Chapter 243 World Beast
After the battle of the Ninth Abyss, Bai Key did not return to the space of the black-grained stone pillar.

Instead, he drove the Feiyuan Shenzhou and flew to the real core of the inner domain of the spaceship.

Compared with the structure diagram of the spaceship left by the Qinghong Saint, the Feiyuan Shenzhou that Bai Key was riding on kept changing direction and moving forward.

The Chaos Realm was released, and it kept sweeping around. In a relatively safe area, Feiyuan Shenzhou kept teleporting short distances, leaving a series of ripples in the void.

"I don't know what kind of attack the spaceship was subjected to back then, but it has undergone such a big change!" During the flight, Bai Key also seemed very distressed.

Time has passed, and although the general structure has not changed, the environment inside the spaceship has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Even if Bai Key had the original structural diagram of the spaceship, he only dared to move forward cautiously.

Fortunately, in addition to the structure map, the map he got in the keepsake space also had some explored routes, which saved him a lot of worry.

Tens of years passed in the blink of an eye. During this time, Feiyuan Shenzhou crossed hundreds of dangerous places, and at least advanced tens of millions of light-years in the inner space of the spaceship.


Deep in the core of the spaceship's inner domain, there is a vast foggy area, and an ancient building ship is advancing at a hundred times the speed of light.

In the foggy area, the light is extremely dim, coupled with the thick white mist, even with the eyesight of a true god, you can only see nearby places.

If that's the case, then it's okay to say, just use the treasure field to explore and move forward.

In fact, these seemingly ordinary dense fogs are extremely corrosive. If you stay in them for a long time, the peak treasure palace will be damaged, and only those who own the most powerful treasure palace can guarantee their own safety.

Not only that, but there are also many spaceship fragments flying at extremely high speeds in the dense fog.

The material of these fragments is very hard, and coupled with the extremely terrifying speed, the power that erupts at the moment of being hit definitely exceeds the limit that a true god can reach.

So even if you own the most powerful and treasured palace, you may not be safe, but this is the normal state of the core.

Suddenly, in Bai Key's domain perception, this foggy area gradually thinned out in front, and an endless sea of ​​thunder appeared instead.

"Lei Ling Valley should be ahead, it seems that we are not far from the goal!" Concentrating on the road for a long time, even with the will of his eternal true god level, he felt a little tired.

Bai Key came here this time to find the real core control room of the spaceship.There, there is the power source of the entire spaceship, and the real body of the Qinghong Saint has been sitting there all the time.

The Feiyuan Shenzhou flew for more than a month before entering the range of Leiling Valley.

Thunder Ling Valley is famous for the Thunder Spirit born inside.And Lei Ling is a life similar to Mie Shenjian Lava Demon God, and his strength is very terrifying. Apart from having no combat experience, his strength is definitely one of the most powerful among the strongest.

Different from Mie Shen Jian, the number of thunder spirits in Thunder Spirit Valley is very large, and they will appear in groups. Once surrounded by these thunder spirits, there is almost no possibility of escape.

Because of this, in all the maps of Baiyao, there is no specific information about its interior, let alone passing through Thundering Valley.

When he got here, Bai Key didn't dare to wander around like before, Feiyuan Shenzhou slowly slowed down and stopped.

Inside the cabin, another Earthling clone suddenly appeared beside Bai Key.

The Feiyuan Shenzhou is too precious, and Bai Key doesn't want to lose it in it when he encounters danger.

So this time, he planned to use his avatar to explore the way ahead, and after finding out the internal situation, he decided whether to go.

This avatar, Bai Key, is equipped with a full set of Xeon and Supreme Treasures!
He has no shortage of Xeons and Supreme Treasures. Those Xeons and Supreme Treasures captured by him have long been analyzed by Ontology. As long as he wants, he can copy them in large quantities.

The reason why he didn't do this was because it was meaningless. The giant ax and the Chaos City Lord were enough, and he wouldn't just give it to other universe masters.

Feiyuan Shenzhou opened a passage on the side, and the avatar flew out of the Xeon Xunbao palace, and rushed into Leiling Valley in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he rushed in, Bai Key felt the extreme power of the sea of ​​thunder, which made even the strongest and most treasures tremble.

Without hesitation, the white key avatar pushed the speed of the palace treasure to the limit, and continued to push towards its interior.

One day...two days...ten days...

Soon, the avatar White Key advanced a long distance.Contrary to what he had imagined, for such a long time in the past, except for the harsh environment, he had never encountered the legendary Thunder Spirit.

It may be that everything can't bear to be talked about. When he was still lamenting his luck, the domain sensed a group of strangely shaped thunder spirits in front of him.

These Thunder Spirits had existed in Thunder Spirit Valley for a long time, and they were already familiar with this environment. The arrival of Bai Key, an unexpected guest, quickly alarmed them.

The opponent's speed was extremely fast, and they quickly dispersed and surrounded him, and they happened to block Bai Key's direction of advancement.

"It's really troublesome!" Bai Key frowned, and quickly turned to fly to the side, trying to bypass the group of thunder spirits.

There are a large number of small universes and "primitive universes" scattered in the cosmic sea. The primordial universe is really too big, so the original will of the primordial universe is the strongest existence in this cosmic sea!

Even the operation of the law in the vast universe is affected by it.

Except for the primordial universe, other regions of the cosmic sea are outside of it, and the power exerted by the source of the primordial universe is much weaker, and the restrictions are much weaker.

In this case, as long as you have enough strength, you can break the original restrictions and raise your speed to a higher level.

Just like the existence of the most powerful person in the universe who breaks the limit, even if he does not rely on the ability to speak out, he can still make his own speed break through the limit of a hundred times the speed of light.

Bai Key's current attack power has long surpassed that of the ordinary strongest in the universe, and it is naturally possible to break the law with strength.It's just that it is more difficult, after all, there is a gap in the quality of divine power.

At this moment, under the urging of Bai Key, the Xeon Xun Bao Palace broke the previous limit and slowly improved.

Although his speed has been improved, compared to Lei Ling who has an environmental advantage, there is still a big gap.

With the passage of time, the distance between them has not fared away, but is still getting closer, and Bai Yao even heard the roar of these thunder spirits.

Misfortunes never come singly, Bai Key felt a group of thunder spirits intrude into the front field before he could get rid of those behind.

Aiming at the gap between the two groups of thunder spirits, Bai Yao quickly adjusted his direction again, trying to break out of the encirclement from here.

The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. If he is not fast, he will not have the advantage. The possibility of breaking through is even slimmer than imagined.

Sure enough, a few hours later, Bai Key was completely surrounded!
Just as the avatar Bai Key was about to give it a go, he felt that the golden token on his forearm that was branded when it was recognized by the space of the black-striped stone pillar began to heat up, and a mysterious aura began to spread around.

The breath continued to spread, and soon passed around Lei Ling who was surrounded.

Sensing this mysterious aura, these thunder spirits were taken aback, and gradually slowed down their speed.

They seemed to feel the creatures that made them extremely fearful, and they were no longer as tyrannical as before.

The few human-shaped Thunder Spirits closest to Bai Key even stopped in the void and knelt down directly in his direction.

"What's the situation?" Bai Key was also confused.

Just when he was wondering, the seemingly real token was actually a token condensed by the secret method of supreme will, which sent a message.

It turns out that whether it is these Lei Ling or the lava demon god of Mie Shenjian, they are all puppet servants of the spaceship, but they have different functions.

And the white key who owns the golden token is naturally the absolute high-level of the spaceship. With the supreme leader, the Qinghong saint, already fallen, the white key already has the highest authority.

With this authority, it is easy to mobilize these puppet servants belonging to the spaceship.It was just when they sensed the aura of the golden token on his body that the thunder spirits stopped and showed respect to him.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to have such an effect! But this secret method is really miraculous. It was obviously branded on another avatar at the time, but now it appears on this avatar."

"That's good, it seems that the next journey will be much easier!"

Next, Bai Key began to study these puppet servants.As puppets, these powerful thunder spirits can be taken away, but once they leave the spaceship, it will be very difficult to replenish their own energy once they are exhausted.

These puppets belong to the true god level, and the energy they need is also the power of the true god level. If they are supplemented with the power of the master of the universe, the strength they display will be correspondingly reduced.

However, with the energy reserves of these puppets, it is no problem to fight several normal battles at the same level.Moreover, the number of puppets here is so large, at worst, they can be used in rotation.

Through the golden token, Bai Key manipulated all the Lei Ling puppets around him to come to him, and took them into the treasure of the palace.

"371 true god-level puppets, not bad!" After dealing with these puppets, Bai Yao started his journey again.

The palace treasure instantly changed from static to dynamic, soaring to a hundred times the speed of light, and then did not stop. Under the full force of the white key, it directly broke the law with force to reach a higher speed.

With the golden token, he became more courageous, and he was no longer afraid of attracting the Lei Ling puppet with the fluctuation of breaking the law with force.

In an instant, the treasure of the palace turned into a stream of light, piercing through the void of the sea of ​​thunder and shooting out.


While Bai Key was still advancing, Sitting Mountain Guest had already reached the depths of the inner domain of Qingfeng Realm.

In the fiery magma of the third-level abyss, the blue peak of Zuoshanke is constantly advancing.

It flew out of the magma layer in a short while, and endless whirlwinds and vortexes ushered in the distance. Each whirlwind was like the blade light of a super strong man, with unpredictable tearing power.

Sitting Mountain Guest didn't intend to slow down at all, and rushed into it easily. Although he was inevitably affected by the whirlwind and changed direction, he also used these forces to move forward faster.

"It's the Ten Thousand Waves Waters just ahead! When we get to the Ten Thousand Waves Waters, we're close to the dark place." Sitting Mountain Ke's eyes were fiery, and he increased the speed of the blue mountain peak a bit.

Although the speed of the blue mountain peak is fast, the method of Zuoshanke is very sophisticated, and it has no impact on the outside world at all.


The cyan mountain peak flew directly into the Ten Thousand Waves Waters, and began to approach the dark land. At the end of the endless waters, there was a darkness. It was a darkness that made the soul tremble. In the depths of the land, you will be lost forever, and it is difficult to escape.

Generally, the most people would wander around the edge, or only dare to go deep if the Lord of the Universe has a clone. Even if he died, he would only lose a clone.

"Hmm! It's the Star Lord Haolei and the others in the first reincarnation era." Across time and space, Siu Shan Ke sensed the Star Lord Haolei and the others who were waiting.

"These people are guarding here, I'm afraid they have some schemes." Zuo Shanke thought in his heart, "But today I have something important to do, so I don't care about them."

At this moment, Sitting Mountain Guest's thoughts are all on the beast, and he doesn't want to make troubles at all, so he directly hides his body and flees towards the dark place.

The blue mountain peak quickly came to the edge of the Ten Thousand Waves waters, without stopping at all, it flew directly into the endless darkness.

Entering the dark place, shrinking the blue mountain peak, the mountain guest also became more careful, silently driving the blue mountain forward.

Although the environment in the Dark Land is dark, for a strong person like Zuoshanke, it is no different from light. Through the influence of time and space, he can still see extremely long distances clearly.

Dead silence!It seems that there is nothing, this is what Sitting Mountain Guest saw after entering the dark place.Even so, he didn't dare to be careless.

"According to what Luo Feng said, there are at least hundreds of millions of world beasts in this chaotic place, we must be careful, first find a way to catch a world beast to see the situation, and then make plans." Always the former strongest , the more this time came, the more calm Zuoshanke became.


The blue mountain peak disappeared, and there was only a floating stone advancing in the dark place, sometimes teleporting and sometimes floating.

Under the ingenious technique of Zuoshanke, the blue mountain peak has turned into a normal rock.While teleporting forward, Zuo Shanke sensed space fluctuations.

Although due to the original will of the original universe, his divine body is not very strong, but under the blessing of the god king's means, his strength is still unimaginable.

Zuoshanke thinks that his teleportation distance is stronger than that of the world beast, and the sensing distance is naturally longer.If a realm beast appeared, he would definitely be the first to spot it.


Suddenly, Zuo Shanke was startled and stopped immediately.Because in his induction, an ugly and ferocious beast teleportedly appeared.

What he is currently in is a mountain range in the void. The world beast teleports and flies towards the mountain range for a certain distance before slowing down and hovering.

When it came close, the mountain guest realized that it was a huge monster exuding jet-black light. It had two ferocious heads, each with a single eye, a nose, and a mouth. A pair of arms, a pair of legs, the whole body is naked, exuding a monstrous evil aura, and the front and back two one-eyed glances around.

At the same time, black blood flowed from its pitch-black skin. At a glance, there were dozens of wounds, obviously after a lot of fighting.

The head in front of it suddenly opened its mouth, and its tongue stuck out instantly, like a huge stream of light, sweeping across its body, quickly licking every wound, all the blood from the wound was sucked dry, and the wound quickly Restore condensation.

"It's a world beast! It's a legendary world beast!" At this moment, even with the state of mind of Zuo Shanke, waves appeared unconsciously. It was a sense of satisfaction of getting what he wanted, which made him cry The urge to fill the eyes.

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