The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 244 Spaceship Energy Core

Chapter 244 Spaceship Energy Core

A void mountain in the Darklands.

The world beast quickly healed its injuries, and muttered in their unique language, "Damn Rey, you actually took advantage of me to sneak attack after the battle, and let me use the blood light, wait, I It will definitely swallow you up sooner or later."

After thinking about it for a while, the beast wanted to leave here, because it was not safe, and his opponent might come looking for it.

What it doesn't know is that a person who shouldn't be here is already eyeing it.

Even an incomparably noble creature like a world beast would not be able to find Sitting Mountain Guest who was the reincarnation of a god king.

The moment it was about to teleport away, the beast also let down its vigilance.


Like a shrewd hunter, Zuoshanke immediately discovered the slightest slack in the opponent, and the secret technique that had been ready to go was activated in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, the place where the beast was located was imprisoned, and a huge palace suddenly appeared above the beast, and then fell down with a crash.

It happened so suddenly that the beast had no time to react, and Zuoshanke had already suppressed it.

This is not over yet, although I haven't really seen the Realm Beast, but I am also the former God King of Jin, so I still know some information about it.

Zuo Shanke immediately took precautions against the strange communication ability between the beasts.

If you can't suppress the other party in an instant and let the other party spread the news, the consequences will be terrible.

It is a shameful thing for a life from the outside to suppress their noble beasts, and it will surely arouse the hatred of many beasts in the accepting lair.

With the means of Sitting on the Mountain, it is natural to escape.

But what about after?

Normally, realm beasts are naturally reluctant to leave their lairs, because it is like a mother's womb, containing mysterious power that allows them to grow rapidly.

Once this kind of thing that threatens them occurs, it will not be a normal situation, and a large number of beasts may rush out of the dark land and enter the cosmic sea.

In that case, it will become very difficult to deal with these scattered beasts, and the entire three eras of reincarnation will suffer, entering the era of great destruction ahead of schedule.

In the past, Zuoshanke might not have cared, but now that he has Luo Feng, he is also very satisfied with this disciple, so naturally he will not let such a thing happen.

Just in case, the suppression is still not safe.

Although Sitting Mountain Guest never showed his face, once time passed, it was hard to guarantee that the world beast would not react.

For this situation, Zuoshanke also has means to deal with it.

After the space transformation, before the world beast, whose body could not move at all, understood the situation, Sitting Mountain Ke activated the secret method of will, and the impact of will directly fell on him.

The world beast only felt a huge divine eye looming in front of it, that eye appeared far away in the void in front of it, and an invisible and terrifying impact of will instantly descended and enveloped it, hitting its will hard.

"Ah!!!" The world beast hissed in pain.

This kind of pain from the soul has never been experienced by a realm beast. It has never been so painful to fight another realm beast Rey before.

The power of the world beast exploded completely, and the black light flickered all over his body, trying to break free from the attack that came from nowhere.

Outside, Zuoshanke sat cross-legged on the top of the blue peak, holding a miniature palace in his hand, which was the Jinwang Palace that had just suppressed the sealed beast.

Jinwang Palace is his most proud treasure of the god king, the real foundation of his life!Being able to escape from the hands of the three god kings of the Shi Kingdom, this palace treasure has made great achievements.

"After entering my Jinwang Palace, you still want to break free, you are overconfident!" Zuoshanke sneered, and suddenly increased the strength of his willpower.


The last sliver of consciousness in this world beast was shattered in an instant, and it fell into a coma. Its huge body lost its support and fell directly into the Jinwang Palace.

"Huh, as expected of a world beast, even if it's only the second level, it's really not easy to make it lose consciousness. I'm afraid no one in the Universe Sea can do it!" Seeing that the world beast lost consciousness, Zuo Shanke was relieved. tone.

The reason why he dared to come to this dark place alone was because he was sure of being able to capture the realm beast.

His divine body was broken through in the most common way, even if he had all kinds of means, there were not many that could be used.

Among the means he can use today, the will is the strongest, and the will of the god king is not a joke!And this time for insurance, he also used it immediately.

"The next step is to enslave the other party!" Zuo Shanke muttered to himself, and flashed to the inside of King Jin's Hall, looking at the ugly beast, his eyes showed an incomparably fiery light.

There was only the last step left in the pursuit all the time, and Zuo Shanke couldn't help being excited, and it took him some time to calm down before starting the next move.

He flicked his fingers slightly, and strands of invisible silk threads quickly condensed in front of him. The hundreds of millions of silk threads quickly formed a strange symbol, and there was a character composed of secret patterns on the symbol, which was the character of the Jin Kingdom—— slave!

Immediately, the transparent symbol quickly flew through the air and directly invaded the body of the world beast.

A slight sound came out, and Zuo Shanke lost his sense of the icon.

"Failed?" Zuo Shanke frowned.

The enslavement failed, and Zuoshanke did not give up. He tried several times in succession, but it was still the same as before. Once the enslavement mark entered the opponent's body, it would disappear in an instant.

Although I had expected this kind of situation in my heart, it was reasonable, but after all, success was just around the corner, and if I failed at the last step, I could imagine the frustration.

After this short period of research, combined with the information he had learned before, Zuoshanke also made some discoveries.

The world beast is the great life conceived by the cosmic sea, an existence opposed to the original universe, and a manifestation of the origin of destruction.

Of course, a single realm beast is not comparable to the entire primordial universe, and only the king born from billions of realm beasts represents destruction, having the same personality as the primordial universe.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple. The body of the beast is very special, so it can't be enslaved at all!" The enslavement failed, which disappointed Zuoshanke for a while.

"The methods I used were all the top-level enslavement methods in the Jin Kingdom." Sitting Mountain Guest was still a little unbelievable, "I didn't even sense its resistance, and some of the methods I used disappeared immediately."

General enslavement will be resisted by the enslaved object.

One side wants to enslave, the other side resists.

If you can't will be enslaved.

But he didn't even sense resistance when he used top-level enslavement methods, and just entered the beast's body and dissipated directly.

Logically speaking, even if the opponent is unconscious, there should be instinctive resistance.

"And I didn't sense the pairing." Zi Yao was puzzled.

Divine power and beast power will consume each other.

It can be used to attack with virtual divine power but it will not cause consumption. For example, many true gods can still directly penetrate into the body of a realm beast to perform a "soul shock" when they cast a soul attack.

However, the method used by Sitting Mountain Guest's imaginary divine power collapsed without any resistance.

"Is it really because it represents destruction? I am not qualified to be a slave?" Sitting Mountain Guest shook his head, he was unwilling to give up this hard-won opportunity easily.

Immediately, Zuo Shanke fell silent completely, focusing on studying how to enslave the beasts, and no longer cared about the ups and downs of the universe sea.The stones transformed from the blue mountain peaks blended into this mountain range.


The core of the inner domain of the spaceship.

The white key avatar flew in the Thunder Valley for more than ten days in the Xeon Xunbao Palace.During this process, he encountered several waves of Leiling puppets, and under the influence of the golden token, these puppets became his collection.

"Hmm! Why did the speed suddenly increase so much?"

In it, the clone of Bai Key has not found any abnormalities, but the clone staying in Feiyuan Shenzhou still notices the change of its speed.

"It's not that my own speed has changed, it's that something in front is attracting everything around here!" After some investigation, Bai Yao finally discovered the reason.

His speed is not fast, but there is a strong gravitational force in front of him that attracts everything around him.Since everything, including the Thunder Sea, was attracted, Bai Yao didn't notice the speed change immediately.

With such a sudden change, Bai Key became more cautious, always alert to the changes around him.

The further you go, the stronger the attraction ahead.It's like there is a huge black hole ahead, but this attraction is definitely stronger than the largest black hole in the original universe.


The speed of the palace Xeon and Supreme Treasure he was driving was getting faster and faster, and another six days passed in this flight.

During this period, the speed of the palace continued to increase, from hundreds of times at the beginning to thousands of times... 5000 times... 10000 times...

The speed continues to increase, as if there is no limit!
In the sea of ​​thunder, the speed of the white key became faster and faster, it was already unbelievably fast, but the streamer formed by the treasure of the palace was still accelerating, and it had soared more than [-] times the speed of light!

Up to now, it is no longer under the control of Bai Key, and he can only follow this swallowing force.

This powerful force has already made the law retreat, turning the palace into a stream of light.

Fortunately, there was a sea of ​​thunder energy all the way around, and it didn't hit other objects.Otherwise, according to Bai Key's estimate, his avatar and the most powerful palace treasure would be instantly annihilated by that impact.

For this situation, the white key avatar was already lying flat, just observing the situation in front of him all the time, so that his death would be worthwhile.

Another half day passed, and Bai Key felt a huge change ahead.

In his field induction, a huge cliff suddenly appeared in front of him, and under the cliff was a bottomless abyss.

The attraction that acts on the entire Thunder Ocean comes from this bottomless abyss.

The energy of the entire thunder ocean seemed to be transformed into a substantial waterfall, flying down the cliff.

"This is!!"

Bai Key looked in the direction of the abyss, and only felt a supreme aura acting on his mind, which made him feel oppressed unconsciously.

There is great terror in the abyss!If you fall into it, you will definitely die!Somewhere, Bai Key had this idea.

But now, he has no ability to react at all. Even if he urges Xeon to Treasure Palace to fly back with all his strength, it will only offset part of the speed.

Just like that, Bai Key watched helplessly as he slid into space, unable to do anything.

At a flying speed of nearly a million light speeds, the 300 light-year distance he perceives in his domain doesn't even take a day.

When he reached the cliff, he finally saw the panorama of the entire abyss from afar.

The entire abyss was unknown, and it was completely beyond his sensing range.

In addition to the thunder ocean where he was, he also found that the law energy of various attributes was attracted from other directions, and it was also poured into this bottomless abyss.


The palace, the most powerful and the most precious treasures were engulfed and leaped down from the cliff, and at the same time, the oppressive aura was getting closer and closer.

Through time and space, Bai Yao sensed the direction of the source of the breath, and only felt a huge fireball appear in his mind, just like looking up at the sun on the earth.

Seeing this huge fireball is like seeing the truth of the universe, which is a more primitive source of power than the source of the universe, which makes Bai Yao have an urge to return to it.

"It turned out to be here!"

Seeing this ball of fire, Bai Yao finally knew where it was.

This is his goal this time. The fireball he sensed is the energy core of the entire spaceship.

These attracted energies are all attracted by the energy core, and after being transformed by the energy core, they will be transmitted to all parts of the spaceship to maintain normal operation, and even be used as energy to activate the weapon system.

Below the abyss, the energy of the endless law converges into an ocean. In the center of this ocean, there is a huge fireball-shaped energy core floating. Its power is all restrained, and half of it is completely submerged in the energy ocean.

Bai Yao could feel the other party's existence, but he was infected by his primitive aura.If the energy of this fireball erupts, the entire spaceship will be destroyed!
At this moment, Bai Yao, who was engulfed in the torrent of energy, was at the moment of life and death.

Rushing into the seemingly calm energy ocean below at this speed will only cause you to die without a trace of pain.

Even if he safely enters the energy ocean, he will only be immobilized by the huge pressure in the ocean, and then he will be extracted by the energy core, crushed and converted into energy to drive the spaceship.

As the energy core of the spaceship, it can even convert various energies into the power of chaos like a holy existence.

Not to mention the powerful treasure he is riding on now, even if the Eternal God is taken into it, it will be transformed into the energy of the spaceship.

In this case, the only thing White Key can rely on is the golden token that was recognized by the space of the black-striped stone pillar.

Divine power was poured into it, the golden token was activated, and the strange fluctuations spread out to the surroundings again, trying to communicate with the real control core of the spaceship.

The control core and energy core of the universe week are in one place. In many cases, the energy automatically converted by the spaceship cannot supply the needs of the battle at all, and the controller can only supplement it with its own divine power, so as to perfectly exert its due combat power.

As the golden token was activated, the space above the distant fireball also changed, and a silver polyhedron several light-years in size slowly emerged, emitting light that echoed the golden token.

"Teleport!" After sensing the control core, a lot of information appeared in the golden token, and Bai Key quickly found a way to solve the current danger, and instantly activated the teleportation function.


The treasure of the palace where the white key was located disappeared instantly, and when it reappeared, it had already come to a huge silver hall.

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(End of this chapter)

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