Chapter 644

In the dim and technologically-charged laboratory, light shines through the translucent dome and falls on the cold metal floor, casting a mosaic of light and shadow. The air is filled with the slight smell of burning electronic components, which interweaves with the unique smell of chemical reagents in the laboratory, creating a unique atmosphere.

The soldiers walked in unison, their eyes revealing their vigilance against the unknown environment and their absolute obedience to orders. Their footsteps echoed in the empty laboratory, and each step seemed so heavy and powerful. Bai Ye walked in front, his eyes were like torches, and he quickly scanned the surroundings, as if looking for some important clues or targets.

"Clear a passage." Bai Ye's voice was deep and powerful, without any hesitation. Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately dispersed and began to clean up the robot wreckage of various shapes scattered on the ground. Some robots had twisted limbs, obviously damaged in the fierce battle; others were left with only scattered parts, like a complex puzzle that had been disassembled.

"Watch your step, don't trip." A soldier reminded his companion, while bending down to pick up a heavy metal plate and moving it to the side with great effort. Other soldiers followed suit, some dragging hard, while others used the tools they carried with them to cut the tangled cables and metal frames. Soon, a clear path leading to the center of the experimental table was opened up.

Bai Ye walked to the end of the newly opened road, stopped, and finally his eyes fell on a seemingly ordinary but extremely sturdy laboratory table. The surface of this table was covered with scratches and burn marks, and it had obviously been through countless experiments. He jumped lightly and stood steadily in front of the laboratory table, then turned around and gave new instructions to the soldiers: "Bring the robot wreckage over there."

The soldiers responded quickly, and two of them worked together to lift a robot wreckage that looked particularly complex. It was made up of metal parts of various colors. Although it was broken, its exquisite design could still be vaguely seen. They carefully placed the wreckage on the experimental table, then stepped aside and waited for Bai Ye's next instruction.

Bai Ye did not act immediately, but slowly walked around the wreckage, as if conducting a silent inspection. His fingers gently slid across the cold metal surface, and every touch seemed to be communicating with his brain in some invisible way. Finally, he stopped, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he had found what he wanted.

"Look, this is not just a wreck, it's a work of art, waiting for us to give it new life." Bai Ye said, and began to dismantle the robot wreckage. His movements were swift and precise, as if he knew the position and connection of every component. As he operated, the originally chaotic metal parts gradually became orderly, as if performing a carefully choreographed dance.

The soldiers gathered around, staring at Bai Ye's hands intently, with surprise and admiration written all over their faces. They had never seen such exquisite skills, nor had they ever thought that the remains of a robot could be given new life in Bai Ye's hands.

"Do you know? Every robot is the fruit of human wisdom. Although they have no life, they can perform tasks that we cannot complete." Bai Ye explained to the soldiers while working, "And what I am doing now is to make these abandoned wreckage stand up again and show their value in a brand new posture."

As Bai Ye narrated, a wonderful scene gradually took shape on the experimental table. The metal parts that were originally scattered on the ground were reassembled under his skillful hands, and finally formed a hexahedron shape - a perfect Rubik's Cube. But this is not an ordinary Rubik's Cube. Each of its faces is composed of complex mechanical structures and flashing LED lights, as if it contains infinite possibilities and vitality.

"Look, this is what I call a work of art." Bai Ye held up the Rubik's Cube made of robot wreckage and showed it to the soldiers. "It is not only a toy, but also a symbol, symbolizing our exploration of the unknown and our awe of technology."

The soldiers exclaimed in admiration, impressed by Bai Ye's creativity and imagination. Someone couldn't help but ask, "Commander, what can this Rubik's Cube do?"

Bai Ye smiled slightly and replied: "It is just a beginning now, a beginning to demonstrate our capabilities. In the future, we can use this technology to repair more robots and even create new and more powerful mechanical life forms. And all of this stems from our thirst for knowledge and pursuit of technology."

After saying that, Bai Ye gently turned the Rubik's Cube in his hand, and the LED lights began to flash, forming flowing patterns and symbols. These patterns seemed to be telling a story, and seemed to be inviting the future. The soldiers were deeply attracted by this scene, as if they saw a new world full of infinite possibilities opening its doors to them.

The atmosphere in the laboratory froze at that moment. The Rubik's Cube in Bai Ye's hand shone with light as if it had been given life, attracting everyone's attention. However, just as everyone was immersed in this shock and amazement, Bai Ye's movements suddenly became unpredictable.

He suddenly raised his foot and stepped on the carefully assembled Rubik's Cube without any hesitation. With a "click", the sound of metal and plastic breaking was particularly harsh in the quiet laboratory, as if some sacred ceremony was ruthlessly interrupted. The soldiers were frightened by this sudden change and fled in all directions. They screamed and tried to stay away from the commander who seemed out of control.

"Commander! What are you doing..." a soldier shouted in horror, but his voice was quickly drowned out by the panic of other soldiers.

Bai Ye ignored their exclamations and confusion. There was an indescribable light in his eyes, as if he was doing something extremely important and necessary. His movements were swift and powerful, and every step was accompanied by the splash of Rubik's Cube fragments, until the cube that was originally full of hope was completely turned into a mess of metal and plastic.

"Come back, come back!" Bai Ye suddenly shouted, his voice full of unquestionable majesty. Although the soldiers were full of doubts and fear, they still stopped involuntarily and slowly moved closer to Bai Ye. They formed a circle and nervously stared at the commander who made them both awed and confused.

Bai Ye stood among the debris, his eyes deep and determined. He slowly squatted down and began to pick out the necessary parts from the seemingly useless debris. The soldiers looked at each other, not knowing what Bai Ye was up to. But they remained silent, quietly waiting for what would happen next.

Bai Ye's fingers nimbly shuttled between the fragments. His movements were fast and accurate, as if he was performing a silent dance. Soon after, the scattered fragments began to gradually gather into a new shape - another Rubik's Cube, but this time it was completely different from the previous one. Its surface was covered with complex circuits and unknown symbols, exuding a mysterious and dangerous atmosphere.

"This..." The soldiers exclaimed again. They were shocked by Bai Ye's skills, but at the same time they were curious and uneasy about this new Rubik's Cube.

However, Bai Ye did not give them much time to think. He raised his foot again and stepped on the new Rubik's Cube mercilessly. This time the shattering sound was louder and more shocking. The soldiers were frightened and retreated again. They could not understand why Bai Ye treated his masterpiece like this. But Bai Ye did not stop his actions. He picked up parts from the fragments again and began to reassemble them. This time the speed was faster, as if he was racing against time. Not long after, a new Rubik's Cube appeared in front of everyone again, but this Rubik's Cube looked more complicated and unpredictable.

"Commander, what are you doing?" Finally a soldier couldn't help but ask.

Bai Ye stopped what he was doing and looked up at the soldiers. His eyes were filled with both fatigue and determination. "I am showing you a truth," he said slowly. "In this world, nothing is permanent. Even the most perfect work can vanish in an instant. But the important thing is that we cannot give up pursuit and creation because of a failure or setback. Only by constantly trying and challenging ourselves can we surpass ourselves and reach new heights."

The soldiers fell into deep thought after hearing this. They began to understand the deep meaning behind Bai Ye's behavior. They realized that Bai Ye was not making trouble or deliberately destroying the situation, but was teaching them valuable experience and lessons in a unique way.

At this moment, Bai Ye made another surprising move. He picked up the newly assembled Rubik's Cube and walked to a corner of the laboratory without hesitation - there was a seemingly ordinary toilet. The soldiers stared in surprise, and they couldn't imagine what Bai Ye would do next.

Bai Ye waved his hand lightly, and the magic box turned into a pile of fragments and fell into the toilet. With the sound of water flushing, the fragments were quickly flushed into the sewer and disappeared without a trace. The soldiers looked at each other, not knowing how to express their feelings.

But Bai Ye showed a satisfied smile. "Remember," he said, "no matter what we create or lose, life will go on. What's important is that we keep a brave and firm heart to face all the challenges and opportunities in the future."

After saying this, Bai Ye turned and left the laboratory. The soldiers stood there for a while and then followed him. They knew that although today's experience was full of surprises and confusion, they also gained a lot of valuable things from it - about courage, about persistence, and about the delicate balance between creation and destruction.

As Bai Ye finished his last words, he turned around and led the soldiers through the heavy laboratory door and back into the embrace of the wasteland. The outside world was a desolate and dilapidated scene. Under the gray sky, the ruins told of the past glory and the present desolation. The wind, carrying sand and dust, raged in the open space, as if even time was swallowed up by this endless desolation.

The soldiers followed closely behind Bai Ye, their eyes showing both curiosity about the unknown and vigilance against the dangers hidden deep in the wasteland. They took every step carefully, fearing to trigger hidden mines or disturb the creatures lurking in the dark.

"Commander, where are we going next?" a soldier asked in a low voice, his voice sounding a little weak in the howling wind.

Bai Ye did not answer immediately, but stopped and looked around. His eyes finally fell on the lonely security booth next to the laboratory. It was a small building made of steel and glass. Although the appearance was mottled, it still stood, as if it was the only watcher in the ruins.

"Go there." Bai Ye pointed to the security booth briefly and continued to move forward. The soldiers did not ask any more questions, quickly adjusted their formation, and followed closely.

As they approached the security booth, a stale and damp smell hit them in the face. Bai Ye pushed open the door, and a creaking sound was particularly harsh in the silent air. The interior of the security booth was dim, with only a few rays of light coming in through the broken windows, barely illuminating the small space.

Bai Ye looked around the room, and finally his eyes were attracted by a worn-out explosion-proof shield leaning against the corner. The explosion-proof shield had lost its original luster, and its surface was covered with scratches and rust, but it still maintained an indestructible posture, as if telling of the bravery and tenacity of the past.

"It seems that someone once held this place." Bai Ye gently stroked the surface of the explosion-proof shield, with a barely perceptible hint of emotion in his tone.

The soldiers gathered around and looked at this seemingly ordinary shield curiously. "Commander, what is the use of this shield?" another soldier asked.

Bai Ye smiled slightly and picked up the blast shield from the corner. Its weight made him frown slightly, but he immediately regained his composure. "In this wasteland, every object has its meaning." He said as he carefully examined every detail on the blast shield. "This is not just a shield, it is a memory of the past and a symbol of those who once fought to protect this land."

After hearing this, the soldiers nodded in agreement. They began to understand why Bai Ye had such a strong interest in such a seemingly useless item.

"And," Bai Ye continued, his eyes suddenly becoming sharp, "at a critical moment, it may save our lives." As he spoke, he handed the explosion-proof shield to the nearest soldier, motioning him to try the weight.

The soldier took the blast shield and was surprised by its weight, but at the same time he also felt the sense of security it brought. "Indeed, with it, we can have an extra layer of protection when facing danger." He said as he carried the blast shield on his shoulders, as if he was ready to face the challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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