The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 145 Breakthrough of Chaos City Lord

Chapter 145 Breakthrough of Chaos City Lord
Primordial universe, within the Qianbao River.

Ever since he received the inheritance guidance given by Bai Key, the Lord of Chaos City has been in the process of comprehension.

As the master of the universe who is recognized as the most promising to break through the strongest, the strength of the Chaos City Lord has already been raised to the limit, and he has been trapped at this level for hundreds of millions of epochs.

What is more terrifying than not being able to break through is that you have no direction for the future!
The inheritance guidance provided by Bai Key not only helped him in the direction of the fusion of time and space, but also pointed out a way to lead to the master of chaos from a strategic point of view.
Even with these things, at the level of Chaos City Lord, it is difficult to predict the time of breakthrough. It is possible to suddenly realize all the joints in an instant, and break through to the strongest level in the universe. It may also be a matter of course after many years. breakthrough.

Since the gathering of the masters of the universe of the human race, they have obtained such a major inheritance guide, and it can be predicted that the strength of the human race will definitely improve greatly in the future.

In addition, the white key gave the founder of the giant axe the Xeon to the treasure battle axe. If the inheritance guide is to allow the human race to produce more powerful people in the future, then this Xeon to the treasure battle ax will make the human race feel helpless. Afraid.

The founder of the giant ax without the Xeon and Supreme Treasure itself has the strength of the eighth-level peak. Now that he has obtained the Xeon-Supreme Tomahawk, as long as he is a little proficient, it is only natural to increase the first level to the ninth-level top.

In the current era of the three major reincarnations of the universe sea, the strength of the ninth-level peak is also the strongest, and only the god-eye tribe, the strongest peak ethnic group in the first reincarnation era, can rely on the fusion secret method inherited from ancient times. Defeat the Greataxe Founder.

With such confidence, since the original ancestor was suppressed, the Chaos City Lord, who has been walking on thin ice and doing his best to support the human race, finally let go of the boulder that weighed on his heart.

This relaxation, breaking through the strong barrier of the strongest in the universe, seems to be no longer so desperate.

So in the following 3000 years, the awareness of the laws of the Chaos City Lord continued to improve until today.

The Primal Chaos City Lord, who was sitting cross-legged to comprehend the law, had a smile on his face, and his whole body exuded a strange aura.

"Ha ha!"

The hearty laughter resounded through the Chaos City of the Initial Universe and the secret realm of Qianbao River, attracting countless people's speculations, including Luo Feng who is currently in the Initial Universe. Accepted as a direct disciple, at the moment he doesn't know what the Chaos City Lord is happy about.

Because of the inheritance, the Lord of Darkness did not go to explore the cosmic sea, but comprehended the inheritance guidance at the headquarters of the virtual universe company.

The Lord of Darkness naturally heard the laughter of the Chaos City Lord, and he teleported to the place where the Chaos City Lord was.

"Brother, what's the matter?" After the Lord of Darkness arrived, he immediately noticed something was wrong with the Lord of Chaos City, and noticed the strange aura emanating from him.

"This... this is!" The Lord of Darkness, who had a cold face, now had a look of surprise in his eyes!
At this moment, he doesn't look like a peerless powerhouse, but like a child who got what he wanted and couldn't control his excitement.

He has known Chaos City Lord for too long, and to him, Chaos City Lord is like an older brother, always so calm and reliable!They have been protecting these brothers and supporting the human race. They are very aware of the pressure on the Chaos City Lord.

They know even more that, with the talent of the Chaos City Lord not inferior to the founder of the giant axe, being trapped as the Lord of the Universe for such a long time is related to the fact that he has been handling many affairs of the human race.

It is precisely because of this that after becoming the master of the universe, he also voluntarily concealed his identity and hid silently in the dark, escorting the human race and sharing a little pressure for the chaos city master.

"Brother, are you going to break through?" The Lord of Darkness asked hastily.

"I have always wanted to make a breakthrough, and I dare not relax even a little bit. I couldn't break through. Now, after relaxing, the breakthrough will come naturally!"

The Chaos City Lord's face was also very excited. The pursuit of hundreds of millions of years has finally come true at this moment, so how can he not be excited?
At this moment, the Lord of Chaos City can transform his kingdom of God into a small universe at any time, break through and become the strongest in the universe. He has been looking forward to this moment for endless years!
"How is your research on the structure of the small universe?"

"It's been studied a long time ago," the Chaos City Lord said with a smile.

Knowing from the inheritance guidelines, being careful about the structure of the universe directly affects the future potential, so the Chaos City Lord naturally attaches great importance to it.

Knowing that he will break through at any time, the founder of the giant ax also passed on his understanding of the structure of the small universe to him. In addition, the Lord of Chaos City controls the endless years of the initial universe, and what he is good at is also the law of time-space fusion. Therefore, for the small universe The structure is already clear.

While comprehending the laws over the years, he also summed up a set of small-scale universe structure methods, so he didn't feel very rushed.

"Junior brother, help me sit in the initial universe and the original secret realm for a period of time."

"Okay, brother, don't worry about breaking through!" The Lord of Darkness couldn't hide his excitement, "We will meet again next time, and we will be the True God of Chaos..."

After explaining everything, all the avatars of the Lord of Chaos returned to his Kingdom of God, ready to promote the Kingdom of God to evolve into a small universe and break through the strongest in the universe!
Becoming a true god has a process. First, the Kingdom of God has to expand into a small universe, and then the divine body will make a fundamental breakthrough. Naturally, it will take some time.

When breaking through the strongest in the universe, it is absolutely protected by the original universe.No one can interrupt the opponent's breakthrough.

The vast kingdom of God.

There are grasslands, seas, and mountains... The city lord of Chaos stood high in the sky, looking at his endless kingdom of God.

"My Kingdom of God has already reached its limit."

"As long as it starts to expand, it will quickly evolve into a small universe. My divine power has also been absorbed to the limit, so let's start." Standing high in the sky, the Chaos City Lord couldn't help being a little excited, how could he not be excited?After all, I have been looking forward to this day for trillions of epochs.

Following a thought of the Chaos City Lord, the vast Kingdom of God suddenly began to expand rumblingly.

The original boundary wall of the Kingdom of God swelled outward again.

This expansion immediately produced a violent reaction.


The entire kingdom of God shook, and a void channel was directly connected to the kingdom of God. Endless chaotic air flow gushed out from the end of this void channel that I don't know where it came from. Crack the earth, tear up the ocean, break everything, and return to chaos.

With a large supply of chaotic airflow power, the Kingdom of God began to expand wildly.

"Boom!" With the expansion of the Kingdom of God, another void channel was born, and more chaotic air flow rushed in.


It's like a world-ending scene.

The Chaos City Lord stood in the center of the Kingdom of God and looked around. Void passages were born one after another, and endless chaotic airflows poured in, causing chaotic vortices to form in the entire Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God continued to expand.

expand on one side.

The Kingdom of God itself is still moving, and the Kingdom of God itself is in the "space interlayer". Out of the space interlayer is the membrane wall of the original universe, and through the membrane wall is to enter the cosmic sea!At this moment, the Kingdom of God is constantly advancing...

It will take a certain amount of time to expand from the Kingdom of God to a small universe.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

"It's almost [-] million light-years away."

"With a diameter of [-] million light-years, all the small universes of the true gods are like this." The Chaos City Lord stood in the endless chaotic airflow, looking forward to sensing his kingdom of God.

The diameter of the small universe of the Void True God is from one billion light-years to ten billion light-years in diameter.

But true gods are all [-] million light-years away.

Because at the beginning of its birth, it is the same. The small universe has just been born. After the expansion and formation, the internal structure of the small universe and so on will be carried out immediately. Affects the size of the Void God miniature universe.


The entire Kingdom of God was shocked.

The original barrier of the Kingdom of God has become a cosmic membrane wall, and has become a huge celestial body with a diameter of [-] million light years.

The entire small universe suddenly stopped expanding, and everything took shape.At the same time, an irresistible mighty force acts on the small universe, making the small universe that has already touched the membrane wall of the original universe look like a glass ball that was ejected.

The entire small universe directly burst out of the original universe, like a fish entering the ocean and a bird entering the sky, this small universe has finally entered the mighty cosmic sea.

This small universe is [-] million light-years in diameter, not too much, not too little.

When it was blasted out of the original universe, a large hole with a diameter of more than [-] million light-years was naturally broken out of the membrane wall of the original universe. The small universe was rolling and rolling, and the chaotic airflow around it was crushed and surged away.What kind of power is it for such a behemoth to be blasted out?
Violent vibration, the vibration is transmitted.

in the small universe.

The Chaos City Lord looked around, those void passages had disappeared, and the entire small universe was filled with endless and majestic chaotic airflow.

"The expansion of the universe has reached its limit."

"The next step is to merge the parts into one, return to the source, and become the deity. There is also the origin and structure of the universe." The Lord of Chaos City held his breath.

The next few steps are completed one after another.

Among them, the structure of the universe is the most important step!
The internal structure of the small universe must be set before everything is finalized at the beginning. Once the chaotic airflow begins to transform into the ten basic law forces such as time and space, then there will be no opportunity for structure.Any super strong person... only has one opportunity to build in a long life.

This architecture.

One, it determines the future of the evolution of the small universe in the future.

Two, determine the origin of the small universe!
Third, it determines the limit that the strong can achieve.

This most basic structure is like laying the foundation when building a skyscraper. If the foundation is not well laid, skyscrapers cannot be built naturally.If this cosmic structure is not done well... the gradual evolution of the small universe in the future will also have limits, for example, the evolution to the "eternal true god stage" cannot be broken through.

Even if you already have a very high level of perception, if the small universe does not evolve and improve, then you will never be able to break through.

How can this step be taken lightly?


The Chaos City Lord stood in the endless chaotic airflow, but his eyes could easily see every place in his small universe.

"Available in one, back to the source!"

The Chaos City Lord immediately shouted.

The sound resounded throughout the small universe.

A powerful force immediately acted on three parts of the Chaos City Lord, and all of them were moved into a space in an instant.This is within the 'miniature origin of the universe', and the interior of the origin of the universe at this moment is also chaotic, and has not yet been fully finalized.

Only when the structure of the universe is finalized can this source be fully finalized.


The several clones completely shattered in an instant, and all the treasures were floating on one side. There was a 'heart' in the center of the monstrous divine power transformed by the broken clones, and that was the heart of the true god.

The heart of the true god is the most important part of the true god's body.

The soul hides in it and also communicates with its own small universe origin.If the source of the small universe transforms and stores a large amount of divine power, it can be directly transmitted to the heart of the true god.Once the heart of the true god is broken, the true god will be finished.

"Return to the source!"

With the voice of Chaos City Lord's will.

The endless divine power began to condense and condense continuously, and in the process of condensing, it became more and more refined, and it soared a hundred times in an instant.At the same time, it began to condense into flesh, tendons, skin, hair, etc. Soon, a burly and tall man with a height of [-] kilometers appeared in this unformed small universe origin.

"To become a true god, the soul hides the heart of the true god. Even if I have not reached my peak in terms of quantity, I can still exert 100% of my strength."

"No matter what, he finally became a true god."

The Lord of Chaos City let out a long breath, full of pride for a while.

"What a god!"

Waited for this day, how long have you waited.

"The most important step has begun."

The Chaos City Lord is standing in the original space of the universe of the small universe, and the interior is also in chaos, and everything has not been finalized.


One thought of the Chaos City Lord shrouded the entire universe, whether it was the original space or all the chaos in the universe, they all vibrated.

I saw the chaotic airflow in the entire universe, manipulating the division and rotation everywhere, and began to gradually condense into shape. Plane spaces began to be born rapidly, surrounding a huge space in the middle, just like planets revolving around stars.

A large amount of chaotic airflow outside the small universe of the chaotic city master is being swallowed crazily.

Hush huh~~~.

The endless chaotic airflow began to revolve around the small universe of the Chaos City Lord, forming a huge chaotic vortex.A large amount of chaotic airflow is swallowed and transformed into divine power all the time.The ability of all small universes to be converted into divine power, and the efficiency of conversion are also very different, which is inseparable from the initial structure.

In the small universe, the Chaos City Lord is undergoing chaos evolution.

The lofty law of chaos is beginning to evolve slowly, turning into the ten basic laws of time, space, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, lightning, light, and wind. In the process of evolution, there will also be the law of gold and space, time Many fusion laws such as the wind law, some fusion laws are concealed and integrated into the "small universe original operation law" as soon as they appear.

The original operation law of the small universe is based on the ten laws.

Hide all complex laws.

Only the law of chaos is missing, because all of these... are derived from the supreme law of chaos.

"The evolution of chaos can only be seen this time by Chengzhen God. There will be no such opportunity in the future." How can the owner of the Chaos City be careless? In the future, the promotion will only be a transition of the small universe, but the law of chaos will not be seen at all!

To control chaos, in ancient civilization, that is enough to be called holy!
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(End of this chapter)

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