Chapter 657

"What is this?" a soldier asked in horror.

Bai Ye did not answer, he closed his eyes and tried to use his senses to detect the source of the vibration. However, the vibration became stronger and stronger, as if something was waking up from deep underground.

"Back off quickly!" Bai Ye suddenly shouted loudly.

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately turned around and ran back. However, their speed was far slower than the speed of the vibration. Just as they were about to run out of the passage, a huge force suddenly surged out from the ground and blew them all away.

The soldiers fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Bai Ye also fell to the ground, but he didn't care about the pain in his body. He immediately turned over and climbed up, rushing towards the fallen soldiers. While checking the soldiers' injuries, he shouted their names loudly.

Fortunately, although the soldiers were shaken by the force, no one was seriously injured. They struggled to get up from the ground, looking at the dark area in front of them that was still shaking with lingering fear.

"What the hell is that?" a soldier asked with lingering fear.

Bai Ye shook his head. He didn't know what that power was. But he knew that everything here was full of unknowns and dangers, and they had to be more cautious.

"Let's keep moving forward," Bai Ye said in a deep voice, "but we must be careful and be prepared for any possible dangers at any time."

The soldiers nodded in agreement, and once again they tightened their weapons and followed Bai Ye forward. However, this time they walked more cautiously, every step was as careful as walking on thin ice. The light of the flashlight flickered in the darkness, but it was difficult to illuminate the road ahead.

As they went deeper, the scene in the passage became increasingly strange. Strange symbols and patterns began to appear on the walls. They were twisted and complex, as if they contained some mysterious power. The soldiers looked at these symbols and patterns curiously, but Bai Ye warned them not to act rashly.

"These symbols may hide some kind of mechanism or trap," Bai Ye whispered, "We'd better not touch them."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They continued to move forward cautiously, their flashlights occasionally scanning those strange symbols and patterns. However, at this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew from the depths of the passage, bringing with it a chilling chill.

"Everyone be careful!" Bai Ye immediately reminded. He felt that there seemed to be some ominous aura hidden in the wind.

The soldiers immediately became nervous. They all clenched their weapons and looked into the depths of the passage. However, the wind suddenly disappeared as if it had never existed. "What...what's going on?" a soldier asked in horror.

Bai Ye did not answer, he just looked around more vigilantly. He knew that everything here was full of unknowns and dangers, and they had to stay vigilant at all times to survive.

In the following time, they continued to move forward cautiously. Every step was full of unknowns and challenges, but they never gave up. They knew that only by finding the truth hidden in the darkness could they solve all the mysteries and get out of this strange underground world.

However, as time went by, their physical and mental strength gradually depleted. The light of the flashlight became weaker and weaker, as if it would go out at any time. But they still persisted because they knew that only by persistence can they see hope and find the truth hidden in the darkness.

In the passage, as their footsteps became heavier and they became more tired, the soldiers became more and more nervous. The dim light of the flashlight flickered in the darkness, barely illuminating the road a few meters ahead, and the surrounding darkness was like the mouth of a giant beast, ready to devour everything at any time. At this moment, an unusual sound broke the silence. It was the subtle sound of claws scratching the stone wall, accompanied by a low and dangerous breath.

"Something is approaching." Bai Ye warned in a low voice. His voice was soft but full of determination. The soldiers immediately became alert. They held their weapons tightly and stood back to back in a defensive circle. The flashlights swept through the darkness, trying to capture the unknown threat.

Suddenly, a group of wild dogs rushed out from the darkness, their eyes flashing with dark green light, their fangs exposed, and they looked extremely ferocious. These wild dogs were not ordinary creatures. They were a circle larger than ordinary wild dogs, with knotty muscles, like demons crawling out of hell. They barked wildly and pounced on the soldiers, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood and fear.

"Prepare for battle!" Bai Ye roared and rushed forward first. The dagger in his hand flashed a cold light in the darkness and went straight to the nearest wild dog. The wild dog reacted very quickly and jumped suddenly to avoid Bai Ye's attack, but Bai Ye did not give up. He turned around and swung the dagger again. This time, he accurately stabbed the wild dog in the abdomen.

The wild dog screamed miserably, blood gushed out, but it did not fall down immediately, instead it pounced on Bai Ye more frantically. Bai Ye was agile, constantly dodging the wild dog's attacks, while looking for opportunities to counterattack. Other soldiers also joined the battle, they either waved daggers or raised rifles to shoot, trying to repel these ferocious wild dogs.

However, these wild dogs did not seem to be afraid of human weapons. Their skin was extremely tough, and ordinary bullets and blades could not cause fatal damage to them. Instead, their attacks became more and more fierce, and every bite was accompanied by a sharp whistle and a pungent smell of blood. The soldiers began to feel powerless, their physical strength was gradually exhausted, and their breathing became rapid.

"We can't go on like this!" Bai Ye shouted while dodging the wild dogs' attacks, "We must find their weakness!"

The soldiers heard this and tried to find the wild dogs' weaknesses. They found that although the wild dogs' skin was extremely tough, their eyes were extremely fragile. Whenever a soldier's attack approached their eyes, the wild dogs would subconsciously dodge. Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately came up with a plan.

"Attack their eyes!" he shouted. "That's their weak spot!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers adjusted their attack direction and aimed at the wild dogs' eyes. For a moment, the light of the flashlights and the cold light of the weapons intertwined, forming a deadly net. The wild dogs began to panic, and their attacks became less fierce.

Bai Ye seized the opportunity, leaped up, and stabbed the nearest wild dog in the eye with the dagger in his hand. The wild dog screamed and rolled over in pain. Bai Ye took the opportunity to stab it in the heart, ending its life. Other soldiers followed Bai Ye's example, concentrating their firepower on the wild dog's eyes and then quickly delivering a fatal blow. After a fierce battle, the soldiers finally killed all the ferocious wild dogs. They lay on the ground, gasping for breath, and their clothes were soaked with sweat and blood. Although they were physically exhausted, their hearts were filled with the joy of victory.

"We won!" a soldier shouted excitedly, "We defeated these terrible wild dogs!"

The other soldiers cheered, and they stood up with each other's help, and continued to walk deeper into the passage. Although there were still unknown dangers waiting for them ahead, they believed that as long as they united as one and moved forward courageously, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

During the rest of the journey, the soldiers became more cautious and alert. They kept an eye on the surroundings to prevent similar attacks. At the same time, they also used this time to rest and recover their strength to prepare for the next challenge.

As time went by, the passage gradually became wider. They found a huge stone door with complex patterns and runes carved on it, as if it contained some mysterious power. Bai Ye walked to the stone door and carefully observed the patterns and runes on the door. He tried to find clues to open the stone door, but found nothing.

"This door seems to be sealed by some force," Bai Ye frowned and said, "We may need to find a special key or solve some kind of puzzle to open it."

The soldiers gathered around after hearing this, and they studied the patterns and runes on the stone door together, trying to find clues to open it. However, these patterns and runes were too complex and ancient, and they could not understand their meaning at all.

Just when they were at a loss, a low roar suddenly came from inside the stone gate. The sound became louder and louder, as if something was waking up inside. The soldiers looked inside the stone gate in horror, only to see a powerful energy wave gushing out from inside the stone gate, shaking the entire stone gate slightly.

"Quickly retreat!" Bai Ye shouted, "There may be danger inside!"

The soldiers retreated after hearing this, and they looked nervously at the inside of the stone door. Just as they were nervously looking at the inside of the stone door, an unprecedented shock came from behind the door, as if even the space itself was shaking. Suddenly, the stone door cracked open, dust and gravel splashed everywhere, and a huge black shadow suddenly rushed out from the crack, instantly filling everyone's sight.

It was a giant wild dog that was hard to describe in words. Its body was as tall as a hill, and it was covered with jet-black hair that shone dimly under the weak light of the flashlight. The most shocking thing was that it had fifty ferocious dog heads growing on its head, each with a bloody mouth, sharp fangs, and eyes flashing with ferocity and madness.

"What...what kind of monster is this!" a soldier exclaimed, with undisguised fear in his voice.

"Fifty wild dog kings!" Bai Ye shouted in a deep voice, with a flash of determination in his eyes, "We must unite to fight this monster!"

The soldiers were filled with fear when they heard this, but the honor and duty of a soldier quickly cheered them up. They quickly adjusted their formation and surrounded Bai Ye in the middle, forming a tight defensive circle. They knew that in the face of such a monster, individual strength was insignificant, and only by unity could they defeat it.

The giant wild dog king roared, and its fifty dog ​​heads simultaneously issued deafening roars, as if to tear the entire passage apart. It suddenly leaped and pounced on the soldiers, bringing with it a strong gust of wind that made it almost impossible for them to stand still.

Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately swung the dagger in his hand to meet the attack of the giant wild dog king. His movements were as fast as lightning, and the dagger drew a series of brilliant tracks in the air, colliding with the claws of the giant wild dog king, making a loud sound of metal clashing. However, despite Bai Ye's incomparable strength, he still seemed a little powerless in front of the amazing power of the giant wild dog king.

Other soldiers also launched attacks, swinging their weapons to cut at the giant wild dog king's limbs, or throwing grenades to try to injure its body. However, the giant wild dog king's skin was extremely tough, and ordinary attacks could not cause any substantial damage to it. Instead, its attacks became more and more fierce, and each bite was accompanied by a strong impact, making it difficult for the soldiers to resist.

"We can't go on like this!" Bai Ye shouted, "We must find its weakness!"

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They began to observe the attack methods and movement trajectory of the giant wild dog king more carefully, trying to find its weaknesses. After some observation and analysis, they found that although the giant wild dog king was extremely powerful and had thick skin and flesh, its movements seemed a bit clumsy and slow. Especially when it controlled fifty dog ​​heads to attack at the same time, it seemed to disperse some of its strength.

"Its weak spot might be its head!" a soldier suddenly shouted, "If we can focus our firepower on its head, we might be able to weaken its strength!"

Bai Ye's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately shouted, "Everyone listen up! Concentrate your firepower on attacking the giant wild dog king's head! Especially those dog heads that are launching attacks!"

The soldiers responded one after another. They quickly adjusted the direction of attack and aimed at the head of the giant wild dog king. For a moment, the light of the flashlight and the cold light of the weapon intertwined again, forming a deadly net. The giant wild dog king roared in pain, and its fifty dog ​​heads began to twist and struggle frantically.

Bai Ye seized this opportunity and suddenly jumped up. The dagger in his hand turned into a dazzling stream of light and went straight to the head in the center of the giant wild dog king. That was the largest and most conspicuous of all its heads, and it was also the source of its power. The dagger accurately pierced into the eye of the dog head, and a strong energy wave burst out instantly.

The giant wild dog king screamed miserably, and its body began to tremble violently. The other soldiers also took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack, and their weapons rained down on the head and body of the giant wild dog king. Under the joint attack of everyone, the giant wild dog king finally couldn't support its huge body and fell down with a bang, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The soldiers sat on the ground, gasping for breath, their faces filled with the joy of victory. Although they had experienced unprecedented challenges and dangers, they finally defeated the seemingly invincible giant wild dog king with unity and courage.

"We won!" a soldier shouted excitedly, "We defeated that terrible monster!"

The other soldiers also cheered and hugged each other to celebrate this hard-won victory. Bai Ye looked at the giant wild dog king lying on the ground with a hint of contemplation in his eyes. He knew that although the battle was over, their journey was far from over. There were more challenges waiting for them in this underground world full of unknowns and dangers.

(End of this chapter)

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