!" The Corpse Immortal Emperor was shocked and angry, and his eyes became sharper.

He was back to his full state, and it made him feel even more humiliated that he had suffered such a big loss.

As soon as he raised his hand, Da Luo Jian Fei flew back again and was held in his hand. Blast forward again, the bright sword light illuminates this era, and then moves towards the past and the future.

Like lightning, it illuminates the ancient history of different skies!
"It's useless, stealing heaven's secrets, all eternity is empty, all laws are illusions!
The next moment, Emperor Zhetian's method was activated again, and he disappeared, elusive. When the Immortal Emperor of the Corpse was briefly stunned again, he penetrated his chest with a palm, bringing up a large amount of black blood, and knocked the Da Luo sword embryo away again. Buzzing and roaring,
"Roar..." The Immortal Emperor of Corpse roared, but nothing changed. He was shocked to find that the opponent's imperial method was too terrifying, and every time, he could only be beaten passively.

All attacks are ineffective, and every time he uses the imperial method, his memory will be wiped out for a short time and he will lose his mind. This makes him how to resist.


Just like that, he pushed forward, causing the Corpse Immortal Emperor to lose consciousness many times, causing him to cough up blood.

The Immortal Emperor's face was ashen, filled with anger, unwillingness, and shame.

He felt that every time he lost consciousness, he felt like an idiot being beaten, not like an Immortal Emperor.

"I'm not willing to give in!"

The Immortal Emperor of Corpses struggled. He roared and began to fight with all his strength, determined to fight to the end.

However, Xu Yu's Heaven-covering Emperor Technique was too powerful, and the Corpse Immortal Emperor collapsed and fell into pieces.
Such a creature, a majestic Immortal Emperor, was almost beaten violently. If you tell anyone about it, it will definitely make people stunned.

"Brother, you are really amazing..." the Corpse Immortal Emperor sighed.

"However, I am not willing to give in. I am the first emperor in the creation of the world, how can I be defeated!'

He let out a long roar and quickly reorganized his physical body. The light of his soul was blazing, as if it was burning, and he came to kill again.
However, the Emperor's power to cover the sky was too terrifying, and he was defeated again.

"Corpse, are you convinced?" Xu Yu slapped his palm down, and the aurora surged, breaking him into pieces again.

The corpse was silent, but helpless in his heart. He had no choice, he was no match at all, and was crushed by Xu Yu.

Xu Yu's palm covered the sky and the earth, and the sun, moon, and stars rotated between his palms. He tilted down and bent his five fingers into claws, directly grabbing the corpse of the Immortal Emperor.

As the river flows eastward, the waves are gone, and the emperor who overlooks the eternity faces his darkest moment, and is about to reach his end.

The Immortal Emperor of Corpses, glowing all over, struggled hard, but could not escape from Xu Yu's grasp.

Xu Yu's palms glowed, and laws and orders were intertwined, forming a chain of gods that imprisoned the corpse's Tao and Dharma, firmly suppressing him completely and making it impossible for him to break free.

Originally, the corpse could look down upon the heavens and eternity, but now it is just a wisp of dust in Xu Yu's palm, manipulated by him.

The next moment, fairy light was flying, laws were filling the air, illuminating the heaven and earth. Two figures descended on a golden road and arrived at the ultimate ancient land.

"This is……"

When they saw the suppressed corpse of the Immortal Emperor in Xu Yu's palm, their pupils shrank slightly, showing surprise.

A powerful creature was suppressed!
That kind of aura was so strong that even if it was suppressed, it could still sweep through the heavens. When the murderous aura swept around, it could overturn the heaven and the earth, causing the two people's breathing to become stagnant.

"You are here..."

Xu Yu smiled and looked at the two of them. There was nothing surprising. The rotten wooden box and the Da Luo sword embryo flying away must have alarmed them.
Chen and the others were Shi Hao and Liu Shen. Xu Yu expected it to be true. Because of the Great Luo Immortal Sword and the rotten wooden box, they flew away and they pursued them all the way here. Because they already knew what was sealed in the rotten wooden box and the Emperor's Sword, and now that they left on their own initiative, something must have changed in the Ultimate Ancient Land.

They were worried about the unknown changes in the Ultimate Ancient Land and worried about Xu Yu's safety, so they came to investigate.

"Brother, who is he?"

Shi Hao spoke in surprise. Now he has become the ultimate Taoist ancestor. Facing this person, he felt a sense of horror. Some small pimples appeared on his skin unconsciously.

Liu Shen's face was moved and a little strange. Although this person was suppressed, the terrifying aura that looked at him for eternity was breathtaking.
"The Dark Immortal Emperor, the source of the black disaster..." Xu Yu explained
All the darkness in this world was caused by this person? It’s simply appalling.

Darkened creatures are very scary. They have fought against the Fallen Immortal King many times, but this person just fell to the ground.

"This person is the Dark Immortal Emperor. Brother, if you can suppress him, wouldn't you..." Shi Hao's face changed and he said in surprise.

“It was a fluke and I took that step.”

Xu Yu replied calmly and looked at the two people.

The two of them were shocked. No wonder the Dark Immortal Emperor was suppressed and the source of the black disaster was put down in this way. It turned out that he had broken through the Immortal Emperor realm, a realm that countless people dreamed of.

When they sensed Xu Yu's aura, the two of them were even more moved. They could still detect his power before, but now when they looked at him, they couldn't see through it at all.

Immortal Emperor Realm!
Endless fire evaporated from Xu Yu's palm, and there was a phantom of the immortal phoenix, roaring in the sky, with a scorching aura, trying his best to refine the black substance on the body of the corpse immortal there.

During this period, the corpse didn't say a word. He was very cold and hard. He didn't beg for mercy, but he was very tough.

"If you kill me, I will let the so-called partially pure body die with me in eternal silence."

The Corpse Immortal Emperor said coldly, wanting to take advantage of Xu Yu.

"Life or death is not up to you. If I let you die, you will die. If I let you live, you will not die!" Xu Yu snorted coldly, and his words were like a divine sword, and he continued to refine him.

While refining its dark origin, it also consumes its life force and consumes Feng Yuan's vitality. However, Xu Yu doesn't care. As long as Feng Yuan still has its residual spirit, he will have a way to save him.
It has to be said that the dark matter on the Corpse Immortal Emperor's body is too dense. After all, it was done by two main priests at the same time, and he had been contaminated for too long. If one wants to refine those substances, it will take an extremely long time.

Xu Yu has been refining the corpse of the Immortal Emperor for more than a thousand years. The main reason is that the power of darkness is too strong and cannot be transformed. Once the fluctuations occur, it will be a catastrophe. The creatures on the other side of the sea will be unable to stop it. , will go extinct,

Time passed, and in the following years, he continued to refine the darkness, while Liu Shen and Shi Hao meditated quietly, watching and comprehending.

Five thousand years have passed, and the Corpse Immortal Emperor screamed miserably. His power of darkness was gone, but only the remnants of Feng Yuan were left.

However, the six paths in his body can guide his remaining spirits. Now that Feng Yuan's body has faded away from darkness, he can gather his remaining spirits and regain their peak state.

One day one hundred thousand years later, all the remaining spirits of Feng Yuan were summoned back. In his forehead bones, little spiritual lights were gathering, and his flesh and blood were growing. His body gradually became fuller, and he was no longer in the state of a corpse.
"Brother, I'm... back!"

Feng Yuan regained consciousness and suddenly opened his eyes with endless emotion.

He has a majestic face, a broad back, and the majesty of the vast Immortal Emperor.

Feng Yuan is back!
"It's good to be back." Xu Yu smiled, with some tiredness in his eyes. The cost of reviving an Immortal Emperor was too high. Even if he was as powerful as him, he was almost exhausted.

If it were to be completely resurrected through reflection, it would take endless years, but now it only took a hundred thousand years to bring an Immortal Emperor back from the darkness.

Shi Hao and Liu Shen, who were meditating, showed shocked expressions and looked at the corpse immortal emperor in his peak state. Now he is no longer a corpse and has reappeared in his peak state.

"Eminent people in future generations!" Feng Yuan nodded and looked at the two of them.

"I was once invincible in the world, lighting up endless mountains and rivers. Although I fell into darkness sometimes, with the help of my brother, I finally looked back and reappeared." Feng Yuan sighed with emotion.

He himself didn't believe that after falling into darkness, there would be a day when he could recover. It all seemed like a dream.

"Senior understands the righteousness well and seals himself for the sake of the common people. I admire you!"

Shi Hao said.

Over the years, Xu Yu has also told them the story of Feng Yuan, and falling into darkness was not his original intention.

In fact, his Feng Yuan's experience is depressing. As the first emperor in the world, he was attacked by darkness. He fell at his peak, lost his mind and blamed himself.
Moreover, even when he was plunged into darkness, he still had light in his heart. In order to prevent himself from losing control and endangering the other side of the world sea, he sealed himself, which made them admire him very much.

"The Weird Immortal Emperor plotted against me. I have to pay back this debt sooner or later. Brother, you are also an emperor now. When will we kill you?" Feng Yuan whispered, his eyes burning, filled with killing light.

"Don't be impatient. This needs to be considered in the long run. The Weird Clan is very powerful. There are ten Weird Immortal Emperors and even creatures above the Immortal Emperor realm. Don't be too reckless.

Xu Yu glanced at him and spoke like this


"Ten Dark Immortal Emperors, there are even Immortal Emperors and above!"

Liu Shen and Shi Hao's expressions were moved. It was the first time they heard such news. It was so shocking. Then, Xu Yu began to tell some unknown secrets about the heavens and worlds, the sacrifice to the sea, the plateau, God, A strange clan...

Many secrets were told by Xu Yu, which greatly shocked the three of them.
Weird Immortal Emperor, God, Great Sacrifice, Plateau, Infinite Resurrection, and other things had a strong impact on them. They did not expect that the Weird Clan was so powerful.

The three of them could not calm down for a long time, and their thoughts were racing.


"There is a long way to go to break the darkness..." Liu Shen whispered, her whole body was very solemn, but in her clear eyes, there was an unyielding fighting spirit!
Shi Hao's eyes were piercing, and he said: "Immortal Emperor, I will reach an even higher level. In the future, I will use my peak posture to sweep away the bad land and eliminate all the weirdness and ominousness!"

Although the two were surprised and knew that there would be more formidable opponents in the wider field in the future, they not only did not lose their fighting spirit, but instead became more motivated.

Xu Yu smiled and nodded. For ordinary people, if they accept so much information at once, it will be somewhat difficult to accept it, and it may even affect their Taoist heart.

However, Shi Hao and Liu Shen are both unparalleled heroes who are hard to find throughout the ages. Knowing a higher level will only inspire their fighting spirit and encourage them to move towards a higher level and make brave progress!
"It seems that the two black and white mice who plotted against me can't be killed yet," Feng Yuan said with some reluctance.

He calls the black celebrant and the white celebrant rats!
He was very aggrieved. He heard that the Weird Immortal Emperor could rely on the plateau to resurrect, which made him unable to remain calm.

"After all, there will be peace." Xu Yu said with a faint smile.

(End of this chapter)

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