Chapter 234

red sleeve trick

Hongxiuzhao is the No. [-] song and dance hall in the world. The wife of the current Tang King, Queen Xia, was once the oiran selected by Hongxiuzhao.

Ye Hongyu glanced at the apologetic Yan Se with a little disgust. She had heard of Yan Se's name, the most powerful rune master at the South Gate of Haotian Road, and the senior brother of Li Qingshan, the Great Tang Master.

"Bah, it's really disrespectful to come to this kind of place at such an advanced age." Ye Hongyu secretly disliked it in her heart, as if the dance on the stage became more and more cool, but there was a smear on her indifferent face. flush.

Li Ming glanced at Ye Hongyu behind him, and couldn't help shaking his head, this girl didn't know what kind of madness, every time he used the red sleeve move, she would suddenly appear from nowhere, like a prophet, very precise .

Fortunately, Li Ming is only here to collect the breath of desire here, so he won't be hindered by his apprentices. What he didn't expect was that he would meet Yan Se, a wretched old man when he came here tonight. The two who hadn't seen each other for many years naturally got together at the same table .

During the exchange of cups and cups, Yan Se seemed to be drinking too much, and sighed: "Oh, fellow Taoists already have disciples, so where should I go to find a successor?"

As the most powerful talisman master in the south gate of Haotian Dao, it is easy to recruit a disciple, but it is even more difficult to find someone who can inherit the mantle. He has been looking for so many years and still cannot find a suitable one.

Hearing this, Li Ming shook his head, but did not comfort this close friend who had been with him for many years, because he knew that the other party would find someone who could inherit his mantle in a short time.

Just when the Red Sleeve Moves were still singing and dancing, Chang'an City under the night ushered in a battle of great influence.

Chunfeng Pavilion is located in the slums of Dongcheng, with dilapidated buildings, no matter day or night, it is always full of street vendors and idlers, but tonight's Chunfeng Pavilion seems to be extraordinarily quiet and quiet because of the rain.

Two figures walked slowly on the deserted street like tourists walking. It seemed that Ning Que, who covered his face with a black cloth and carried a lot of things because of the increasing rain, directly took the oil paper from Chao Xiaoshu's hand umbrella.

The rain suddenly soaked Chao Xiaoshu's green shirt, but he still walked forward as before, with a faint smile on his face, not dissatisfied because the oil-paper umbrella was taken away.

The heavy rain fell down from the sky, and the two people's shoes stepped on the accumulated water on the ground. There was a slapping sound in the quiet street, which seemed to cover up the friction sound of the sharp blade being unsheathed.

Chao Xiaoshu and Ning Que stopped and stood not far from the dilapidated pavilion, quietly watching the figures pouring out from all directions. The sharp blades in the hands of the dark crowd shone with a cold light.

Smiling towards Xiaoshu, it seemed that in order to see the identity of the person more clearly, he wiped off the rain on his face, pointed at the leader of the crowd, and introduced to Ning Que:

"This person is called Master Meng, the head of Nancheng, that is Junjie, the head of Xicheng, and those at the end are all Uncle Cats..."

Ning Que's eyes followed Chao Xiaoshu's finger as he wandered around the dark crowd, and then he lowered his voice and said, "Introductions are okay, but just don't introduce me. These are the underworld bosses in Chang'an City. I don't want to leave." Chang'an."

However, Chao Xiaoshu smiled slightly, and said calmly, "After tonight, there will be no such people, so why should you be afraid of them?"

When the two were talking, a fat middle-aged man walked out from the crowd. It was the Nancheng Meng master who had been introduced to Xiaoshu earlier.

Master Meng of Nancheng looked at Chao Xiaoshu coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Release grain, move storage, logistics support from the military department, guards outside the warehouse of the household department, the most lucrative secret work in Tang Dynasty, all these years have made you fish and dragons." The gang has taken over, Chao Xiaoshu, you fish and dragon gang have eaten too much these years, as long as we kill you now, Chang'an City will be ours!"

Obviously, Mr. Meng of Nancheng has been coveting the business of the Yulong Gang for a long time, but he had been suppressed by Chao Xiaoshu before and did not dare to have any thoughts. But now that he received the news that the imperial court was going to deal with Chao Xiaoshu, it inspired him The inner ambition is that as long as they kill Chao Xiaoshu, the underground world of Chang'an City will be theirs.

Thinking of Master Meng in Nancheng, a murderous look could not help but appear in his eyes.

Seeing this, he smiled disdainfully at Xiaoshu, obviously not paying attention to everyone, and pointedly said: "Chang'an City belongs to His Majesty the Emperor."

However, those who came out to gang up were more or less uneducated people, but no one in the dense crowd understood what Chao Xiaoshu meant. Murderous intent burst out in Nancheng's Master Meng's eyes, and he said sternly: "Stop talking nonsense. After today, you and your gang will be in trouble." It no longer exists. Kill Chao Xiaoshu for me!"

"Oh, I just want to go home."

Seeing the crowd coming, he looked up to Xiaoshu and sighed, with a clang, the long sword around his waist was unsheathed like lightning, and quickly stabbed at the person who rushed in front.

After a scream, the crowd that came in suddenly paused, and then charged forward again. The shouts of hundreds of people covered up the sound of rain falling from the sky.

Suddenly a loud shout sounded

"Use a throwing axe!"

I saw Mr. Meng of Nancheng, Junjie, and Uncle Mao, who dominated the underground world in Nancheng and Xicheng, their bodies began to tremble slightly. They were obviously frightened by Chao Xiaoshu's vigor, but when they thought of the noble people behind them, no one had retreated. .

Dozens of throwing axes broke through the rain and flew towards Chao Xiaoshu, who was slaughtering wantonly in the crowd. Seeing that, the smile on Chao Xiaoshu's mouth disappeared for the first time, and he turned to look at Ning Que: "Don't let anything fall on me. "

Wen Yan Ning Que nodded, pulled out the simple knife and looked around cautiously, staring at Xiaoshu, the green steel sword in his hand suddenly buzzed, and then turned into a stream of light in Ning Que's surprised eyes and flew towards the periphery Those two lines of throwing axes,
In an instant, the Spring Breeze Pavilion on a rainy night erupted into wails. Mr. Meng from Nancheng's face suddenly turned pale. He pointed at Chao Xiaoshu with trembling fingers and said in shock: "Chao Xiaoshu! Chao Xiaoshu, you...what? Maybe you're a practitioner! How could you... be a great swordsman!"

He knew that he was doomed, but he did not expect that Chao Xiaoshu was actually a great swordsman, and that he and others led hundreds of people to surround and kill the great swordsman.

Ning Que looked at Chao Xiaoshu's back and finally understood why the other party wanted to find someone who couldn't let anything fall on him.

Because Chao Xiaoshu’s mental energy is all tied to that elusive flying sword, he seems to be so powerful that he has lost all his defense capabilities. If someone from the opponent approaches him at this time and launches a sneak attack, he will fall into In great danger.

after a while
In the street under the rainy night, apart from the sound of rain still ticking, there was no other movement. Standing in the rain, Chao Xiaoshu and Ning Que looked at the dilapidated Spring Breeze Pavilion in the distance, but there was no relaxation in their eyes. Because there is a heavier murderous intent hidden there.

(End of this chapter)

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