The sky is vast and boundless, and the place in front of you, this battlefield of heaven, is just a corner!
God, what a mysterious place, isolated from the heavens, high above, overlooking the river of time, allowing the vicissitudes of the sea, the changes of the world, destruction and resurrection, it is all detached and out of reach?
In ancient times, there were so many geniuses who were proud of the world, shocked the past and the present, shocked countless great eras, and stared at the blue sky for eternity, but they could not reach the sky.
For those who are the most powerful, even if their own strength is astonishing throughout the ages, they can only sigh in the end, but it is still difficult to climb.

If you don't enter the heaven, even a great hero will eventually encounter terrible disasters, be ominous and unclean, and your soul will fall into a strange and dark place.

The sea is flowing, and the years have exhausted all heroes. It is difficult for several epochs to find one person who can ascend to the sky on his own.

God is unfathomable to all the people in the world, and even to the strong man who has overturned the entire ancient history, it is still a veil and beyond reach.

And today, two Heavenly Emperors and two supreme Dao Ancestors appeared all at once and entered the heaven quietly.

"Brother, let's move forward." Feng Yuan, filled with imperial power, was holding the Great Luo Emperor Sword, his eyes were shining brightly, and he was pointing forward.

However, the next moment, his eyes widened with an incredible expression.

Xu Yu's body became illusory, as if it had turned into smoke. He had a vague feeling, very hazy, as if he would disappear in this ancient history at any time.

"There is no time. Let's go back first. We won't go to the hinterland of heaven for the time being."

Xu Yu frowned slightly. He felt that he might be leaving Perfection. The feeling that he was about to leave this place became stronger and stronger.

Therefore, this time, they could not go to the hinterland of heaven. He had to seize the time and arrange a backup plan, otherwise it might be too late.

That weird clan, the ten chief priests led the weird clan to fight against God. If he disappeared rashly, there would be only one Feng Yuan left here, which might be a disaster for this world.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they agreed to do a little investigation, but why did it suddenly change? However, when everyone saw the illusory figure of Xu Yu, their expressions became serious, knowing that the other party was not innocent.

"Brother, you..." Feng Yuan's expression changed slightly, and he wanted to ask something, but was interrupted by Xu Yu.

"Go back first. Then you will know everything." Xu Yu said softly, with deep eyes.

A few people remained silent and didn't say anything more. Knowing that he was certainly justified, they didn't say anything more and descended from the sky again to the ultimate ancient land.

"So many heroes have fallen into darkness. It's time for them to see the light of day again."

After they came out, they directly used their magic power to sweep the Ultimate Ancient Land.

Then, they opened all the remaining ancient palaces, and then blasted open the void, revealing a stretch of dark cages.

Although many of the cages are empty, there are some that still contain Yuan Shen, who are still in a state of confusion.

Even in individual Jie Yin ancient palaces, there were some amazing figures who were still there in their physical bodies. They were rescued by Xu Yu and others, and finally saw the light of day again.

After being imprisoned for endless years, many creatures have gone crazy or even become demented. This is the wound of time. Some creatures have also been devoured by each other, which is very scary.

Xu Yu released all the monks, and under the divine light of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, the filth was cleansed and the drowsy people were revived. The souls that had devoured each other were separated and returned to normal.

Then, they took these souls from the Ultimate Ancient Land, crossed the boundary sea again, and headed towards the Immortal Realm.

When they approached the embankment, some kings were alarmed. The butchers, burial masters and others were sitting cross-legged on the edge of the embankment, waiting quietly.

"Emperor of Heaven, you...are still alive!"

Even though he was a butcher, the man who was known as the coldest and toughest man opened his eyes wide and looked at several people, extremely shocked.

Because they had once felt that there was a great terror happening on the other side of the boundary sea. Even though they were infinitely far apart, they still trembled and felt a wave that far exceeded that of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

When Shi Hao and Liu Shen went to the ultimate ancient land, they speculated that the real emperor might be born, and they were in danger.

"This is!" the burial master said cautiously, looking at Feng Yuan, a complete stranger.

After learning Feng Yuan's true identity, everyone trembled and were horrified. They didn't expect that his origin was so shocking, and then they entered the fairyland.

On this day, there was excitement everywhere.

Although the Immortal Realm disintegrated into many pieces and drifted away, they were still connected to each other. With the Immortal King around, communication was not difficult and those places could be found easily.

Even if these fragments are separated from each other, they are all on the same day, with loud cheers and many people shouting the name of Emperor Xuantian.

The entire Tiandi City was also filled with great joy.

Almost everyone was not excited. The only one who was embarrassed was Feng Yuan, because the source of these black disasters once belonged to him who fell into darkness. Although except for a very few people, no one else knew his true identity.

Therefore, when he came to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, he was very low-key. Even if someone asked him about his origin, he would just introduce himself as an ordinary strong man who returned from the sea of ​​​​realm...

"Emperor of Heaven!"

Many people exclaimed, and in the eyes of many people, this was an immortal achievement, enough to shine through the annals of history, and the whole world should recite his name to show their respect.

Xu Yu's return did cause a major earthquake in the fairyland.

The black disaster has been suppressed and eradicated, which makes people feel unhappy and excited.

For so many epochs, the threat of the dark catastrophe has been too great, leaving the kings helpless. They died, and there were only a few left.

Everyone gathered together again, and soon, Tiandi City began to hold a banquet and celebrate.

The City of Heavenly Emperor is magnificent and brilliant. The sun, moon and stars surrounding it are nothing more than embellishments.

The scenery here is very beautiful and solemn. The celestial palaces and giant towers are towering and majestic.

Outside the palace where the party was held, the Luan bird was flying, as bright as a rainbow, the spiritual bird was holding a mushroom, its aura of auspiciousness was falling, the longevity ape was offering peaches, and the fragrance was overflowing.

In front of the Jade Palace, there are orchids all over the ground, exotic flowers are spraying thin smoke, fish and dragons are leaping in the lotus pond, steaming clouds are shaking, and golden clouds are flowing.

Soon, many old friends came one after another from all over the country.

There were too many people to count, the news spread all over the place in a few days, and many old friends came across the endless starry sky!
In the past, the kings of the Immortal Realm were almost all alone in a small fragment of the Immortal Realm. They were almost alone in the starry sky. Now that things are strangely peaceful, and with the call of the Emperor of Heaven, they naturally follow everything.

Even Xu Yu's former mount, the golden-haired dog from Meteorite Ridge, has not only completely broken through to the Immortal King Realm, but has now become the master of a small star field, which is truly majestic.

He summoned his friends and brought some creatures from the former restricted area, such as the former Master of the Valley of Rebirth and others.

Once a restricted area, because of Xu Yu’s fate
Therefore, now they have basically entered the fairyland and guard a territory.

"What a great world." Dao Yin arrived in the light of immortality. He came out of the world in white clothes and remained elegant. Behind him was a beautiful girl who was pure and beautiful.

"The Heavenly Emperor Wushuang, we did not misjudge the person at the beginning." The crystal skull, golden bone hall, and bloody eyeballs seemed to have returned to their peak, reorganizing their bodies again and returning to their peak state.

Liu Shen, Butcher, True Dragon, Thunder Emperor, as well as Immortal King Qi Yu, the giant of the Immortal Realm, Yuan Chu, Pan Wang and others also came. They sat down with each other and started drinking tea and discussing Taoism. This was a rare event.

Not long after, the Nine Heavenly Lords of the Lower Realm, Stone King and others also appeared. They sit at the Emperor Pass in the Borderlands all year round and rarely come to the Immortal Realm.

Immediately afterwards, the burial owner of the burial ground appeared with several burial owners.

Feng Yuan's identity was finally revealed, which caused quite a stir.
It turns out that the former Dark Immortal Emperor is still here

After feeling some fear and weird looks from the people around me.

Feng Yuan explained: "Don't worry, I

The darkness has faded away, and will illuminate the mountains and rivers again, blessing all living beings..."

"And I am determined to be inseparable from Weird in this life!" Feng Yuan added, his words resounding like the sound of a sword.

Of course, more people soon expressed their goodwill to him. After all, this was the Immortal Emperor. If he was given some pointers, it would be of infinite use.

"What era is this?" From a distance, the little fat man Cao Yusheng walked over ignorantly and appeared together with his master Xuanwu Immortal King.
"Fat man, you must be in a state of sleep." The silver-haired girl Taiyin Jade Rabbit appeared bouncing around, looking down on Cao Yusheng as she did in the past.

"You think I am willing? I was dug out by my master. Is it easy for me?" Cao Yusheng said with a wry smile, his face twisted and indignant.

"I've been buried underground for a long time, and I need to come out and breathe some immortal energy."

Next to him, Xuanwu Immortal King said with a smile, with an unserious look on his face,
Everyone smiled, this Cao Yusheng was really unlucky, everyone else tried to give away the white-haired person to the black-haired person.

He was the opposite. On the contrary, not only that, but after he was buried, he not only paid tribute to him!
It was dug out again, what kind of thing is this?
"Come on, come on, fat man, you're here too, hurry up and pour me some wine!" A blond boy smiled. He was thin and frail, but he had amazing powers. He looked like one of the Ten Fierce Alicorn Ants.

"How can such a big thing talk to Master Dao?" Cao Yusheng refused to admit defeat and shouted there.

The next moment, a pair of golden fists came down, hitting Cao Yusheng, causing him to stagger, see stars in his head, and almost faint.

"You..." Cao Yusheng was furious.

"He has reached the Immortal King Realm..." Shi Hao appeared in time and reminded.

Although he is a quasi-immortal emperor and a Dao Ancestor-level figure, he does not like to get together with those strong men of the older generation, but he likes to communicate with the 'younger generation' like Sky Horn Ant and Red Dragon Jiuyouao.
"What!" Cao Yusheng suddenly vented his anger.

Angry, everyone suddenly laughed.

Beside the Sky Horned Ant, there were many people sitting, such as the Nine Nether Mastiff and the Red Dragon Gegu, the descendants of the Ten Evils.

The nine-day geniuses of the past, such as Qi Hong, the master of the Five Spirits Chariot, Da Xutuo, Lan Xian, and Taoist Qi Gu also appeared again, all with extraordinary cultivation.

Qin Hao even appeared. Now Qin Hao is more powerful than in the original work, and he seems to have broken into the king's realm.

Shi Yi, Ten-Crown King, Banished Immortal and others also appeared soon. Now they have become the strongest among the immortal kings. Their potential is endless, making many strong men of the older generation admire them. He admired them and thought that they all looked like quasi-immortal emperors.

The song ends and everyone disperses. One month later, it is finally coming to an end.

Xu Yu sat in the imperial throne and looked at these people with endless emotions. These people are the backbone of this world and have endless potential.


When the show was about to end, Xu Yu, who was sitting in the imperial seat, announced that he was about to leave.

Everyone was shocked, the Emperor of Heaven was about to leave? Why is this? Hasn’t the weirdness been settled now?
Later, Xu Yu slowly said that he did not belong to this ancient history and might disappear at any time and just disappear.

"Doesn't belong to this ancient history!" Everyone looked a little moved and looked shocked. They didn't belong to this ancient history. Is there such a person?
At this moment, they realized that the Emperor of Heaven might be far more mysterious than he seemed on the surface.

Only Feng Yuan, Shi Hao, Liu Shen and others looked thoughtful.

Everyone's hearts suddenly felt empty, and the atmosphere became a little heavy. The Emperor of Heaven was about to leave. This was a big event.
In the past, with the leader of the Emperor of Heaven, he led them to conquer foreign lands and level the sea, but now it suddenly seemed unacceptable.

"The mystery has not been solved yet, you still need to work hard!"

Xu Yu glanced at everyone and slowly opened the door.
Mouth, very solemn.

The weirdness remains!

Everyone was stunned, what does this mean? Hasn’t the source of darkness been put down?
Next, Xu Yu told them some secrets about God and the plateau, which shocked them immediately.

After hearing this, all the immortal kings have not recovered from the shock for a long time. They have not reached that level, and even the immortal kings are frogs in the well!
"I want you to enter the other world to practice." Xu Yu suddenly said solemnly at this time.

Practice in the other world!
Everyone was shocked. There was another world on the other side? Where was that?
Where else can they go besides the places they are familiar with?
Afterwards, Feng Yuan slowly said that the future war would be too cruel and might be affected. At that time, even the emperor might not have time to care about anything else, so they needed to be moved to another place in advance.

"I see!"

Everyone was moved. The future was too tragic, and even the Immortal Emperor could not guarantee that he could protect the common people, so he had to find a shelter for them first.

"Excuse me, Heavenly Emperor, where should we go to practice?" Qi Yu, the giant, said in a deep voice. As one of the oldest giants in the Immortal Domain, although he has not yet reached the quasi-immortal emperor realm, he is very prestigious.

"The map of mountains and rivers can protect your safety. Even the Immortal Emperor can't find it."

Xu Yu asked Feng Yuan to slowly unfold the scroll world and present it to everyone.

The land is boundless and vast, with majestic mountains reaching into the sky, surging rivers that can leap millions of miles, and many fairy lands with auras soaring into the sky.

"There is such a fairy land?" Everyone was surprised. When they heard that this picture scroll world was basically the same as the outside world, and the fairy energy was even more intense, they all showed shock. This is simply a holy land for cultivation.

Everyone basically agreed and entered this world to practice. In the following time, Xu Yufengyuan and others included the Immortal Domain, Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, and almost all the Immortal Kings and old friends into the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map.

Of course, there are also some creatures in the outside world, some relatively weak creatures, allowing them to still thrive in the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands.

Jiutian, Immortal Realm, Burial Ground, and most of the creatures are all rooted here. They gradually settled down and gradually accepted this fact.

In fact, for some people with low cultivation level, the Mountains and Rivers Society Map is a fairy land, and their cultivation speed can get twice the result with half the effort.

(End of this chapter)

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