Chapter 68 Equipment
In the Chaos City, the Lord of the Chaos City was still giving instructions to Bai Key, his love and protection were beyond words.

"Remember!" Chaos City Lord solemnly said, "The most important thing...don't be controlled by the soul attack and become a soul slave, then the teacher has nothing to do."

Bai Key nodded, indicating that he knew that even though he had the Dao Fruit by his side, it was impossible for him to be enslaved.

"If you are attacked by the soul and you can't stop it, you would rather blow yourself up and commit suicide than become a soul slave." The lord of Chaos City stared at Bai Yao.

"Self-explosion?" Bai Key nodded.

"This is my token." The Chaos City Lord turned his hand, and a golden token appeared in his hand. There was a faint engraving on the token, which faintly resembled a city.

Bai Key respectfully accepted it.

"If you are in danger and can't bear it anymore, you should immediately destroy this token. The material of this token is very fragile, it is a C9 grade alloy, and you can easily crush it. There is a spiritual imprint of the teacher on this token, Once you crush it, the teacher will know immediately, and will arrive in a very short time!" The Lord of Chaos City said solemnly.

Bai Key nodded.

"Of course...the teacher doesn't want you to be forced to use this token." The Lord of Chaos City looked at Bai Key, "What the teacher hopes is...that you can rely on your own strength to become an extremely strong person. Let that alien race not be able to shake you. Before you go, the teacher has one last thing to tell you—"

"Remember, life-saving means are number one." Chaos City Lord said solemnly, "With the ultimate life-saving means, other strong people dare not provoke you at all. Like the undead venerable in the giant ax fight field... the strength belongs to the peak of the universe lord , but his life-saving ability is very strong, even if the master of the universe wants to kill him, it will be very difficult. If you can't kill him... you will be retaliated. He may not be your opponent, but he can take revenge on your disciple , to take revenge on your people."

With another wave of his hand, a pair of purple armor with a size of [-] meters appeared in the void, exuding a misty halo, and a force of power diffused from it.

Considering Kodi's lessons learned and Bai Key's fighting style, the Chaos City Lord gave Bai Key a pair of armor.

"You have always liked melee combat. You have peak secrets in terms of attack. Just exchange for an attack weapon that suits you in the treasury before you leave. What you lack is the treasure of defense. As a teacher, I will bestow this armor on you. Go back After recognizing the master, you will know how to use it."

"Thank you teacher." Bai Key sincerely thanked.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, he went to the secret room where the Chaos Monument was stored for the last enlightenment.

Seven days later, after comprehending the Chaos Monument, he packed up his things, boarded the spaceship, and left the Primordial Universe Chaos City.

What are the years of training for?Isn't it just to take a good look, this great river and mountain, the vast universe!Go here, let the birds fly high in the sky, go here, the universe will become famous!
Riding on the spaceship of the virtual universe company, passing through the original universe and the cosmic passage of the original universe, he is now able to resist the strange feeling in the universe passage, but the mystery still fascinates him.

It's a pity that it is impossible for him to study such an important channel at will!

The original universe, the headquarters of the virtual universe company.

This is a vast and vast continent, larger than the mainland of the Golden Horn ethnic group's hometown. Here is the headquarters and base camp of the virtual universe company!

"Boom..." At the core of the mainland headquarters, two tall gates opened automatically, revealing a gorgeous passage.

This is the cosmic channel!

In the channel connecting the "prime universe" and the "prime universe", a spaceship flew out slowly, then accelerated... After flying for several minutes, it finally landed in a distribution center.

Wow!The hatch opens.

As soon as he stepped out of the hatch, he was picked up by his immortal guard Li Ya, who was about to send him to the ninth dimension "Wuchen Dimension" in the original secret realm.

Li Ya is the disciple and grandson of his ninth senior brother, Venerable Golden Axe, and he can be regarded as a direct descendant of the virtual universe company, so he was arranged to be his bodyguard to protect his safety.

The Ninth Dimension, also referred to as 'Wuchen Dimension', is the residence of all the members of the original secret realm in the past.

136 huge stars are constantly revolving around each other in the void, and their trajectories are extremely mysterious.

These 136 stars form a time and space of their own, and the members of the original secret realm living in it are extremely safe.Even a strong man like the Lord of the Universe cannot break into that time and space.

This is a virtual universe company that spent countless efforts to build it for the members of the original secret realm. This huge handicraft made Bai Yao secretly surprised.

The 136 planets in the void are constantly revolving with incomparably mysterious trajectories, mobilizing the two most fundamental laws of the universe - the law of time and the law of space, making the void in which the 136 planets exist a space-time of its own, although The naked eye can still see it, but what the naked eye sees is an illusion.

Guided by the defense system, their spaceship passed through the time and space disrupted by the formation, and came to the inner Wuchen Continent, and then under the guidance of the staff, they got their own manor, which was considered a settlement. down.

Next, he was going to make the final preparations before breaking out.

In fact, the Lord of the Chaos City also gave some guidance. Going out and wandering, if you want to survive well, soul defense secrets, amplitude secrets, attack secrets, flight escape secrets, body defense secrets, everything is indispensable, and even other things such as enslavement Secret techniques are indispensable.

Bai Yao calculated his own strengths and weaknesses, and planned to patch himself up before setting off so that he would not have any shortcomings.

The soul defense secret method he is practicing now is the "Tower of the Void" inherited from Yumoxing. However, after so many years, he has optimized several versions. It is already comparable to the peak secret method of the overlord of the universe, and other secret methods are similar Case.

Only the secret method of body amplitude is still at the level of 36 times, which is no different than other secret methods. Even if he bought other secret methods of body amplitude and used them as materials to deduce a better secret method, the process of cultivation is still long!
He has the Dao Fruit itself, and has an innate advantage in deriving the secret method, just like installing a supercomputer, optimizing and reorganizing the secret method every minute, and because of the characteristics of the Dao Fruit, it can always be optimized in a better direction !
As for Bai Key, he only needs to constantly improve his understanding of the laws and buy the secret methods created by others as merit.

So in this respect, he has an absolute advantage. In addition to the secret technique, his own genetic level is also continuing to improve, but this is a hard work, so don't expect to be able to improve in a short time.

In addition to himself, what can improve his strength is the treasures he owns. In this regard, he has nothing but the treasure armor he was just given. He can only blame himself for improving so fast. When he entered Chaos City, he was still at the universe level. Now it is time to appear on the battlefield outside the territory and compete with the immortals of other races.

Thinking of the treasured armor, his consciousness shifted to the inner universe of the body. The purple [-]-meter-sized armor was floating in a palace, and the body's consciousness was analyzing it. treasures.

If it was before, with his world lord-level strength, I am afraid that it would take endless years to analyze this armor. Now that he has the main body, and with his huge size, the analysis will be much faster, and now it is nearing the end.

 Ask for collection, please recommend, please ask for a monthly pass, today is three more.I turned my boss off today, but he actually wants me to 996. This is not to delay my updating novels for readers. I am looking for a job today and submitting my resume. I have two interviews tomorrow. Come on!

(End of this chapter)

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