The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 224 Army Sweeping (4000-word chapter)

Chapter 224 Army Sweeping (4000-word chapter)
Generally speaking, the virtual universe company and the giant ax fighting arena have suffered a bit from the allocation of the territory of the machine race.

The main reason is that the three major forces want to own the territory. It has not been a day or two. Now that the opportunity is in front of them, they will naturally strive for it!
According to the previous situation, even if the territory of the machine race is not conquered this time, in the future, the human race will divide part of the current territory and distribute it to the three major forces.

As the managers of the human race, Chaos City Lord and Giant Axe are very clear in their hearts, so they took this opportunity to shift their resources to the three major forces to meet their long-standing demands.

The strength of the three major forces is still weaker than that of the virtual universe company and the giant ax arena, and the 200 star sectors this time are enough for them to digest for a while.

After the territory was divided, the atmosphere of the crowd eased a little. In fact, it was not that they, the masters of the universe, had to fight, but the forces behind them made them have to fight.

As a leader, if you can't win benefits for the people under you, how can you convince the people?As the five major forces of the human race, it is inevitable to fight for resources. This is a very normal phenomenon.

Seeing that the dust had settled, the Chaos City Lord said to the alien universe masters of the Hongmeng League: "According to the usual practice, after our human race establishes the universe kingdom on these territories, we will set aside a part of the area for your race to migrate and reproduce. "

"Thank you Chaos City Lord!" Many Hongmeng Alien Cosmic Lords couldn't hide their excitement and thanked them one after another.

"This is what you deserve! The human race and the Hongmeng are united in the same spirit. When the human race was at its lowest point, you all never left the Hongmeng. The human race has never forgotten these things, and is willing to share the fruits of victory with everyone !"

"In the future, the challenges facing the human race and the Hongmeng will still be severe, so please, as before, grow up with the human race and face the ups and downs of this primitive universe together!"

"Haha, the Lord of Chaos City is polite, the human race has a great favor for us, how can we abandon the human race because of our temporary decline!" The Lord of the universe who spoke did not flatter him, because this is the truth.

"That's right! The human race regards us as friends, and those who are friends naturally have to watch over and help each other, and run away when encountering some difficulties!"


Just like within the human race, because they are all fateful friendships, the relationship between the various races in the Hongmeng is also very harmonious.

After the original ancestor was suppressed, the power of the human race was not as good as before, and the foreign race that was able to stand firmly on the side of the human race in the face of other races' overt and covert suppression and wooing, there is no need to doubt their loyalty to the human race!

After pacifying these alien universe masters, everyone returned to the issue of the territory of the machine race.

Bai Key, the Lord of Chaos City, and the creator of the giant axe were the top three, and the Lord of Chaos City made the next arrangements.

"Although most of the masters of the universe of the machine clan have been cleared by us, most of the powerhouses in the clan have also withdrawn with the few disappeared masters of the universe. But there are still some powerhouses who are unwilling to leave, so continue Next, what we have to do is to remove these potential dangers and prepare for the next migration!"

"Blocking a car with your arms, you are beyond your own strength!" A master of the universe sneered at these strong mechanical clans who were stubbornly resisting.

"Then, according to the usual practice, the Lord of the Universe will lead the team, summon the Venerable Universe and the Immortal King to form an army, and completely sweep the territory of the Machine Race!"

In a few words, everyone made arrangements for the next thing, and the summoning order was quickly sent out in the Hongmeng, and immediately there were many responders.

At the gate of the transmission channel of Hunyuan Palace, the light generated by space transmission flickered continuously, and a large number of universe sages and immortal kings gathered. The universe sages quickly came to the huge square in front of the main hall, and the immortal kings They can only gather in the sky above Hunyuan Continent.

In a short while, tens of thousands of Venerable Universes gathered in the square, but the speed of the Venerable Universe's arrival has not slowed down.

The Hongmeng, also known as the Human Alliance, is an ethnic alliance of hardcore allies headed by humans. The members of the Hongmeng are completely tied to the chariots of the human race.

Normally, this is just an idle alliance, and the human race rarely orders these allies to do things.But that's because the human race doesn't want to consume everyone's enthusiasm. In fact, they have complete control over the entire alliance of human races.

In the current situation, as soon as the summoning order is sent out, except for the strong ones who have missions, everyone else must rush to gather quickly.

In just a few days, Hunyuan Palace gathered an army with more than [-] Universe Venerables and millions of Immortal Kings.

"set off!"

Under the leadership of several masters of the universe, this huge team directly arrived at the territory of the machine race through the teleportation of the kingdom of God, and carried out a deep cleansing of the territory of the machine race.

Through the virtual universe, the human race can fully grasp the overall situation. The detailed coordinates of the targets everywhere are clearly marked, and this huge army is easily mobilized to carry out fixed-point elimination.

The top-level combat power of the machine clan has been resolved, and the next step is much simpler, mostly relying on the army composed of the universe lord and the immortal king.

As for the role of leading the universe master, it is only to guard against the disappearing mechanical race masters of the universe.

After the army was launched, the progress was very rapid. In addition to mopping up the powerful machine races who had not yet left, the strong men in the army also sent a large number of tokens to this territory, so that when a large number of people migrated later, they could quickly arrive by teleportation through the Kingdom of God. .

In a silent and vast starry sky of the mechanical race, the Lord of Ganwu stood in the void in a black and yellow battle armor with a simple long knife on his back.That's right, he is also one of the masters of the universe leading the team this time.

"These people don't know what kind of luck they are holding. They stay and want to continue to fight against my human race. It's so naive!" The Lord Ganwu has deep eyes, staring at this cosmic starry sky.

He is very clear that bloody massacres are taking place in the deep and dark cosmic starry sky in the picture before him, but this process is unavoidable for the reproduction and growth of the human race.

In the long and long years, he has long looked down on such things. If one day the human race declines, other races will raise their butcher knives without any scruples!

Ethnic wars do not require mercy!

Somewhere in the starry sky, a cosmic overlord of the mechanical race hides in the stars, preparing to carry out a suicide attack on the strong of the human race.

When the machine race evacuated, he was also notified, but he didn't want to leave his native hometown with other strong people!
As the overlord of the universe, he has lived for a long time. Knowing the result of staying, he did not hesitate to stay, because his homeland is already an inseparable part of his life, and he is unwilling to live the life of a bereaved dog.

Through the raging flames emitted by the stars, he saw a metal planet in the distance. Although most of the powerhouses have left here, this mechanical kingdom is still running in an orderly manner.

Some weak mechanical clansmen didn't know what happened at all, and they still followed the established trajectory or refined ore to extract metals, or used these metals to create exquisite machines...

Suddenly, a large number of spatial fluctuations occurred in this starry sky, and the army of human races arrived!
Looking at these powerful human races that teleported, the overlord of the universe gleamed with hatred in his eyes, "Damn human race, go to death..."

Before he could launch an attack, he was discovered by the strong of the human race, and his actions were restrained by the treasure domain.

Hundreds of figures appeared around the stars, completely blocking the escape path of the cosmic overlord of the mechanical race.

"Spiritual weapon star master, you didn't escape!" A figure said in surprise when seeing the cosmic overlord of the mechanical clan bound in the domain.

"Why should I run away? This is my clan's territory, you should be the ones to get out!" The Spirit Tool Star Lord roared at the surrounding human race, the Hongmeng Universe Venerable.

He also saw that the mechanical planet in the distance was being destroyed by the immortal king of the human race. At this moment, billowing smoke had already risen, and it was about to be destroyed.

"Hehe, it's not anymore!" A strong man of the human race smiled contemptuously, stretched out his left hand, and in the blink of an eye it became as big as covering the sky and covering the sun. It was smashed.

Without waiting for him to reorganize his body, several attacks fell one after another, and a cosmic overlord fell like this!
"Verun Yanzhong's way of earth, space and beast gods is about to be completed! Just now, the secret method has reached the level of the master of the universe. This is another top-notch universe overlord in the human race!" A foreign venerable said enviously.

"Haha, it all depends on the magic of the place of inheritance. If I let myself practice, I don't know that it will take years of monkeys to reach this level! After this big sweep, everyone's achievements should be exchanged for a chance to inherit." Venerable Yanzhong, who smashed the Spiritual Weapon Star Lord, laughed, and he was also very proud of his progress.

"Let's go! Hurry up and finish the sweep, so I can go to accept the inheritance..."

Everyone quickly teleported to the deeper part of the starry sky, using the domain treasures to detect everything around them non-stop along the way, and once they noticed something abnormal, several strong people immediately went up to check.

Because the incident happened suddenly, the machine clan only had time to gather some geniuses and experts, and then hurriedly evacuated.

The territory of the entire machine family is too vast, close to the territory of more than 800 star regions, and there are many lives bred there, so the number of strong people remaining in the territory of the machine family is still not a small number.

Of course, the target of the cleanup of the human race this time is not ordinary life, but mainly for the strong above the immortal level.Other weak beings, as long as they don't gather together to provoke the human race, no one will pay attention to them.

This raid lasted for nearly three years. During this period, any strong machine clansmen who were found would be killed immediately, without exception.

During this period of time, the forces in the entire primordial universe knew the whole story, and they all marveled at the strength of the human race.

In the primordial universe, infinitely far away from the territory of the human race, in a vast star field of the Northern Border Alliance, several masters of the universe of the machine race who escaped from the territory of the machine race were suspended in the void.

"The remaining powerhouses of our clan in the territory have almost been wiped out. From then on, we will never go back!" The Lord of Moyuan could hardly control the breath on his body, and the sadness in his tone could not be concealed.

"Forget all this! The current human race is beyond our ability to deal with. Our task is to pass on the machine race!"

"Let's go, we have to manage our new home well and cultivate more strong people. Maybe we can regain the territory in the future!" said a strong man who was not among the eleven cosmic masters of the mechanical race.

"Yes, Lord Jinjun!"

The Lord of Jinjun is a very ancient and special metal life, and it has been recognized as the Lord of the fifth-order universe long ago.

No one would have thought that the ancient King Jun of the Northern Border Alliance turned out to be the out-and-out master of the universe of the machine clan!
When he was still the Supreme Being of the Universe, because of a special encounter, he merged into a special metal life, thus replacing the other party.

It was precisely because of this special encounter that he was instructed by the father god of the machine clan to hide, and joined the Northern Xinjiang Alliance as a special life.

Afterwards, he became the Lord of the Universe, and now he has a high status and status in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, not inferior to the Lord of the Galaxy, but because of his low profile, he is not well-known.

After the fall of the father god of the machine clan, the lord of Jin Jun quickly talked to the leader of the northern border, and took in the strong man of the machine clan who came to seek refuge.

There is no shortage of people in this world who have made troubles. As soon as these disappearing strong men of the mechanical race showed up, someone quietly informed the human race.

"According to my friends in the Northern Border Alliance, the disappearing machine clan powerhouses have officially joined the Northern Border Alliance with the consent of the leader of the Northern Border Alliance!"

In the Hongmeng Palace of the virtual universe, an alien universe lord told the surrounding universe lords about his discovery.

"Northern border lord? Did that old guy also intervene?"

"Do you know the reason? That old guy won't just swim in this muddy water." The Chaos City Lord was a little surprised.

"It is said that the leader of Jinjun personally said the item, and the leader of the Northern Border Alliance agreed. There are rumors in the Northern Border Alliance that this Lord of Jinjun comes from the machine clan!"

"Where there is no wind, there is no wave. This rumor is still somewhat credible, so it all makes sense!" The Chaos City Lord nodded.

"The leader of the northern border is an old fellow who stays in the primordial universe all the year round, and he also has domain-like Xeons and treasures. He is very difficult to deal with! With his help, it may not be easy to deal with the remaining power of the machine clan!" Juxue looked a little dignified.

"I think it's better to put this issue aside for now. The rest of the machine race is nothing to worry about. Without the territory of the machine race, it will be difficult for the machine race to produce a large number of geniuses and strong men, and my human race will become stronger and stronger! At present, our most important thing is The most important thing is to digest these newly harvested territories, and it is not worthwhile to set up an enemy in Pingbai." The Lord of Darkness said at this time.


"Well, let's put this matter on hold for now, but Juxue can communicate with the leader of the northern border to see the other party's reaction." Chaos City Lord nodded, also agreeing with the words of the Lord of Darkness.

"Now that the territory of the machine race has been cleaned up, the next step is to build a transmission channel and move a large number of tribesmen to the new territory, allowing them to thrive in the new territory! By the way, the candidates for the development of the universe country by the major forces have all been arranged. right?"

"It's been ready for a long time!" The Lord of Qingdong smiled, and from the moment the territory was divided, their first bank in the universe was selecting candidates.

"We have also arranged it here!" Bai Yao, Peng Gongzhi and others also nodded.

"Well, let's organize your people to start migrating people!"

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(End of this chapter)

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