The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 176 Time and Space Corridor (4000 words chapter)

Chapter 176 Time and Space Corridor (4000 words chapter)
Bai Yao didn't pay much attention to these things that happened in Nebula World, he already had guesses in his heart, but he also let these universe sages do their own thing.

After the battles in various places, everyone uploaded the captured star maps one after another, and Bai Key also saw the place he was interested in, and rushed to that place quickly.

If you ask the experts in Nebula World, which part of Nebula World is the most dangerous?There may be many different versions.But if you ask which place is the most mysterious in the nebula world?Most people will answer, it is the space-time corridor located in the center of Fenxi Valley!
The reason why this place is mysterious is not its danger, but its mysterious relationship with the most powerful masters in the nebula world. It is said that the growth of these masters has a great relationship with the time-space corridor.

According to the rumors, the reason why many masters were able to break through and the origin of their famous treasures are all related to the time-space corridor.After entering the space-time corridor, they all got a terrifying opportunity, and only then did they skyrocket, and in the end they became the pinnacle masters of the nebula world.


This is a deserted star field, with a large number of black meteorites as the main theme here, without any signs of life, and the energy of the universe is extremely thin.Even the stars that can be seen everywhere seem to have been drained of energy here, leaving only a pile of burned residue, flying disorderly in the void of the universe.

Bai Yao wandered in the void, advancing that long distance with every step he took, walking towards the center of the withered star field without haste.

At such a speed, he quickly arrived at the center of the Withered Star Field.In the center of the star field is a black celestial body similar to the stellar remnants seen before, as if it has been smoked.

Unlike the stellar wreckage, it has a very terrifying size.The diameter of this black celestial body exceeds three light-years, but it is not an entity. The surface is densely covered with ravines and caves. The whole is like a hollowed out work of art, with countless holes extending into its interior.

"Is this the Death Star where the Space Corridor is located? Sure enough, there is a different atmosphere!" Bai Key came here because he wanted to see the most mysterious place in the Nebula World, and what kind of secrets are hidden in it?
The misty realm of chaos directly envelops the entire Death Star, and the criss-crossing caves along the surface continue to penetrate into its interior.In the perception of the domain, the material of this Death Star is extremely hard, shining like black jade, and it is extremely difficult for the Venerable Universe to destroy it. It seems that it has the function of isolating the domain from detection to a certain extent, and it is very difficult for the power of the domain to pass through it.

The power of the domain continued to spread towards the interior along these caves. Many caves only returned to the surface after going around the inside of the Death Star a few times, and only some of them continued to extend inwards in a tortuous way.

As the power of the domain deepened, Bai Key sensed many scenes that were incompatible with the outside world.

Different from the lonely and cold outside, as these passages deepen, they are actually connected to worlds full of vitality.

As it goes deeper into the interior, the concentration of cosmic energy becomes higher and higher, and the world connected by caves becomes larger and larger.

Finally, many caves have come to an end, linking to the largest world inside the Death Star.

After the power of the domain entered this world, Bai Yao keenly felt the difference. There were invisible law fluctuations spreading in this world, making the space very stable, and people in it couldn't teleport at all.

"This kind of fluctuation... should be here!" Bai Key smiled slightly.

With a step forward, time and space instantly changed, and the figure disappeared from the void, appearing at the end of a cave.

The end of the cave is on a cliff, surrounded by thick vines that climb all over the cliff, embellishing the entire cliff with a gloomy sky. If you look carefully, there are also nameless flowers blooming from the joints of the vines. The delicate fragrance exudes in the air.

Looking down from the entrance of the cave, the endless sea of ​​clouds is like the waves of the sea, rolling endlessly.In the farther place, there is a huge mountain peak sticking out of the sea of ​​clouds, let the white clouds and waves keep beating, and it will not move.

What is surprising is that some tall trees, like mountain peaks, broke through the shackles of the sea of ​​clouds and grew above the sea of ​​clouds.The emerald green canopy, like a gorgeous cloud cover, covers a large area.

Bai Key's face was slightly relaxed, and he enjoyed the rare scenery comfortably.

In this pleasant environment, time seemed to pass slowly. After standing here for a long time, his mind returned to his body.At the same time, he also had some understanding of the atmosphere of law permeating this world.

This is a kind of law fluctuation that is similar to when the immortal gods and the universe sages break through, the kind of law fluctuation that is similar to when the original ocean of law descends, and the endless ocean of divine power pours down from the space channel.

However, according to Bai Key's understanding, this kind of fluctuation has existed for a long time, and it is unlikely that someone is breaking through.After all, when he was breaking through, because of his strong divine body, the breakthrough time was considered long, but it ended soon, and he couldn't reach the length of time recorded in epochs.

Without thinking too much about the reason, the body flew directly out of the hole, and quickly flew in the direction of the wave of the law.Yigao is bold and doesn't care about the strong lightning that appears in the sky from time to time, and walks straight towards the target.

With this speed, Bai Key has crossed a long distance in a short time, getting closer and closer to the target, and the intensity of the fluctuation in the induction is gradually rising.

Suddenly, a majestic mountain in front seemed to come alive, and four thick arms covered with the secret patterns of laws protruded from the sea of ​​clouds, about to grasp the extremely fast flying white key in their hands.

It's a pity that the speed is still too slow, and the attack was dodged flexibly.

Bai Key, who was advancing extremely fast, stopped and looked at the huge mountain range that was constantly shaking and changing below.After the four arms with a length of a million miles appeared, a beast-like head also appeared from under the sea of ​​clouds, with two huge eyes staring at his direction.


After a loud noise, the mountain-like giant stood up.The whole body seems to be carved from black rock, and the whole body is covered with a pair of stone armor.

"I didn't expect there to be such a powerful rock life here. It's interesting!" Bai Yao was very interested in the sudden appearance of rock life.

"Boom!" Before Bai Key could ask, the life in the rock in front of him erupted instantly, turning into a stream of pitch-black light, and continued to attack him.

Four silver warhammers appeared on the four huge hands. The hammers looked sharp and heavy, and the space shattered one after another during his dancing.

Before the attack came, the space around Bai Key had already been locked by an invisible force. An ordinary Universe Venerable might have no choice but to take the opponent's attack hard.

"I didn't intend to pay attention to you, since you insist on saying hello to me, then become my collection!"

The gray chaotic domain spread, and the rock life, which was still maintaining an attacking posture, was directly imprisoned in place, and finally transferred directly to the ontology universe.

After entering the ontology universe, the other party's soul seemed to be undefended, and all the memories were instantly read by Bai Key.

The memory time is very long, but there are not many useful things.This huge rock life is a real otaku. Since he can remember, he has never left this world, and has been staying here in the shape of a mountain.

It was that very small part of memory that made Bai Key a great discovery.These memories are all related to one person, the legendary creation god Arceus!

In the memory of the rock life, he had wisdom very early on, but as a rock life, he just wanted to stay in place and would not think about moving.

One day after an unknown period of time, a strong man exuding a powerful aura descended. He immediately noticed the life of the rock, but he did not hurt him. Instead, in the following years, he came to teach the rock at regular intervals. life.

The strong man told the rock life that he is Arceus, the creator of all things in the world, and everyone including the rock life is his descendant.For this point, the simple rock life is not convinced.

After Rock Life became the Supreme Master of the Universe, that strong man came again and bestowed Rock Life with two treasures, the four-handled warhammer treasure he used just now and the treasure armor on his body, and gave him the method to use.

After doing all this, Arceus told Rock Life that he appeared with a mission. The reason why Arceus taught him to practice and bestowed him with treasures was also to enable him to better fulfill his mission!

This mission is to protect the center of this world and prevent any outside creatures from entering it.For countless years, the life of the rock has guarded this world diligently and perfectly completed the mission of Arceus until the arrival of the white key today.

In the years before this, it’s not that no one came here. In memory, those masters of the nebula world once wanted to break in here, but they were all repelled by the rock life one by one, including the master of light!

The rock life bred from this world has a special innate secret method. One is that the consciousness can be integrated into the land of this world, and it can sense the breath of any strong person who steps into this world.The second is to be able to use the power of this land to quickly restore one's own divine body.

With his own huge divine body, plus these two innate secrets, there are very few masters who may have stronger attack power than him, but in this world, it is impossible to defeat him, and they will be defeated instead. He wasted to death.

That is to say, these masters have all appeared beside Arceus before, so that he did not kill them all. Otherwise, they might not be able to wait for Guiyi and others to act, and these masters would have fallen long ago.

"This legendary creator, Arceus, seems to be hiding other secrets? I can't help but quickly uncover this mystery!" After Bai Key learned the information in the rock's life memory, he said to this The legendary powerhouse is getting more and more interested!
From the known information, it can be seen that the other party has a certain confidence in claiming to be the creator, at least his strength is definitely stronger than everyone in the nebula world!Moreover, most of the strongest people in the Nebula world have received his teachings and favors, which adds to his sense of mystery.

After solving the rock life, there was no one to hinder his pace of exploring the world. In a very short time, he came to the outside of a valley.

"This is the so-called Burning Valley! As long as you pass through here, you will arrive at your destination." Bai Key looked at the valley in front of him, thinking about the information he had found.

Fenxi Valley is very wide and huge, the narrowest width is hundreds of billions of kilometers, and the length is nearly [-] million kilometers.The entire valley is filled with endless flames, the temperature is very high, and can burn the god body and soul of the universe lord. If there is no treasure defense, the god body of the universe lord who enters it will be consumed at a very fast speed.

In this ocean of flames, there is also a huge vortex randomly appearing here and there, with a terrifying entrainment ability, the Venerable Universe will be involved if he is not careful, and it is extremely difficult to escape. Even if he escapes in the end, the damage he will suffer will be immeasurable.

But all of this can't do Bai Key any harm.In this violent ocean of flames, Bai Yao, who was dressed in a white robe, walked leisurely among them. Those flame vortexes that could make the Venerable Universe pay a great price kept hitting him, but did not stir up any Waves, unable to hurt his divine body.

After walking to the center of the berserk sea of ​​flames, Bai Yao saw the destination of this trip - the Time-Space Corridor!

The space-time corridor is not dangerous. It is a passage connecting unknown places inside. You must know the correct method of entry to enter its interior.

In the memory of the rock life, the strong man who called himself Arceus would select a genius from the nebula world every once in a while during his active time period, and go to the inner world from the space-time corridor to practice for a period of time. Then send it back to Nebula World.

After the life of the rock, he never saw most of these geniuses again, and the parts he saw were the masters who broke in.

After discovering that it is impossible to enter Burning Valley from the monitoring of the rock life alone, those masters also united.One person can drag the rock life, and others can enter from other directions.

But after they came to the space-time corridor, they realized that they couldn't enter it at all. The way Arceus brought them in before didn't work anymore.

After so many times of tossing, these masters finally did not enter the space-time corridor, and went to the place where they had practiced.

This is obviously because Arceus changed the way of entry. After the other party arranged for the rock life to guard here, he actually left another backhand. That was a very cautious person just in case.

The other party's careful arrangement must have hidden an unimaginable secret. This secret may be a very powerful treasure, or it may be a treasure that is of great help to cultivation...

"Space-time secrets of this level! It's not easy!" Feeling the aura of law contained in the space-time corridor, Bai Yao was also a little shocked.

Because the secret method contained in it has actually reached the level of the master of the universe, and it is no wonder that those masters have tossed so many times, but were turned away!

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(End of this chapter)

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