Chapter 636 Books
As the last rays of the setting sun gradually disappeared on the horizon, Bai Ye led the soldiers to complete the sand collection. They were covered in dust, but their eyes were shining with satisfaction and pride. These sands were not just ordinary grains of sand, they were the hope of rebuilding their homes and the bridge connecting the past and the future.

"Soldiers, great job!" Bai Ye's voice echoed in the empty desert, full of affirmation and encouragement for the soldiers. He turned and looked at the piles of sandbags, his heart surging with indescribable excitement and anticipation. "Now, we need to transport the sand back to the warehouse safely and keep it properly. They will be important materials for our future construction."

The soldiers nodded in agreement and quickly took action. Some were responsible for carrying sandbags, while others checked vehicles to ensure that everything was ready. Under the setting sun, their busy and orderly figures formed a moving picture.

"Come on, everyone, work harder and put this bag of sand on the truck!" A soldier shouted loudly. He held the rope of the sandbag tightly with both hands and lifted it up. The sandbag fell steadily on his shoulders. He gritted his teeth and walked towards the vehicle step by step. Every step seemed so firm and powerful.

Seeing this, other soldiers followed suit. They worked in groups of two or three to carry the sandbags to the truck. Although the sandbags were heavy, their movements were very coordinated, as if they had practiced countless times. With everyone's joint efforts, truckloads of sand were safely transported to the warehouse.

Inside the warehouse, the lights were bright, and the air was filled with a tense and orderly atmosphere. Following Bai Ye's instructions, the soldiers unloaded the sand bags one by one and neatly stacked them in the designated locations. Their movements were swift and accurate, and every detail was handled just right.

"Pay attention, the sand should be piled higher, but also ensure stability to prevent collapse." Bai Ye instructed the soldiers on the side, his eyes full of rigor and seriousness. He knew that the sand was a valuable resource for rebuilding homes and must be properly kept without any mistakes.

After a busy period, all the sand was safely stored in the warehouse. Although the soldiers were exhausted, their faces were filled with smiles of satisfaction and joy. They knew that they had contributed a small but vital part to the reconstruction of their homeland.

"Okay, soldiers, our mission is not yet complete." Bai Ye's voice sounded again, with an unquestionable firmness in his words. "Next, we have to go to the abandoned bookstore and look for some books that can be used to rebuild civilization. Books are the source of knowledge and the carrier of civilization. We need them to educate future generations and guide them towards a better future."

The soldiers all agreed when they heard this. They knew that Bai Ye's decisions were always wise and far-reaching. So they quickly packed their equipment and prepared to set off for the abandoned bookstore.

It was dark, but the moonlight was exceptionally bright, providing a ray of light for them to move forward. The soldiers drove their vehicles through the silent night. Their hearts were full of expectation and curiosity, wondering what kind of treasure they would find in the abandoned bookstore.

Finally, they arrived at the abandoned bookstore. It was a dilapidated building with peeling walls and broken windows, as if it would collapse at any time. But even so, the bookstore still exuded a unique charm that attracted them to walk in involuntarily.

The bookstore was in a mess, with all kinds of books scattered on the shelves, some of which were yellowed and damaged, while others were still intact. The soldiers carefully shuttled between the bookshelves, fearing that they would disturb the tranquility and sanctity.

"Look, here's a book about architecture!" a soldier shouted excitedly, holding a book with a slightly old cover in his hand, his eyes flashing with excitement.

"Here is a book about agricultural technology!" Another soldier also found his "treasure". He carefully turned the pages and read it carefully.

Bai Ye stood aside, silently observing the soldiers' actions. His heart was filled with comfort and emotion. He knew that these books would be an important resource for rebuilding civilization and would guide people towards a better future.

As time went on, the soldiers gradually found more and more books. They carefully collected these books and prepared to take them back to the camp for more people to read and study.

"Okay, soldiers, it's time for us to go back." Bai Ye's voice broke the silence in the bookstore. He looked at the selected books, his eyes flashing with determination and hope. "These books will be our precious wealth for rebuilding civilization. We must cherish them, pass them on, and let the light of knowledge shine forever on this world."

The soldiers nodded in agreement after hearing this. They set off on their journey home with full harvest and expectations. In the days to come, they will continue to work hard and contribute their own strength to rebuilding their homes. And these books they found from the abandoned bookstore will also become an important guide on their way forward, leading them to a brighter future.

As the night deepened, Bai Ye and the soldiers carefully carried the books collected from the abandoned bookstore back to the slightly old but sturdy building in the center of the camp. The moonlight shone through the broken window lattices and sprinkled on the piles of books, adding a bit of warmth and hope to this quiet night.

"Everyone, please be careful when moving these books. These books are our precious treasures." Bai Ye's voice echoed in the corridor. He demonstrated in person, gently holding up a heavy book with both hands, as if it was a priceless treasure. The soldiers followed closely behind him, either in groups of two or alone, trying to make their movements appear more gentle, for fear of wrinkling the pages and damaging these carriers of knowledge and wisdom.

Entering the building, the lights were dim but enough to illuminate the way forward. The survivors had already known about the return of the soldiers, and they were standing or sitting, waiting anxiously in the limited space. When the first scent of the book pages drifted into the nose, the whole hall seemed to be enveloped by an indescribable joy.

"Books! Are the books back?" An elderly scholar stood up from his chair excitedly, tears glistening in his eyes, which reflected his desire for knowledge and his vision for the future.

"Yes, old man, we brought back a lot of books." Bai Ye responded with a smile, and he signaled the soldiers to place the books according to their categories on the pre-prepared bookshelves. History, literature, science, technology... Each category of books was carefully classified, as if to rebuild a spiritual beacon for the world.

The busy figures of the soldiers were staggered under the lights. They either bent down to pick up books or stood on tiptoe to put books down. Every action was full of respect and awe for knowledge. The survivors assisted on the side. Some helped to organize the bookshelf, while others could not wait to pick up a book and began to read it. "Look, this is A Brief History of Humankind. I have always wanted to read this book!" A young man shouted excitedly. The book in his hand seemed like a treasure that he had lost and found again.

"I have an Agricultural Technology Manual here, which will definitely be helpful for us to rebuild our farmland." A middle-aged woman said as she handed the book to a farmer-looking man next to her. The two smiled at each other, their eyes full of hope for the future.

As time went by, the atmosphere in the building became more lively. The survivors sat in a circle, discussing the contents of the book together, or sat alone, immersed in the ocean of knowledge. Although the soldiers had completed the moving work, they did not leave immediately. They stood or sat, quietly guarding this hard-earned tranquility and harmony.

"Thank you, Bai Ye." An old man walked up to Bai Ye and held his hand tightly, his eyes full of gratitude. "You not only brought back books, but also brought back our confidence in the future."

"This is what we should do." Bai Ye responded modestly, his eyes sweeping across the entire hall, his heart filled with satisfaction and relief. "Books are the beacons of civilization. They can illuminate our way forward and lead us to a better future."

Just then, a young woman came over with a pot of hot tea and a few teacups. She smiled and said to everyone, "Thank you for your hard work. Come and have a cup of tea."

Soldiers and survivors stopped what they were doing and gathered around. They took the teacup and took a sip. The warm tea fragrance instantly dispelled their fatigue and coldness. The sweetness of the tea and the scent of ink from the book intertwined, forming an indescribable beautiful atmosphere.

"This tea is really delicious, thank you, girl." A soldier said gratefully.

"You're welcome. Thank you for your hard work. This is what we should do." The young woman responded with a smile. Her smile was like the spring sunshine, warm and bright.

It was late at night, but the lights in the building were still bright. People were reading, talking, or meditating, enjoying this rare tranquility and beauty in their own way. Bai Ye stood aside, observing all this silently. His heart was full of emotion and hope. He knew that as long as people still had a desire for knowledge and a vision for the future, no matter how great the difficulties and setbacks they encountered, they would be able to rebuild their homes and move towards a brighter future.

Bai Ye stood in a corner of the hall, his eyes gently and deeply sweeping over every figure immersed in the world of books. His eyes were full of relief and satisfaction, as if at this moment, all the fatigue and hardship disappeared. This was not only because they successfully brought the precious books back to the camp, but also because these books were rekindling the hope and dreams in people's hearts with an invisible but powerful force.

He noticed that the elderly scholar was wearing reading glasses and frowning as he read a book on ancient philosophy. He would occasionally look up at the ceiling, as if thinking about a profound question in the book. His face was filled with an indescribable satisfaction and joy, which was the ultimate embodiment of the pursuit of wisdom. Bai Ye nodded secretly, full of respect for the old man.

Not far away, a group of young people sat together, holding a wide variety of books, from science fiction to historical biographies, from natural science to literature and art. Sometimes they lowered their heads to read, sometimes they raised their heads to communicate, their faces filled with the breath of youth and curiosity about the unknown world. Bai Ye looked at them, as if he saw the hope and vitality of the future, which belonged to the infinite possibilities of the younger generation.

The women and children, on the other hand, prefer practical books, such as agricultural techniques, cooking guides, and children's stories. They either read with their heads down or discuss the contents of the books in whispers, their faces filled with love and expectation for life. Bai Ye knows that these books will become a powerful tool for them to rebuild their homes and improve their lives.

Looking at all this, Bai Ye felt a warm current in his heart. He realized that these books are not only carriers of knowledge, but also bridges connecting the past and the future, reality and dreams. They will guide people out of difficulties and towards a better future. Thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but smile with satisfaction, which showed both affirmation of the current situation and expectations for the future.

Then, Bai Ye quietly found a corner and sat down. He chose a seat near the window, where a hint of cool night breeze could penetrate, making him feel particularly comfortable. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath of fresh air, and completely relaxed himself.

On this quiet night, Bai Ye began to review his experiences along the way. From the difficult exploration at the beginning to the solidarity later; from the helplessness and confusion in the face of difficulties to the determination and confidence now... All of this made him feel extremely fulfilled and proud. He knew that all these achievements were inseparable from the heroic struggle of the soldiers and the selfless support of the survivors.

He opened his eyes and looked at the people who were reading again. Their faces were filled with happy and satisfied smiles, which were the desire and pursuit of knowledge, and also the beautiful vision of the future. Bai Ye knew that the tranquility and beauty of this moment were hard-won, and it required the joint efforts and contributions of everyone.

He sat quietly, not disturbing anyone. He just silently guarded this tranquility and harmony, allowing his soul to merge with the world. He believed that as long as people still had a desire for knowledge and a vision for the future, no matter how great the difficulties and setbacks they encountered, they would be able to work together and move forward courageously.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment. Bai Ye sat there, staring at the front without moving. His heart was filled with gratitude and awe. He was grateful for the hope and strength these books brought to people; he was in awe of the tenacity and courage shown by these readers. He knew that he was just a small participant in this great cause, but he was willing to use his actions to prove that as long as there is love, faith and courage in one's heart, nothing is impossible.

It was late at night, but the lights in the building were still bright. People continued to immerse themselves in the world of books, enjoying this rare tranquility and beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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