Chapter 626

As the sun rises, Bai Ye leads the tired but hopeful soldiers and a group of survivors struggling to survive in the wilderness, slowly entering the once familiar yet strange city. This once bustling and bustling city now appears quiet and desolate, with buildings on both sides of the street showing signs of vicissitudes under the erosion of time, and broken windows and messy ruins becoming the new landscape of the city.

Bai Ye stood at the entrance of the city, his eyes deep and determined. He took a deep breath, feeling the long-lost breath of civilization, and at the same time he was aware of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders. He looked back at the survivors behind him, their faces were full of fatigue and confusion, but their eyes were shining with desire for a new life.

"We will start over here." Bai Ye's voice was firm and powerful, and his words were like a ray of light, illuminating the hope in the hearts of the survivors. The soldiers acted quickly, they began to clean up the debris on the streets, repair the damaged facilities, and create a safe living environment for the survivors.

Bai Ye walked into a seemingly intact building. It used to be an office building, but now it was empty. He looked around and had a plan in mind. He ordered the soldiers to clean up the place and set up a temporary command center. Soon, the building was cleaned up and looked brand new, and Bai Ye also set up his own office in it.

Next, Bai Ye began to arrange housing for the survivors. He knew that only by giving the survivors a place to settle down could they truly settle down. The soldiers searched for suitable houses in every corner of the city. Some houses needed simple repairs, while others needed to be completely rebuilt. Bai Ye personally participated in the distribution of houses. He allocated houses to the survivors according to their needs and situations.

"This used to be my home." A survivor said with emotion when he was assigned a house. He stroked the wall with tears in his eyes. Bai Ye walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Now, this is your home again. We will work together to make this city revitalized."

In addition to arranging accommodation, Bai Ye also organized a grand welcoming event. He hoped that through this event, the survivors would feel the warmth and sense of belonging at home. The soldiers built a temporary banquet hall in the city square and prepared a sumptuous dinner with limited resources.

As night fell and the lights came on, the survivors, dressed neatly, walked into the banquet hall hand in hand. Their faces were filled with happy smiles and their eyes were shining with expectations for the future. Bai Ye stood at the entrance of the banquet hall, welcoming every survivor. He shook hands with them, hugged them, and expressed his most sincere blessings to them.

The banquet began, and the soldiers served delicious food and drinks. The survivors sat together, enjoying this rare time together. They exchanged their experiences and stories, and shared their joys and sorrows. Bai Ye also joined them, listening to their stories, comforting their pain, and sharing his own experiences and beliefs.

"We have lost a lot, but we have also gained a lot." Bai Ye gave a short speech at the banquet. His words were full of power and hope, and everyone present was deeply moved. "We will work together to make this city vibrant again. We will create a new life for ourselves together!"

As Bai Ye finished speaking, the atmosphere of the banquet reached its climax. The survivors stood up and toasted to celebrate this special moment. They thanked Bai Ye's leadership and the soldiers for their dedication, and also thanked each other for their support and companionship. On this night, they made a wish together: to make this city their home again.

The banquet lasted until late at night. The survivors reluctantly left the banquet hall and returned to their own residences. They lay on their beds, recalling this unforgettable night, their hearts filled with expectations and longings for the future.

Bai Ye stood at the window, looking at the night view of the city. He knew that the road ahead was still long, but he believed that as long as they united as one and worked together, they would be able to create a new life that belonged to them. He took a deep breath and felt a peace and satisfaction he had never felt before. He knew that this was the life he wanted - to work together with people and create a better future together.

As the night deepened, the lights of the city flickered in silence, as if to put a perfect end to the day. Bai Ye stood in front of the window, looking at the lights gradually extinguished in the distance with deep eyes, and an inexplicable feeling welled up in his heart. He knew that although today's banquet brought short-term joy and warmth to the survivors, the next task was still arduous - they needed to clean up the mess after the banquet and make this temporary home more tidy and orderly.

Bai Ye turned around and called the soldiers together. Although they were tired, their eyes still shone with determination. Bai Ye knew that these soldiers were his strongest backing, and they would face any difficulties and challenges with him.

"Thank you for your hard work." Bai Ye's voice was gentle but powerful. "Tonight's banquet allowed us to witness our unity and strength together. However, we still need to continue working hard to make this home a better place. Now, we need to clean up the mess after the banquet together."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They quickly took action and began to work together. Some were responsible for collecting the dishes and wine glasses, some were responsible for clearing the garbage and debris on the ground, and some were responsible for cleaning the tables, chairs and floors.

Bai Ye also joined them. He personally demonstrated how to properly clean dishes and wine glasses, and how to sort out garbage and debris. While he was busy, he communicated with the soldiers to understand their thoughts and feelings.

"This used to be our home, but now it needs to be revitalized," Bai Ye said. "Each of us is the owner of this city, and we need to work together to make it a better place."

The soldiers agreed after hearing this. They knew that this city was not just a geographical location, but also their home, their hope and sustenance for the future. Therefore, they were willing to give everything for this city.

With everyone's joint efforts, the banquet hall was quickly cleaned up. Tableware and wine glasses were neatly placed aside, garbage and debris were sorted and disposed of, and the tables, chairs and floors were cleaned and looked brand new. The entire banquet hall became tidy and orderly, as if it had returned to its former glory days.

However, Bai Ye was not satisfied with this. He knew that this was just the beginning and they still needed to do more work. So he called the soldiers together again and began to discuss the next plan.

"We have cleaned up the banquet hall, but this is just the tip of the iceberg." Bai Ye said, "There is still a lot we need to do. For example, we need to repair more houses so that more people have a place to live; we need to find more food and water sources to ensure everyone's basic living needs; we also need to build defense facilities to protect our homes from external threats."

After hearing this, the soldiers all agreed. They knew that although these tasks were arduous, only in this way could they survive in this desolate city and gradually restore its former prosperity. So they began to take positive action and started a new round of work according to Bai Ye's instructions. In the following days, Bai Ye led the soldiers to travel through every corner of the city. They repaired houses, searched for food and water, and built defense facilities... Every task was full of challenges and difficulties, but they never backed down. They knew that only in this way could they bring hope and vitality to the city.

As time went by, the city's appearance gradually changed. The originally desolate and dilapidated scene gradually disappeared, replaced by new and vibrant homes. The survivors also began to gradually adapt to the new life. They helped each other, united as one, and worked together for the future of the city.

In this process, Bai Ye gradually became a leader and role model in everyone's heart. He proved what responsibility and commitment are with his actions, and led the city to a better future with his wisdom.

However, Bai Ye did not get complacent because of this. He knew that this was just the beginning and they still had a long way to go. So he continued to lead the soldiers and survivors to work together and fight tirelessly for the future of this city...

The morning sun shines through the broken windows and dapples into the interior of the building, bringing a glimmer of life to this once prosperous but now slightly dilapidated space. With the arrival of the first ray of sunlight, the survivors wake up from their sleep one after another, rubbing their sleepy eyes and starting a new day.

After last night's banquet and the subsequent cleanup, the survivors are full of expectations and confidence in the future of the city. They know that if they want to survive here, they must work hard to make the building more tidy and livable.

The survivors acted quickly, dividing the work and cooperating to start cleaning the building. Some people were responsible for cleaning up the garbage and dust in the corridors and stairwells. They held brooms and dustpans and carefully cleaned every inch of the floor. With their efforts, the originally dirty and messy corridors gradually became clean and tidy, and the sunlight sprinkled on the ground, forming bright spots of light.

Others were responsible for cleaning the rooms and offices. They entered each room and carefully cleaned every corner. Some rooms were covered with thick dust and debris because they had been uninhabited for a long time; some were messy because of the war. But the survivors did not back down. They cleaned each room patiently, sorted the garbage and debris, and made the room tidy and orderly again.

During this process, Bai Ye also actively participated in the cleaning work. He shuttled between the floors and guided the survivors to clean up. He encouraged everyone to unite and work together to make the building rejuvenated. His words inspired every survivor and strengthened their confidence and determination.

As the cleaning work progressed, the building's appearance gradually changed. The originally shabby walls were repainted and became as white as new; the originally dirty and messy floors were swept clean and tidy; the originally messy rooms were also reorganized and organized. The entire building seemed to have experienced a rebirth, radiating new vitality and vigor.

During the cleaning process, the survivors began to communicate and share their experiences and stories with each other. They shared their past happiness and sorrow, and their vision and expectations for the future. These exchanges deepened their feelings for each other and made them more united to face the challenges of the future.

As the sun gradually rose higher and shone on every corner of the building, the survivors' work was nearing completion. They looked at the brand new building with pride and satisfaction in their hearts. They knew that this was the result of their joint efforts and the beginning of their new life.

Bai Ye stood at the entrance of the building, looking out at this vibrant space. A satisfied smile appeared on his face, knowing that they had brought hope and change to the city. He turned around and said to the survivors: "This is our common home, and we need to work together to make it a better place."

The survivors nodded in agreement. They knew that Bai Ye's words were not only encouragement to them, but also expectations and trust in them. They were willing to continue to devote their efforts and sweat for this home.

In the days that followed, the survivors continued to maintain their high morale and enthusiasm, and began to repair more houses, find more resources, and build more complete defense facilities. With their own hands and sweat, they brought more changes and vitality to the city.

Bai Ye is always by their side, providing them with guidance and support. He uses his wisdom and strength to lead the city towards a better future. Under his leadership, the survivors unite as one and work together for the future of the city.

When the cleaning work was finished, the building was completely new, presenting a pleasant cleanliness and order. The sunlight shone through the windows and sprinkled on the smooth floor, forming patches of warm light and shadow. The walls on both sides of the corridor were repainted, flawless white, and the bright lights complemented each other, making it look spacious and bright.

The debris and garbage that had been piled up in the corners were gone, replaced by neatly arranged tables, chairs and cleaning supplies. Every room had been carefully cleaned, with bright windows and clean tables and neatly made beds, as if foreshadowing the beginning of a new life.

At the entrance of the building, there are several pots of green plants, which add a touch of vitality to the space. The air is filled with a light and fresh smell, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The survivors stood in the corridor of the building, looking at the brand new environment, with satisfied smiles on their faces.

In this clean and tidy building, the survivors felt unprecedented peace and comfort. They knew that as long as they united as one and worked together, they could create a better future.

(End of this chapter)

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