The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 474 Escape: Earth’s Immortal Cultivating Civilization

Chapter 474 Escape: Earth’s Immortal Cultivating Civilization

Summary of the previous story: Without the interference of sophons, human beings on earth are making great strides in technological civilization and cultivation civilization, and the two are intertwined to form a technological explosion.

Hundreds of years have passed, when the original Trisolaran fleet arrived and the Deterrence Era began, the Earth has developed light-speed spacecraft, and its technology has surpassed the Trisolaran civilization.

The situation was reversed. The Trisolaran fleet was forced to be deterred and did not come over. Instead, the Earth's humans, who had become stronger, especially the new generation, ignored it and began to organize a fleet to prepare for an expedition to the Trisolaran civilization.

The expedition fleet came into contact with the water droplet three light years away from the earth and less than one light year away from the Trisolaris galaxy.

The arrogant new generation of the Earth directly captured the water droplet, dragged it into a light-speed battleship, and was then disintegrated from the inside.

Fortunately, this also alerted other warships, activating the method of integrating technology and practice, and successfully trapped the water droplets again.

Water droplets made of strong protective materials have an absolutely smooth surface, making detection methods on the technological side useless.

Finally, a cultivator of the Golden Pill Mirror was invited out, preparing to use cultivation methods to study the structure of water droplets.

The intrusion of spiritual thoughts was invisible and insubstantial, but it still caused changes in the force field inside the water droplet, and the invasion was sensed by the water droplet's control core.

As a result, the human expedition fleet suddenly found that it had lost the whereabouts of the Trisolaran fleet.

Fortunately, he reacted well and bought himself a few seconds.

It's a pity that such a powerful speed can only be used by people on earth to escape.

On one of the battleships, an alarm sound came from a water droplet.

The following is the text.

If he had reacted half a beat too late just now and was hit head-on by the force of the self-destruction of the water droplets, he would have died.

Like a megaton nuclear bomb exploding, a huge fireball appeared on the spot and spread rapidly.

"99%, we have no chance of victory, run away!"


"I almost had to explain it here today!" all the cultivators thought with lingering fear.

Hundreds of years have passed. Although the Trisolaran civilization has not experienced a technological explosion like human beings, nor can it detect some shielded earth technologies, science and technology have also made steady progress.

"Didi didi..."

Among the Trisolaran fleet, seeing the calculation results returned from the home planet, the Trisolarans, who had learned some emotions from the people on Earth in recent years, felt a sad mood.

In the void of the universe, even if the force is comparable to the core of the sun when it self-destructs, it will rapidly decay with time and space. It was those few seconds that saved his life.

"The water drop is being invaded. According to the wisdom core calculation, 97% of the possibility comes from the unknown ability of the cultivating civilization." A Trisolaran man had a thought in his mind and immediately passed the news to others.

Especially in these years, it has been deeply threatened by humans on earth, and the rate of progress has been astonishing.

The shock wave containing powerful energy directly pushed the speed of the safe room up a level again, and was thrown into the boundless void of the universe.

If he hadn't been young, he wouldn't have been persuaded to join the expedition fleet.

Then within seconds, the shockwave caught up with the escaping little safe room.


Upon receiving the command from the Trisolaran fleet, the energy device inside the water droplet immediately responded, violent energy surged out and began to self-destruct.

"Yes!" The Trisolaran man who controlled the water drop seemed to have no emotions. After agreeing, he directly gave the order for the water drop to self-destruct.

"It's okay. Once we hit the Trisolaran's lair, we can still get all the secrets of the water drop."

Including this golden elixir stage cultivator, he is only about 100 years old, and he is a young person in the current civilization of the earth.

0.5 light-years away from the Trisolaran home star, the huge Trisolaran fleet is slowly moving forward.

Immediately, the giant thunder net that bound Shuidi was broken.

The human fleet is ready to set off again, and its goal has never changed. It is still the direction of the Trisolaran civilization.

"These brats really don't care about an old man like me." Looking at the belatedly arriving spaceship, the Golden Core cultivator complained helplessly.

The golden elixir strongman inside the water droplet with dense spiritual thoughts immediately realized something was wrong, and used a safe room to cover himself, and escaped in an instant.

Compared with humans with complex emotions, Trisolarans are more decisive and will implement it immediately once they make a decision.

"According to the established plan, control the water droplet to self-destruct! At the same time, enter the information just now into the system and transmit it back to the home planet." The captain immediately made a judgment and issued the order.

Unexpectedly, more than ten years after their departure, the mountain home planet would be able to build a spacecraft with a speed of 0.5 times the speed of light.

"The second fleet, which has recently reached 0.5 times the speed of light on its home planet, has already begun its escape."

Most of the people in the entire expedition fleet lived in an era when Chu Hao and Lei Wei arrived and the earth established a deterrent against the Trisolaris, and all aspects flourished.

Everyone in the human forward fleet was not surprised when it was detected that the water droplet self-destructed.


Their fleet set off when the newly born humans on earth were just preparing to expedition to the Trisolaran civilization. At that time, they could only reach 1/5 times the speed of light.

Tens of seconds later, when the endless vacuum diluted all the energy radiation from the self-explosion of the water droplets, the figure of the golden elixir stage practitioner appeared in the vacuum again.

At the same time, there is an extremely high temperature acting on the safe room. If the temperature had not dropped by several orders of magnitude in these few seconds, even a safe room blessed by a magic circle would not be able to resist this force.

"You're really decisive!"

After making up their mind, the entire Trisolaran fleet quickly turned and flew into the vast and unknown void of the universe.

The universe is too vast, and the Trisolaran fleet is as small as a speck of dust in it. It is almost impossible to calculate the direction of the Trisolaran fleet through very little information.

"Damn it! Didn't these Trisolarans claim to be the masters back then, and now they retreat without fighting!"

"In order to escape, they even ignored their home planet. How can they be emotionally transparent? They clearly have no feelings."

"Then shall we go to the Trisolaris Galaxy?"

"Go, why don't you go!"

After some discussion, the human fleet decided to move forward and expedition to the Trisolaran home planet.

What they didn't know was that the Trisolarans were far more decisive than they imagined. They had already chosen to flee all of them, and they were all determined escapeists.

Moreover, before leaving, they also laid a big thunder for these new earth humans who do not believe in the laws of the dark forest.

The Trisolaran civilization directly faces the entire universe and announces the location of the earth and the Trisolaran galaxy.

Although without their broadcasts, Earth humans, especially these new-born humans who are not afraid of tigers, would also be exposed, but this will undoubtedly accelerate the process very quickly.

The way the Trisolaran civilization is announced is through gravitational wave communication across the entire universe. As the closest star system to the Trisolaran Galaxy, the solar system is also the place where this message is received the fastest.

The news that the earth was hit by the dark forest immediately topped the trending searches and spread all over the world.

Of course, the new generation of humans regard it more as a joke and do not take it seriously.

While Lei Shan was away, Luo Ji brought back the news, along with Chang Weisi, who had retired for many years.

"I want to announce the news of my escape to everyone." Chang Weisi said as soon as he entered the door.

"Isn't this news that everyone knows?" Chu Hao asked.

They built a boat to prepare for their escape and did not hide it from the outside world. Almost everyone knew about it.

But except for these guys who survived hundreds of years ago, they all think this is unfounded worry, are not interested, and even find it a bit funny.

Hundreds of years have passed, and most of the generation that grew up in the Crisis Era have turned into bones.

After all, there are only a few cultivators who can cultivate to the innate realm or even higher realms, and the total number is less than 10,000.

Once you reach the innate realm, you can have innate fetal breath and survive without oxygen.

If you reach the golden elixir realm, you can be completely self-sufficient by absorbing energy and do not need any external objects.

In this case, they are more suitable for long-distance travel in the universe than the Trisolarans who can dehydrate.

The group of people they are planning to escape from the Earth together only need a large spacecraft to leave the Earth.

"I want them to make a serious choice again, and at least leave more fire for the earth's civilization." Chang Weisi sighed.

He also did not expect that in just a few hundred years, the replacement of more than ten generations would cause such a change in the thinking of new human beings.

"You have to know, they won't be grateful to you." When Chu Hao said this, he glanced at Luo Ji.

"I don't need their gratitude, I just want to give this troubled civilization a little hope." Hearing what he said, Chu Hao nodded.

Luo Ji sighed, "I hope they still have some respect for this universe!"

After this discussion, the escape fleet, which originally had only three spaceships, increased by more than ten times to more than 30 ships.

Chang Weisi also publicly clarified the laws of the dark forest to the society, and told everyone that a dark strike from the universe may be on the way, and hoped that everyone could join the escape fleet.

His sincere attitude indeed attracted some people to join him.

But soon, things took a turn for the worse.

A new generation of human leaders on Earth disclosed a top-secret news, that is, they actually tested the law of the dark forest on a star extremely far away from the earth.

The result of this experiment is that the star is still hanging in the sky even after nearly a hundred years.

After this incident, the new humans, who were already skeptical of the laws of the dark forest, became even more scornful of the so-called dark forest attack.

Many people who had already joined the escape ship immediately withdrew from the plan, while the remaining ones were also hesitant and wavering.

And then, the good news from the expedition fleet further encouraged the new humanity's concept of human supremacy, and fewer people still insisted on fleeing.

One day, two years...five years...nine years later, Lei Wei found Chu Hao.

"We have to leave. If it's too late, we might be in danger." Lei Wei looked a little serious.

His cultivation level is close to that of an immortal, and he has a deep sense of danger. Coupled with some secret techniques such as plum blossom numbers, he can have some clear rules for the future.

"It's time to go. I also want to take a look at the four-dimensional space on the way!" Chu Hao stood up.

Soon, a message spread, and all the people who supported the escape gathered.

"Before we leave, let's say goodbye to our hometown."

Luo Ji, who was overlooking the earth from the spaceship, suddenly said this, which was recognized by many people.

Although they believe in the laws of the dark forest and choose to leave this green planet, it does not mean that they have no feelings for this planet.

Soon, a video spread to the earth's network. In the picture, Luo Ji led everyone to say goodbye to everyone and gave them final advice.

"That's it. I hope you will take it seriously. When you notice something is wrong, listen to me and escape deep into the universe on a light-speed spaceship. Only in this way can you have a chance to survive."

At the end of the video, everyone who watched it was stunned.

None of these new humans expected that those old antiques would actually escape.

"It's really stubborn. These people actually believe in a so-called theorem that has been proven disproven for so many years."

"What dark forest, don't say it's fake, even if it's real, it won't have any effect on us, not now, and not in the future!"

Regarding the departure of this group of ancient people who had become scraps of society due to their seclusion, the entire society did not have too strong emotions.

It seems that their existence is not that important to this society.

Just like that, an escape fleet composed of 30 spaceships, or should now be renamed Earth's Immortal Cultivating Civilization, quickly flew in the direction of the original Blue Space's escape.

In the original work, Blue Space encountered the four-dimensional space after passing through the Oort Cloud and reaching the edge of the solar system.

Specifically, there is no clear location.

But they are an immortal civilization and have different detection methods from the technological civilization.

What's more, they also have Lei Wei who can teleport. With his perception of space, as long as he approaches that area, he can immediately discover the location of the four-dimensional space.

The spacecraft continued to accelerate, and soon reached the true speed of light and disappeared into the visible universe.

Only the black track proves that such a creature once passed by here.

A year later, the spacecraft passed beyond the Oort Cloud and entered the truly empty outer space.

At this time, the originally huge sun had turned into an ordinary star among the stars in the sky, no different from other stars.

Arriving at this area, the fleet of Earth's immortal civilization began to slow down, exiting the super-light speed state, and the ship's hull once again appeared within the visible range.

As soon as the speed of the spacecraft slowed down, Lei Wei couldn't wait to teleport out, flashing in the void, jumping tens of millions of kilometers each time.

Whenever he teleports to a new place, he will immediately let go of his spiritual perception and feel the fluctuations in the surrounding space.

Until one day a month later, Lei Wei suddenly discovered that there was a blind spot in the range of his spiritual perception, and there were strong spatial fluctuations.

"found it!"

Using a communicator he carried with him, he sent the news back to the Earth's Immortal Cultivation Civilization Fleet.

(End of this chapter)

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