Chapter 629

The afterglow of the setting sun filled the wasteland, and Bai Ye led the soldiers and survivors to slowly walk out of the building that symbolized hope and rebirth. Their faces were engraved with determination and expectation, because they knew that this time they left to find more survivors and to bring a little vitality and warmth to the world.

The team moved forward slowly, the sand beneath their feet gleaming golden in the sunset. The soldiers remained alert, their eyes moving around, ready to deal with any possible dangers. The survivors followed the team closely, their eyes filled with fear of the unknown and expectations for the future.

Bai Ye walked at the front of the team, his steps were steady and powerful. His eyes passed through the desolate wasteland and looked at the distant horizon, as if he could penetrate the mist of time and see the hope of the future. His heart was full of determination and faith. He knew that as long as they persisted, they would be able to find more survivors and rebuild the world together.

Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps broke the silence of the desert. The soldiers immediately became alert, holding their weapons tightly and staring at the direction where the sound came from. Bai Ye also stopped, looked back at the team behind him, and signaled everyone to stay calm.

In the distance, a group of huge bison approached quickly. Their eyes flashed red, and their skin became twisted and rough due to radiation. These bison were no longer docile creatures, they became ferocious beasts in the wasteland, frantically attacking all possible threats in order to survive.

"Prepare for battle!" Bai Ye shouted. The soldiers immediately took up a fighting stance, holding their weapons tightly, ready to face the attack of these mutant bison. The survivors hid behind the soldiers in fear, their faces full of fear and anxiety.

The mutant bison rushed towards the team frantically. They were extremely fast and arrived in front of the team in a blink of an eye. The soldiers were not afraid at all. They faced the bison herd, waving their weapons. Bai Ye also joined the battle, holding a long sword and fighting side by side with the soldiers.

"Don't be afraid!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "We will definitely be able to defeat them!"

The soldiers heard Bai Ye's cry, and a surge of courage surged in their hearts. They brandished their weapons and started a fierce battle with the mutant bison. The sword light and the bull shadow intertwined, forming a thrilling picture.

However, these mutant bison were extremely powerful, their skin was as hard as iron, and the soldiers' weapons could only leave shallow scars on them. But the bison were not afraid at all, they madly charged at the soldiers, trying to knock them down.

Bai Ye saw this and knew that this was not a solution. He had to come up with a new tactic to deal with these powerful mutant bison. He was waving his sword while thinking about countermeasures.

Suddenly, he saw the survivors in the team. Their faces were full of fear and anxiety, but they also held their simple weapons tightly, ready to join the battle at any time. Bai Ye's mind moved, and he had a plan.

"Soldiers!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "Protect the survivors! Let them join the battle!"

The soldiers heard Bai Ye's shout and immediately understood what he meant. They quickly protected the survivors behind them and provided them with cover. Seeing this, the survivors also plucked up their courage, waving their simple weapons and joining the battle.

Although the survivors' strength was limited, their joining brought a new turn to the battle. They provided important support to the soldiers with their courage and tenacity. With their assistance, the soldiers gradually gained the upper hand.

Bai Ye also took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack. He swung his sword, and every swing of the sword was accompanied by a sharp sword light. The sword light and the shadow of the bull intertwined to form beautiful arcs. Under Bai Ye's leadership, the soldiers and the survivors worked together and finally forced the mutant bison herd back.

After the battle, everyone in the team was panting. Their faces were full of exhaustion and pride, because they knew that they had successfully defeated these powerful mutant bison. Bai Ye also breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that the victory of this battle was inseparable from the efforts and contributions of everyone.

"We won!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "We successfully defeated these mutant bison!"

The soldiers and survivors heard Bai Ye's cry and cheered, their faces full of joy and pride, because they knew that they had created a miracle together.

Bai Ye looked at the team in front of him, his heart was filled with emotion. He knew that the victory of this battle was not only due to their courage and strength, but also because of their unity and trust. He believed that as long as they continued to persevere, they would be able to find more survivors and rebuild the world together.

As night fell, the team camped in the wasteland to rest. Soldiers and survivors sat around the fire, sharing stories of battle and dreams for the future. Bai Ye also joined them, listening to everyone's words, feeling the friendship and trust between them. He knew that this moment was their common memory and treasure.

Under the light of the fire, Bai Ye's eyes penetrated the desolation of the wasteland and looked towards the distant horizon. He knew that the road ahead was still long, but they had taken a solid step. As long as they persisted, they would be able to find more survivors and rebuild the world together. The unity and trust at this moment would become their strongest strength to support them into the future.

In the light of the fire, Bai Ye's eyes looked more determined. He stood up, dusted himself off, and turned to the survivors. His voice was particularly clear in the silent night.

"Everyone, we have achieved a great victory tonight." Bai Ye said, his voice full of pride and encouragement, "But our journey is far from over. We need more resources, we need to find more survivors, and we need to rebuild our home."

He paused and looked around to make sure everyone heard him. Then he continued, "Now, I order you to bring the bodies of these mutant bison back to the building. They are not only a source of food and resources, but also the fruits of our battle. But please be aware that the meat of these bison may contain radiation, and we need to handle it with caution."

The survivors nodded one after another, indicating that they understood. They knew that Bai Ye was not only their leader, but also their friend and comrade-in-arms. They were willing to obey his orders and work hard for a common goal.

“As for the soldiers,” Bai Ye turned to them, his eyes flashing with determination and expectation, “I need you to continue to move forward with me into the distant wasteland. We need to explore more areas, find more survivors, and lay a solid foundation for rebuilding our homeland.”

The soldiers did not hesitate. They answered in unison: "Yes, Bai Ye!" The voice echoed in the night sky, full of determination and strength. Bai Ye nodded, satisfied with the soldiers' response. He turned and pointed in the direction of the building, and said to the survivors: "You go now and bring the bison's body back to the building. Remember, safety first, don't take risks."

The survivors acted quickly, they divided the work, some were responsible for carrying the carcasses of the bison, some were responsible for collecting tools and materials. Although the task was arduous, they did not complain because they knew it was for their common future.

Bai Ye led his soldiers to continue to advance towards the wasteland in the distance. Their steps were firm and powerful, and every step they took on the wasteland seemed to announce their determination and courage to the world.

The wasteland was exceptionally quiet at night, with only the occasional sound of wind and the footsteps of soldiers. But Bai Ye and the soldiers did not relax their vigilance, and they were always ready to deal with possible dangers.

During the march, Bai Ye constantly taught the soldiers survival skills and combat experience. He told them how to identify directions, how to find water sources, and how to avoid danger. The soldiers listened carefully and kept this knowledge in mind.

At the same time, Bai Ye also paid close attention to the status of the soldiers. He encouraged them to support and help each other and face difficulties and challenges together. Under his leadership, the soldiers became more united and determined.

After several hours of trekking, Bai Ye and the soldiers finally arrived at an abandoned town. This was once a symbol of human civilization, but now only ruins and relics remain. But Bai Ye was not disappointed. He believed that there must be more survivors waiting for their discovery in this wasteland.

They entered the town carefully and began to search every corner. The soldiers dispersed, some were responsible for searching buildings, some were responsible for searching streets and squares. Bai Ye stood on a high place and observed the situation of the entire town.

Soon after, a soldier ran over excitedly and reported to Bai Ye that he had found a survivor. Bai Ye immediately led the other soldiers to rush over. When they saw the survivor, they were all surprised and excited.

The survivor was a middle-aged man who looked a little weak but full of energy. He told Bai Ye that he had been looking for other survivors in the hope of rebuilding his home. Bai Ye was very moved and assured the survivor that they would work together to rebuild their home.

In the following days, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to search and find in this wasteland. They met more survivors and found more resources and supplies. Every discovery made them more determined to rebuild their homeland.

However, dangers are everywhere in the wasteland. They encountered attacks from mutant creatures, suffered from severe weather, and faced a shortage of food and water. But Bai Ye and the soldiers never gave up. They overcame difficulties one after another with their courage and wisdom.

In this wasteland, Bai Ye and his soldiers became true warriors and heroes. They proved with their actions that human tenacity and perseverance can overcome all difficulties and challenges. Their stories will be forever engraved in this wasteland and become legends passed down by future generations.

The night was as dark as ink, covering the abandoned town on the wasteland. Bai Ye and the soldiers had just comforted the newly found survivor and were ready to continue their search mission. Suddenly, a low and harsh mechanical roar came from the distance, as if foreshadowing the coming ominous sign.

Bai Ye immediately became alert. He looked around and saw beams of light flashing in the darkness. Then, a group of terrifying robots emerged from every corner. Their metal shells gleamed coldly in the moonlight, and their eyes flashed red, as if they were messengers from hell.

"Prepare for battle!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice full of determination. The soldiers quickly took action, picked up their weapons and took fighting stances. The survivors were quickly taken to a safe area, their faces full of fear and anxiety.

The robots began to approach slowly. Although their movements were mechanical and stiff, every step exuded the breath of death. Bai Ye took a deep breath. He knew that this would be a tough battle. He held the sword tightly, ready to meet the attack of these terrifying robots.

A leading robot in the robot group took the lead in attacking. It stretched out a huge mechanical arm and pounced on Bai Ye. Bai Ye dodged the attack of the mechanical arm. He took the opportunity to swing his sword to counterattack, and a sharp sword light slashed at the leading robot. However, the robot's shell was extremely hard, and the sword light only left a shallow scratch on it.

Bai Ye was shocked. He realized that these robots were not ordinary enemies. He quickly adjusted his tactics and gave orders to the soldiers: "Spread the attack! Find the robots' weaknesses!"

The soldiers heard Bai Ye's order and immediately dispersed and attacked the robot group from different directions. For a while, gunshots and explosions were heard one after another, and fire flickered in the night sky. However, these robots did not seem to be afraid of firepower attacks, and they continued to approach the soldiers.

Bai Ye stared at the leading robot. He noticed that the robot's movements were mechanical but extremely flexible. He guessed that these robots might have some kind of intelligent system that could quickly respond to various attacks. He took a deep breath and prepared to launch a more violent attack.

At this moment, a soldier shouted loudly: "I found it! There are energy cores in their legs!" Bai Ye immediately understood what the soldier meant, and he shouted: "Concentrate firepower on the robot's legs!"

The soldiers heard Bai Ye's order and quickly adjusted their attack targets, concentrating their firepower on the robot's legs. For a moment, the robot's legs were hit by the dense firepower, and a piercing alarm sounded. The leading robot's movements began to slow down, and the other robots seemed to be affected as well.

Bai Ye saw this and immediately seized the opportunity to launch a fierce attack. He swung his sword and slashed out several sword lights in succession. These sword lights pierced the night sky like lightning and directly slashed at the energy core of the leading robot. With a loud bang, the legs of the leading robot were blown off and the entire robot fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the other robots began to retreat. However, Bai Ye did not let them go. He shouted, "Chase! Leave no one behind!" The soldiers immediately chased after them and started a fierce battle with the remaining robots.

After the battle, the soldiers were exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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