Chapter 69 The Eve
The armor bestowed by the Lord of Chaos City is named "Zi Luo", which is a high-level treasure-level armor.

It is composed of several parts such as helmet, main body, and combat boots. It has triple law dense patterns. As long as the attack does not exceed the upper limit he can bear, fully stimulating can reduce the attack to about one ten thousandth. If you want to destroy it, The attack power needs to reach the level of the second- and third-order universe masters!

In addition to the effect of reducing the attack, it also has the effect of changing the size and style and hiding the soul breath.

If the information about this armor is revealed, it will definitely cause competition among the overlords of the universe, and it is not impossible for the lord of the universe!

Therefore, before you can protect yourself, try not to expose it if you can, otherwise it will only attract endless pursuit!His current small body can't stop these firewood wolves, tigers and leopards.

Stretching out a hand, the armor that had already been recognized by the main body turned into a stream of light, disappeared inside the main body, and when it reappeared, it covered the body surface of the white key avatar.

The armor was worn on his body, and it fit perfectly. Except for the two eyeballs, everything else was covered and protected by the armor, and there was also a layer of metal fiber gloves on his hands.

After moving his body, he was still as flexible as he was without armor, and it didn't bring him any burden.

Consciousness logs into the virtual universe, links to the treasure house of the virtual universe company, checks the weapons and detectors he needs, and buys what he needs.

With the help of Intelligent Life Solanum nigrum, the detector was quickly selected. The most expensive one is definitely not bad, and the emphasis is on a big word!
In terms of weapons, it really baffles him, because most of them are a combination of lower-level and upper-level weapons. For him, he can use whichever one he chooses, but it really doesn't allow him to exert his full strength.

He needs to buy a long stick for melee combat, and a mind weapon for long-range attacks. Although he likes stick-to-meat attacks, it doesn't mean he will give up other means.

There is no way, since there is no way before, I can only find out a way by myself, fortunately he has a cheat!
After making the decision, he began to scan the treasure house. Just like deducing the secret method, if he wants to design a weapon that suits him, he needs materials, and these finished weapons are the best materials.

Bai Yao, who sharpens his knife and is not responsible for chopping firewood, decides to go to the outer battlefield for a while, but instead settles down in the primitive secret realm "Wuchen Time and Space".

On this day, Bai Yao, who was in meditation, was woken up by Solanum nigrum, his brows were slightly frowned, and only after Solanum nigrum told him what was going on.

This is the day when the virtual universe company will send the various life wreckages it has recently collected. Since Bai Key published the task of collecting the remains of life genes on the virtual universe network, every once in a while, the virtual universe company will send people to send The collected remains of life are sent to him, and the account will be settled at the same time.

This is the first time Bai Key has received an item since he came to the Primordial Secret Realm, so he is still not used to it.

After a while, his manor housekeeper and Li Ya brought him in, with strangers approaching, even in the hinterland of the virtual universe company, Li Ya was highly vigilant and did not forget his duty.

This is not the first time that the collected materials have been received, so the handover was completed quickly, and the remaining payment was also paid on the virtual universe network.

Just like the last few times, he casually threw the world ring full of collected materials into the body universe of the ontology. As long as he entered it, the ontology would quickly analyze them all and enrich his material library.

After finishing all this, he returned to the training room, continued to comprehend the original laws of time and space, and strived for their recognition as soon as possible.

Although the current Bai Yao looks like an ordinary earth human being, his essence has become a demon-killing clan. It has to be said that this clan is indeed blessed with an extraordinary closeness to the laws of space.

But two days later, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, full of incredible expressions!
Consciousness is directly concentrated into the body universe of the ontology.

Skeletons are like mountains, bones are like forests.Human hair was spun into felt pieces, and human skin and flesh were rotten into dust.Human tendons are entangled in the tree, dry and scorched as bright as silver.It's really a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and it really smells bad.

This is the description of Shituoling in Journey to the West, but now this scene is vividly appearing in Bai Yao's body universe.

On the plane he left to live, on the west side of the continent, the scene at this moment is even better than the description in Journey to the West. How many species are there in the original universe?No one knows this, even if it is just above the earth, it is an astronomical figure.

Needless to say, the influence of the virtual universe company in the human race, coupled with several affiliated races of Hongmeng, the long-term mission released by Bai Key on the virtual universe network, naturally attracted the attention of many people, although the time is still very short, But the various biological remains collected have also reached a terrifying level.

The entire western side of the continent is filled with various forms of life remains, and colorful blood has infected the earth, covering thousands of kilometers around, and even piled up mountains of flesh and blood dozens of kilometers high.

In the background of the original universe, flesh and blood life is the mainstream of the entire original universe, so it looks very scary.

The first time Bai Key also felt quite disgusting, after all, he had never seen such a scene in his two lifetimes, so it made him look like a big villain.

What he doesn't know is that on the continent he created, the scenes here have already been spread. Although no real civilization has emerged on the continent, only a part of life that has broken through to the planetary level has a certain amount of wisdom. But the instinct of fear is inherent in all life!
Closer to home, the reason why he was so surprised just now was not because of this scene.

In the sky above the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, the energy of the universe gathered in an instant, showing the appearance of Bai Yao. In the ontology universe, he is an omnipotent god. It is easy for him to create a body.

I saw him waving his hand, and a mountain formed by the remains of life in front of him was instantly separated, and a humanoid creature flew out from it. Its whole body seemed to be made of metal, exuding a faint metallic brilliance, but it also had the characteristics of flesh and blood.

This humanoid creature quickly flew to him, and he saw that "it" was more than 30 meters tall, and its head was not much different from that of a human being, except for a pair of ant-like tentacles.

It can be seen that a large part of "it"'s left chest, including the left hand, is missing. It was this fatal injury that killed "it". From the scorched marks on the edge of the wound, it can be seen that "it" was Killed by weapons like laser cannons.

Looking at his remaining hand and two legs, there are still some arthropod-like joints.

Judging from the breath it emits, it is only equivalent to the universe level.

The reason why Bai Key has attracted attention is because the genetic level of "it" is very high!

How high is it, exceeding the limit of the original universe!The exact amount is unclear, but the white key with a little information has been analyzed, and it can be felt that it is definitely 10081 times higher!
You must know that the eight beast gods born in the history of the primordial universe, that is, in the early days of the universe, are perfect lives, and their genetic level has reached 10081 times.

Now, the original eight beast gods have all fallen under the siege of various forces. For example, the Xueluo Secret Realm is the place where the Golden Sky Beast God fell. Because they are full of treasures, they will naturally attract greedy eyes.

The eight great beast gods in the Ancestral God Sect now only comprehended the complete way of the beast gods and inherited the honorable position!

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for monthly pass, three shifts are completed

(End of this chapter)

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