Chapter 635: Digging Sand

After the long and oppressive darkness, when the first ray of sunlight penetrated the heavy clouds and gently fell on the ruins, the whole world seemed to be given new life at this moment. In the white night, the leader who had led hope in despair countless times slowly walked out of the shadow of the dilapidated building. His figure stretched out in the morning light, looking particularly resolute and lonely. In his eyes, there was both the depth of vicissitudes of life and endless desire and yearning for a new world.

"Look, soldiers," Bai Ye stopped and turned to face the soldiers following him. His voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone's heart. "This is the long-lost sunshine. It penetrates the long night, illuminates our way forward, and also illuminates the new life of this world."

The soldiers stopped and looked up at the sky that was once out of reach but is now so warm and bright. Their faces showed incredible surprise, the emotion of reuniting after a long separation, and infinite longing for the future. One soldier couldn't help but sigh softly: "Yes, the white night, this sunshine, is like a gift from God, telling us that all suffering is a thing of the past."

Bai Ye smiled slightly, and that smile contained too many stories and difficulties. "Yes, we have experienced too much darkness and despair, but it is these experiences that make us cherish the light in front of us even more. Although this world is devastated, it is still beautiful, because without the threat of zombies, we can breathe freely, rebuild our homes, and start over."

His words flowed like a warm current among the soldiers, stirring up the deepest resonance in everyone's heart. They looked at each other, with determination and hope in their eyes, as if at this moment, all the fatigue and pain disappeared, leaving only infinite yearning for the future.

"Bai Ye, what should we do next?" A soldier broke the silence. There was a hint of confusion in his voice, but more of trust and reliance on his leader.

Bai Ye looked into the distance, his eyes deep and determined. "First, we must clear all dangers on this land and ensure that every inch of land is safe. Then, we must start rebuilding, not only physically, but also spiritually. We must make this world full of laughter and hope again."

His words were like a clarion call, inspiring the hearts of every soldier. They nodded in agreement and were ready to respond to the call of the White Night with practical actions.

At this moment, Bai Ye made a decisive move. He pointed to the desert in the distance, which was a vast expanse of golden color, mysterious and challenging. "Soldiers, our first step starts from there. The desert is rich in resources, especially sand, which is one of the indispensable materials for us to rebuild our homeland. We have to go there, dig sand, load it onto the truck, and prepare for the next construction."

The soldiers responded without hesitation. They quickly packed their equipment and prepared to march into the desert. Bai Ye walked at the front of the team, his steps were steady and powerful, as if no matter how difficult the road ahead was, it would not stop him from moving forward.

As the team went deeper into the desert, the sun was blazing and the heat was rolling, but the soldiers' morale was not diminished at all. They supported each other and faced challenges together. Whenever someone felt exhausted, there would always be a companion to lend a hand, give encouragement and support. This spirit of unity and mutual assistance became the source of their strength to overcome all difficulties.

"Bai Ye, the sand is so fine, it feels like stepping on clouds." A soldier joked while digging sand.

Bai Ye smiled and responded, "Yes, the desert sand is indeed very fine. But it is these seemingly insignificant grains of sand that, when gathered together, can build a solid fortress and a beautiful home. Just like each of us, although our strength is limited, as long as we unite as one, we can create unlimited possibilities."

The soldiers nodded in agreement after hearing Bai Ye's words. They worked harder to dig sand, bag it, and carry it, as if every shovel of sand carried their beautiful vision and hope for the future.

As time went by, the sun gradually set, and the sky was dyed with gorgeous sunset. Although the soldiers were exhausted, their faces were filled with satisfied and happy smiles. Because they knew that they were contributing to the reconstruction of their homeland. Although this force was small, it was enough to gather into an ocean and change the world.

As night fell, the starry sky in the desert was particularly bright. The soldiers sat around the campfire, sharing their stories and dreams. Bai Ye sat quietly by the side, looking at this once desolate but now hopeful land, his heart filled with emotion and expectation. He knew that the road ahead was still long, but as long as they had light in their hearts, there would be a way under their feet.

"Soldiers," Bai Ye's voice echoed in the night wind, "let us keep moving forward, for a better tomorrow, for the rebirth of this world. I believe that as long as we work together, nothing can stop us from moving forward."

The soldiers responded one after another, and their voices gathered into a powerful force in the night sky, as if even the stars were trembling. They knew that no matter how difficult the road ahead was, as long as they followed Bai Ye's footsteps, they would be able to create their own glorious chapter.

In the heart of the boundless desert, every grain of sand carries thousands of years of history and vicissitudes. They lie quietly in the vast golden ocean, waiting to be discovered and given a new mission. With the efforts of Bai Ye and the soldiers, these long-dormant sands gradually awaken and appear before the world in a brand new posture.

The first thing that caught my eye was the fine and uniform texture of the sand. As if carefully selected by nature, each grain was nearly perfectly round or oval, and its surface was as smooth as a mirror, as if it could reflect the purity and beauty of people's hearts. Under the sunlight, these sands sparkled with a soft and warm light, like countless tiny gems, paving a golden road to hope in the desert.

However, the beauty of sand is not only reflected in its external form. When people observe carefully, they will find that each grain of sand contains unique texture and color. Some sands are light yellow, as warm and bright as the rising sun; some are slightly orange or red, which is the trace left by the afterglow of the sunset, which reminds people of those beautiful evenings. Some sands, under the illumination of light, will show a subtle green or blue luster, as if it is a miniature of the sea and grassland, allowing people to feel the diversity and richness of life in the desert. The shape of sand is even more varied and breathtaking. Some sands gather into groups to form small sand dunes, which are high or low, round or pointed, like a masterpiece of nature, showing a primitive and rough beauty. These sand dunes are constantly changing their shapes under the wind, sometimes rolling like waves, sometimes standing like mountains, making people feel a dynamic beauty and power.

Most of the sand exists in individual forms, either alone or in groups of two or three, scattered in every corner of the desert. There seems to be some mysterious connection between these sands. They are interdependent and independent of each other, and together they form this vast golden world. When people gently pick up a handful of sand, they will feel it slowly slipping through their fingers. The delicate and slightly cool feeling seems to take away all the troubles and fatigue in an instant.

What is even more amazing is that these sands will present a dreamlike effect under the light. When the sun penetrates the clouds and shines obliquely on the sand, the whole desert seems to be coated with a layer of golden brilliance. The sands that originally seemed ordinary become extremely dazzling at this moment. They jump and flicker in the air, as if countless stars have fallen on earth, decorating this desert like a fairyland.

In addition, the touch of sand is also its charm. When people step on the sand barefoot, they will feel an indescribable comfort and relaxation. The sand is soft and elastic, and it gently wraps people's feet, as if it is the most gentle hug of nature. As people move, the sand makes a rustling sound under their feet, which is the purest sound from nature, making people feel an inexplicable tranquility and serenity.

Of course, the beauty of sand is also accompanied by challenges and hardships. In the process of digging sand, the soldiers need to overcome harsh conditions such as high temperature, drought, and sandstorms. Their hands are worn rough and sweat soaks the back of their clothes, but their eyes are always full of determination and hope. They know that these sands will be important materials for rebuilding their homes. Their existence is not only to decorate the beauty of this world, but also to bring real help and hope to people.

As time goes by, more and more sand is excavated, put into huge bags and neatly stacked aside. Although these sands seem ordinary, they carry the sweat and efforts of the soldiers, and also carry people's beautiful vision and expectations for the future. They will be transported to various places where they are needed, and become an important part of infrastructure such as buildings, roads, and bridges, bringing new vitality to the world.

In this excavated sea of ​​sand, each grain of sand seems to be a small story. They witness the courage and wisdom of mankind, and also witness the miracle of the world's rebirth from the ruins. The beauty displayed by these sands is not only the external form and color, but also the inner strength and hope. They tell us: no matter how great the difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we have hope and move forward courageously, we will be able to create a beautiful future of our own.

So, in this desert dyed red by the setting sun, a group of soldiers full of hope and dreams continued their journey. They dug sand, loaded trucks, and moved forward, writing their own legendary story with sweat and persistence. And all of this will continue one day in the future.

As the last rays of the setting sun gradually disappeared below the horizon, Bai Ye and the soldiers finally completed their mission in the desert. Standing on the high sand dunes, they looked at the trucks full of sand, and their hearts were filled with a sense of accomplishment and expectation. The sand was not only the fruit of their hard work, but also the hope for rebuilding their homes in the future.

"Soldiers, it's time for us to set off." Bai Ye's voice sounded particularly steady and powerful in the breeze. He turned and looked at the team behind him, his eyes flashing with determination and encouragement. Upon hearing this, the soldiers took action one after another. They quickly checked the vehicles to ensure that each vehicle was fully loaded without any omissions.

With the roar of engines, a convoy of several large trucks slowly drove out of the desert and set out on the journey back to the building. Bai Ye sat in the leading truck, his eyes looking through the window at the familiar yet unfamiliar ruined city in the distance. In his heart, he had both nostalgia for the past and longing for the future.

"Everyone, drive carefully and pay attention to safety." Bai Ye issued instructions to all soldiers through the vehicle communication equipment. The soldiers responded one after another, they tightly grasped the steering wheel, drove the vehicle with full concentration, and drove carefully on the rugged road.

As time went by, the convoy gradually approached the ruined city. The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the broken walls, covering this once prosperous but now devastated city with a golden coat. The soldiers looked at the scene in front of them, and they couldn't help but feel a complex emotion. They knew that under this ruin, there were too many people's memories and dreams buried, and it also witnessed their bravery and tenacity in countless fights with zombies.

"Bai Ye, can we really rebuild this city?" A soldier's voice sounded on the communication equipment, with a hint of uncertainty and confusion in his tone.

Bai Ye smiled slightly upon hearing this, his eyes firm and deep. "Of course, soldiers. As long as there is light in our hearts, there is a way under our feet. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, we must not give up hope. This city is our home and our roots. We have the responsibility and obligation to rebuild it and make it full of vitality and vigor again."

After hearing Bai Ye's words, the soldiers nodded in agreement. Hope and faith rekindled in their eyes, as if they saw the prosperous and beautiful city of the future waving at them.

The convoy continued to move forward, passing through narrow passages between ruins. During this process, the soldiers had to get off the vehicles from time to time to clear obstacles on the road to ensure smooth passage of vehicles. Some of them used shovels to remove the accumulated rubble and debris, while others worked together to push away the huge collapsed objects. Although the work was hard and dangerous, the soldiers had no complaints, as they knew that they were working for a common goal.

As night falls,

(End of this chapter)

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