The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 174 Nebula World (Part 2)

Chapter 174 Nebula World (Second Change)

Through the constant narration of the immortal god Aila Suo, the two gradually had a clear outline of the entire secret realm.

This secret place is called "Nebula World", and it is said that it was created by the creator god Arceus!

Of course, this statement is very nonsense. The size of the secret realm has not yet been ascertained, but it can be roughly estimated from Aila Suo’s description. The diameter is definitely not less than tens of millions of light-years, although it is not as good as those A secret realm, but it can definitely be called a large-scale secret realm!
It is impossible for such a huge secret realm to be created artificially. It must be the creation god named Arceus who deceived the world, and this unreasonable legend came about.

In addition to Arceus, the creation god who never sees the end of the dragon, the powerhouses of the nebula world are more than a dozen rulers, with Beerus, the ruler of light, as the strongest.

Under the command of these masters, there are a large number of gods and followers of gods, and based on this, they have established huge forces.After that, they each occupied a part of Nebula World to develop, forming a situation where there are many powerful people in Nebula World.

The cultivation levels in Nebula World are from low to high: trainee warriors, earth warriors, sky warriors, shining sun warriors, holy warriors, and demigod warriors. After that, they will lift up the kingdom of God and become immortal gods.Immortal gods are divided into lower gods, middle gods, upper gods, main gods, and masters!Aila Suo, who is introducing Nebula World to them, is a middle god.

The so-called war of gods refers to the wars fought by the forces under the command of these masters in order to compete for a larger territory.

Even a small mid-level god, Ailasuo, doesn't know many secret things. The only one he is relatively familiar with may be Linglong, the ruler of the water system, and it may only be superficial.

Linglong, the master of the water system, or almost all the masters and immortal gods, are congenitally conceived beings.For countless years, the powerful people in Nebula World have found that, except for the first batch of naturally conceived creatures like themselves, those acquired creatures grow extremely difficult. Blank loess.

Then there are accidents in everything, and it is in this impossible situation, in this place at the edge of the Nebula World, Elaso unexpectedly broke through the shackles and became an immortal god against the sky!
After this matter was known to the master of the water system who managed this territory, he was also very surprised, thinking that there must be a great secret in it, so he paid close attention to him, and personally rescued him in the battle of gods.

Bai Yao and Venerable Ji Xue vaguely guessed about Elasso's situation. This is similar to the situation faced by humans in the Kingdom of God. It is all because of the inherent inadequacy of the environment, so it is extremely difficult to break through to the realm of immortality.

Although Aila Suo is also in the secret realm, but the secret realm named Nebula World was not conceived before, it was hidden in the interlayer of space by the original universe, and its innate conditions are more similar to the Kingdom of God, which caused the Nebula World to be conceived the day after tomorrow It is extremely difficult for the life that comes out to break through the realm of immortality.

Until recently, because the entire secret realm has been conceived, driven by the primordial universe consciousness, it is gradually merging with the primordial universe. After that, the life conceived and born will not have such a big shackle to break through the realm of immortality, but break through the master. Even the realm of the universe sage in the original universe is still much more difficult than the life that grew up in the original universe.

Precisely because this time period is when the secret realm matures, it also means that the treasures conceived in the secret realm will be born one after another during this period, just like entering the autumn field and various fruits ripen one after another.

In addition to these information, the most useful information on the Immortal God Ailasor is the star map he has collected and accumulated!This star map is of invaluable value to the army of human venerables entering the secret realm, and it may save them thousands of years of exploration!
"Ji Xue, upload the information we collected and this scan of the star map to the virtual universe, so that everyone can speed up the progress! As a reward, you can also exchange it at the price of five floors like the Venerable Universe of my human race. Supreme treasure!" Bai Yao directly arranged for Venerable Ji Xue.

"Yes, I'll scan and upload it right away, thank you, the great Lord of Hunyuan!" Venerable Ji Xue agreed with excitement on his face.

Seeing that he agreed, Bai Key nodded, and his figure disappeared from the Kingdom of God, and he didn't know where he went.

After seeing Bai Key leave, Venerable Ji Xue, who had been wasting half a day without gaining anything, was overwhelmed by the huge surprise in an instant!
To be honest, although Elasor's kingdom of God is placed in the space mezzanine of the mainland, if he looks for it with his ability, he can find it, but how could he think of this under the circumstances at that time?

Being able to find Elrathor's Kingdom of God was all thanks to Bai Key's ability to go back in time and space and see the fluctuations in the teleportation of Elrathor's Kingdom of God.So even if Bai Key asked him to upload it for free, he wouldn't have the slightest complaint.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected harvest, which made him very active in his work, and quickly made his own intelligent life copy a copy of Elasso's star map, and uploaded it to the group of the exploration team.

"Nebula World?"


"Fuck, such a complete star map, @吉血尊人, how did you get it?"

"With the help of the great Lord of Hunyuan, I found a native god named Immortal, and got it from this Immortal." Venerable Ji Xue smiled, and he will get the star map. The process is sent out.

"You're lucky, Ji Xue."

"There must be a lot of rewards! I have to invite everyone to drink!"

In addition to many envious and jealous Venerables in the group, many of his former friends sent congratulations.

"Ji Xue, the reward given by the Lord of Hunyuan is not low!"

"It's okay, just like the human race's Universe Venerable, you can exchange it for treasures from the Lord of Hunyuan!"

"It's not only okay, it's a lot of money. The higher the value of the treasure you exchange, the more you can earn. Then I will lend you some money and earn more!" It can be seen that this person sent a message The Universe Venerable who gave him has a very good relationship with him.

"How about it! Fiji, I'll send you the location, you come here immediately, let's explore this nebula world together, I, a native who has just been enslaved, has left tokens in many places, and we will send them directly to the Kingdom of God!" Ji Xue His Holiness sent an invitation to his close friends.

"Okay, I'll be right over here!"


In a starry sky densely covered with meteorites, the Venerable Guiyi urged the high-level treasure bestowed by the white key, and scanned everything around him while flying at extreme speed.At the same time, a trace of mind was also immersed in the virtual universe, seeing everyone's chat messages.

"The ruler of light, the strongest ruler?" He who was flying suddenly stopped and made a decision.

In the chat group, when everyone was still discussing this matter, a message quickly attracted everyone's attention, because the person who sent this message was Gui Yi.

"@吉血尊人, did the native Fenghou Immortal leave a token on the Scorching Sun Continent in the center of the Guangming God Realm?"

"Yes!" Venerable Ji Xue, who noticed this message, did not dare to neglect, and immediately replied to the other party.Even if the relationship between Gui Yi and the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Primal Chaos is excluded, a cosmic overlord who is said to have stepped into the top level must be on good terms with him.

"Okay, Ji Xue, please send me a location so that the native Immortal can send me to the Scorching Sun Continent. I'm going to meet the strongest ruler of the nebula world for a while!" Venerable Gui Yi also immediately returned his message. information.

After seeing the message sent by Venerable Guiyi, Venerable Ji Xue immediately sent his location to the other party.

The many universe venerables who saw their chat messages also came to their senses at this time, and slowly searched for them in various dangers, how could they go directly to snatch them.These aborigines have lived in the secret realm for many years, and they must have a lot of collections in their hands. As long as they are arranged properly, they will definitely gain a lot!
All of a sudden, Venerable Ji Xue became a favorite in the group. These people either sent messages directly in the group or sent him a private message. The general meaning was that they would be rewarded for helping with the transmission of the Kingdom of God.This allowed him to start the coachman business first before he started exploring the secret realm in the following time.

Elasor grew up in this star field, so the star map of this star field is the most complete.After getting the star map uploaded by Venerable Ji Xue, everyone can teleport in this area unscrupulously.

With the level of consciousness of the Venerable Universe, he can teleport dozens or hundreds of times in an instant, as long as the duration is not long, there is no pressure at all.

Therefore, those strong men who asked Venerable Ji Xue for help quickly reached the Kingdom of God.Those who dare to hunt and kill the native masters of the nebula world are almost all powerful men above the high venerable. Hundreds of such strong men gather in this small kingdom of God. A little shaky, his face turned pale with fright.

"Everyone is here. According to the order, I will send Venerable Guiyi to the Scorching Sun Continent first, and then I will send everyone." After everyone who sent messages arrived, Venerable Ji Xue said to everyone.

"Everyone, with so many of us attacking at the same time, if the timing of the attack is not uniform, these natives may communicate through the means of divine power incarnation, causing some targets to hide, no matter how difficult it is to find!"

"I think everyone should attack at the same time. After everyone is in place, attack at the same time. How do you guys think about this arrangement?" Just as Venerable Guiyi was about to teleport to the Kingdom of God, he suddenly thought of this question, so he said to everyone My own opinion.

"Honor Guiyi is right. If these natives are hiding, it will be really hard to find! I have no objection."

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

Everyone quickly reached a consensus on this proposal that was beneficial to everyone.

"Ji Xue, start teleporting!"

Afterwards, the light sent by the Kingdom of God flickered quickly, sending everyone to various places in the nebula world.

In Nebula World, there are more than ten masters, and each master represents a force. They occupy territories of different sizes according to their different strengths.

The forces are roughly divided into three camps through various alliances.

One is the camp headed by Beluth, the master of light.This camp has the most powerful people. In addition to the Lord of Light, the four masters of Fire, Time, Earth, and Alchemy also belong to this camp!
It is precisely because of their strength that this camp is also very strong in dealing with things. They have to have a hand in all kinds of things in the nebula world, which is a bit like the status of Laomei in the previous life on the earth.

The second is the camp dominated by Thunder Punishment Master Elvis, which also gathered four masters.Although the Lord of Thunder and Punishment is slightly weaker than the Lord of Light, and the number of Lords is also one less, they are currently the most powerful opponents against the first camp.

The third is the idle neutral camp dominated by space masters. The number of masters in this camp even exceeds that of the first camp, but the organization is relatively loose. Except for space masters and Aila Suo's boss, water master Linglong, who have a fixed territory, other Juggernauts just occupy a small territory, and the enclosure is self-indulgent.

Of course, the Thunder Punishment Masters of the second camp were able to fight vigorously with the first camp, and it was also because of their support from the third camp.

These intricate relationships have maintained the fragile balance of the nebula world, making the entire world peaceful for a very long period of time.

Scorching Sun Continent, with a diameter of more than seven light-years, is the center of the Light God Realm controlled by the Lord of Light, Bilus, and the City of Light, located in the center of the continent, is the center of this center.It floats inside the Holy Light Lake, which covers hundreds of millions of kilometers. It is known as eternal light, and there is no dark shadow.

In the depths of a small hill thousands of kilometers away from the area covered by the Holy Light Lake, Venerable Guiyi and his party of seven appeared deep underground.

Soon, they came to a relatively high mountain peak, looking at the Holy Light City floating in the endless milky white light in the distance.

"It's a domain treasure similar to the Five-Colored Aurora Lake of the Ancestral God Sect. It has not been activated yet, and its coverage exceeds hundreds of millions of kilometers. It seems that its power will not be small!" Venerable Golden Ax complimented, His eyes were full of fighting intent.

"If we didn't have the supreme treasure of the domain bestowed by our junior brother, we would have suffered a lot from this lord of light!" Venerable Gui Yi was also somewhat fortunate.

If it was just to deal with Bilus, the Lord of Light, the Lord Guiyi himself would come.However, Billus, the lord of light, can become the person with the highest strength and power in the Nebula world, so naturally a group of strong people will gather around him!
In Nebula World, only those who have reached the level of Cosmic Venerable and are the leader of a force can be called the master!In the same faction, those who have reached the level of the universe venerable are called the main gods.

Under Billus, the master of light, there are three cosmic lords, who are called the Lord God of Dawn, the Lord God of Dusk, and the Lord God of Darkness by the powerhouses of Nebula World.Yes, under the command of the Lord of Light, the Lord God of Darkness does not have the confrontation between darkness and light like in the novels of Bai Key's previous life.

"These are all known through the native prince, and they may not be accurate. Once you do something, everyone must be careful!"

"Once it starts, I will activate the domain treasure to suppress the domain treasure of this lord of light, and block the surrounding space. If it goes well, I will directly seize control of this area and help everyone suppress the opponent!"

"Don't worry, Guiyi Venerable! No matter how powerful the treasure is, these natives will not be able to exert their full power. Regardless of the number and strength, we are in an absolute oppressive position, and they will not escape this calamity!"

"Let's start preparing, we will start after the others are in place!"

Gazing at the Holy Light City in the distance, Venerable Guiyi said indifferently.

There is no right or wrong in the conflict of ethnic interests!
 Ask for collection, ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass!Second update
(End of this chapter)

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