Chapter 627

As the survivors cleaned the building and made it look brand new, they gathered together, their faces filled with satisfied and proud smiles. Bai Ye stood in the middle of the crowd, his eyes firm and far-reaching, he scanned the faces of every survivor, and saw the expectation and determination in their eyes.

"We already have this home, but our journey is far from over." Bai Ye's voice was steady and powerful. His words echoed in the air, causing a moment of silence. The survivors raised their heads and looked at Bai Ye, waiting for his next words.

"This building is just the beginning of our reconstruction." Bai Ye continued, "There are more survivors in this wasteland waiting for us to discover and help. We need to expand our power and bring hope and warmth to more people."

Hearing this, the survivors began to discuss. They understood Bai Ye's meaning, but they also knew the difficulties and dangers involved. However, they knew that only by uniting as one could they survive in this desolate land.

"I am willing to stay and continue to rebuild this building." A survivor stood up, his voice firm and powerful, "I believe that as long as we work hard, this will become our real home."

Then, more survivors came forward and expressed their willingness to stay and continue to work hard to rebuild their homes. Bai Ye looked at them with a gleam of relief in his eyes.

"Very good." Bai Ye nodded, "Your choice is correct. This building will be our common home, and we will work together to make it a better place."

After saying that, Bai Ye turned around and gave orders to the soldiers: "Get ready, we are about to set off." The soldiers acted quickly, they organized their equipment, checked their weapons, and made full preparations for the upcoming journey.

After bidding farewell to the survivors, Bai Ye led the soldiers on a new journey. They crossed the ruins and hills and kept moving forward. Although the road was difficult, their steps were extremely firm.

After several days of trekking, they finally came to the edge of a radioactive desert. This desert is vast and the sand is shining with golden light under the sunlight. However, they know that there are great dangers hidden in this desert.

Bai Ye and the soldiers advanced cautiously, always on guard for fear of any mishap. However, at this moment, a deep roar broke the silence of the desert. They looked up and saw a huge radioactive elephant slowly walking towards them.

The elephant was huge, with strange patterns on its skin, as if it had been eroded by radiation. Its eyes flashed with a fierce light, and its trunk waved in the air, as if challenging them.

The soldiers raised their weapons, ready to fight the giant creature. However, Bai Ye waved his hand to signal them not to act rashly. He knew very well that the elephant was too powerful to be dealt with easily.

"We need to outsmart it." Bai Ye whispered, "Try to communicate with it first and see if we can avoid a fight."

The soldiers nodded and put down their weapons. They tried to communicate with the elephant in various ways, but to no avail. The elephant seemed to be full of hostility towards them, constantly making low roars and approaching them.

Seeing that the battle was unavoidable, Bai Ye took a deep breath and raised the sword in his hand. He knew that this battle would be a life-and-death contest. He had to go all out to protect himself and his soldiers.

Just as the elephant was about to rush in front of them, Bai Ye suddenly jumped up, and the sword in his hand turned into a flash of lightning, piercing the elephant's eyes. The elephant screamed and took a few steps back. However, it did not give up the attack, but charged again.

Bai Ye and the soldiers quickly spread out and started a fierce battle with the elephant. They took advantage of the terrain and weapons and continued to attack the elephant. However, the elephant's skin was extremely tough, and their attacks did not seem to cause much damage to it.

The battle lasted for a long time, and both sides were in a bitter battle. However, at this moment, Bai Ye found a flaw. He took advantage of the elephant's unpreparedness, jumped up suddenly, and stabbed the elephant's eyes with the sword in his hand again. This time, his attack hit the target accurately. The elephant let out a painful roar and fell to the ground.

Bai Ye and the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the elephant lying on the ground, their hearts were filled with joy of victory. They knew that the victory of this battle not only won them a chance to survive, but also accumulated valuable experience for them.

However, they also knew that the road ahead was still long, and they had to keep moving forward, looking for more survivors and working hard to rebuild their homes. So, Bai Ye led the soldiers on the journey again and disappeared in the golden desert.

In the golden radiation desert, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to move forward, and every step was full of unknowns and dangers. They walked between the sand dunes, and the sand under their feet was so hot under the scorching sun that it seemed to melt the soles of their shoes. However, they did not stop, because they knew that only by moving forward could they find more survivors and work hard to rebuild their homes.

As they were crossing a huge sand dune, a low vibration suddenly came from the distance. The soldiers stopped and looked towards the source of the sound. They saw a group of huge radioactive elephants slowly walking towards them. The number was shocking.

These irradiated elephants were different from the one they had encountered before. Their appearance was even more bizarre and terrifying. Their skin was a strange dark red, as if it had been burned by fire, and was covered with twisted lines and raised scars. These scars shone with a faint light in the sun, giving people an ominous feeling.

The elephants are so huge that they look like moving hills. Their limbs are strong and powerful, and every step they take makes the ground tremble slightly. Their long trunks wave in the air, as if they are ready to attack at any time. But the most frightening thing is their eyes - those eyes are so red that they seem to be dripping with blood, revealing a ferocious and wild light.

The soldiers nervously clenched their weapons, ready to fight against these huge creatures. However, Bai Ye once again signaled them not to act rashly. He knew very well that these elephants were very powerful and could not be easily dealt with. He needed to find a suitable tactic to ensure the safety of the soldiers.

"We have to find a way to distract them." Bai Ye whispered to the soldiers, "There are too many elephants. If we attack directly, I'm afraid we will be in a difficult battle."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They began to discuss countermeasures and finally decided to use the surrounding environment to distract the elephants. They quickly dispersed, hid behind the sand dunes, and used their weapons to fire smoke bombs at the elephants.

As the smoke rose, the elephants began to get restless. They let out low roars, trying to find the source of the smoke. However, the soldiers had already used this opportunity to quickly move to another location and attack the elephants again. The elephants rushed to the soldiers' location angrily, but because their vision was obscured by the smoke, they could not accurately find their target. The soldiers took the opportunity to fire several rockets at the elephants, and the explosions echoed in the desert, stirring up clouds of dust.

However, the elephants were extremely defensive, and the rocket explosions did not cause much damage to them. They continued to charge at the soldiers, as if to completely destroy these tiny creatures.

Bai Ye saw this and knew he had to take action himself. He took a deep breath and raised the long sword in his hand. He rushed into the elephants like lightning. His swordsmanship was precise and swift, and every swing of the sword could leave deep scars on the elephants.

However, there were too many elephants for Bai Ye to handle alone. He kept shuttling between the elephants, dodging their attacks while looking for opportunities to launch deadly counterattacks. His sword flashed cold light in the air, like a silver lightning flashing through the desert.

Seeing this, the soldiers also rushed into the elephants and fought alongside Bai Ye. They used their weapons to launch a fierce attack on the elephants, trying to relieve the pressure on Bai Ye. However, the elephants were so powerful that they felt powerless.

The battle lasted for a long time, and both sides were in a bitter battle. However, at this moment, Bai Ye found a flaw. He took advantage of an elephant's unpreparedness, jumped up suddenly, and the long sword in his hand turned into a flash of lightning, piercing the elephant's eyes. The long sword pierced the elephant's eyeball, and blood splattered. The elephant let out a painful roar and fell to the ground.

Bai Ye took the opportunity to launch a more fierce attack on the other elephants. He used the gaps between the elephants to shuttle back and forth, looking for opportunities to launch a fatal blow. The soldiers also followed his tactics and launched a more fierce attack on the elephants.

Finally, with the efforts of both sides, the elephants began to fall one by one. They made deafening roars, full of fear and despair. However, these roars did not stop the soldiers from attacking. They continued to attack the elephants until the last elephant fell to the ground.

After the battle, the soldiers sat on the ground exhausted, panting. They looked at the corpses and blood on the ground, and their hearts were filled with shock and awe. They knew that although these elephants looked terrifying and powerful, they were ultimately defeated by their courage and wisdom.

Bai Ye walked up to the soldiers and expressed his appreciation and gratitude to them. He knew that without the support and cooperation of these soldiers, they would not be able to defeat these elephants. He encouraged the soldiers to continue to maintain their courage and confidence and work hard to rebuild their homes.

The soldiers expressed their approval and support. They knew that this battle was just a small obstacle on their way forward, and there would be more challenges waiting for them in the future. However, they believed that as long as they united as one and worked together, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and work hard to rebuild their homes.

So, in the golden desert, Bai Ye and the soldiers set out on their journey again. They knew the road ahead was still long and difficult, but they also believed that as long as they had faith and courage in their hearts, they would be able to find more survivors.

In the golden desert, the smoke of battle had just dissipated, and the sun was shining again on the land where bloody battles had taken place. Bai Ye and the soldiers stood around the fallen radioactive elephant, their eyes showing both the joy of victory and thoughts about the next mission.

Bai Ye was the first to break the silence. He walked to the side of an elephant, squatted down and carefully observed the elephant's body. He noticed that although the skin of these elephants seemed hard, they were left with many deep scars in the battle. He reached out and gently touched these scars, feeling the toughness and coldness of the skin.

"The meat of these elephants may be used as our food." Bai Ye raised his head and said to the soldiers, "We need to replenish our energy, and their huge size is enough for us to eat for a while."

The soldiers nodded one after another. They understood Bai Ye's meaning. In this desolate place, food was extremely precious. They stepped forward one after another and began to cut the elephant's meat. They used sharp knives, carefully avoiding the elephant's skin and going deep into the meat.

Suddenly, the sound of cutting meat rang out in the desert. The soldiers were skilled and quick, and they soon cut the elephant meat into pieces of moderate size. These pieces of meat exuded a faint smell of blood, but in this desolate place, this was the best food they could find.

Bai Ye walked over to the pile of meat and picked up a piece of meat to observe carefully. He noticed that the meat was dark red with some blood stains on it. He gently pinched the meat and felt that the meat was tough and elastic.

"This meat looks good." Bai Ye nodded and said to the soldiers, "We can roast some first."

The soldiers immediately took action. They found dead branches and leaves and started a fire. The flames jumped in the desert, emitting warm light. The soldiers put pieces of meat on the branches and roasted them on the fire.

As time went by, the meat pieces gradually became golden and tempting under the fire. The aroma spread all over the desert. The soldiers all showed expectations on their faces, knowing that these pieces of meat would be their next source of food.

Bai Ye walked to the fire, picked up a piece of roasted meat, and blew gently. The heat on the meat dissipated, revealing the tender meat. He took a bite of the meat and tasted it carefully.

"It tastes good." Bai Ye nodded and said to the soldiers, "You can try it too."

The soldiers took the roasted meat and began to enjoy it. They ate the meat with big mouthfuls, and their faces showed satisfied expressions. They knew that although these pieces of meat were simple, they were the most delicious food they could find in this desolate land.

After enjoying the meat, the soldiers began to get busy. They collected the remaining meat and bones and prepared to store them for future use. They knew that it was not easy to survive on this land and they had to be prepared at all times.

Bai Ye looked at the busy figures of the soldiers, and his heart was filled with emotion. He knew that these soldiers were brave warriors who were working hard to rebuild their homes. Although they faced great difficulties and dangers, they never gave up hope.

(End of this chapter)

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