"By the way, when you fell into darkness, you lost a lot of memory and didn't know much information. What is happening to the ancient world where we once originated," Xu Yu asked.

Their ancient world in the Origin Era is also called the Origin Ancient World, and he was once the Human Emperor in the human world!
He only felt that there was something strange about the ancient world in the Origin Era, and it was not as simple as it seemed.

"That ancient world is intact and in ruins. It's the scene I reflected to hide the weirdness," Feng Yuan said with a smile.

"Where is that world?" Xu Yu's mind was spinning and she was a little surprised.

He also has a special feeling for that ancient world. After all, he is the one who became the emperor in that ancient world.

Feng Yuan nodded and said: "Here comes the picture!" He waved his hand, and the Immortal Emperor's aura was powerful.

Then, there was a sound of the sky collapsing and the earth cracking, and a bright beam of light cut through the boundary sea, coming from afar, the way of heaven was harmonious!
At this moment, it shocked the entire ancient ancient land, like an eternal divine light, shining across mountains and rivers for thousands of miles.

"They are practicing in this map!" Feng Yuan pointed at the map.

This image contains a piece of heaven and earth, recording the ancient mountains and rivers. It contains thousands of creatures, boundless spiritual energy and essence. According to his words, this image is mysterious, and even the Immortal Emperor cannot easily deduce its traces.

"What is this!" Shi Hao said in surprise. He opened his eyes and scanned with divine light, observing carefully.

"Mountains and rivers and the country's map!" Feng Yuan said,

Map of mountains and rivers!
Xu Yu's mind moved. It looked very similar to the divine pictures in myths and legends.

This picture is very mysterious. There is an inexplicable aura circulating, as if it is about to disappear at any time. Although it is close in front of you, it seems to be far away in the horizon, giving people the feeling of concealing the secret of heaven.

"All the creatures in this great world are actually contained here without revealing their aura. It is indeed an immortal thing refined by the Immortal Emperor." Liu Shen sighed, and he got a glimpse of some secrets.

"No, you are wrong. This was not made by me. Speaking of which, it has something to do with my brother." Feng Yuan looked at Xu Yu dangerously.

"Is it related to me?" Xu Yu was surprised and a little confused.

"Yes, this map of mountains and rivers was originally an ancient seed. I got it accidentally from Jiehai. It has the aura of my brother on it," Feng Yuan said.

"It's the ancient seed of chaos!" Xu Yu's face changed as he suddenly remembered.

He remembered that he had signed an ancient seed of chaos, but it had no grade. He had used various immortal springs, spiritual liquids, all kinds of soil, etc. to plant it, but nothing was found. He did not grow anything.

He went back through the years and went to the Origin Era. After leaving the Origin Era, the seed disappeared inexplicably. Unexpectedly, it was planted by Feng Yuan, and the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map was planted.

"The seeds actually produced a magic weapon." Shi Hao was surprised.

"The people from the ancient world are all in this map. In order to prevent darkness from invading our world, I moved them here.

According to him, the Map of Mountains, Rivers, and States is a precious treasure that can trap enemies, but it also contains mountains, rivers, lakes, flowers, birds, fish, insects, the sun, the moon, and stars, as well as a vast fairyland, and is also a holy place for spiritual practice.

Therefore, he moved everyone from the Origin Continent to Bi. Of course, he also made two preparations.

In order to prevent this map from being found, he moved a small number of human races to another ancient world and allowed them to take root and sprout. This was the source of the human emperor lineage of Jiutian.

"Are they stuck in there and unable to come out?" asked Willow God softly.

"That's right, you can't come out until you reach the Immortal Emperor Realm. Now that the seal has not been lifted, it seems that hundreds of millions of years have passed. No one in the Mountains and Rivers State Map has cultivated to the Immortal Emperor Realm." Feng Yuan sighed softly.

The Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map can not only hide the secrets of heaven, but also trap peerless creatures below the Immortal Emperor. Although this map traps people from the Origin Continent, it can also be regarded as a kind of protection.

Nowadays, the seal has not been unlocked in the Mountain and River Diagram, which means that the vast Origin Continent has not given birth to a powerful person of the Immortal Emperor level.

"There are not many emperors in all the worlds. How difficult it is to give birth to an immortal emperor!" Xu Yu said with emotion.

Throughout the ages, apart from the one great realm of this perfect world, there have not been many Immortal Emperors in other great realms. Moreover, the Immortal Emperors in other realms have basically been destroyed by the Weird Clan.

The only one with more Immortal Emperors is God, but now that the war is going on, the Immortal Emperors are also dying one after another. Apart from the ten Immortal Emperors on the plateau, there are really not many in other places!
If those Dark Immortal Emperors hadn't made a sneak attack to kill the new Emperors when they were about to arrive, perhaps a group of top Immortal Emperors would have been born in the heavens.

Just like Feng Yuan, after becoming emperor, he was besieged by the Dark Immortal Emperor and had to cut off his wrist to seal himself.

In fact, there are not many Immortal Emperors. It can be said that they are rare. Even quasi-Immortal Emperors are like this. There are very few people who have reached this stage.

The strange clan is at its peak. They can mass-produce fallen immortal kings, but they cannot create creatures in the realm of quasi-immortal emperors.

Quasi-immortal emperors are considered to be great masters in all the worlds, not to mention the supreme Taoist ancestors, even less so.

Everyone sighed, and then several people planned to go in and explore the picture.

"Billions of years have passed, let's go see an old friend." Feng Yuan said,

The picture of mountains and rivers and the country spreads out, and a real world emerges.

The light curtain emerged and a crack opened. This was the passage into the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map.


The four people were disillusioned and disappeared into the ultimate ancient land, entering the world in the scroll of mountains and rivers.

The plateau is barren, the mountains are endless, the trees are dense, the old forests are deep, wild beasts are rampant, and exotic birds are in the sky.

There are also high mountains towering, with large waterfalls covering the mountains completely in a vast expanse of white.

Among them, the place where people lived in the ancient world is the smallest part, which can be said to be insignificant.

The spiritual energy here is very rich, even surpassing that of the Immortal Realm. It is a rare place for practice. Even Shi Hao was amazed and said that he wanted to practice here for a period of time.

Not long after, they arrived at a suspended island, surrounded by white mist and fairy light. There were palaces stretching out on it. This place belonged to the sphere of influence of the human race and was also the human world in the Shanhe Shejitu.
When they arrived, the human emperor stone statues on all the islands lit up in an instant, and their mighty aura swept across the world, alarming many people.
"Human Emperor! Yuanzu!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed, a man came through the air. He was walking like a dragon and a tiger, very calm, his black hair was disheveled, he had an invincible aura, and he had suddenly reached the quasi-immortal emperor realm.

"Wind Ancestor!"

Xu Yu's eyes moved, and he recognized the person in front of him, and was extremely emotional.
Feng Zu, also the King of Wind, is the leader of the Feng clan, the ten major tribes of the human race. Feng Yuan is a descendant of this lineage and the original prince of the Feng clan.

"Human Emperor!"

"Original Ancestor!"

Soon, the human race was also excited. The Human Emperor and Yuanzu unexpectedly appeared again. After endless years, they miraculously reappeared. To the human race, these two people were legends.
Many creatures of the younger generation grew up listening to their myths.

Everyone in the human world was even more shocked when they learned that the Human Emperor and Feng Zu were both Immortal Emperors.

Two emperors from one clan, this is a miracle. Fengzu held a banquet in honor of a few people, and soon, nine other kings from other tribes of the human race also arrived, coming to pay homage to His Majesty the Human Emperor.

What surprised Xu Yu was that in addition to Feng Ancestor, there was also Wood King, the ancestor of the Wood Clan, who also visited the quasi-immortal emperor realm.

He was not surprised that Feng Zu could enter the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, because his talent was considered top among the ten people at the beginning, while Mu Zu was relatively mediocre, so he did not expect that he would also enter the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. territory.

In this world, there are two quasi-immortal emperors! Feng Zu and Mu Zu!
It's surprising to say it, but it's not true. The origin era is too far away from now. In the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, only two quasi-immortal emperors were born.

Except for these two kings, the other eight people have not reached the imperial realm. At most, they have condensed the emperor's light, and a few of them are giants.

In fact, it is understandable. After all, not everyone has incredible talents and opportunities. It is extremely difficult to become a quasi-immortal emperor. For many of them, becoming a giant is already a great blessing!
The kings talked with Xu Yu and several others. When they learned that Xu Yu and Feng Yuan came from the outside world, everyone was pleasantly surprised, which meant that they could go out.

They entered this world inexplicably back then, and they are still confused.

They have been isolated from the outside world for countless years and are completely unaware of changes in the outside world.

Feng Yuan and others explained everything to them. At this time, they realized that they were in the magic space and were specially protected by Feng Yuan.

Above God!
The place where the heavens meet and where all the realms compete is absolutely extraordinary. Currently, this is the most powerful realm except for the weird clan.

Feng Yuan, Shi Hao, Liu Shen, and a group of human kings were toasting and talking, telling what had happened over the years.

"I want to explore God."

Suddenly, Xu Yu spoke slowly, his eyes bright and sharp.

If you go to sign in this vast sacred land, you may be able to gain unexpected rewards.

Everyone's expressions were startled. Everyone now understood the situation of God, and knew how terrifying it was. Their expressions suddenly became solemn.

Now that all the strange clans have emerged, the ten chief priests have led the army to fight against the gods. The blood-stained scrolls and ruined mountains and rivers of the gods are not a good place.

"It's just a little exploration, it won't alert them." Xu Yu said, he was not ready to completely fight the weird clan, and he had a premonition before that he would disappear from this ancient history at any time.

"Brother, I will go with you." Feng Yuan said. He faded away from his dark body, and now his whole person is radiant, his body is tall and straight, his back is broad and majestic, and his whole person has a breathtaking heroic appearance.

"And me!" Shi Hao also shouted. He was also very interested in that place. That kind of supreme place had surpassed their world and fascinated him.

Liu Shen also nodded and was willing to go together.

Xu Yu pondered for a while. Now that they are both top Taoist ancestors, he went to investigate without fighting. With his methods, he could ensure that they were fine.

"Human Emperor, be careful!"

Feng Zu, Mu Zu and others nodded solemnly and watched them leave.

Xu Yu and others left the scroll and walked out of the world outside the Shanhe Sheji Tu, and then Feng Yuan put away the Shanhe Sheji Tu.

Xu Yu and the others came to the depths of the Ultimate Ancient Land. Xu Yu saw the tall stone chair where Feng Yuan once sat. Then he took a photo with a fierce palm. The world was shaken immediately. Immortal Emperor runes bloomed all over the sky, making him rumble. Moving, all kinds of blazing lights interweave.

However, everything was suppressed by Xu Yu. He was invincible at the moment, suppressing all the divine light and power of the avenue.

The stone-sized chair turned into powder and ceased to exist. At the same time, there seemed to be thunder and a terrifying sound in the sky.

In the sky, divine chains of order emerged, densely packed, and there was an opening there, facing downwards, like an abyss.

It was like a hole had been broken, the divine light of order was entwined, and black clouds were rolling out, constantly pouring out, and it was terrifying and boundless.
That hole looked like a jade stone, with a terrifying aura and many mysterious rules.

"The aura of the Black Lord's law!" Xu Yu's face was serious, and he noticed it all at once, with an incomprehensible look on his face. He had fought against the Black Lord, so naturally he was no stranger to his aura.

The most terrifying thing is that in the holes in the sky, there are crystal droplets hanging, including black blood. In addition, there are golden blood, silver blood, etc.

They seem to be dripping down at any time, filled with endless weird and ominous atmosphere, which is extremely fascinating.

"They were the ones who attacked me in the first place, and finally polluted me through this place. I will eventually kill them and slaughter all the heads of those pigs and dogs!"

Feng Yuan said bitterly that when he had just become the Immortal Emperor, before he could bloom with glory and brilliance, he was attacked by a sneak attack and fell into a long period of darkness.

The power of the Weird Immortal Emperor!
Xu Yu nodded. This was the trace left behind by the Black Master and the White Master after they took action.

Ruoyouruowujie, endless terrifying rules came out from there, with a shuddering aura, and the laws were intertwined, and they were bombarded.

They were convinced that ordinary Immortal Kings might not be able to withstand this kind of power.

Shi Hao and Liu Shen also had serious expressions on their faces. Just entering this passage would require them to withstand such terrifying power. One can imagine how extraordinary this place is.

"There is a monument..." Suddenly, Shi Hao exclaimed. Following his eyes, everyone saw something and were shocked.

Everyone saw an ancient tablet with a vicissitude of life, with some mysterious sentences written on it, and a mysterious atmosphere.

This place is above God and will last forever

, reincarnation is irreversible, a supreme place.

Just such a sentence indicates that this place is absolutely extraordinary!
Everyone broke in, and with a bang, he rushed along the passage and found that he was now on an island, only one foot square, not very big.

"Is this place the heaven? Why is it like this?"

Everyone looked around and were surprised. There was silence all around, and scarlet blood spread across the earth.

Some large tombs stood above the scarlet water and were not completely submerged.

Under the bloody dusk, blood flowed into a river and spread across the cemetery, like the end of the world.

"This is...the battlefield of heaven."

Xu Yu's eyes were slightly closed, and as they circulated, the beams of light were shocking, and various symbols were interpreted in the pupils, which were endless, and the pupils reflected endless swords, swords, shadows, and the marks of various tragic battles.

This is a battlefield!
A battlefield dedicated to God!
Everyone's expressions were solemn. It had to be said that this place was terrifying. All the sea water was the blood of the strongest. One can imagine how fierce the war in this world was.

"Where are those rats? I really want to crush them one by one." Feng Yuan said bitterly.

"We haven't reached the hinterland of God yet!" Xu Yu whispered, with some understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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