Chapter 134 Harvest
In the meeting room of the headquarters of Qingshan Company, Huang Yuanmei sat in the main seat, and the senior management of Jinshan Company were distributed around.

On the many screens in the meeting room, some are broadcasting news.

"Recently, LME Lunnickel has continued to skyrocket. Although Tsingshan Company claims to have obtained a sufficient amount of nickel, it is clear that the market does not believe that the price continues to be high..."

"The latest news is that the world's three major energy giants Barclays Capital, Bank of London, and Neon Mitsui Group have formed long positions to short Tsingshan. The stock price of Tsingshan has plummeted, and the cumulative decline has exceeded 200%..."


A screen in the middle is playing information from the London Stock Exchange.

Judging from the trend of nickel prices, after the Tsingshan Company issued the announcement, there was indeed a slight drop, but it was quickly pushed up again, obviously there is a force supporting it.

"Hmph, these people really don't give up!" A Qingshan executive said with a cold snort.

"When will there be a reduction in the imperialist heart of self-destruction! If these hungry wolves really succeed in forcing the position and fail to deliver on the transaction date, it will be small for us people to go bankrupt. If it falls into their hands, at that time, our country's nickel metal resources will be controlled by these foreigners again. Thanks to Mr. Huang for your help, otherwise we will all become sinners of the country!"

It was the former chairman of Tsingshan who was speaking. Many people in the country do not know that the scarcity of nickel in our country is even more severe than that of chips.

However, our own nickel reserves are extremely low, accounting for only 3% of the world's total, and nearly 95% of nickel resources need to be imported.

It was the former chairman who founded Tsingshan Company more than ten years ago. After more than ten years of hard work, he gradually became the leader in the field of nickel resources.

Today, Tsingshan Company transports nickel resources from abroad every year, accounting for 1/4 of the global production, which directly meets the country's demand for nickel resources!
"To tell you the truth, Mr. Huang, we have already contacted the State Reserve Bureau before you came to our door, but the reserve of the State Reserve Bureau is not much, even less than half! Only about [-] tons."

In fact, this is also expected. The annual production of electrolytic nickel in my country is only about 16 tons, and Xiongda next door is only 11.5 tons. It is still blocked by Western countries because of the war, which is also the reason for the price increase of nickel resources before.

Of the 16 tons produced by the country, only about 12 tons were extracted from domestically mined nickel ore, and the rest was also imported.

Even with the existence of Tsingshan Company, the character of Chinese people who keep everything in one hand keeps us from putting all our eggs in one basket. The nickel resources produced by the country are another guarantee.

Most of these nickel resources are supplied to major military state-owned enterprises to ensure that they will not be stuck at critical moments, but they are only barely enough, so there are not many stocks.

"Mr. Jiang, we don't have to worry about the past. It's not rude to come here! Since people are bullying to the door, we have to let them have a good memory!"

"Oh, what does Mr. Huang mean?" Hearing the tone of the new chairman opposite, the senior executives of Qingshan immediately regained their spirits.

During the recent period, the senior management of Tsingshan Company has been tortured to the point of collapse. Short orders in the London futures market cannot be established at will. As the price of nickel rises, Tsingshan Company needs to pay a certain amount of deposit. It is the red line to maintain the position without being forced to liquidate.

If it’s okay in normal times, the price of nickel in this wave has doubled several times now, and the margin that needs to be paid is also an astronomical figure. Before that, most of the working capital of Tsingshan Company has been filled in, and even part of the assets have been mortgaged. was forced to liquidate.

"Now that the price of nickel is so high, do you think we should sell some?" Huang Yuanmei smiled playfully.

He has received news from Han Jun, the person in charge of the mining company, that 20 tons of nickel has been produced. This production speed has exceeded everyone's expectations. Once the speed explodes, it is amazing.

After getting the news, Wang Yuanmei was completely relieved, and asked the Han army to continue to work overtime and store more ammunition.

"Get out?"

Some executives didn't react for a while, and they were a little confused.

"Wait..." The former chairman of Qingshan suddenly thought of what she was going to do, and said with a shocked face, "Mr. Huang, are you trying to squeeze the air?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone reacted.

Yes, those Western capitals can squeeze their positions by going long, and they can naturally operate in the opposite direction, but these need enough ammunition.

Normally, this ammunition is the funds in their hands, but the futures market relies on real goods no matter what, so now the nickel in their hands is also their ammunition.

"That's right. We not only need to let Tsingshan Company tide over this difficulty, but we also want to make profits with it. Clean up these Western capitals and squeeze the wool of capitalism!"

Everyone was convinced by her words. After being bullied by Western capital for so many years, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Now that they have the opportunity to take revenge, everyone is looking forward to it.

"Since these Western capitals don't believe that we have enough nickel for delivery, let's continue to give them some confidence. Mr. Jiang, take a chance and inadvertently reveal that we don't have 20 tons of nickel at all, and make them happy!"

"Okay, leave this matter to me." The former chairman of Qingshan readily agreed. As a big boss who has been in the mall for many years, he asked himself that his acting skills would not lose to those movie kings in the entertainment industry.

"Also, I hope to communicate with the State Reserve Bureau and let them disclose the information that the state will not interfere with Qingshan, so that everyone thinks that we are doomed this time, and even the state does not have enough nickel!"

"This should be no problem. The high-level executives have disclosed it before, and they can provide us with help within their ability."

"As for the nickel, leave it to me, don't worry everyone."


Under the operation of everyone, the whole network boiled for a while.

All the major financial video bloggers rushed to report about Lunni and Qingshan, and they directly parachuted to the top of the hot search list!

"No.1, the global giant in the field of nickel resources, Tsingshan Company, I can't buy 20 tons of nickel resources within the deadline! The international mining field is a big earthquake!"

"No.2: Real hammer! Tsingshan chairman Jiang Ruimin uttered the truth after drinking, and Tsingshan company will enter bankruptcy and reorganization procedures!"

"No.3: The pain of the Dragon Kingdom! Complete loss of the right to speak of rare earth resources and nickel metals! The future of the new energy industry is worrying!"

"No.4: International Lunni continued to rise sharply. As of today's close, it has broken through to an unprecedented US$12 per ton! Wannan Finance reports for you."


"no.10: The dust has settled! The building will collapse!"

Almost all of the top ten most searched lists are from Tsingshan Company!

In the conference room of Tsingshan Company, an executive is reporting the progress of the work to everyone.

"Mr. Huang, Mr. Jiang... 25 tons of electrolytic nickel have been stored in secret, and enough warehouses have been prepared for the parts that will come later."

As one of the giants in the mining field, Tsingshan Company has a designated delivery warehouse. In a few days, the electrolytic nickel produced by the mining company has been put into storage, which made the senior executives of Tsingshan Company breathe a sigh of relief. .

In the past few days, the price of electrolyte continued to soar in the international market, and the price exceeded 16 US dollars per ton!At this time, there were only three days left before the delivery date.

Today is Monday, and the London Futures Exchange opens on time.

After the opening of the market that day, due to the continuation of the Second World War, all bulk commodities skyrocketed, among which the price of electrolytic nickel soared all the way, reaching a high of US$18 per ton after all.

All the people who paid attention were excited. Countless people took out their own wealth, wanted to get admission tickets, boarded this wealth train, and were stunned by the huge benefits.

And those Western capitals behind it are already happy in their hearts.Some people have even opened the champagne to celebrate this huge harvest.

In a skyscraper not far from the London Futures Exchange, one of the behind-the-scenes men who participated in the hunt for Qingshan Company, the board of directors of a certain capital giant laughed at this time, as if wealth was already within reach.

Eagle sauce, neon... The same scene happened among the participating chaebols, and everyone felt that they had a sure chance of winning. After all, such scenes have happened countless times, and they have never missed a chance.

"Push up the price to 20 US dollars per ton, and let Tsingshan Company leave!" These western capitals are preparing for the final attack!
Qingshan company headquarters, in the conference room of the headquarters.

Looking at the trend chart on the screen, everyone's heart is very complicated.

"Okay, get ready to shoot!"

Huang Yuanmei, who was on the main seat, spoke calmly and gave orders to the trader.

"Throw [-] tons first."

"Yes!" The trader responded.

Because the delivery date has not yet arrived, what Tsingshan is selling now is not the electrolytic nickel in the empty order signed with Western Capital.

This kind of physical sale order, the other party needs to buy it at the current price. In order to maintain the high price of electrolytic nickel, those western capitals will definitely buy it. Huang Yuanmei is determined here.

And once they eat it, it will be the beginning of their nightmare!
Soon, the transaction was successful.

"Mr. Huang, the other party has eaten it." Trader Hui reported.

"Continue to sell, sell [-] tons every hour." Wang Yuanmei continued to order calmly.

One hour……

two hours...

six hours...

The price of electrolytic nickel is still at more than 20 US dollars per ton, and even rose a little.

The [-] tons of electrolytic nickel sold were all eaten up by these western capitals.

Now the two sides are fighting psychological warfare!You think I don't?But actually I have!You think I have it, but I just don't!
False and real, supplemented by positive and strange, can make the other party unpredictable!
"Boss Huang, are you still selling?" the trader asked.

"No, let's stop here today! Let the other party take it easy." Huang Yuanmei said with a smile.

The 120 tons that were sold today have been exchanged for more than [-] billion U.S. dollars in cash, which is already quite a harvest!
This income belongs to the mining company, because the sold electrolytic nickel is equivalent to a loan from the mining company to Tsingshan Company, and at most a certain percentage of the share will be given.The 20 tons of shares in Tsingshan Company must be reserved for later delivery depending on the situation.Of course, that is under the condition that nickel has been at a high level. If the other party cannot support it within these two days and the price falls to a reasonable range, there is no need to keep it.

You can't kill the opponent with a single shot, the last word is the long flow of water.

And the other party is not a fool, only by trapping the other party step by step, making them feel that there is still hope, can maximize the benefits.

The next day, Tsingshan Company continued to sell electrolytic nickel. At the beginning of [-] tons, these western capitals still bought in without hesitation. As it went further, it could be clearly felt that the other party was also hesitating.

These people would never have imagined where Qingshan Company got so much electrolytic nickel from.

Those who joined forces to surround Qingshan Company's capital were in collusion, but now they began to suspect each other.

According to their investigation, Tsingshan Company can't produce so much electrolytic nickel at all. Even with the help of Long Guo behind it, it will not be easy in a short time. Neither received the message.

That's even more strange, they can only look suspiciously at their own people, is someone starting to run away!

It’s not like yesterday. Today’s bulls seem to be a little weak, and the price has started to fluctuate at a high level. But thinking that there are only two days before the delivery date, and the funds that have been bought and paid, these Western capitals have communicated again and reunified. Thought, continue to eat the electrolytic nickel sold by Tsingshan Company.

Due to the slowdown of the other party's purchase rate, Tsingshan Company only sold 100 tons of electrolytic nickel today, and reaped more than [-] billion US dollars in cash.

Under the tacit understanding of everyone, Tsingshan Company has sold so much electrolytic nickel, but there is no foreign media report, and the fluctuation of nickel price is also interpreted as market adjustment.

On the domestic side, in order to cooperate with Qingshan's sell-off plan, there was no publicity.

In this strange atmosphere, the time came to the day before the delivery day.

Not long after the opening of the market, Tsingshan Company continued to sell electrolytic nickel. As a last resort, many western capitals continued to follow up with gritted teeth.

In the past two days, they have consumed a lot of funds, and thinking about it makes them feel a little distressed, but now they are already on the verge of riding a tiger, tomorrow is the delivery date, and seeing the harvest day is in front of them, how can they be reconciled?

No matter what they think, Tsingshan Company is still selling electrolytic nickel at a leisurely pace, and the action is getting bigger and bigger.

Two more sales orders of [-] tons were thrown out, and these Western capitals jointly took it down, but on the third time, Tsingshan Company directly made a sale order of [-] tons.

It was like a blow to the head, knocking out all the bulls!

Silence, endless silence.

At this time, even the most stupid people will realize that something is wrong, not to mention that these financial players are all elites among human beings.

As a result, more and more sell orders appeared, and it was obvious that some smart people were preparing to run away.

At this time, these Western capitals have already quarreled, and they are all suspicious of these allies of their own.

The quarrel is the quarrel, but I decided to continue to eat. After all, it is the last moment. After spending so much money and energy, no one wants to just stop like this.

This is the reason why gambling can be ranked alongside pornography and poison. Once you participate in it, no matter whether you win or lose, you will not be able to stop.

The only way to avoid it is to not get involved in the first place!
 Please subscribe, please collect!Here I would like to warn all book lovers not to participate in gambling, ten gambling and nine false, the author has a deep understanding.Yesterday, after communicating with me, my cousin found out that the two times I lent my cousin a total of 5000 yuan were actually borrowed by my cousin’s husband in the tone of my cousin. After receiving the money, I deleted the news and kept my cousin. I was kept in the dark until I got the news from another person recently, only to find out that he borrowed not only from me, but also from relatives, friends, and online loans, and he has already lost all of them. Now he has also run away. The police are investigating During the investigation.

(End of this chapter)

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