Chapter 628

In the golden desert, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued their journey while enjoying the deliciousness of irradiated elephant meat. The sun shone obliquely on the desert, forming golden light and shadows, adding a bit of vitality to this barren land.

The soldiers sat around the fire, each with a satisfied and relaxed expression on their faces. They chewed the meat and enjoyed this rare feast. Bai Ye joined them, but he was always alert to his surroundings to make sure there was no new danger approaching.

As time went by, the sun gradually set and the temperature in the desert began to drop. The soldiers packed up their bags and prepared to move on. They knew that the cold and danger at night in this desert should not be underestimated.

Just as they were about to set off, Bai Ye suddenly stopped. He stared into the distance, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. The soldiers asked him what happened, and Bai Ye motioned them to be quiet and pointed into the distance.

At the end of the desert, there stood a huge sand dune. The outline of the dune was particularly clear in the afterglow of the setting sun, and what was even more surprising was that there seemed to be faint smoke rising from the inside of the dune.

"There are people there!" Bai Ye whispered, "Let's go and take a look."

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately packed up their bags and followed Bai Ye towards the direction of the sand dunes. They crossed the desert carefully, fearing to alarm those unknown people.

As they approached the sand dunes, the smell of cooking smoke became stronger and stronger. The soldiers' faces showed joy, knowing that this meant they were about to find new survivors.

Finally, they reached the top of the dune. On the other side of the dune, they saw several ragged, haggard people gathered around a fire. Their eyes were filled with despair and longing, as if they would collapse at any moment.

Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately signaled the soldiers to lower their voices, and then walked carefully towards the survivors. They did not dare to approach rashly, for fear of alarming these people who were already on the verge of despair.

"We are here to help you." Bai Ye walked up to the survivors and said softly, "You don't have to be afraid."

The survivors looked up and looked at Bai Ye and the soldiers with surprise and confusion. They seemed to be unable to believe that someone would appear in this desolate place, and even more unable to believe that someone would come to help them.

"We are from other places." Bai Ye continued, "We know it is difficult here, but we are willing to help you."

Hope gradually shone in the eyes of the survivors. They stood up one after another and expressed their gratitude to Bai Ye and the soldiers in trembling voices. They told Bai Ye that they had been trapped here for several days, with almost no food or water, and were almost starving to death.

Bai Ye couldn't help but feel sympathy and compassion when he heard this. He immediately signaled the soldiers to take out the remaining radioactive elephant meat and distribute it to the survivors.

"This meat can temporarily relieve your hunger." Bai Ye said, "but we need to find more food and water as soon as possible."

The survivors took the meat with tears of gratitude and began to eat it greedily. It seemed that they had not eaten such delicious food for a long time, and everyone's face showed expressions of satisfaction and happiness.

Bai Ye looked at these survivors and felt relieved. He knew that they had found new partners and strength, and they would face future challenges and difficulties together.

"Let's go." Bai Ye said to the soldiers, "We need to find a safe place to rest and plan our next move."

The soldiers nodded in agreement and support. They packed up their bags and equipment, ready to leave this desolate place with the survivors.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, they set out on a new journey. They knew the road ahead was long and difficult, but they also believed that as long as they united as one and worked together, they would be able to overcome all difficulties, find more survivors and rebuild their homes.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, Bai Ye led the soldiers and the survivors on a new journey. Although their steps were heavy, their hearts were full of hope. The desert night was about to fall, and they had to find a safe place to camp as soon as possible.

Bai Ye walked at the front of the team, his eyes searching for possible dangers in the darkness. The soldiers followed closely behind him, holding weapons, ready to deal with emergencies at any time. And the survivors, although physically weak, also tried to follow the team, with a determined light in their eyes.

The night was getting darker and darker, and the wind in the desert was getting stronger and stronger. Bai Ye stopped and looked back at the survivors in the team, and found that their faces had turned pale. He understood that these people had experienced too much suffering in the desert and had reached their limit.

"We need to find a place to rest." Bai Ye said to the soldiers, "These people can't walk anymore."

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately began to search for possible camps. They knew that it was not easy to find a safe camp in this desert. However, for the sake of these survivors, they had to do their best.

After searching for a while, they finally found a relatively flat place. There were some boulders to block the wind, and some dry vegetation to use as fuel. Bai Ye signaled the soldiers to stop and start building a temporary camp.

The soldiers worked together and quickly built a simple tent. They lit a fire, letting the warm light spread across the desert. The survivors sat around the fire, their faces showing long-lost warmth and comfort.

"Thank you." A survivor said gratefully, "We haven't met people like you for a long time."

Bai Ye smiled and shook his head. "We just did what we should do." He paused and continued, "But we must understand that this is still a dangerous place. We must always be vigilant to ensure our safety." The survivors nodded in agreement. They knew that it was not easy to survive in this desert, but they also believed that as long as they united as one and worked together, they would be able to overcome all difficulties.

As night fell, the temperature in the desert dropped rapidly. Bai Ye and the soldiers took turns to keep watch to ensure the safety of the camp. They knew that there might be all kinds of dangerous creatures in the desert at night, so they had to stay alert at all times.

The first rays of sunlight in the morning illuminated the desert and awakened the people in the camp. They woke up from their sleep and began to prepare for the new day. Bai Ye called everyone together and began to discuss the next action plan.

"Our goal is to find more survivors." Bai Ye said, "However, it is not easy to survive in this desert. We need food, water and a safe camp. Therefore, we must make a detailed plan."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They began to discuss how to find food and water, how to build a safer camp, and how to deal with possible dangers. After some discussion, they finally worked out a relatively complete plan.

In the following days, Bai Ye and the soldiers led the survivors to act according to the plan. They crossed the desert, climbed over sand dunes, and searched for water and food. Although they encountered many difficulties and dangers in the process, they always maintained a firm belief and a spirit of unity.

During a search for water, they accidentally discovered an oasis hidden behind the sand dunes. There was clear water and rich vegetation, enough to support their survival for a period of time. Bai Ye and the soldiers immediately began to build a new camp and arranged for people to take turns guarding the water source.

The survivors were all surprised when they saw the oasis. They all said they wanted to stay here and not return to the desert full of dangers and unknowns. But Bai Ye knew that although the oasis temporarily solved their survival problems, it could not become their permanent home.

"We must keep moving forward," Bai Ye said to the survivors. "Although this oasis is beautiful, it cannot guarantee our safety. We need to find more survivors and rebuild our home."

Although the survivors were reluctant, they still followed Bai Ye's advice. They began to pack their bags and prepare to leave the oasis and move on. In the process, the friendship between the soldiers and the survivors became deeper and deeper. They helped and supported each other to face the challenges and difficulties in the future together.

In the following journey, they encountered more challenges and difficulties, but they were able to overcome them every time with unity and courage. They not only found more survivors but also found many resources and supplies that could be used. These discoveries made them full of hope and confidence in the future.

However, it is not easy to survive in this desert. They must stay alert at all times to ensure their safety. During a night patrol, the soldiers found some unidentified people approaching the camp. They immediately returned to the camp to report to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye immediately called everyone to an emergency meeting. They discussed how to deal with these unidentified people and how to ensure the safety of the camp. After some discussion, they decided to strengthen the defense of the camp and send some people to investigate the origins and purpose of these unidentified people.

In the next few days, the soldiers strengthened the defense of the camp and were ready to deal with possible attacks. At the same time, they sent some people to investigate the origins and purpose of those unidentified people. After some efforts, they finally found out the identity and purpose of these people - they were a group of wanderers who came here in search of food and water.

Bai Ye and the soldiers were relieved after hearing the news. They knew that these wanderers were not enemies but came here to survive. So they decided to invite these wanderers to join their team to find more survivors and rebuild their homes.

The Rangers were very grateful after hearing the news and expressed their willingness to join the team to face future challenges together.

As the light of sunrise gradually spread over the desert, Bai Ye led the team on their way home. At the end of the desert, the building where they had set out was like a distant lighthouse, guiding them home.

Along the way, the soldiers and the survivors supported each other and faced the challenges in the desert together. They walked through the sand dunes and the canyons, and finally saw the familiar building at sunset. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the building, giving it a golden coat, making it look particularly solemn and sacred.

When the team entered the building, the people who stayed behind came out one after another. They warmly welcomed Bai Ye and the returning soldiers, as well as the newly joined survivors. Everyone's face was filled with joy and excitement, as if the whole building was rejuvenated by their return.

"Welcome home!" the people who stayed behind shouted in unison, their voices echoing in the empty building.

Bai Ye smiled and nodded, expressing his gratitude to the people who stayed behind. He looked around and found that the building had been repaired very well. The cracks on the walls had been filled, and the glass on the windows had been replaced with new ones. There were neatly arranged tables, chairs and beds in the hall, which were obviously prepared to welcome the people who returned.

"Thanks for your hard work." Bai Ye said to the people who stayed behind, "This building has become so good because of your efforts."

The people who stayed behind said that this was what they should do. They told Bai Ye that while they were waiting for his return, they not only repaired the building, but also used the surrounding resources to grow some vegetables and fruits. Although the quantity was not large, it could provide everyone with some fresh food sources.

Bai Ye couldn't help but feel very relieved when he heard this. He knew that this building was not only their shelter, but also their hope for rebuilding their home. And now, this building has been repaired so beautifully, and they are getting closer and closer to the goal of rebuilding their home.

In the following days, Bai Ye and the soldiers began to arrange the lives of the survivors. They first assigned each person a residence and a bed to ensure that everyone had a comfortable resting environment. Then they organized people to clean up the garbage and ruins around the building to create a better environment for future life.

In the process, the survivors gradually adapted to life here. They began to help each other, learn from each other, and work together to rebuild their homes. The soldiers were responsible for protecting the safety and order of the building, ensuring that everyone could live here in peace.

As time went by, the building became more and more lively. People began to grow more vegetables and fruits, build more houses and facilities. They also used the surrounding resources to make some simple tools and weapons, providing more security for future life.

In the process, Bai Ye also discovered many talented and capable people. Some of them are good at construction and engineering, some are good at medical care and sanitation, and some are good at education and training... Bai Ye decided to make full use of these talents and resources to work together to rebuild his homeland.

(End of this chapter)

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