Chapter 645

Bai Ye's eyes were like a sharp blade in the night, piercing through the dense haze outside the laboratory. His steps were firm and heavy, and every step seemed to be heading towards an unknown abyss. As he walked back to the closed laboratory door, the air around him seemed to freeze, and even the wind held its breath.

"Ready!" Bai Ye's deep voice rang in the soldiers' ears, brief and powerful, like a war drum, stirring everyone's heartstrings. The soldiers quickly adjusted their formation, tightly grasped their weapons, and the blast shields were neatly arranged in front of them, forming an indestructible line of defense. However, at this moment, Bai Ye's action was beyond everyone's expectations.

He waved his hand violently, and the explosion-proof shield in his hand seemed to be driven by an invisible force, and it escaped from his control, cutting through the air at an alarming speed, making a sharp whistling sound, and finally disappeared into the darkness in the distance, like a meteor streaking across the night sky, leaving a long tail. This scene made everyone present dumbfounded, and in addition to being shocked, they were more in awe of the commander's incredible power.

"What are you standing there for? Follow me!" Bai Ye's voice sounded again, with unquestionable majesty. The soldiers quickly came to their senses, and without any hesitation, they followed Bai Ye and rushed into the heavy door. The sound of the door hinge turning echoed in the empty corridor, and it was particularly harsh along with their hurried footsteps.

Inside the laboratory, the lights were dim and the air was filled with a pungent smell of chemicals. Bai Ye led the soldiers through the intricate passages, and every step was extremely cautious. Their eyes were like torches, and they scanned the surroundings vigilantly, fearing that they would miss any abnormality.

Suddenly, Bai Ye stopped and fixed his eyes on a tightly closed door. He said nothing, but nodded slightly, signaling the soldiers to come closer. The soldiers quickly dispersed, forming a surrounding force, and approached the door cautiously. Bai Ye took a deep breath, pushed hard, and the door opened with a bang, and a stronger and suffocating smell hit him in the face.

The room was in a mess, with all kinds of experimental equipment scattered all over the floor. It was obvious that a fierce fight had taken place here. Bai Ye's eyes quickly swept through every corner, and finally stopped at a seemingly ordinary drawer. He strode forward and pulled open the drawer. There was nothing inside except a few scattered notebooks and a few broken test tubes. But Bai Ye's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he reached out and groped at the bottom of the drawer, as if looking for something.

"Found it!" Bai Ye shouted, pulling out a yellowed map from the bottom of the drawer. On it were some difficult-to-identify locations marked with complex symbols. He quickly stuffed the map into his pocket, turned around and said to the soldiers, "We have to hurry. Time waits for no one."

However, at this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps came from the end of the corridor, accompanied by heavy breathing, and it was obvious that someone was approaching. Bai Ye's face darkened and he quickly responded: "Prepare for battle!"

The soldiers immediately entered combat mode, raising their weapons and aiming at the entrance of the corridor. With the sound of metal colliding, several figures rushed out of the darkness and confronted the soldiers head-on. The battle broke out instantly, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder and blood.

"Protect the commander!" a soldier shouted, and at the same time stood in front of Bai Ye, blocking the enemy's attack with a blast shield. Bai Ye took the opportunity to go around the enemy's flank, the dagger in his hand flashing with cold light, and every swing was accompanied by the fall of the enemy.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking us?" Bai Ye's voice was particularly calm in the chaos. He tried to get information from the enemy. But all he got in response was a more violent attack and the enemy's hideous face.

The battle became more intense, and soldiers were constantly injured and fell, but their eyes remained firm and they did not retreat at all. Bai Ye led the way, his movements were agile and deadly, and every move was accurate. However, the enemies seemed endless, and they came like a tide, making people feel desperate.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly shouted: "Commander! There is an exit at the back!" Bai Ye's heart moved when he heard it. He quickly looked around and found a hidden small door in the corner of the room. Without hesitation, he waved his hand to signal the soldiers to retreat. The soldiers understood and quickly adjusted their formation to cover Bai Ye's retreat to the small door.

Just as they were about to escape this death trap, an enemy suddenly attacked from behind, with a sharp blade directly at Bai Ye's back. Bai Ye snorted coldly, moved his body to the side, easily dodged the attack, and at the same time, stabbed the enemy's heart with a dagger in his backhand. The enemy's eyes widened and he fell to the ground in disbelief.

"Let's go!" Bai Ye shouted, leading the soldiers out of the small door. Outside the door was another dim corridor, but it was completely different from the laboratory they were in before. Bai Ye did not stop, he knew that the battle was not over yet, and they had to find a safe way out as soon as possible.

The soldiers followed closely behind. Although their steps were tired, their eyes were full of determination and courage.

The light suddenly lit up at the end of the dark corridor, like the first ray of light at dawn, penetrating the long-standing darkness and oppression. The light was not dazzling, but it was enough to illuminate the road ahead, as well as Bai Ye and the shocked faces of the soldiers.

"These...these attackers are actually robots?" A soldier whispered in disbelief, his voice echoing in the empty corridor, trembling a little. Indeed, the "enemies" lying on the ground, under the light, exposed their mechanical parts and metal shells. They were no longer the hideous, flesh-and-blood human images before, but cold, lifeless machines.

Bai Ye's eyes quickly swept over these robots, his brows furrowed, and complex emotions surged in his heart. He had never thought that he would be in such an occasion, fighting against a group of lifeless robots that only knew how to execute orders. But what worried him more was what kind of conspiracy was hidden behind the appearance of these robots?
"We have to leave here as soon as possible and find out the source of these robots." Bai Ye said in a deep voice. Although his voice was calm, every word revealed an unquestionable determination. The soldiers nodded after hearing this. They quickly adjusted their status and prepared to move forward.

However, just as they were about to leave, a low roar suddenly came from deep in the corridor, and then several larger and better-equipped robots slowly came into view. These robots not only looked more complex, but also moved more agilely, and were obviously specially designed to deal with more complex combat environments. These mechanical creations, non-living things, showed unimaginable precision and power. Their existence itself was an exploration of technology and the unknown boundary.

The first thing that comes into view is their cold and hard metal shell. Each steel plate has been carefully polished, reflecting a cold and sharp luster. The surface of the shell is covered with a thin layer of protective coating, which can not only resist a certain degree of physical impact, but also prevent corrosion and wear, ensuring that the robot can operate stably in various harsh environments. Under this layer of coating is an intricate mechanical structure and a sophisticated circuit system. They are like the blood vessels and nerves of a living thing, supporting every action and decision of the robot.

The robots come in different sizes, from small scouts as tall as a person to heavy warriors several meters tall that look like giant towers. They each have different tasks and roles. Small scouts are flexible, with slender limbs, sharp claws and efficient sensors at the end, which allow them to move freely in narrow spaces, collect intelligence and transmit it back to the command center. They have a rotating optical camera on their heads that can observe the surrounding environment 360 degrees without blind spots, ensuring that no clues are missed.

In contrast, the heavy warriors are more powerful and heavy. They have thick armor and a powerful power system, and every step they take is accompanied by a slight tremor on the ground. These robots have strong and powerful limbs, and are equipped with various heavy weapons at the end, such as high-energy laser cannons, electromagnetic pulse launchers, and multiple rocket launchers, which can cause devastating blows to the enemy. Their heads are covered with heavy metal plates, leaving only a small observation window in the center, with built-in enhanced optical and infrared sensors, which can accurately lock targets at night or in smoke.

In addition to differences in size and weapons, these robots also display highly personalized exterior designs. Some robots are covered with sharp blades and spikes, like walking killing machines; others are equipped with streamlined armor and stealth devices, allowing them to quietly approach the enemy on the battlefield; and others are inlaid with complex runes and patterns on their surfaces, seemingly containing some ancient and mysterious power. These designs not only enhance the robots' combat effectiveness and survivability, but also give them unique personalities and styles.

However, no matter how their appearance changes, the core of these robots is a highly developed intelligent system. Their brain, the central processing unit, is located in a safe cabin inside the body and is driven by the most advanced quantum computer. This processor can process massive amounts of data and information and make fast and accurate decisions based on preset algorithms and rules. At the same time, it also has the ability to self-learn and evolve, and can continuously accumulate experience and optimize its own performance in battle.

In addition to the intelligent system, these robots are also equipped with advanced perception and communication systems. Their bodies are covered with various sensors and antennas, which can sense changes in the surrounding environment in real time and communicate seamlessly with other robots. These sensors include but are not limited to sonar, radar, infrared detectors, and biometric devices, which can ensure that the robots maintain a high degree of alertness and flexibility in complex and changing battlefield environments.

"Be careful!" Bai Ye waved his hand fiercely, signaling the soldiers to prepare for battle. The soldiers immediately dispersed and formed a defensive formation, holding their weapons tightly, ready to deal with the impending attack at any time.

But to everyone's surprise, these newly appeared robots did not attack immediately, but slowly stopped, as if waiting for some instructions. At this moment, a cold and mechanical voice sounded in the corridor: "The intruder has been located, and the elimination procedure is being carried out."

As the voice fell, the robots suddenly started up and rushed towards Bai Ye and the soldiers. The battle broke out again, but this time, the situation was obviously more critical. These new robots were not only powerful, but also highly intelligent and flexible in tactics, which put the soldiers in a difficult battle.

Bai Ye quickly analyzed the situation while commanding the soldiers to counterattack. He realized that it was not wise to fight these robots head-on, and he had to find their weaknesses in order to defeat them in one fell swoop. So, he dodged the robots' attacks while carefully observing their movement patterns.

Finally, Bai Ye discovered a key piece of information: although these robots are powerful, their actions seem to rely on a central control system. As long as this system can be destroyed, these robots can be out of control and the battle can be won.

"Find that control system and destroy it!" Bai Ye shouted loudly. His voice penetrated the noise of the battle and reached the ears of every soldier. Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately adjusted their tactics and tried to find and destroy the unknown control system.

After a fierce battle and search, Bai Ye finally found the control system in a hidden corner. It was a huge metal box covered with complex circuits and flashing indicator lights. Bai Ye did not hesitate, he rushed forward quickly and used all his strength to insert a dagger into the core of the box.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the control system exploded instantly, sparks flew, and electricity rushed everywhere. Those originally ferocious robots suddenly stopped moving, their eyes lost their light, and their bodies froze in place, as if they were frozen in an instant.

The whole laboratory was filled with a solemn atmosphere, which made every living being startled, just like a wave of dark clouds in summer, which made everyone smile. If someone saw all this, he would definitely want to eat chocolate and biscuits, because these things have rich nutritional value and can be eaten and absorbed and transformed by the human body. This is why people still have to eat in the end, because people need sleep.

"We won!" The soldiers cheered, and they put down their weapons one after another, with long-lost smiles on their faces. Bai Ye also breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that although the battle was extremely difficult, they finally won.

However, the joy of victory did not last long. Bai Ye knew that this battle was just the tip of the iceberg, and the truth hidden behind it and a greater crisis were still waiting for them. He looked into the distance, with a determined light in his eyes. He knew that no matter how difficult the road ahead was, they had to keep moving forward until all the secrets were uncovered and justice and peace in their hearts were protected.

(End of this chapter)

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