Chapter 175
Time passed by one by one, and the Venerable Universe who went to hunt the powerful players in the nebula world arrived one by one, and sent back the news that they were fully prepared.

"Let's get started!" After confirming that everyone was in place, Venerable Guiyi gave the order to do it.

For the natives around the headquarters of the major forces in the Nebula World, today's change is enough to be recorded in the annals of history!Many people didn't have time to react, they only felt the infinite coercion suddenly rising from the sky, followed by the covering of all kinds of powerful and terrifying domain treasures, and many immortal gods had no room to resist, so they were annihilated in it, and even more so. Don't talk about life below immortality!
On the Holy Light City side, the moment the order was issued, an endless black wind blew up, dimming the area originally illuminated by the Holy Light in the blink of an eye.

The field formed by the black astral wind completely enveloped the lake of holy light, and quickly occupied the area that was filled with holy light before. Like the melting of ice and snow, the field of holy light that originally covered hundreds of millions of kilometers around it shrank to the point where it could only cover the holy light. the extent of the city.

In the black wind field, those tens of millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions of kilometers of wind tornadoes are like boa constrictors, swimming in the void.

Following the thoughts of Venerable Guiyi, these pythons transformed by the black wind, seemed to have found their way, and charged directly towards the Holy Light City.

Like a boat in a violent storm, the City of Holy Light swayed from side to side, and the holy light on it seemed to be much weaker!
"Huh? Aren't you going to come out?" Venerable Guiyi frowned when he saw Shengguang City not responding at all.

"Senior brother, I'm coming!" Venerable Golden Ax said.

A palace treasure like an interstellar fortress flew out, came to the top of the Holy Light City, and quickly became tens of millions of kilometers in size.Below the interstellar fortress, on the base that was originally tightly stitched, a hole with a size of a million kilometers suddenly appeared, and a terrifying devouring power came from it, as if it wanted to directly swallow the Holy Light City below.

Venerable Guiyi was not idle either, he controlled the black Gangfeng python in the domain, constantly impacted the Holy Light City, and pushed the Holy Light City towards the bottom of the planetary fortress.

"Too much deceit! Who are you? How dare you attack my Holy Light City!" A loud shout came from the Holy Light City.

At the same time, the light of the Holy Light Lake also rose sharply, and there was a tendency to break through the siege of many black pythons.

The infinite holy light turned into a sharp sword, entangled with the black python that was attacking the city of holy light.In the area they touched, countless holy light swords smashed a black python into endless black winds, and another black python crushed it, and many holy light swords were crushed into pieces like glass crystals. powder.

The holy light lake, which was soaring in light, was in a stalemate with the black wind field for a while.However, don’t forget that there is an interstellar fortress stalking beside it. Although the Holy Light City resisted the suppression from the black wind, under the action of the star fortress’ devouring power, it still moved towards the interstellar fortress at a very fast speed. Fly to the hole below.

"Who? The person who killed you!" The Venerable Guiyi, who had already mastered the language of the Xingyun world, immediately understood what the other party meant.

Hearing the voice from inside the Holy Light City, Venerable Gui Yi expressed indifference, and directly sentenced the other party to death.While speaking, he increased the output of divine power, trying to suppress the opponent's Holy Light Lake, whose power had skyrocketed due to the burning of divine power.

In the Holy Light City, with 12 pairs of bright wings behind him, the [-]-meter-tall Lord of Light and the three main gods under his command all looked serious.As for the other people in the city, some of those with low cultivation levels were shocked to death by the infiltrated impact when the giant python formed by the gangster storm hit the Holy Light City.Even the surviving immortal gods and demigods are very panicked at this moment.

"We must act immediately, otherwise if we are swallowed by the opponent and enter the treasure, we will have no power to resist!" Billus, the lord of light, looked gloomy.

As the ruler of light who has ruled the nebula world for countless years and has always been called the strongest, with his character, anyone who dares to attack him will bear its infinite anger immediately, and the extremely powerful counterattack will be instant start.

However, an army of human races composed of more than 1 venerables marched into the Nebula World. Even if the time was very short, the powerful Lord of Light received feedback from various places in a short period of time, and knew that there were many unidentified people. The strong broke into their world!
Unaware of the situation, he chose to be patient at the beginning before he found out the identities and strengths of these intruding strong men, but the other party did not intend to let him go, and the attack was to kill him, leaving no room for it at all. .

"I will put away the Holy Light City later. Everyone breaks out in different directions. We can't always be suppressed by the opponent's domain!" Billus said to the other three main gods.

The three main gods nodded silently. The tacit understanding of fighting together for many years does not need to say anything at all.Beluth, the lord of light, was also very silent at the moment. With his pride, it was the first time he gave such an order to escape. This made him very angry. The anger burned in his chest, but there was no place to vent it.


The power of the Holy Light Lake suddenly soared, and then the area covered by it shrank rapidly, and the city that had been shrouded in the Holy Light Lake also disappeared.

Four figures flew out of the disappearing city, and flew towards the weak direction of the black astral wind domain at extreme speed.

"The other party wants to escape! Stop them."

"They have been waiting for a long time, they can't escape!"

On Beluth's side, the lord of light, after putting away the City of Light, the interstellar fortress in the sky lost its target of swallowing.The Lake of Holy Light shrank into a nearly [-]-kilometer-long staff, covering Biberus's body, like a sharp arrow shot, flying towards the periphery of the domain.

The black wind python obstructed along the way was smashed by this magic staff whose power was soaring under the condensed volume, and only slightly slowed down the opponent's speed.

"Break the world!"

Bilus, the master of light who was running away in a hurry, heard the cold voice of Guiyi, which made his pupils shrink suddenly, and his face became even uglier.

However, he has no time to hide!A sword shadow piercing the sky and earth in front of him, like a meteor falling from the sky, came to him in an instant.


The sword shadow and the staff of holy light collided together, like a comet hitting the earth, an extremely strong energy fluctuation erupted, the surrounding space was completely shattered, and materialized into the most basic particles, forming a huge space torrent.

Beerus, the lord of light, was sent flying upside down. After flying nearly [-] kilometers, he stabilized his body in the air again, showing an unbelievable expression.

"Haha... stay here! The Lord of Light." The voice of Venerable Gui Yi came.

"Who are you guys? Why are you so strong? Why did you attack us?" Billus was full of many questions that could not be answered.

"There is no reason, everything is for the ethnic group... Wanhua!" Venerable Guiyi had no intention of explaining to the other party, and cast the second secret method.

There are so many whys in this world!In the entire primordial universe, in the entire universe, there are countless ethnic groups, everyone is vying for territories, treasures, and inheritance... During this period, there will be no shortage of killings.If you don't fight, wait for others to become stronger, the ones who will be slaughtered may be your family and clan...

Venerable Gui Yi, who has lived for endless years, has already seen through the law of the jungle in the primordial universe.When you do not have the strength to say no to everyone, it is best to follow this ancient survival rule and make yourself stronger, so that you, your family, the ethnic group, etc. will not be threatened by sudden dangers.

If you don't like this kind of world, then become strong, when you are so strong that the whole world fears, your words will become the new law!
Facing the attack of the Guiyi venerable, Bilus, the lord of light, also saw the situation clearly, without the slightest hesitation at all, his eyes started to burn with red eyes in an instant.


With the burning of the divine body, the aura of Beerus, the lord of light, suddenly increased, and at the same time he began to wave the staff in his hand, brazenly launching a counterattack against the venerable Guiyi.

When a lion fights a rabbit, it needs all its strength.

Venerable Guiyi also burned his divine body. He was not prepared to fall into a protracted battle with the opponent. As a special life bred in a secret realm, the opponent's divine body was much larger than that of the ordinary human body of Venerable Guiyi. Very stupid thing.

With his eyes slightly closed, he saw Bilus, the lord of light rushing towards him with 12 pairs of luminous wings waving after defeating the tens of thousands of sword shadows he had just issued.

"Guiyi!" The aura on his body was all restrained, and the top-notch long sword bestowed by Baiyao was fully activated. The tip of the sword pointed to the Lord of Light who had already raised his staff. Guiyi used his strongest secret method.

Once the heart energy that had been held back for countless years erupted, the amplitude of his body was raised to the peak, and the Guiyi Master was united with his sword and turned into a streamer to meet him.


Like a hot knife cutting butter, the sharp sword transformed by the venerable Guiyi directly pierced through the attack of the lord of light Bilus, and then passed through the opponent's divine body, and the treasured armor on his body exploded directly!
"how is this possible?"

Although the armor was broken, it also blocked most of the attacks for him, so that he did not directly fall under this attack, but it was only limited to this, the divine body was still greatly damaged, and the loss exceeded 79%. [-]!

There was no time for him to react, and the second attack of Guiyi came so quickly. This time, there was no treasure armor for him to block the attack. The entire divine body was completely annihilated. Just disappear from the world!

The space that was shattered by a powerful attack finally had a little room to breathe, and it slowly recovered under the influence of the laws of the universe.Venerable Guiyi reappeared, like a ray of light coming to the fallen place of the Lord of Light.

The treasures of the Lord of Light during his lifetime, including the Holy Light Lake, the City of Holy Light, and the World Ring, which were used before, all became unowned, floating in place, and were all put away by the Lord Guiyi.

"No.1 in the world? That's all! Hahaha..." Venerable Guiyi laughed heartily.

On the other side of the battlefield, Venerable Golden Ax was full of evil spirits, and there was a blood-colored light in his eyes.The shadow of the ax criss-crossed, causing the space of hundreds of millions of miles to tremble. Wherever the blade of the ax passed, everything was shattered.

Every blow was so powerful that the God of Dawn, who was attacked so helplessly, was full of horror.


With the final wail, the blood-colored giant ax enveloped the range of a million kilometers below, and even the sky and the earth were dyed bloody.After the shadow of the ax fell, the main god of Chenxi was completely annihilated, and even the armor on his body was destroyed in an instant.

The aftermath of the attack landed on the ground, the ground was easily cut open like tofu, and the shock wave spread along the continent to a long distance. It seemed that Scorching Sun Continent would be destroyed under this kind of attack.

After also accepting the treasures left by Lord Chenxi, the figure of Venerable Golden Ax disappeared into the air in an instant.

In the other two places, the Lord God of Twilight and the Lord God of Darkness were successively beheaded by other Universe Venerables in the void. After a group of people got together, they couldn't control the smiles on their faces. Obviously, they had gained a lot!
The same scene happened in different places in the nebula world. Those sovereign gods who used to be high above were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered at this moment. They fell one after another without even stirring up a wave.

Although they are both Venerables of the Universe, although these wild Venerables of the Universe have good treasures due to special reasons, they are not satisfactory in terms of secret techniques, and they cannot exert their due strength at all.What's more, this time they are facing a human group that is several times stronger than themselves, and some hidden life-saving methods are just jokes in the face of absolute strength.

After solving the most powerful people in the Nebula World, Guiyi and the others separated again, and each explored the Nebula World in one direction.

As for the other beings in Nebula World, no one cared about them, they were left to fend for themselves.Perhaps after all the secret realms are connected to the original universe and human beings obtain all development rights, countless immortals will rush into this secret realm just like today, and that will be their doomsday!

They are lucky, but they are also very unfortunate. At present, these high-ranking universe lords will not pay attention to them at all. What they are looking for now are treasures, heavy treasures and other treasures with great value.

Compared with these treasures, these lives are not worth mentioning at all. These Universe Venerables have not forgotten that they only have a few decades of safety time. During this time, they only need to pay attention to those environments that are dangerous to the Universe Venerables. Can.

No matter how dangerous the environment is, it is still a dead thing, and most of them have rules to follow. If you pay a little attention, the danger is still very low.In comparison, the attack and killing of the Alien Universe Venerable is even more unpredictable, so everyone cherishes this period of time when they don't have to worry about aliens.

Everyone hopes to get enough gains during this period of time. After the other three clans' venerable army enters decades later, they will greet these old friends who have been fighting for many years and show their anger for many years.

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(End of this chapter)

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