Chapter 642

Bai Ye stood in the center of the laboratory, surrounded by busy and orderly scientific research equipment, and the lights reflected a cold light on the metal surface. This was the key location for their mission, an underground fortress hiding unknown secrets and advanced technology. However, this tranquility was broken in an instant. A sudden vibration made the entire space seem to lose its center of gravity, and the test tubes and instruments on the laboratory table fell one after another, making a crisp and harsh sound of breaking.

"What's going on?!" Bai Ye turned around sharply, scanning the surroundings with sharp eyes, trying to find the source of the vibration. His voice was steady and powerful, instantly calming the slightly panicked emotions of the surrounding soldiers due to the sudden change.

"Report to Bai Ye, the situation is unclear, but the vibration seems to come from deep underground!" A soldier reported quickly, with a hint of nervousness in his voice, but more of a resolute execution of orders.

At this moment, the ceiling began to emit a dull rumble, as if a heavy object was about to fall on it. The soldiers raised their weapons, stood back to back in a defensive formation, staring upwards, ready to deal with the upcoming unknown threat.

"Get ready for battle!" Bai Ye shouted in a low voice. His figure was as agile as a cheetah. He quickly moved to the front of the team, holding a special energy rifle tightly in both hands. It was his most trusted partner.

"Yes!" the soldiers answered in unison. Their voices echoed in the empty laboratory, full of determination and fearlessness.

With a loud bang, the ceiling cracked open, and dozens of huge robots fell from the sky. They were covered with heavy armor and gleamed with cold metallic luster. Every step they took made the ground tremble slightly. These robots were armed with a variety of weapons, from laser cannons to electromagnetic pulse transmitters, all of which demonstrated their powerful combat capabilities.

The robots emerged from the cracks in the collapsed ceiling, like giant steel beasts from the future. Their appearance instantly shattered the tranquility of the laboratory. Each robot exuded a cold mechanical beauty, and its exquisite design and complex structure far exceeded the limits of current human technology, as if it was a strange spark created by the collision of nature and artificial intelligence.

The first thing that caught my eye was their huge bodies, which were at least five meters tall and covered in thick alloy armor. The surface glowed with a cold blue light, which was the trace of energy flow and a symbol of their strong defense. The armor was covered with complex patterns and marks, which were not just decorations, but also channels for energy flow, allowing the robots to use energy more efficiently in battle and exert amazing combat power.

The design of the robot's head is particularly eye-catching. It has no eyes in the traditional sense, but instead has two rows of sensor arrays flashing red light. These sensors can capture 360-degree information about the surrounding environment without blind spots, whether it is light, sound or electromagnetic signals, nothing can escape their perception. Below the sensor array is a "mouth" made of metal plates. Although it cannot be opened or closed, it hides a powerful sonic weapon inside that can instantly emit sonic attacks strong enough to shatter glass.

The robots' body structures are extremely flexible. Despite their large size, they can move quickly in a small space, as if they are not restricted by the laws of physics. This is due to their highly developed joint system, each of which has a built-in precision servo motor and shock absorber, which can achieve amazing flexibility and stability while ensuring strength. In combat, these joints can quickly adjust the angle and strength to cope with a variety of complex attack and defense movements.

The most eye-catching thing is the weapons in the hands of the robots. Some of them hold laser cannons, and the energy at the muzzle is gathered into a dazzling beam. With just a light wave, they can cut the target in half; some are equipped with electromagnetic pulse transmitters, which can instantly paralyze the operation of all electronic equipment around them, paralyzing the enemy; even more, they are equipped with heavy machine guns that can fire solid shells, and their firepower is strong enough to penetrate the strongest armor.

"Fire!" Bai Ye gave the order without hesitation, and at the same time he pulled the trigger. A beam of energy instantly cut through the air and accurately hit a robot's head, sparking a burst of sparks. However, these robots did not seem to be afraid of such an attack. They quickly adjusted their posture and launched a fierce counterattack against the soldiers.

Laser beams and electromagnetic pulses intertwined into a web of death in the air. With excellent tactical skills and tacit cooperation, the soldiers flexibly avoided the attacks and looked for opportunities to counterattack. They either used the terrain for cover or used the weapons in their hands for long-range sniping. Every action seemed so precise and powerful.

"Pay attention to cover, alternate firing!" Bai Ye commanded while fighting, his voice like a stabilizing force in the noisy battlefield, stabilizing the soldiers' emotions. He knew very well that in such a battle, any panic could lead to disastrous consequences.

"Got it!" The soldiers quickly adjusted their tactics. They began to adopt more flexible tactical coordination, using each other's cover and firepower support to continuously harass and attack the robots. Although these robots were extremely powerful, they began to seem a little powerless under the tenacious resistance of the soldiers.

"Bai Ye, these robots seem to have the ability to self-repair!" A soldier discovered this key information during a fierce battle. He reported loudly while dodging the robots' attacks.

"Self-repair?" Bai Ye frowned. This discovery made him realize that the difficulty of this battle was far beyond their expectations. He quickly thought of countermeasures while continuing to command the soldiers to fight.

"Everyone, listen up, concentrate your firepower on attacking the robot's joints and energy core!" Bai Ye ordered loudly. He knew that only by destroying these key parts could the robot's combat effectiveness be effectively weakened and its self-repair be prevented.

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately adjusted their attack targets. They concentrated their firepower on the joints and energy cores of the robots and launched a fierce attack. For a moment, the laboratory was filled with fierce explosions and harsh metal collisions. Under the tenacious resistance of the soldiers, the number of robots began to decrease gradually, but they still resisted tenaciously and refused to give up easily.

"Bai Ye, we can't hold on any longer!" A soldier was injured and fell to the ground in the fierce battle. He struggled to send a distress signal to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's heart tightened, but he knew that now was not the time to hesitate. He quickly rushed forward, carried the injured soldier on his back, retreated to a safe area and handed him over to his teammates for care before returning to the battle. He knew that in this battle he was not only a commander but also a soldier, and he needed to lead by example to inspire the soldiers' fighting spirit and courage.

"Hold on! We will definitely defeat them!" Bai Ye loudly encouraged the morale. His voice echoed on the battlefield, full of determination and faith. Under his leadership, the soldiers resisted the robots' attacks more tenaciously. They supported and encouraged each other to face this life-and-death test together.

As time went by, the number of robots was finally exhausted and the laboratory returned to peace. The soldiers collapsed on the ground and gasped for breath. Their faces were covered with fatigue and sweat, but their eyes were shining with the joy and pride of victory. "Well done!" Bai Ye walked among the soldiers and patted their shoulders to praise them. His voice was a little hoarse but full of warmth and strength. He knew that the victory of this battle belonged not only to him but also to these brave and fearless soldiers.

"Thank you Bai Ye!" The soldiers responded one after another. Their voices were weak but full of gratitude and respect. They knew that in this battle, Bai Ye was not only the commander but also their leader and role model.

Bai Ye felt a warm current in his heart as he looked at these exhausted but still tenacious soldiers. He knew that the trust and tacit understanding between them were very good.

At this moment, the laboratory, which was thought to have returned to calm, was once again broken by a more violent tremor. The cracks on the ceiling spread rapidly like a spider web, accompanied by the harsh sound of metal tearing, and more robots poured down like raindrops. Their number and size were far greater than any previous time.

"Everyone, pay attention, a new enemy has appeared!" Bai Ye's voice was particularly calm in the chaos. He quickly adjusted his tactics, and his eyes flashed with unquestionable determination. Although the soldiers were exhausted, under Bai Ye's leadership, they quickly cheered up and regrouped into battle formation, ready to face more difficult challenges.

"These robots seem to be more advanced than before, we must be careful!" A soldier reported to Bai Ye after observing the new robots. These new robots not only have thicker armor and more advanced weapons, but some are even equipped with devices that can interfere with electronic equipment, causing varying degrees of interference to the soldiers' communications and weapon systems.

"Understood, everyone stay calm, follow the previous tactics, and pay attention to protecting your communication equipment!" Bai Ye responded quickly. He knew that in such a situation, it was very important to keep the communication smooth. While commanding the soldiers to continue fighting, he looked for the weaknesses of these new robots.

The battle broke out again, this time even more fierce and brutal. Laser beams, electromagnetic pulses, and even physical shells intertwined in the air into an impenetrable net, and the entire laboratory seemed to have become a huge battlefield. With their tenacious will and excellent tactical qualities, the soldiers fought a desperate battle with these new robots.

Bai Ye led the way in the battle, using his rich combat experience and keen observation skills to constantly look for the enemy's flaws. He noticed that although these new robots were flexible when moving, there seemed to be some kind of limitation in their joints. Whenever they made large movements, there would be a short pause. This discovery made him brighten up, and he immediately ordered the soldiers to concentrate their firepower on attacking these joints.

"Everyone, listen up, aim at the robot's joints and attack with all your might!" Bai Ye's voice echoed on the battlefield. Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately adjusted their firepower and fired fiercely at the robot's joints. Sure enough, as the explosions rang out, many robots lost their ability to move due to joint damage and eventually fell to the ground.

However, there were too many of these new robots, and even if the soldiers tried their best, they could not completely eliminate them. The battle gradually fell into a stalemate, and both sides were looking for the other's flaws and trying to break this balance.

At this moment, Bai Ye noticed a seemingly inconspicuous control terminal in a corner of the laboratory. He suddenly thought that this terminal might be the key to controlling these robots. He immediately ordered a soldier to cover him, and he quickly rushed to the terminal.

"Bai Ye, what are you going to do?" the soldier asked puzzledly while covering Bai Ye.

"I want to find a way to control these robots!" Bai Ye answered briefly, his eyes full of determination and firmness. He knew that this was their only chance to turn the tide of the battle.

Under the cover of the soldiers, Bai Ye successfully arrived at the control terminal. He quickly scanned the information on the terminal, looking for instructions to control the robot. After some effort, he finally found a key code segment, which seemed to be responsible for starting and stopping the robot.

"Found it!" Bai Ye was delighted. He quickly entered a command to try to shut down the robots. However, things were not as simple as he thought. A warning window suddenly popped up on the terminal, telling him that the command he entered required administrator privileges to execute.

"Damn it!" Bai Ye cursed inwardly, realizing that they might have encountered a more difficult problem. At this moment, he noticed a seemingly ordinary card next to the terminal, with some complex patterns and numbers engraved on it. He guessed that this card might be an authentication card for administrator privileges.

He picked up the card without hesitation and inserted it into the card reader of the terminal. With a burst of electronic sound, the warning window on the terminal disappeared, replaced by a new interface showing the control options of the robot.

"Success!" Bai Ye was delighted. He quickly clicked the stop command and started the self-destruction program. As his operation was completed, the robots that were still attacking frantically suddenly stopped moving, and then began to sound piercing alarms, followed by a series of explosions, and the entire laboratory was engulfed in flames.

Seeing this, the soldiers evacuated to a safe area. They looked at the scene in front of them with shock and awe in their hearts. They knew that all this was a miracle created by Bai Ye with his wisdom and courage.

"Bai Ye, you are truly our hero!" The soldiers cast admiring glances at Bai Ye, their voices full of gratitude and respect.

Bai Ye looked at the sea of ​​fire in front of him, but he did not feel the slightest bit of joy in his heart. He knew that although he had won the battle, the truth and conspiracy behind it were far from being revealed. He took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed with a more determined light. He knew that the road ahead was still long, and he had to lead these soldiers to move forward and uncover the secrets hidden in the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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