Chapter 532 Everyone becomes emperor
Next, what no one expected was that Xu Yu suddenly took action.

He moved his hands through the void, cutting off a wisp of soul marks from all living beings in the world, but almost no one noticed.

Cutting off a trace of the soul mark is not their origin. For everyone, this is harmless, just cultivate for a period of time.

Then, he began to use the Reflection Technique, reflecting everyone's figures in the Immortal Realm, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and blending them with a trace of the Primordial Spirit's mark.

Moreover, the combination of the external soul mark and the living beings reflected by it, the combination of virtuality and reality, is difficult to deduce even for multiple immortal emperors.

The Immortal Emperor can open up the world with a single thought, and can even tear apart the worlds at the moment he opens his eyes. Every move represents destiny. This is naturally easy for Xu Yu.

He combined the soul mark with the reflected person to recreate a great world.

The onlookers Shi Hao and Liu Shen looked moved, and their every move actually reflected a whole world, and the reappearance of all living beings was no different from the real thing.

"Is this the Immortal Emperor's method?" Shi Hao exclaimed.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Foreign Lands, and Burial Realm, which were originally quite empty, once again had many familiar figures appearing, all of whom were people who had entered the Mountains, Rivers, and the State Map.

"Brother, where is your figure?" Feng Yuan said in surprise, because Xu Yu did not reflect his figure.

"Disappeared in this ancient history." Xu Yu explained.

He used the astonishing strength of the Immortal Emperor to erase his own figure and disappeared into the Perfect Era.

It has been about two million years since he came to Perfection. He used the methods of the Immortal Emperor to erase all traces of himself. All this was to conceal the secrets of heaven and deal with the weird clan.

If he knew that there was more than one emperor among them, he would definitely take action with all his strength after the great battle. It would be dangerous at that time, so there is no need to hide his clumsiness now, so that he can be killed by surprise in the future!
Then, a long river of time emerged, reflecting various scenes. Two million years of ancient history, completely changed, appeared before everyone's eyes.

From the moment Xu Yu came to Shicun to now, all the trajectories have changed.

If he was the protagonist before, now the protagonist of the ancient history changed by him has become Shi Hao.

Over the course of time, one picture after another emerges.

A young man walked out of the wilderness...

He was born to be a supreme being, but his bones were dug up by his relatives. However, he survived. From weak to strong, he continued to transform, from the eight realms of the lower world, to the three thousand states, to the wilderness of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, the burial ground, Fairyland, Boundary Sea...

In the end, Shi Hao defeated the Corpse Immortal Emperor alone. Sitting in the coffin, above the sky, he watched the sea of ​​blood drifting away alone in the sky.

Shi Hao stepped over the corpses of living beings, stepped over the wreckage of the world for thousands of years, walked alone through the dark area and drifted across the boundary sea, resolving the eternal weirdness and uncertainty. It was a lonely journey, a bloody battle alone...

Several people were attentive, quietly observing the scroll of time and appreciating the marketing masterpiece brought by Xu Yu.

"What a desolate scene. Fortunately, it didn't happen for real..." Shi Hao said, looking a little moved, dazed, and a little lucky.

It was a man's battle, and there were no companions around him. How desolate it was.

"Perhaps, that is not false, but the current situation under another trajectory. It's just that the trajectory has changed due to inexplicable factors." Liu Shen's eyes flickered and he spoke softly.

Everyone was silent. Thinking about it carefully, it was really possible that without Xu Yu's arrival, their trajectory might be consistent with the picture.

"Brother, you underestimate me. Will I be defeated by this kid?" Feng Yuan said with some dissatisfaction at this time.

Xu Yu wrote and splashed ink to interpret such a big picture of the world, but he is the villain in this story and becomes a supporting role in the story.

Moreover, although he had lost to Xu Yu, he did not think that he would lose to a young boy like Shi Hao.

"When I reach the Emperor's realm, we will know after a discussion." Shi Hao's voice was very calm, but he could feel the confidence in it.

Xu Yu was dumbfounded. Both of the two peerless geniuses were arrogant and did not think that they would be weaker than each other.

The long river of time surged, and scenes flashed before everyone's eyes. Xu Yu reflected the history of the perfect world.

Xu Yu nodded. Now he has reflected the complete plot of the perfect world and covered up the secret. This is an important part.

It seemed that Shi Hao was the only emperor who stepped onto the sky alone, but in fact, several great emperors might have appeared silently.

And if he returns to Zhetian, it will be another huge surprise for the Weird Clan in the future!
At that time, the war between the gods was over, and the Weird clan had begun to fight against the world. At that time, he had enough strength to protect the people in the world.

"Before I leave, I will give you a great blessing, which can also be considered as adding a bit of foundation for the future."

Xu Yu spoke solemnly and looked at Shi Hao and the others.

Several people's expressions moved slightly, what kind of luck could make him so solemn.

A ball of light emerged, spinning continuously in the palm of his hand, interweaving various brilliant lights, and three thousand avenues intertwined and surrounded, exuding a mysterious aura.

This is the law of the Three Thousand Great Dao that he has engraved after traveling through the heavens. Especially after he became the emperor, he sorted it out. It is of great help to the powerful ones who have not yet set foot in the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

Everyone present is not that they have not accumulated enough, but they have not sorted out their own avenues clearly and have not found their own path, so they are stuck in the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

The light source that appeared in Xu Yu's hand not only contained his many insights into becoming an emperor, but if they could learn from it, maybe they could also use it to enter the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

"Brother, this is it!" Shi Hao was surprised. His eyes widened and he immediately realized how extraordinary this thing was.

"With this understanding, maybe you can enter the imperial realm. This is the only thing I can do for you in this era," Xu Yu said slowly.

In the following years, in the world within the map of mountains and rivers.

Liu Shen and Shi Hao both began to comprehend the Three Thousand Great Dao.

Currently, only these two Dao Ancestors can comprehend it, not even the Emperor Light Immortal Kings like the Butcher and the Burial Master.

They once tried to understand the great path of creating a jade butterfly, but they were coughed up blood after a short time and had no choice but to stop.

And Xu Yu also passed on the last chapter of the original true explanation to them. Perhaps this chapter will be more helpful to them.
In these years, Liu Shen and Shi Hao have been cultivating with the help of Three Thousand Avenues, hoping to break into the true imperial realm.

Xu Yu and Feng Yuan, in the world in the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Diagram, often explained the great principles to the immortal kings and assisted them in their practice.

Fifty thousand years have passed in a hurry, and in the entire world in the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, the avenues are harmonious, and various visions have appeared.

The Thunder Emperor among the Ten Evils was the first to enter the quasi-immortal emperor realm.

Everyone sighed that he was indeed the youngest and most potential being among the ten evil spirits, and he was the first to break through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

He is worse than the burial master, butcher, etc.


Xu Yu was very serious about Thunder Emperor's breakthrough, and in the years to come, he gave guidance on his practice many times.

The method he practices is very unique. It is said to be a punishment for heaven and to destroy everything. After breaking through to the quasi-immortal emperor realm, his strength became particularly amazing, and Xu Yu discovered that his method had great restraint on the Weird Clan. "He transforms into freedom, he transforms into eternity..."

A loud noise came and shocked many people

Shi Hao's figure disappeared.

Surrounded by three thousand avenues, he is constantly performing and changing, and many runes are imprinted on his body.

And his real body is sitting cross-legged in the jade dish. In his eyes, there is the scene of the birth and death of the universe, and the sound of the rushing river of time is extremely terrifying.

Then Shi Haowei made a sound, and his body turned into an endless rain of blood, shooting out in all directions.

The blazing light spreads and is so dazzling that even a powerful Immortal Emperor like Quasi Immortal Emperor may not be able to gain a foothold here.
"Is he crazy?"

Feng Yuan arrived and was a little stunned when he saw this scene. He saw that Shi Hao actually disintegrated on his own initiative. Does this mean that he has gone crazy?
"How could it be possible? It cannot be deduced. It does not belong to this ancient history." Feng Yuan made a hand with his hands to deduce Shi Hao's whereabouts, and suddenly frowned slightly.

At this time, countless light rains and billions of drops of blood penetrated the heaven and earth, submerged into the long river of time, and were in different time and space.

Billions of blood drops rush into the long river of time. He wanders in time and manifests in different eras.

"He's so comfortable, boy, he's really crazy." Xu Yuhui's eyes were as bright as fire, and she suddenly noticed Shi Hao's theme.

"He won't want to use this secret technique to enter the Immortal Emperor Realm." Feng Yuan's face changed slightly and he guessed.

"Yes, he has been transformed for eternity, wandering in the long river of time to practice. When all the blood comes back, he may be able to smelt the Immortal Emperor Dao Fruit," Xu Yu said softly, with sharp eyes,
"This is too crazy. If you are not careful, you will really die." Feng Yuan was surprised and worried about Shi Hao's madness.

"He knows that with me here, he will not fall so easily," Xu Yu smiled.

Even if the Immortal Emperor falls, he can still save him, let alone the Dao Ancestor.

Shi Hao knew the method, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to practice in such a crazy way.

At this moment, the long river of time flows, and blood stains appear in the upstream, middle reaches, and downstream, manifesting in different time and space.

In the era of Emperor Luo, a Shi Hao emerged. It was a drop of blood and had its own will. He practiced in the Emperor Luo era.

"I see!"

Xu Yu understood. He had originally wondered how the blood of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor could appear when he entered the Land of Tongtian, and the inexplicable Three Thousand Avenues emerged. It turned out that the root cause was here.

This was caused by Shi Hao using the created jade butterfly to practice his method of transforming into the Emperor of Freedom!
Logically speaking, in the original work, the Corpse Immortal Emperor killed him with the Great Luo Sword Embryo, forming a rain of billions of blood, but now it is him who automatically disintegrates and practices his own form of freedom.

He transformed himself into freedom, he transformed into eternity, and he performed this method to the extreme.

In the long river of time, drop after drop of blood flows, gathering together, filling the air with blazing brilliance.

Finally, there was a loud bang, and all the heavens and worlds, as well as the long river of time, were violently shaken. The creatures in all time and space were shocked and looked up at the sky in confusion.

However, nothing was seen.

In the map of mountains and rivers, hundreds of millions of strands of blood flew together and reunited, as if they had never left.

An aura belonging to the Immortal Emperor suddenly became powerful and gradually flourished.

This is the result of countless hours of hard work and baptism over the years.

Shi Hao emerged from the Three Thousand Avenues and appeared again, surrounded by radiance, and a vast imperial power emerged overwhelmingly.

The blood was bright, condensed and formed, turning into Shi Hao's true body, standing here as if he had never left.
His aura was so terrifying. Compared with what he had imagined before, there had been a qualitative change. He was no longer the supreme Taoist ancestor, but the Immortal Emperor, a supremely powerful man.

Feng Yuan was also surprised to find that this little guy had reached this point and became a real Immortal Emperor.

I am afraid that the weird clan today would not have thought of this world. Quietly and with a little neglect of monitoring the heavens, three powerful Immortal Emperors were born!
Liu Shen is still meditating. His appearance is also extremely extraordinary, and his body is vaguely filled with imperial power. It is obvious that he is only missing the last step.

"Don't tell me, another emperor is about to be born!" Feng Yuan's face looked a little moved.

Liu Shen is sitting cross-legged there, very aloof, with flawless snow clothes, as bright as the moon, and wisps of white mist filling the air. Beside him, there are three thousand light groups, which are one big world after another,

Now, her three thousand light groups have undergone transformation again, and are surrounded by the blazing light of the avenue one after another. It is the law of the three thousand avenues that is blessed by her!
"Three Thousand Avenues!"

Xu Yu's eyes were condensed. The secrets of the Three Thousand Great Dao fit perfectly with Liu Shen's Three Thousand Divine Kingdom, which gave her unimaginable benefits.

In all the heavens and all the realms, endless waves of gods and demons are worshiping, and the blazing light is surging. This scene is shocking for all eternity.

At this moment, Xu Yu's figure became illusory, and his whole person almost turned into a state like light particles.


Feng Yuan and Shi Hao exclaimed, and couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. It was finally time to say goodbye. Although they had been prepared in their hearts, facing this moment in real life was a different feeling.

The two emperors were able to overlook hundreds of millions of years and look down upon the world, but now they were a little confused and didn't know how to face it.

"After all eternity, it's time to say goodbye."

Suddenly, Xu Yu realized that his time in this era was coming to an end, and he had to regret the time and space that belonged to him.

Perfect as a dream, he will eventually leave! Return to another life!
His figure became increasingly blurry and illusory, as if he was about to disappear completely. It seemed that there was never any trace of him in the world.
It may be hundreds of millions of years before we meet again,
"Brother, you..."

The two people's expressions changed slightly and they asked together. Even though they were Immortal Emperors, they still had too many doubts and too many puzzles in their hearts.

Because their brother is too mysterious and they can't see through it.

"I know what you want to ask. Regarding this era, I am very special. It is the past and the future. This is also my imperial way." He smiled lightly.

Then, a long river of time emerged, with waves and an inexplicable luster. It seemed that the power of cause and effect emerged and would carry him away.
"A big dream for a million autumns, the sea is flowing across the sea, I will be waiting for you in... the future, take care!"

He smiled slightly, his eyes flickering and shining brightly, as if he could see through the long river of time and cut off the past and present.

His figure completely turned into light particles, and then disappeared completely. In perfection, no one could see any trace of him. It had no origin, no end, and could not be deduced.

"Will we meet again? When will that be?" Shi Hao felt a little sad, with a touch of sadness between his brows. As an Immortal Emperor, he could have looked down on all things and rarely had emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, but now he showed obvious emotions. mood swings,

"Yes, until the weirdness is over, he will eventually come back and reappear in the world!" Feng Yuan said in a deep voice with burning eyes.

Xu Yu's figure completely disappeared! It was as if he had never existed.

The light particles moved with the long river of time, reflecting one picture after another. It was the changing of the years and the changing of history. He witnessed the chaotic ancient times, saw the myths, and witnessed the ancient times.

Each and every stunning figure and brilliant chapter, like stars, shines brightly in the sky of ancient history!
With a final roar, the long river of time roared endlessly, running through the past and future, and finally came together, boundlessly and endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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