The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 225 Immigrant Population (4000-word chapter)

Chapter 225 Immigrant Population (4000-word chapter)
The territory of the human beings in the original universe, and the territory of the Cro universe.



In the void, a burly mechanical clan with hundreds of mechanical arms stood in the void, feeling extremely painful in his heart, and his red-lit eyes seemed to contain endless pain and sadness.

He kept recalling the scene after scene in his mind. Countless years ago, its owner copied and created him using himself as a template, and guided and protected him to grow along the way.

The master is a peerless genius, and soon became a top cosmic overlord in the machine clan, and under the guidance of the master, he also became an invincible powerhouse.Endless years have passed, giving birth to feelings that surpass everything.

Just like Huyanbo and Babata, their master-servant relationship surpassed everything, surpassed his life, and his master was the most important thing in his life.

And not long ago, his master fell, and fell into the hands of the army of the universe lords of the human race!
"No!!!!!!" The multi-armed machine clan raised its head and roared towards the sky.

Immediately, the red light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the fire of hatred in his heart was burning wildly, and there was a voice of endless resentment in the mechanical voice: "Human beings!!!"

"Humans, I want you to die! Die! Die!"

A golden light suddenly appeared in the space around the multi-armed machine clan, covering his body, and teleported away in an instant.

Just a few minutes later, the multi-armed mechanical clan drove an infinitely towering mechanical fortress the size of a planet, suspended in space, and a large number of mechanical puppet warriors appeared around.

"Give me the kill."

"Kill all humans."

There was a wave of anger in the mechanical fortress, and all the mechanical puppets were instantly activated. These powerful mechanical puppets passed through the void without a sound, rushing towards the distant life planet.

And that huge mechanical fortress disappeared in another teleportation.


Lightning teleported one after another, reaching tens of thousands of light-years away.

"Go kill, kill all humans." Batches of mechanical puppets continued to be released from the mechanical fortress, roaring and killing them.

The mechanical fortress controlled by the multi-armed mechanical group teleported crazily, releasing a large number of mechanical puppets every tens of thousands of light-years away!Most of these mechanical puppets are only universe-level, a few are domain masters, and very few are world masters!As for immortality, there is none.

"Kill all humans!"

"My servants, kill me!"

The mechanical fortress was moving crazily, releasing endless mechanical puppet warriors.

For an immortal king-level machine race, it is not difficult to create hundreds of millions of cosmic-level mechanical puppet warriors.But it is also impossible to perfectly command the mechanical puppet warriors from a long distance like this, so in the mechanical army he left behind in every place, there is actually a real mechanical clansman.

In the machine race, the superior has complete leadership over the subordinates, and the orders he left behind will be firmly carried out by these machine racers!Only with the command of the remaining mechanical clansmen can the combat effectiveness of these mechanical puppets be brought into play, and his goal of slaughtering countless planets can be completed as soon as possible!

In fact, for most planets in the universe, only a cosmic mechanical puppet is enough for complete destruction.Just like the earth in the past, even a stellar star-level behemoth can be destroyed.

In the 8th minute when he entered the human territory and wreaked havoc, the huge mechanical fortress he was driving was suspended in space and remained motionless, everything was quiet!

A large number of mechanical puppets that he had just released around him also suspended in the void.

A burly ape man wearing a golden battle armor and with golden fluff on his face appeared next to the mechanical fortress out of thin air.

"Honor Zhenyan!" An angry roar came from the mechanical fortress.

Venerable Zhenyan came over, shook his head and sighed softly: "Why bother?"

Afterwards, the empty space suddenly became chaotic, and the space where the mechanical fortress was located was directly annihilated, including the original mechanical fortress and a large number of mechanical puppet warriors around it.

Space strangulation, one of the three major directions of the space law, is performed by the universe venerable who has mastered the complete space law. Its power is an order of magnitude stronger than that of the immortal king!

After being cast in the hands of King Zhenyan, who is now a high-ranking venerable of the universe, this invincible multi-armed mechanical clan fell instantly without any resistance!
Venerable Zhenyan shook his head and sighed, because the area entered by this multi-armed machine clan was within the territory of the Cosmos Kingdom, and he happened to be in the Cosmos Kingdom because he came back to migrate the Kahuns tribe from which he was born.

After receiving the news of the multi-armed mechanical clan's invasion, the virtual universe directly passed the message to him nearby. Venerable Zhenyan didn't delay after receiving the news, and immediately rushed over with the teleportation and teleportation of the kingdom of God.

Because the mechanical fortress was constantly teleporting and changing its direction, it was only caught up by Venerable Zhenyan 8 minutes after it entered the human territory and wreaked havoc.

Through the virtual universe, Venerable Zhenyan learned that more than 200 living planets were slaughtered just now, and nearly a hundred living planets were directly reduced to pieces!
Human beings with more than 200 living planets!The number of dead human beings has definitely reached trillions!In just a blink of an eye, everything is dead.

Although for the entire human race, ordinary humans reproduce from generation to generation, so many deaths are nothing to humans.But no matter what, they are also living beings!
If these people are alive, it is not impossible for geniuses to be born among them, and even immortal kings, or even the existence of the Universe Venerable!Although the possibility is very small, as long as you are alive, everything is possible, but now it is all gone, and there is no possibility anymore.

"There are so many people who hate my human race and come to take revenge." King Zhenyan said silently in his heart.

In the past few years, since the fall and disappearance of the master of the universe of the machine race, many of these remaining strong men of the machine race cannot accept the reality. After all, among those who died were their teachers, leaders, etc. .

Some who couldn't bear the hatred in their hearts even killed them directly to retaliate. The multi-armed machine clan king just now was just one of them.

There are also some who, for the sake of the ethnic group, forcibly endure hatred. The reason why they endure is also for the sake of the ethnic group.

"One time of revenge, an invincible king will fall! Is it worth it?" Venerable Zhenyan sighed softly, and then disappeared into the starry sky with a single step.

The culprit has already fallen, and he has completed his mission. As for the puppets of the mechanical race that are raging everywhere, there are naturally other people to deal with them.

The starry sky is quiet and dark, as if nothing happened.


Kahunsi star, the ancestral star of the Kahunsi tribe.

The palaces on the planet came and went one after another. After solving the invading mechanical clan powerhouse, Venerable Zhenyan returned here.

"Clan ancestor."

As soon as the figure of Venerable Zhenyan appeared, the three immortal kings of the Kahunsi tribe stepped forward to salute with great respect, looking at him with reverence in their eyes.

Can't help but they don't reverence, it is the Venerable Zhenyan in front of him, who supported their Kahunsi tribe in the immortal stage!Now, they are going to bring their Kahuns into a new realm!
One of the immortal kings said, "We have teleported one after another, and collected all the clansmen who are about to migrate into the world ring. When the ancestors return, we will carry out the teleportation of the kingdom of God together, reach the new territory of our clan, and establish a new land. The Zhenyan universe country!"

Zhen Yan nodded, and couldn't help sighing in his heart. He never thought that one day, he would also grow to the state of opening up a universe country!
It all seemed like a dream, but it happened in reality.

After the human race army swept away, the task of establishing a new cosmic kingdom on the new frontier was put on the agenda.

As a member of the newly established sixth largest force in the human race --- Hunyuan Palace, Venerable Zhenyan received an order from the great Lord Ganwu to establish a True Evolution Universe!
The purpose of his return this time is to migrate some members of the Kahuns tribe into the new universe country to thrive, and at the same time help him manage this new universe country.

Whenever I think about it, Venerable Zhenyan feels that it was an extremely correct decision to accept Luo Feng as his apprentice!

After completing his apprenticeship, his life took another path.Received the baptism of the place of inheritance, broke through the realm of the universe lord, joined the Hunyuan Palace... He has completed several transformations in a short period of time, and now he has become the aloof universe lord!
"Yan Jing, the ancestral land will be handed over to you. I have already said hello to Venerable Crowe, and he will support you in some matters. But remember, our clan is now stronger than before. More times, but it doesn't mean we can touch some bottom line issues!"

"If any clansmen act recklessly, they must be dealt with strictly according to the rules of the clan. I don't want to come back one day to deal with my own clansmen personally. Do you understand what I mean?" Venerable Zhenyan ordered with a serious face.

"Don't worry, Patriarch, the current situation is hard-won. I will not let anyone become a stumbling block to the rise of my clan! Whoever dares to do something out of line, I will personally take action to clear it, so as not to damage the power of my Kahunsi clan." Fame!" The king of the Hunsi tribe named Yanjing also replied solemnly.

Venerable Zhenyan nodded, he was assured of this king, otherwise he would not let him stay in the ancestral land.

"Then let's go!" With the two Immortal Kings, Venerable Zhenyan teleported directly from the Kingdom of God to the capital star of the Kro Universe Kingdom.

At this moment, a large number of people have gathered here, at least they are all strong at the king level!The emergence of the Land of Inheritance has not only increased the number of universe sages in the human race, but the human race had more than [-] kings in the past, and now it has also been greatly improved in terms of quantity and quality.

"True Yan!"

"Honor Zhenyan!"

"Lord Zhenyan!"

His appearance quickly caused a commotion, and everyone hurriedly greeted him, not only because of his current strength, but also because of the Hunyuan Palace and that great existence behind him.

"Are you all ready?" After exchanging pleasantries, Venerable Zhen Yan asked everyone.

All the people here came back to migrate the population according to the tasks of the human race.Some of them are not from the Cosmos Kingdom, but because they have a good relationship with Venerable Zhenyan, they put their own people in his Cosmos Kingdom to thrive.

Similarly, some forces of the Cro universe country will also bring their own people under the command of the universe venerable who has a good relationship with them.

Snakes have snake paths, rats have rat paths, each has its own magical powers, and Venerable Zhenyan doesn't care.Under the condition that the general direction of the human race remains unchanged, some internal interest exchanges are also normal.

"Haha, I'm ready, all the clansmen who are going to migrate have been collected in the world ring by me!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

"Then get ready to go, and we can deal with business as soon as possible!" Venerable Zhen Yan immediately decided.

"Go! I will hand over my people to Zhenyan!" Venerable Crowe of the Croco universe country said with a smile.

After Venerable Zhenyan nodded in response, he led these people to a teleportation from the Kingdom of God to the star area assigned to him.

The people who followed him this time are considered to be the first batch of people who migrated to the new territory, and they all come from the forces that own the king. star sector.

First come has the advantage of first come, and now the better positions in the entire star area will be occupied by these forces first.Even so, the places occupied by these forces are less than 1% of this star region.

As for the remaining places, the human beings who originally lived in some secret universe continents, or the human beings living in the kingdom of God, will continue to migrate in large numbers.

The entire migration process will last for a long time, and it does not happen overnight.

Gradually, the new territory of the human race gradually prospered, and some strong people who were either unable to move in the original cosmic country, or saw more opportunities in the new territory, came here spontaneously.

The entire primordial universe and even the major forces in the cosmic sea have been paying attention to the actions of the human race since the cosmic boat war. Although they had guessed earlier, they were still shocked by this swift action.

In a short period of time, the machine clan directly declined, leaving two or three big cats lingering on their last legs under the protection of the leader of the northern border.The monster race and the Zerg race also retreated, allowing the human race to directly occupy the territory of the original machine race.

You must know that the territory occupied by the four major ethnic groups was originally the best territory in the original universe, as can be seen from the number of powerful people born from the four major ethnic groups.

Now more than half of this territory is occupied by the human race, greatly expanding the living space of the human race!With the expansion of the territory, the speed at which human elites and geniuses are born will also increase correspondingly in time!
"The human race has fallen for a while after the original ancestor was suppressed, and it has risen again. What a terrifying potential!"

"Fortunately, human beings are not hostile to the major forces in our cosmic sea, but there will be a good show to watch next. This human group with great potential is against the Ziyue Holy Land, which is the holy land universe..."

"I seem to have seen the God-Eye Race in the first reincarnation era. If the major forces in the original universe don't stop it, this human race will be against the sky!"

"Don't worry! Other forces in the original universe will not sit back and watch the human race grow! The human race wants to expand in the future, and the resistance it wants to face will be extremely great!" Some people seem to have seen some patterns clearly.

No matter what they say, it has become an established fact that the human race occupies the territory of the machine race. What the human race has eaten into their stomachs, other people will never want to let the human race spit it out again.

After the great war, the primordial universe fell into a strange silence, but under this calm lake, everyone knew that it must be an undercurrent.

The others were silent, but the alien universe masters who were originally attached to the machine race alliance, and the powerful race behind them could only tremble in fear!
When the human race attacked the territory of the machine race, these alien universe lords almost did not help because they heard the news of the fall of the father god of the machine race and were shocked by the powerful strength of the human race.

The human race did not attack their race, but only occupied the territory of the original machine race, but in this way, the territory of the human race bordered on theirs. No matter how they turned a blind eye, the threat had already arisen!
How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch!Now these ethnic groups can't sleep, for fear that the next moment, the human ethnic group will have already called.

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(End of this chapter)

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