The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 473 Strong Interaction Materials

Chapter 473 Strong Interaction Materials (Don’t subscribe, there are too many changes.)
Hundreds of years pass by in a blink of an eye.

The Wetland Park where Leishan Residence is located, due to the presence of a large number of cultivators, has been like pressing the pause button after the establishment of the Cultivation Research Laboratory. It has not changed at all for hundreds of years.

Compared with here, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Without the interference of sophons, human science and technology have developed rapidly, far exceeding the same period of the original work.

In fact, because of its intertwining with the cultivation civilization, it also experienced a scientific explosion during this period, and the level of science and technology achieved a huge leap.

Today, the entire human society is no longer as afraid of the Trisolaran world as it was before.

On the contrary, many radicals in recent years believe that deterrence alone is no longer in line with the strength of human beings on earth today, and that the earth needs to take the initiative in the relationship between the two parties.

Many conservatives believe that the radicals are too conservative and that the Earth should send a fleet to expedition to the Trisolaran Galaxy like the Trisolaran Fleet did back then.

Fortunately, the deterrence of the dark forest can not only deter the Three-Body Problem when the Earth is weak, but the Three-Body Problem can also deter the Earth.

The situation seemed to have suddenly reversed. The originally strong Trisolaran world suddenly became the weak one.

A dozen light-speed battleships, the vanguard of the human fleet, quickly entered combat mode, awakening all sleeping human warriors.

Various political groups began to emerge, representing their own interests and began to suppress other forces, mentally and even physically wanting to eliminate people who had different ideas from their own.

This state of me within you and you within me is the foundation that truly maintains this kind of struggle that cannot be broken.

Among them, the most acute contradiction is the contradiction between new humanity and old humanity, or between cultivation civilization and technological civilization.

"Run away? Why did you think of running away?" Chu Hao was a little surprised and didn't understand how Luo Ji knew about running away.

What's more, over time, the new humans will turn into the old humans.

In this case, there will inevitably be a gap in thinking between those new humans who insist on the supremacy of science and training as only an aid.


"You are not the only one who knows about the little tricks of those young people these years." Luo Ji said calmly, "Perhaps in the near future, those hunters in the dark will find that they are looking for traces of other civilizations, and at that time, there will be an unknown crisis will come to earth.”

Because many of their ideas were stuck in the old times and could not adapt to the ever-changing times, they were directly denounced as antiques by this new group of humans.

However, because there are no external enemies, the thoughts of human society seem to become more impetuous as we go further back.

It is with this arrogant idea that mankind's conquest of the Trisolaran world was agreed to by everyone without encountering almost any resistance.

Of course, they only dare to talk about it, but if they really want to take action, these old humans who have lived for hundreds of years are extremely powerful.

This distance is maintained out of concern that the detector will self-destruct during the interception process. One thousand kilometers is an absolutely safe distance that takes into account all self-destruction situations.

In front of them, several water droplet detectors of the Trisolaran civilization were heading towards them. In less than a month, the two sides would meet.

Three years later, the human expedition fleet has approached the Trisolaran Galaxy, and the remaining distance is less than a year's journey for the fleet.

Compared to the Trisolaris people, humans on Earth have rich ideas and are running wildly on the two paths of cultivation and technology at the same time. I don’t know how much more advanced they are than the other people.

Coming closer, under the continuous detection of the unmanned spacecraft, the true appearance of the water droplet was finally exposed to everyone.

Without external enemies, human beings' bad nature began to be exposed, and internal battles began.

After several more years of preparation, a fleet of 1000 light-speed spaceships flew towards the Trisolaran Galaxy.

Because of cultivation reasons, practitioners usually spend several years or decades in retreat.

The new humanity has mastered the mouthpiece of the new era and can talk nonsense.

The moment they saw it, everyone in the expeditionary army was amazed at its beauty.

As for the old humans, because of the suppression by Chu Hao and Lei Wei, they did not dare to rely on their own strength to attack them.


In the eyes of those who grew up in the new era, the so-called law of the dark forest is actually something that has not been proven.

Although both sides had concerns, although the two sides had a heated argument, there was no actual violent conflict.

Finally, a small unmanned spacecraft was released and quickly approached the water droplet detector hovering in the void.

As for the threat of the dark forest that has always existed between humans and the Trisolaran world, people no longer take it to heart.

Today's thinking on Earth's human beings is the true supremacy of Earth's humans.

Especially after the light-speed spacecraft was developed, this kind of thinking suddenly exploded, almost treating oneself as the master of the void in the universe.

"As the saying goes, the obstacle to survival is not weakness and ignorance, but arrogance!"

Luo Ji was stunned for a moment, then smiled casually, "It really can't be done. It won't have any impact on the future. By the way, when are we going to run away?"

"So what if you win? So what if you lose?" Chu Hao said calmly.

"Yeah...we need to make some preparations!"

"Do you think they can win?" Luo Ji, wearing Taoist robes, asked.

The vanguard fleet of the human expedition fleet stopped a thousand kilometers away from the Trisolaran detector.

And the contact with the three-body world is already right in front of us.

This thing doesn't look like a detector at all, but a beautiful piece of art.

Many people believe that the Dark Forest does not exist, it is just a lie deliberately fabricated by people in the past who were ignorant and at a loss when facing the Trisolaran world.

They believe that humans on earth are special and the most perfect creation in the world.

It is like a drop of mercury, showing a perfect drop shape, with a round head, a pointed tail, and an extremely smooth total reflection mirror.

The fleet's staff quickly came up with a guess: it was not a detector at all, but a token given to mankind by the Trisolarans, using an aesthetic form to express a kind of goodwill.

Moreover, the shape of its water droplets is related to water. Water is the source of life, so it is a beautiful thing that represents life.

A moment later, the unmanned spacecraft successfully captured the water droplet detector and quickly brought it to the interior of the light-speed spacecraft.

Through the powerful detector of the light speed spacecraft, everyone immediately discovered the extraordinary nature of this water droplet.

Because the surface of the water droplet, even if it is magnified 1000 times or 10000 times, still looks as smooth as glass.

"The surface of this thing is absolutely smooth, as if the molecules are fixed to death, and the standards are tightly arranged together. There is not even a vibration!" A crew member was shocked.

"This... this is a strong interaction material!"

The entire crew of the lightspeed ship looked shocked, even incredulous.

This kind of material has not even been researched by humans at present, but unexpectedly it appeared on the detector of the Trisolaran civilization.

The so-called strong interaction force is one of the four fundamental forces of the universe, but it only works over a very short distance between atomic nuclei. After knowing that the water droplets were made of strong protective material, everyone felt awe-struck and had an ominous premonition.

Because this material represents indestructibility, hundreds of times harder than the hardest material known in the solar system.

Even if their spaceship is protected by a magic circle from a cultivating civilization, they may not be able to withstand it.

What's more, they actually brought water droplets into the light-speed spacecraft.

"Quick, throw it out!" an officer roared.

However, everything was too late. The water droplet suddenly started to move. A blue halo appeared at the tip of its tail, and then expanded rapidly. The color changed from blue to yellow and finally to red. The water droplet moved and accelerated sharply!
Everyone in the cabin was instantly vaporized by the high temperature close to the core of the sun the moment the halo appeared.

The hull of the lightspeed ship quickly glowed and then became brighter and brighter, and soon exploded in the void.

The metal that made up the hull immediately liquefied under the extremely high temperature and continued to scatter in space.

In fact, although the material technology of humans on earth is not as good as that of the Trisolaran civilization and cannot produce strong interaction materials, it is not much different.

Moreover, the earth is also blessed by cultivation civilization. When the formation is blessed on these materials, its strength may not be inferior to strong interaction materials.

Unfortunately, people did not expect that the spacecraft would be breached from the inside. Those powerful formations were all on the outside of the spacecraft.

When the high temperature of the water droplet erupted from the inside, melting the internal materials, the external formation also lost its support. Eventually, the entire powerful light-speed spacecraft was unable to resist and was instantly disintegrated.

The water droplet that had just destroyed a light-speed spacecraft did not stop just like that. It continued to accelerate, and soon broke through the third cosmic speed.

The rapidly approaching water droplets immediately attracted the attention of other battleships.

"The water droplet is attacking us. It does not come with peace!" an officer said angrily.

Others also felt deceived. When they saw the Trisolaran's consciousness, they were already ready to let each other go.

Unexpectedly, he would receive a fatal blow from the opponent.

"What does Trisolaran mean? Do you want to fight to the death with humans?"

"They are looking for death, I will not show mercy to them anymore!"

"Activate the defense formation of the spaceship. I want to see how tough it is!"

Everything happened in a flash of lightning, and just a few seconds later, the water droplet collided with one of the battleships.


Sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, but the collision of two pinnacle creations of technological civilization still caused a tremor in the void.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides were thrown away in different directions due to the interaction of forces.

In the cabin, even though most of the people had cultivation levels, they were still embarrassed by the sudden acceleration.

The cultivators in the innate realm were okay, as they had innate true energy to protect their bodies and could effectively protect themselves. However, those cultivators who were still in the acquired realm were in misery, and suffered different injuries one after another.

"Kill him for me!"

The battleship commander roared in the communication channel of the entire fleet, obviously irritated by the water droplets.

The other warships reacted immediately and trapped the water droplet, whose speed had been greatly reduced after the impact, in the center.

Laser weapons, electromagnetic guns, macro-fusion rail guns...all kinds of top weapons of human civilization were used, and they were used on the water droplets.

However, these weapons hit water droplets made of strong interaction materials, just like scratching an itch. They can only slightly slow down the opponent's speed, but cannot really cause damage.


"Weapons on the technological side are useless against it and cannot break through its outer shell."

"In that case, let it see the crystallization of our earth's civilization."

As everyone reached a consensus, four light-speed battleships immediately moved forward, and at the same time, a stream of thunder was continuously shot from the front of the battleship.

The thunder did not directly act on the water droplet, but continued to interweave around it for several kilometers, eventually forming a thunder net that wrapped the water droplet in it.

The thunder net that seems to be composed of energy shows extremely strong toughness. No matter how water droplets collide with it, it cannot break through its shackles.

The Thunder Network continued to tighten, compressing the movement space of the water droplet. In the end, Jing was directly bound to the surface of the water droplet, making it difficult for it to move at all.

"Okay, we finally caught it!" Everyone was overjoyed.

Immediately, they frowned again, "How to deal with it? Destroy it directly?"

"He is made of strong protective materials and has some value to us. It would be a pity to destroy it directly!"

"Then we can't put it into the cabin to prevent accidents. We can only study it here."

Everyone was still a little frightened by what happened to the lightspeed battleship just now, and naturally they didn't dare to make the same mistake again.

As a result, the vanguard fleet stopped here and studied the strong protective force materials that make up water droplets.

However, it is extremely difficult to conduct scientific research in a vacuum where there is a lack of various experimental equipment, not to mention that they cannot detect the internal conditions of this material.

"Since the technology side can't do it, we will use the cultivation side's ability to do it, using spiritual thoughts and true energy."

Finally, an old antique in their eyes was invited to come out. He was one of the few strong Jindan experts who accompanied the team.


The door of a small spacecraft opened. The golden elixir expert wore a tight-fitting space suit and did not wear an oxygen mask. He flew directly in the vacuum with his physical body and quickly approached the water droplet.

On the side of a giant thunder net, the golden elixir expert stopped and reached out to touch it.

"What a hard material, it can actually block my magic detection. There should be a special force field inside, even my power is affected!"

After a few minutes, the golden elixir expert frowned and retracted his hand.

Just now he used the golden elixir magic power to explore into it, but it seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. The deeper he went, the more he was affected by the special position inside the water drop.

The magic power was useless. The golden elixir expert immediately changed his method and used his powerful spiritual sense to probe inside the water droplet.

After this detection, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

Although the strong protective force material is powerful, it can be penetrated with almost no impact in the face of the obviously higher dimensional power of Divine Mind.

The only thing that caused some hindrance was the special force field, but the impact was still limited.

Just when he was about to detect the specific situation inside, the intelligence controlling the water droplet also discovered that it had been invaded.

(End of this chapter)

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