Apprentice of the Heavens

Chapter 232 Chance

Chapter 232 Chance

Chao Xiaoshu looked at Li Ming suspiciously. He had already experienced the power of the drawing of seven emotions and six desires, and the person in front of him must be a great power if he could make such a magical drawing, and what's more, he might be a saint who transcended the five realms.

He was very curious about the chance that this suspected sage was talking about, but Li Ming didn't answer Chao Xiaoshu's question directly. Instead, he looked at Chao Xiaoshu rather regretfully, and said:
"Chao Xiaoshu, you have been in a cage for a long time. If you hadn't entered this cage back then, you might have a place for the strongest in the world. Have you ever regretted it?"

Hearing this, Chao Xiaoshu couldn't help being stunned, his eyes seemed to be recalling the decision that year, the decision that imprisoned him for more than ten years, he was originally a free and easy person, but he could only be imprisoned in a cage.

After a long silence, Chao Xiaoshu smiled slightly, and said with a carefree face, "Do you regret it? Maybe there was, but you still didn't leave in the end, didn't you?"

Li Ming nodded slightly, but admired Chao Xiaoshu more and more. He looked at the picture of emotions and desires, and said leisurely, "If you were given a chance to enter the second floor of the academy, what would you like?"

Hearing this, Xiaoshu was stunned, and looked at Li Ming thoughtfully, but said, "The juniors have heard about the second floor of the academy, and it would be a great honor for the juniors to be able to enter."

Hearing this, Li Ming smiled slightly, and the whole store seemed to be bathed in spring sunshine, and the coolness brought in by the spring rain from outside disappeared in an instant.

"If you can break through the diagram of the seven emotions and six desires, I will allow you to enter the second floor of the academy as a disciple of this seat."

Li Ming's voice echoed in the shop, Chao Xiaoshu's eyes widened after hearing this, and he vaguely guessed Li Ming's identity. As the sworn brother of the current Emperor of Tang Dynasty, he has naturally come into contact with some information that ordinary people can't understand .

Although Li Ming has disappeared for more than ten years, his deeds are still being circulated. The row of footprints on Peach Blossom Mountain in Xiling caused a lot of turmoil back then, not to mention the huge mountain in Washan a few months ago. The movement has also spread to Chang'an City.

Now, this legendary figure accepted him as a disciple after he revealed the test of breaking through the seven emotions and six desires. If such a monstrous opportunity is spread, it may attract the envy and hatred of countless people in the world.

However, faced with such an opportunity, Chao Xiaoshu lowered his head and hesitated. After a long time, he smiled freely and said: "Thanks to the love of seniors, if you have not escaped from the cage tonight, if you come back naturally one day, let's try again."

Seeing this, Li Ming didn't force it, he nodded slightly and said indifferently: "Well, if you figure it out sometime, you can come over and have a try."

He really appreciates Chao Xiaoshu, but he doesn't have to accept him as an apprentice. There are so many talents in the world, and if others can understand the seven emotions and six desires, he can also accept him as an apprentice, not just Chao Xiaoshu.

Seeing this, he nodded towards Xiaoshu, bowed his hands respectfully, and said: "There are still some matters in the junior gang, so I will take my leave first."

Now Chang'an City is darkly turbulent, and there are indeed many things in the Fish and Dragon Gang, but what is more is that his heart is disturbed at this time, and he needs to go back to digest what he saw and heard today.

Li Ming looked at the back of Chao Xiaoshu leaving, and couldn't help sighing with regret. With Chao Xiaoshu's understanding, if he hadn't been disturbed by mundane trivial matters for more than ten years, and dared not say that he broke through the five realms, he would still have no problem knowing the peak of fate, and it would not be like it is now Only a mere cultivation of the Dongxuan Realm.

Shaking his head, and waving his hands, the wisps of breath emanating from the painting of seven emotions and six desires converged into the painting in an instant.

At the entrance of Laobizhai, Ning Que looked at Chao Xiaoshu who was leaving in a hurry, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he didn't understand why the owner who owns a whole street of shops left in such a hurry. The freedom and ease when we first met.

Shaking her head and continuing to wait for the return of her maid, Sangsang's thin body appeared in sight after a long time, and the conspicuous big black umbrella blocked the misty spring rain from the sky.

"Master, hot and sour noodle soup is so expensive, business is not good now, why don't we eat it at home."

Sangsang held the packaged hot and sour noodle soup with a pained expression on his face, obviously he had some objections to the price of the hot and sour noodle soup.

Ning Que took the hot and sour noodle soup from Sangsang's hand, and was about to close the door of Laobi Studio, but was suddenly stopped by a hand.

"Hot and sour noodle soup, I'm just hungry, don't mind giving me some." Li Ming opened the door with a smile and stepped into the old pen studio.

Hearing this, before Ning Que could react, Sangsang's thin body directly protected the noodle soup, staring straight at Li Ming with her eyes, like a black cat protecting food.

Ning Que reluctantly pulled away Sangsang's thin body, and handed a portion of noodle soup to Li Ming, which made Sangsang look aggrieved and heartbroken, it was all money.

Li Ming took the hot and sour noodle soup with a smile on his face, found a table at random and ate it, but he didn't show any politeness.

Seeing this, Sangsang looked at Ning Que with a painful expression on her face. She didn't know if she was feeling sorry for her hot and sour noodle soup or the little money in her pocket.

"You can eat this."

Although Ning Que was already hungry, but looking at his little maid's sore eyes, he could only pass another portion of noodle soup to Sangsang.

"Master, it's better for you to eat, I'm not hungry." Sangsang shook her head, but did not take the beloved noodle soup.

However, Sangsang's stomach rang out inappropriately. Obviously, she was too hungry. Seeing this, Ning Que smiled dumbly and patted Sangsang's little head.
"Let's eat together."

After finishing speaking, he picked up Sangsang and found an empty table to eat.

Li Ming glanced at the harmonious and warm appearance of the master and servant, and an intriguing smile could not help but be drawn on the corner of his mouth.

after a while

"I'm full, it's time to go back."

Li Ming gently put down the chopsticks in his hand, stood up and walked out of Laobi Studio slowly, as if he was eating in a restaurant. Sang Sang couldn't help but curled his lips when he saw this, got up and went to clear the table.

"Huh? Master"

Ning Que, who was eating noodle soup, heard Sangsang's call, and couldn't help but look up, only to see that Sangsang was holding a pair of chopsticks in his hand, his dark and thin face was full of confusion, and he muttered to himself:

"Master, since when did our family become so rich and use golden chopsticks?"

Wen Yan Ning Que twitched the corner of his mouth, and said speechlessly, "You don't understand what's going on in our house? You're almost out of food, how can you use gold chopsticks." After finishing speaking, she got up and went to Sangsang's side, looking at the food in her hand. Chopsticks.

after half

The master and servant looked at each other, and said in unison: "I got rich!"

"Young Master, how did you say that the wooden chopsticks turned into gold?" Sangsang tilted her head and thought hard, but she still didn't understand how the wooden chopsticks turned into gold.

Hearing that Ning Que frowned, Ning Que touched his chin and began to think. After a long time, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, but he remembered a fairy tale from his previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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