The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 146 The Perfect Gene

Chapter 146 The Perfect Gene
"Wow wow wow..."

The laws are constantly changing.

From the simple law of chaos to the original operating law of the small universe that mixes all laws, this transformation process is evolved in the universe of the Chaos City Lord. As the master, the Chaos City Lord's feelings are naturally extremely strong, and he is completely immersed in it.

The sentiment of the Chaos City Lord is soaring rapidly!

Soaring at an astonishing speed!
From the lord of the universe to the true god, the moment when the realm rises the fastest is the moment when one realizes the "transformation of chaos".Even the comprehension of one or two eras of reincarnation like many true gods is not as short as the short time of chaos evolution.

Before becoming true gods, many true gods may only be the fifth-level top universe masters.But after becoming a true god, the level of the secret technique quickly reached the top sixth, seventh or even eighth level!
The founder of the giant axe, the Allah of God's Eye, relied on the most powerful and powerful treasure to burst out the top nine combat power, which shows that the secret method they could create at that time was only the top eight level. The level is up, almost a true god, may only be able to create a seventh-order secret method.

The Chaos City Lord is trapped in the endless years of the Lord of the Universe, how rich is his accumulation?At this moment, it is like an extremely dry desert, absorbing water crazily, and all the inspirations and perceptions in the process of "Chaos Transformation" are quickly transformed, quickly enlightened, and recorded everything.

The level of the realm keeps soaring, the sixth level, the top level of the sixth level... the seventh level.

In the end, at the end of "Chaos Evolution", it successfully reached the seventh-order top level!
It's just a chance to 'Chaos Evolution', only once!
Lost will no longer have!
"Huh." After a long time, the Lord of Chaos finally relaxed and let out a long breath.

Between the opening and closing of the eyes, the scene of the opening of the universe flashed in it, as if there was endless time and space hidden in it, and when he blinked again, all these disappeared again.

With the end of "chaotic transformation", everything is finalized, and the endless chaotic airflow in the small universe begins to transform, turning into many forces such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, time and space, and will also begin to give birth to the earth, rivers, and Everything... This is the beginning of evolution after the birth of the entire small universe, which can be regarded as the initial state.

Even the evolution of the primordial universe can be divided into stages such as birth, initial stage, prosperity, decay, and destruction.

In the initial stage, the unit needs to be 'billion era', which is a very long time.

Like the original universe of the original ancestor, when he provoked the original will of the original universe, the evolution had not yet completed, which shows how long the initial stage of the evolution of the small universe is.

However, the law of operation has been established, and the subsequent evolution of the universe will be a matter of course. There is no need for the Lord of Chaos to control it himself, and only need to leave a clone of divine power.In the small universe, even if it is just a clone of divine power, it can call the origin of the small universe and exert enormous power.


In the mysterious place of ancestors, in the palace on Bauhinia Island, Bai Yao frowned slightly, because an important email was sent to him through the virtual universe.

In the virtual universe, he immediately clicked on the email.

After seeing it, Bai Key was a little surprised. In the original book, he couldn't remember when the Chaos City Lord broke through, but it should be a long time later, when Bai Key had already become the Lord of the Universe.

Unexpectedly, the power of the inheritance guidance he provided was so powerful. In just a few thousand years, it was like the birth of another strongest man in the universe.

This is what he thought was wrong. Although the Chaos City Lord made a breakthrough this time, there were reasons for him to provide inheritance, but more importantly, the reason for him to let go of his knots and understand his thoughts.

But no matter what, such a result is good. Adding one of the most powerful human beings will make the survival ability and the ability to resist risks stronger, and there will be no such thing as in the original book. enemy situation.

In the original universe, when a group has the strongest person in the universe, it can be called the peak group.

Previously, the only one with two of the most powerful beings in the universe was one of the deadly enemies of the human race—the Yaozu!The Yaozu has two Yaozu, Mengyaozu and Zhenyaozhi.

Looking at the ever-spreading circle of light above Bauhinia Island, Bai Yao smiled knowingly. After more than 3000 years of cultivation, his improvement is also huge. This time the group is the Lord of Chaos City... No, it should be said that it is a celebration held by the True God of Chaos. He is Participation is set!
Although in the email just now, he was also notified to go to this celebration, but it is not difficult to imagine that the people present at that time will be the alien universe masters of the human race and the Hongmeng, no matter how bad they are, they will be like the Celestial Eclipse Palace Master Top pinnacle universe overlord!
He was able to receive the invitation, probably only because he is a direct disciple of Chaos God, and he contributed an Xeon to the human race, but the news about the Xeon is still top secret, so he is an immortal in this kind of gathering. In the middle, even if everyone sees the face of the True God of Chaos, they will not target him, nor will they give him more respect.

So before going to the celebration, he was going to mention his cultivation base!
The more than 3000 years of Bai Key's life in the ancestral mysterious realm can be summed up as meditation!inherited!
The white key is passed on almost every few days, which also caused a large number of practitioners on Bauhinia Island to quickly notice this scene.

"This white key has a huge number of inheritances after the crazy invitation to fight back then."

"However, no matter how many times there are, is it necessary to waste so much?"

"Without cultivation experience, accepting inheritance is useless at all."

"What a waste." This kind of discussion is mostly due to jealousy, but there is some truth to it.

Bai Yao still went his own way, and he just shook his head secretly to those discussions: "I have the Dao fruit body to deduce and comprehend, and I can understand by analogy in the operation of the body's universe laws to accept inheritance, and I can quickly comprehend a lot of "Beast God's Dao" every time. "Content, how fast is this cultivation speed? How can these outsiders know the mystery of this!"

I have no comprehension, and I don't understand the inheritance of the beast god at all.

However, because of the astonishing speed of Baiyao's comprehension of the Daoguo ontology, the fusion law he comprehended naturally operates in the ontology universe. During this process, all the mysteries have been verified, and more possibilities and inspirations have been derived. You can experience a lot of information every time you inherit it, and if you accept the inheritance again, you can make progress again.

The Way of the Beast God, according to the division of the Ancestral God Sect, has a total of seven inheritances.

After comprehending the entire way of the beast god, one will step into the level of "the master of the universe" and become the pinnacle existence in the universe. However, how difficult is it to become the master of the universe?

Like the starry sky behemoth alliance with the way of the beast god as the mainstream, the golden horn behemoth lineage has only two universe masters in the Endless Era, and the flame star behemoth lineage has only one universe master.

All this means that it is extremely difficult to become the master of the universe!Very difficult!
There are many levels in this one!

One of the most difficult and illusory hurdles in walking the path of the beast god must comprehend the heart of the beast god before you can become a real beast god!This makes some cosmic overlords very puzzled. Like Herodo, like many cosmic overlords, they can only incarnate as "false beast gods".Because none of them comprehended the heart of the beast god.

Without the heart of a beast god, it is impossible to become a real beast god.

In the past 3000 years of Bai Key's stay in the Ancestral Mysterious Realm, the eight great beast gods have made remarkable progress, and all of them have come to the last step—to comprehend the heart of the beast god!
This step is not something that can be comprehended by enlightenment, but more of a transformation of mentality, forgetting that one is a human being, and turning into a real beast god!However, beast gods and humans are in completely different living conditions, so this step is very difficult.

However, White Key has found a solution.

After the Tao of the Beast God reached the final bottleneck, he had brought the seven avatars who had comprehended the way of the Beast God in the mysterious ancestral realm into the ontology universe, and then created another avatar of the Earth and Space Beast God, making them the masters of the ontology universe. Eight Great Beast Gods!
In the ontology universe, their status as beast gods is even more stable than the original eight beast gods in the original universe, because they are the embodiment of the true ontology universe consciousness, not like the original universe, anyone can be it.

I believe that with the continuous evolution of the ontology universe, it is only a matter of time before he understands the heart of the beast god, and by then he will have perfectly mastered the eight fusion laws.

With a thought, this human avatar instantly activated the teleportation of the kingdom of God and returned to the space of the kingdom of God.


There is silence in the kingdom of God, only the endless sea is rippling, and the blue waves are mighty, covering an area of ​​more than one billion kilometers in radius!
Compared with the way of the beast god who was stuck at the last step, the comprehension of the laws of time and space was much smoother, and he had fully comprehended it before he knew it.

All of this was done naturally, and he didn't even specifically comprehend the laws of time and space, because the way of the beast god itself contained the laws of time and space, and in addition, the ontology universe has been absorbing the origin of the laws of time and space in the original universe. Of course!
After returning to the Kingdom of God, the first thing Bai Yao has to do is to reorganize the genes of this body. During the period of cultivation in the Ancestral Mysterious Realm, although he did not improve the genetic level of this body, Daoguo ontology did not let go of the research on genes. , and now it has been deduced to the so-called perfect gene level of the original universe, and even has some understanding of surpassing this level.

Daoguo ontology's research on genes in recent years has surfaced in my heart. At the micro level, the genes of the clones of the earth people are undergoing drastic changes, becoming more perfect and more complex.

In contrast, the aura emanating from the clone of the earthlings became even more terrifying, and it became several times stronger than before in the blink of an eye.

Until it seems to have reached a limit, the improvement of life gene level has completely stopped, and it is very difficult to continue to improve when it encounters a solid barrier.

At this moment, every inch of skin, every inch of muscle and bone seems to be the most perfect work in the universe!The life genes have reached the point of perfection, and the white key consciousness can even see the composition of each cell, no matter at the macro or micro level, no matter at which level, the cloned body of the human beings on earth is perfect.

The rules of the universe's operation sensed the changes in the level of the white key's life genes, which caused the clones of the earthlings to transform, and their divine bodies skyrocketed, and it took a short time to reach the perfect divine body.

"Crackling, crackling..."

The clone of the earthling naturally absorbs energy, and at the same time, the height continues to rise, and the body continues to grow bigger.

The volume keeps skyrocketing!

2 kilometers high, 3 kilometers high, 4 kilometers high...


for a long time--

When the whole body reaches a height of more than 9 kilometers, the clone of the earthling finally stops growing.

At this moment, only a "boom" was heard.

The whole inner world froze in an instant, and the expression of the human avatar completely froze, including the endless blue sea that had been turbulent before, all frozen in an instant, and the floating water droplets were all suspended.

An inconceivable force descended into the Kingdom of God. This force exudes endless coercion. This is a coercion that cannot be resisted, but no one can think of resisting it. It is like the embrace of a mother. Make any life feel nostalgic.

The Kingdom of God transformed immediately, and the space became stronger. The space of the Kingdom of God, which had already expanded to its limit, began to expand again at this moment, and doubled again in the blink of an eye, before stopping.

That mysterious and inconceivable power, while transforming the White Key Divine Kingdom, the mysterious power that penetrated into the space of the Divine Kingdom directly enveloped the clone of the earthlings.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Key's consciousness came to a strange place, which is the most mysterious place in the universe!Bai Yao looked around in a daze. This is a space filled with countless light spots, and each light spot seems to contain incredible power.

After being wrapped by that mysterious force, Bai Key's consciousness was brought here.


call out!
One of the dots of light suddenly turned into a streamer and shot towards Bai Yao's consciousness at a speed that far exceeded the speed of light. It seemed that the speed of light was no longer the limit speed here.

"Tch!" A thought of wanting to escape instinctively flashed across Bai Yao's consciousness, and the light spot had already touched his consciousness.


One picture after another was quickly transmitted to Bai Key's consciousness, making him seem to see the birth of the universe, the birth of endless life, and the destruction of the universe, a scene of world annihilation.

Many pictures, Bai Key saw them but immediately forgot them. It seemed that he couldn't remember them in his mind at all. Fortunately, the Daoguo itself was completely recorded and was not affected by this mysterious power.

Immediately afterwards, endless messages merged into consciousness.

"Boom!" Bai Key's consciousness was directly kicked out of this space.

After waking up again, he found that there seemed to be something more in his mind. After absorbing this information, he discovered that this was the innate secret method bestowed by the primordial universe on every life at the perfect genetic level!
Innate Secret Technique - Annihilation!
This is the innate secret method bestowed on him by the primordial universe. By annihilating his divine power, he can increase his power a hundredfold!
What's more, this can be superimposed with the ordinary burning of divine power, and it can be increased by a hundred times, which is almost equivalent to raising one's own attack power to a level, comparable to the mysterious burning of divine power that appeared in the later period.

After everything was ready, Bai Key began to prepare for the breakthrough.

Many mysteries of the law of space emerged one by one in my heart, teleportation, strangling, and blockade, the three major directions of the law of space were gradually merged together, no longer separated from each other, and mixed together as one!

"The law of space, it's done." Bai Key showed a smile.


The coercion of the endless original law of the universe descended directly on the Kingdom of God, and the endless sea also boiled...

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(End of this chapter)

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