Chapter 641

As the night deepened, the light in the forest became dimmer, but Bai Ye and the soldiers did not stop. They held strong flashlights, and the beams of light shuttled through the dense branches and leaves, opening up a narrow and bright path for the road ahead. The air was filled with the fresh scent of soil and leaves, and the occasional chirping of night birds added a bit of tension and excitement to the adventure.

"Everyone, be careful of your steps. The terrain in this area may be complicated." Bai Ye's voice was steady and powerful, penetrating the silence around him and reminding the soldiers to pay attention to safety. Upon hearing this, the soldiers adjusted their pace and moved forward more cautiously.

After walking for about half an hour, the light ahead suddenly became brighter, as if something unusual was attracting their attention. Bai Ye quickened his pace and led the soldiers closer to the light. When they finally walked out of the dense forest, the scene before them made them stop in their tracks, stunned.

In an open space, there stood a long-abandoned laboratory. The outer walls of the laboratory were mottled, and most of the glass windows were broken, with only a few pieces swaying in the wind. The door was half-closed, as if it was deliberately inviting intruders. The laboratory was surrounded by weeds and vines, making it look particularly desolate and mysterious.

"This... what is this place?" a soldier asked in surprise, with a hint of trembling in his voice.

"It looks like an abandoned laboratory." Bai Ye narrowed his eyes and looked at the building carefully. "We have to go in and take a look. Maybe we can find some useful clues or information."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They carefully walked through the weeds and came to the door of the laboratory. Bai Ye gently pushed open the door, and a musty and stale smell hit him in the face, making him frown.

The inside of the laboratory is in a mess. Various instruments and test tubes are scattered on the laboratory table, many of which are rusted and have lost their former luster. Faded charts and photos are hung on the walls, recording the research content and glorious moments here. However, now all of this has been forgotten by time and has become the dust of history.

"Everyone search separately and remember to keep in touch." Bai Ye gave the order, and the soldiers immediately dispersed and began to carefully search every corner of the laboratory.

Bai Ye walked alone to a room deep in the laboratory. This room was tidier than other places, as if someone had deliberately cleaned it. In the middle of the room stood an old-fashioned desk with several yellowed notebooks and some scattered papers on it. Bai Ye walked to the desk, gently picked up a notebook, and began to flip through it.

The notebook recorded some research data on plant ecology and genetics, as well as some experimental processes and results. The more Bai Ye read, the more shocked he was. These research contents were not only closely related to their discoveries in the forest, but also revealed many unknown ecological secrets and mysteries of life.

"It seems that this was once a very important research institute," Bai Ye muttered to himself, "We may find the key to unlocking the secrets of this forest."

At this moment, a soldier rushed in and reported nervously: "Bai Ye, we found the entrance to a bunker in the basement!"

Bai Ye immediately put down his notebook and followed the soldiers to the basement. The entrance to the basement was hidden behind a huge laboratory table and could only be found if one looked carefully. When they opened the heavy iron door, a cold breath rushed towards them, causing them to shiver involuntarily.

The interior of the bunker was darker and more humid than the laboratory, with only a few emergency lights flickering faintly. They walked along the narrow passage and soon came to a spacious hall. In the center of the hall were several huge machines. Although they looked like they had not been used for a long time, they could still feel their former power and importance.

"Here...what kind of experiments were conducted here?" Bai Ye looked around, his heart full of doubts and curiosity.

The soldiers also gathered around and looked at the machines carefully. They tried to find some clues from the appearance and nameplates of the equipment, but most of the equipment was too old to identify its specific function and purpose.

At this moment, Bai Ye noticed a huge screen in the corner of the hall. Although the screen was covered with dust and scratches, the outlines of some images and text could still be vaguely seen. He walked over and gently wiped the surface of the screen, trying to restore its original clarity.

As the dust gradually cleared, the image on the screen gradually became clear. It was a three-dimensional simulation of the forest ecosystem, showing the interactions between various organisms and the relationship between ecological balance. Even more surprising was that the simulation also marked some unknown species and ecological phenomena, which were obviously new discoveries made by researchers at the time.

"This... this is incredible!" Bai Ye exclaimed, "The researchers here have not only revealed many secrets of the forest, but also discovered many unknown biological and ecological phenomena. Their contribution is simply enormous!"

The soldiers also expressed their agreement and amazement. They realized that this abandoned laboratory and bunker was not just a simple building site, but a treasure trove full of scientific wisdom and the mysteries of life.

In the following time, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to search for more clues and information in the bunker. They found more research notes, experimental data and image materials, which provided valuable materials and basis for their exploration and research.

However, as they explored deeper, they also realized that there might be greater secrets and dangers hidden here. Warning signs and protective facilities on some experimental equipment indicated that some high-risk and even taboo experiments had been conducted here. These experiments might have touched on sensitive points of ecological balance or explored areas that humans were not yet ready to face.

"Everyone, please be careful," Bai Ye's voice echoed in the dim bunker, sounding particularly solemn. "We don't know what kind of danger is hidden here, but we must remain vigilant."

The soldiers nodded to show that they understood, and they looked around more cautiously. The air in the bunker seemed to become heavier, as if even breathing could feel the oppressive atmosphere. At this moment, a soldier suddenly pointed at a closed iron door not far away and shouted: "Bai Ye, there is a door there that has not been opened!"

Bai Ye heard this and immediately led several soldiers towards the iron gate. The lock on the iron gate was already rusty, but it didn't seem to have been damaged. Bai Ye signaled the soldiers to step back, and he pushed the iron gate hard, but found that it didn't move at all.

"It looks like we need some tools to open it." Bai Ye said, taking out a bunch of master keys from his backpack. After he tried a few keys skillfully, he finally heard the sound of the lock turning. The iron door slowly opened, and a colder breath came in, making people shiver involuntarily.

Behind the door was a narrow corridor, and there seemed to be a faint light at the end of the corridor. Bai Ye and the soldiers walked carefully along the corridor, and every step was full of uncertainty and tension. When they finally reached the end of the corridor, the scene before them shocked them again.

It was a huge underground laboratory, much larger than anything they had seen before. In the center of the laboratory were placed various advanced instruments and equipment. Although most of them had stopped working, they could still be felt to be advanced and sophisticated. The walls around the laboratory were covered with various charts, photos and models, recording the research content and results that had been conducted here.

"This... this is simply a treasure trove of science!" Bai Ye exclaimed, "We may have found the most important discovery of the entire expedition!"

The soldiers also agreed, and they couldn't wait to search every corner of the laboratory. Some found more research notes and experimental data, while others found well-preserved biological samples and specimens. These discoveries will undoubtedly provide great help and support for their subsequent research.

However, during the exploration, they also encountered some inexplicable phenomena and mysteries. For example, the temperature in some areas of the laboratory was abnormally low, as if they were in an ice cellar; for another example, some equipment actually operated on its own without any power supply, making bursts of strange noises.

This laboratory, hidden deep underground, seems to be an ancient relic forgotten by time, lying quietly in darkness and silence, waiting to be rediscovered one day. Its complex internal structure and exquisite design all reveal the builder's infinite desire and pursuit for science and the unknown.

The outer wall of the laboratory is made of heavy reinforced concrete. After years of erosion, the surface is covered with a thick layer of moss and mold, which looks mottled and vicissitudes. But even so, these walls are still very solid, as if they can withstand all intrusions and impacts from the outside world. On the wall, there are a few sparsely distributed closed windows. The window frames have long been rusted and deformed, and most of the glass is broken. Only a few fragments are left swaying in the wind, making a slight sound, adding a sense of desolation to this silent space.

The door of the laboratory is also thick and heavy, made of cold metal, with traces of time on the surface, looking simple and mysterious. The lock on the door has long been rusted, but its exquisite and complex design can still be seen. A faint light can be seen through the crack of the door. It is the light from the emergency light inside the bunker, swaying in the darkness, leading the explorer forward.

When the door was opened, a cold and damp breath hit me, making me shudder. The space inside the laboratory was unusually spacious, with several dim emergency lights hanging above the towering ceiling. The light was weak and dim, barely illuminating the entire space. The surrounding walls were painted a monotonous grayish white, covered with various mottled marks and scratches, recording the former glory and vicissitudes of this place.

In the center of the laboratory stands a huge laboratory table, made of solid wood and covered with a thick layer of glass to protect the experimental equipment below from damage. Various instruments and equipment are scattered on the laboratory table, some of which are rusty and have lost their former luster; others are still in good condition, as if ready to meet new experimental tasks at any time. These instruments and equipment are of various types and functions, ranging from microscopes to centrifuges, from culture dishes to gene sequencers, and together they constitute the core part of this laboratory.

The laboratory table is surrounded by dense lockers and bookshelves. The lockers store various reagents, samples and experimental materials; the bookshelves are filled with heavy books, research notes and academic papers. These books and notes record the hard work and wisdom of the laboratory researchers. They have conducted countless experiments here, explored countless unknown areas, and contributed their own strength to the scientific progress of mankind.

In addition to the lab tables and lockers, there are also several independent lab areas and studios inside the lab. These areas are divided into separate spaces, each equipped with specialized instruments and equipment to meet the needs of different experiments. Some areas focus on gene editing and bioengineering research; others focus on ecological simulation and environmental protection research. Each area is filled with a strong scientific atmosphere and rigorous research spirit that makes people involuntarily immersed in it.

At the end of the laboratory, there is a mysterious secret room. The entrance to the secret room is blocked by a heavy stone door. The stone door is engraved with complex patterns and symbols, which seem to contain some mysterious power. The stone door is tightly closed and can only be opened through a specific mechanism.

“These phenomena…these phenomena seem to be beyond our understanding.” A soldier said in a trembling voice, “What…what should we do?”

Bai Ye was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath and said: "No matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, we must not give up. This is our opportunity and our responsibility. We must continue to explore and uncover all the secrets here."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew that this expedition was not only to satisfy their curiosity and thirst for knowledge, but also for the future of mankind and the ecological balance of the earth. They must bravely face all the unknowns and challenges to bring more light and hope to the world.

In the following time, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to explore the underground laboratory in depth. They found some amazing research materials on gene editing, ecological simulation and bioengineering. These studies not only revealed the mysteries and potential of life, but also revealed the huge risks and challenges that humans may face.

"We must bring these data back to the base," Bai Ye said firmly, "They are of great significance to our scientific research and ecological protection work."

The soldiers agreed and began to sort out the valuable materials. They carefully classified and packed the notes, data and samples to ensure that they would not be damaged during transportation.

However, just as they were about to leave the laboratory, a sudden tremor occurred.

(End of this chapter)

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