Apprentice of the Heavens

Chapter 233 Valuable Noodles

Chapter 233 Valuable Noodles

Ning Que suddenly exclaimed: "Midas turns stone into gold!"

"Midas turns gold into gold? Master, what does it mean to turn stone into gold?"

Sang Sang blinked her bright eyes and looked at Ning Que curiously. Obviously, she had never heard of the story of turning stone into gold. Seeing this, Ning Que calmed down her horror and told Sang Sang the story adapted from turning stone into gold.

"A long, long time ago, there was a man who was very poor and worshiped Haotian piously. Haotian was moved by his sincerity, and one day he suddenly descended from the sky to his home. Seeing that his family was very poor, he couldn't help but feel sorry for him, so he stretched out a finger , pointing to a thick stone in his courtyard. In a moment, the stone turned into glittering gold, Haotian said: "Do you want it? "

The man bowed twice and replied: "I don't want it." Haotian was very happy and said: "If you can do this and have no selfishness, I can teach you the true way of becoming an immortal." The man said: "That's not the case, I want that finger of yours." Just after Haotian finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared. "

After Ning Que finished speaking, although Sangsang felt strange in her heart, her eyes shone with an unprecedented light, which was the brilliance of money.

"Master, I'm going to pack a dozen bowls of hot and sour noodle soup tonight."

Ning Que tapped Sangsang's little head, and said angrily, "Greedy, the person in the story missed the fairy fate because of being too greedy."

Hearing this, Sangsang stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, but her bright eyes were still staring at the golden chopsticks in her hand reluctantly, as if she was a money fan.

Seeing this, Ning Que couldn't help smiling, but he was secretly thinking about how to learn this skill of turning stones into gold.

So in the next two days, Ning Que ran to Wenmo Pavilion whenever he had free time. Even a blind man could see his intentions with his attentive and flattering look.

It had been raining continuously for two days, and Alley 47 was still deserted. The two shops that occasionally opened their doors did not make a single business.

Ning Que stepped out of the old brush studio with a slightly hot noodle bowl, and was about to go to the Wenmo Pavilion next door, but found that the gate of the Wenmo Pavilion was closed, so he had no choice but to return to the old brush studio with the noodle bowl

When he turned around, he suddenly found that the mysterious boss who had waived his rent for three months was standing on the street. Although he was wearing an oil-paper umbrella, his green shirt was still mostly wet, which made him look a little embarrassed, but his expression But very calm and calm.

"The noodles are delicious."

Chao Xiaoshu seemed to be smiling forever, Ning Que couldn't help but pause, and handed the bowl in his hand to Chao Xiaoshu. After two days of getting along, he knew that the closure of Wenmo Pavilion meant that Li Ming would go out for half a day.

Chao Xiaoshu took the noodle bowl and didn't eat it directly. Although the noodles were indeed delicious, he didn't come here for that. He looked straight at Ning Que with a pair of bright eyes, and said, "Your handwriting is very good, full of killing intent."

"Are you going to kill someone tonight?"

Ning Que could feel the vague aura on Chao Xiaoshu's body at this moment. That aura was very familiar to him who often killed people. It was murderous intent.

Wen Yan said to Xiaoshu with emotion: "Yes, the sky can tolerate me, so I have no choice but to kill people."

Many big shots want him to speak up, but his current situation is such that he cannot speak up, so he is being besieged now.

"If you want to kill, then kill, why come to me?"

Ning Que obviously didn't want to get involved in the disputes among the big shots, he just wanted to make money with peace of mind and wait for the time to enter the academy.

"I need someone, someone who can't let anything fall on me."

Chao Xiaoshu did not hide the purpose of his trip, and looked directly at Ning Que. It was obvious that Ning Que was the candidate he chose.

Hearing this, Ning Que lowered his head in silence, smiled slightly when he saw Chao Xiaoshu, and started eating directly at the entrance of the Old Brush Studio with a still warm noodle bowl in his hand. After a long time, Ning Que raised his head to look at Chao Xiaoshu, and said :"why me?"

Chao Xiaoshu gave a pause to the hand holding the chopsticks, and after chewing the noodles in his mouth slowly, he said, "Because you are a woodcutter in Subi Lake, and I know very well what a young man who kills a horse thief can do."

"I regret asking you to eat noodles."

Obviously, Ning Que still didn't want to get involved in the struggle between big shots. Seeing this, Chao Xiaoshu quickly ate the noodles in the bowl, then handed the bowl back to Ning Que, and said leisurely, "I'll pay you 5000 taels for this bowl of noodles." How about next?"

Hearing that Ning Que's eyes flashed brightly, I don't know how many bowls of noodles can be eaten for 5000 taels, I am afraid that the noodles in a lifetime are not worth so much money.

Ning Que naturally knew that it was the price Chao Xiaoshu offered him. Although he already had a pair of golden chopsticks, the price of 5000 taels really moved his heart.

After a long silence, Ning Que naturally took the bowl from Chao Xiaoshu's hand, smiled and stretched out a hand: "Deal."

Chao Xiaoshu narrowed his eyes, stretched out his callused hand from holding swords all the year round, squeezed it lightly and then let go, and said, "My name is Chao Xiaoshu, people in Chang'an call me Chunfengting Laochao, you can call me Brother Chao."

However, Ning Que obviously didn't like to be called Brother Ren, so he said directly: "My name is Ning Que, I'd better call you Xiaoshu, I say Xiaoshu, you are the leader of the Yulong Gang?"

"You can call me Lao Chao... Besides, I have never admitted that I am the leader of the Yulong Gang. I just gathered a group of brothers to do things that are not convenient for the court."

Wen Yanning nodded, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and entered the Laobi Studio. Her bright eyes flashed, and she obviously had some guesses about the people behind the Yulong Gang.

Chao Xiaoshu did not enter Laobi Studio, but looked directly at the Wenmo Pavilion next door, standing there blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, Ning Que, who had changed into his equipment, came out of the old pen studio. Seeing Chao Xiaoshu staring at the Wenmo Pavilion next door in a daze, Ning Que went straight to pat him on the shoulder, and said, "Xiaoshu, where are we going?" ?”

Since it was a murder, there would naturally be a location, and obviously the location was not at the entrance of his old pen studio.

"Spring Pavilion"

He withdrew his gaze from Chao Xiaoshu and replied calmly: "Where my home is, my enemies will naturally be there, and I advise you to call me Lao Chao, because you are just a little tree now."

Now that Ning Que has not stepped into the ranks of practitioners, he is not even a small tree in Chao Xiaoshu's eyes. Perhaps Xiaocao is more appropriate, comparing him to a small tree is just because he doesn't want to hit him.

Chang'an City

Even on a rainy day, the lights are still brightly lit in the red sleeves, and cool dances are still being performed on the stage. In a corner under the stage, Yan Se with a wretched face hugged a delicate body and looked at Master Li Ming aside, his eyes on Dai After walking around the masked Ye Hongyu, he said, "Fellow Taoist, you are having a great time. You even bring your partner when you come out to hone your Taoist heart."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause with the wine glass in his hand, glanced sideways at Yan Se, who hadn't seen him getting more and more wretched for many years, and said helplessly, "This is my apprentice."

"Oh, I'm sorry, my old eyes are blurred, I'm sorry, little girl."

(End of this chapter)

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