The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 135 Causes a Sensation (4000-word chapter)

Chapter 135 Causes a Sensation (4000-word chapter)
Although these capitals worked together to take down the [-]-ton sale order, the market has already retreated. Without the previous enthusiasm, many people have begun to wait and see.

Reflected in the futures market, the price of nickel fell below the mark of 16 yuan per ton.

Seeing the market's reaction, Huang Yuanmei in the conference room immediately gave the order for a general attack.

"Sell all of them, 20 tons!" This is the previous surplus plus all the products produced during this period!
The London futures market, the arc that represents commodity trading, came to an eerie halt.

Everyone is dumbfounded, what's going on?
The trading managers of the London Futures Exchange stared at the graph on the big screen as if seeing a ghost!



There was a wordless silence, and a needle could be heard in the hall.

The lively scene just now is gone, and time seems to have stopped!
Everyone is dumbfounded, what's going on?
Why?Why was Tsingshan Company able to release more than 20 tons of electrolytic nickel the day before the delivery date!
"20 tons! They...they delivered 20 tons"


"In this world, can anyone really produce 20 tons of electrolytic nickel?!"


Everyone is numb.

This bizarre scene has surpassed the cognition of many of them!
Because in the futures trading of commodities, there is no sudden rise and fall!
Why?Because futures are not stocks, they are real objects that can be seen and touched!

If you trade 1 ton of iron ore, then you have to take the delivery note or option certificate, and under the witness of the exchange, pay with one hand and deliver with the other!

Well, you said you are out of stock!That's ok, first your security deposit will be deducted, and you will be fined!
If the circumstances are serious, you will be banned from entering the futures trading market for 3-5 years. This is not the end, your company will be blacklisted!

This will completely discredit your company and you!
So, a certain commodity, such as iron ore.There are traces of how much inventory, how much output, and how many tons are traded stably every year around the world!
How many are in your family and how many are in my family? You can roughly guess. After all, you are not doing business behind closed doors.It is impossible for so many goods to suddenly appear on the market!
But it's strange that such an evil thing happened!

The whole world feels that Tsingshan Company can't produce 20 tons of electrolytic nickel. My good guy, they released 35 tons of electrolytic nickel in one go within these three days!
And how much is the electrolytic nickel at this time?
16.1 US dollars / ton! ! !
Tsk tsk, you know, the market price of electrolytic nickel was 2 US dollars/ton before!

When I came back to my senses, the people in charge of countless banks, funds and other investments in the futures market all over the world immediately realized that something was wrong.

They put down what they were doing one after another, roaring and ordering their subordinates to cancel the warehouse they built, or cancel their follow-up status!
But it was already too late. The transaction orders they had established either explicitly or secretly were swept away in an instant. The energy of 20 tons of electrolytic nickel was beyond everyone's imagination, and it penetrated all the dark positions in the market. These transactions have already been locked, just like the embarrassing situation of Qingshan Company before, but now they have changed the target.

When the London Stock Exchange rang the closing bell, today's commodity trading was led by Tsingshan Company, and the terrifying trading volume of 35 tons of electrolytic nickel stung the hearts of countless people!
This heavy blow from Qingshan Company caused internal injuries to countless people.

In three days, Qingshan Company sold 35 tons of electrolytic nickel, and obtained more than 280 billion U.S. dollars in cash plus more than 100 billion U.S. dollars of transaction orders that can be delivered in the future. The profit exceeds more than 330 billion US dollars!

What is this concept?Looking at the whole world, it is a huge sum of money!Equivalent to more than 2300 billion yuan!

In three days, Tsingshan Company earned a net profit of three barrels of oil for one year!Nearly twice the net profit of the Internet Big Three!
at this time.

The entire Qingshan Group fell into a carnival.All the employees inside the building were weeping with joy.


"we won!"

"It's awesome! I'm proud of being a member of Qingshan!!!"

In the meeting room of the board of directors, the shareholders hugged each other and all cried.

They won this war. Although tomorrow will be the trading day for the 20 tons of nickel empty orders, everyone is not panicking at this time.

Tsingshan’s 20-ton sale order directly pushed down the unit price of nickel to several thousand dollars per ton. At the close, although it rebounded to a little over 1 tons, this is already the limit.

It is foreseeable that the price of nickel will be in a downturn for a while before everyone recovers.

Under such circumstances, it is not too difficult to acquire enough nickel.

In fact, when it fell to several thousand dollars a ton, Huang Yuanmei had already ordered traders to start buying. By the time the London Stock Exchange closed, it had bought back nearly 1 tons of contracts. More than $[-] a ton for a reason!

In the capital, when the short-selling war in the mining industry came to an end, the management leaders finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The Tiangong Group, which played a key role in it, has also entered the eyes of the leadership.

This investigation was even more serious, and all kinds of information quickly surfaced. No one thought that such an underwater giant crocodile, which is making troubles in the international precious metal field, has only been established for more than a year.

And the mining field is only part of the business of the other party.

Immediately, these leaders felt wrong again. Even if Tiangong Group kept a low profile, it couldn't be so unknown!
Such a behemoth, there was no relevant information reported before, which is unreasonable and unreasonable.

Thus, mysterious forces descended on Province G. Their arrival did not disturb anyone, and they quietly began to collect all the information of Tiangong Group secretly.

On the financial channel, the host is broadcasting today's Lunni war in a loop.

"According to the latest news from our station: Today, International Lunni opened for trading, leading the trading of bulk commodity precious metals at a price of 18 US dollars per ton that day."

"In the next few hours, the price of nickel futures experienced a roller coaster. As of the closing price of the day, the closing price was 1.27 US dollars / ton, which was the highest drop in nickel prices in the history of the world."

"The Tsingshan Group, which has received much attention, successfully delivered 24 tons of electrolytic nickel and left the market with a profit of tens of billions of dollars, which shocked the eyes of countless people."

In the self-media era, major self-media bloggers are not far behind, and have released their own works one after another, exaggerating.

In the next week, Qingshan Company was in the trending searches, airborne headlines several times, and many netizens applauded.

Little A's financial report: #色猪吃虎!Tsingshan Group sold 10 tons of electrolytic nickel in the last 20 minutes, shocking the world! #
Ben Nan Finance and Economics: #青山打话 bankruptcy and reorganization announcement, and at the same time issued a statement: Bankruptcy is a rumor, don’t believe in rumors, don’t spread rumors! #
Great truth: #National Enterprise!Mr. Qidi Jiang's patriotic mind: For the country's nickel freedom, I have worked hard for 20 years! #
xx channel: #把热气早!This is a great victory for private enterprises in the face of foreign capital encirclement and suppression!

Countless headlines are rampant, but the core is all about this World War II.

With further digging, this time, the Tiangong Group, the driving force behind the victory in the Lunni War, also surfaced!
"The giant crocodile behind Tsingshan Company, the real international mining talker—Tiangong Group!"

"Things you don't know! The Tsingshan Company, which has slammed foreign capital recently, is only a part of him!"

The matter continued to ferment until a state-run media outlet ended.

The next day's Provincial G Daily had a headline on the front page: Who said there is only liquor in our province?Let’s talk about another trillion mining giant in our province!

The following is a detailed report on a series of situations of Tiangong Group, starting from this Lunni war, and extending to the entire Tiangong Group.

In the end, it is concluded that the emergence of Tiangong Group is the inevitable result of the leaders of province G actively supporting local enterprises, improving the business environment, and developing transportation and education according to the instructions of the central spirit. More such companies will be born in the future Enterprise cloud.

In the self-media era, these traditional paper media also have a large number of their own official accounts. This information was also posted on the Internet simultaneously, which attracted the attention of countless people.

The number of messages in the comment area rose rapidly, and they all discussed the sudden burst of underwater predators enthusiastically.

"Tiangong Group, why is this name so familiar?... Isn't this the name on the renovated building over the septic tank? I mean why is it so familiar?" A resident of Zhucheng City said on the Internet, Photos taken by myself are also attached.

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's not a state-owned enterprise disguised as a private enterprise. The state usually finds a reason to intervene. How could such a small company that was previously unknown suddenly produce so much electrolytic nickel! My beautiful father is free." Er Gouzi number one.

"I'm sorry, I didn't fasten the chain, let the upstairs come out and scream, and I'm sorry to everyone!"——m(._.)mcongning@.

"Please tie up your dog, thank you!" ——Xiaobai loves to eat fish.

"Er Gouzi get out of China! Down with imperialism!" - War Wolf.

"I've seen this kind of thing a lot. I just want to say that I understand everything I know. If I don't understand, I won't explain it too much. After all, I just know it. Just read it carefully. Don't ask me what's wrong. The interests are too involved. It’s not good for you or me to say it, so just pretend you don’t know. For the rest, I can only say that the water is very deep and there are many things involved. It’s hard for you to find the details, and most of them have been deleted from the Internet. So I can only say that I understand everything.” ——Long Kong Pujie.

"Discover the Riddler!"

"Don't make wild guesses. Our company has been established for a short time, but it does not mean that we are weak. The mining industry is only a part of our company. I think you will see more surprising things in the future. Don't be surprised then Oh!" - Tiangong Group's mechanical dog.

"I didn't expect to meet colleagues. I am also from Tiangong Group, but I am just a member of the laboratory. What I want to say is that in terms of materials science, except for us, everyone outside is rubbish! If you don't agree, I won't argue with you. When the time comes, you will know the gap.” ———A little pine Xu.


The Tiangong Group has become famous, not only in China, but also by countless interested people. After all, the money Qingshan earned this time did not come out of thin air.

The top floor of the Tiangong Group Building, as Bai Yao's training place, is still equipped with some sofas, which are used for the convenience of subordinates to report work.

At this time, Bai Key was sitting on the main seat, listening to the reports of his subordinates who were in charge of various aspects.

This included Huang Yuanmei who had just rushed back from Qingshan Company. As the president of Tiangong Group, she had just been elected as the chairman of Qingshan Company and Bai Yao's chief steward.

Next to him is a middle-aged man with a resolute appearance who looks more like a soldier. His name is Han Jun, he is the head of Tiangong Group Mining Company, and also the group's full-time vice president.

In addition, there is also Professor Zhengqiang, the head of the Tiangong Research Institute, a professor that Bai Key likes very much. When the research institute was established, Bai Key personally visited him and brought out many cross-era materials. The sample, which moved the Internet celebrity professor, agreed to come to the place where he used to work as the director of a newly established research institute.

Even though he is also an Internet celebrity, this professor has real talents and real learning. He is a giant in the field of polymer materials. He is second only to academicians as Changjiang Scholars. Being the director of the research institute can be regarded as a professional counterpart!

The remaining two are Su Zhenhong, who is in charge of the precision processing company, and Li Zhaobin, who is in charge of the energy company. They are both leaders in their respective industries, otherwise they would not have been appointed by Baiyao to be in charge of one aspect of Tiangong Group's business.

"Mr. Huang has done a very good job this time. It's very satisfying. Over the years, these foreigners have harmed many companies in our country through commercial means and capital operations. This time, it will probably make them suffer for a while!" Zhengqiang said.

"Who says it's not? There are companies from all walks of life that have been harmed by them. Let's talk about the recent Huawei. If Mr. Ren hadn't insisted on letting Huawei go public and insisted on scientific research, maybe the control right now falls to them. I have it." Li Zhaobin also echoed beside him.

"Haha, this is all due to the platform given by the company and the wise leadership of the boss!" Huang Yuanmei also seemed very happy. This battle has always been carried out under her command. The benefits are so great, and her rewards are also great. No less!
"Okay, don't flatter me. The person you should thank the most is Han Jun. In order to provide you with enough ammunition, I know that he has been living in the factory for almost half a month, and he has never returned home. , My wife’s calls came to the company, and I thought something happened to him!" Bai Key was a little happy when he heard Huang Yuanmei's flattery, but he didn't go to claim the credit, and also told Han Jun's credit.

After talking about the credit, it is definitely necessary to mention the rewards. It is not easy for them to ask such questions.Bai Key is not a pickpocket, money is just a number to him.

"I have seen the income this time. The income from the 20 tons of high nickel matte invested in Tsingshan Company will all be kept in the account of Tsingshan Company for future development, and this part will not be considered."

"The remaining 15 tons of profits of 289 billion U.S. dollars will be transferred back to the group company's account one after another. For this, I will reward 200000000 million U.S. dollars of it. Huang Yuanmei, as the person who proposed this plan and executed it perfectly, you are the first work, so you alone get a reward of [-] US dollars!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked.

"Old...boss, that's too much!" Even a professional elite like Huang Yuanmei stuttered.

"You can take it if you give it to you. If you don't take it, how can the people below take it! And it sounds like a lot, except for the 45% personal tax, it's more than 1 million."

"That's still a lot!" Huang Yuanmei muttered in her heart, but her heart was beating even more violently!

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(End of this chapter)

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