Chapter 658

"Everyone, take a rest," Bai Ye said in a deep voice, "Then we will continue to move forward and explore this mysterious underground world."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They began to organize their equipment and recover their strength to prepare for the next challenge. Although they knew there were countless difficulties and dangers ahead, they also believed that as long as they united and moved forward courageously, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

After a short rest, the soldiers regained their spirits and continued their journey to explore the unknown underground world. The light of the flashlight drew firm tracks in the darkness, and their footsteps echoed in the empty passage, appearing particularly powerful.

However, just when they thought they had escaped all danger and could move forward with peace of mind, an accident struck again. Just ten minutes later, a rapid and chaotic sound of hooves suddenly came from the front, breaking the tranquility of the passage. The soldiers immediately became alert and quickly took a defensive posture, preparing to deal with the upcoming unknown threat.

As the hoofbeats approached, a group of wild donkeys suddenly rushed out from the darkness, their eyes flashing with fanaticism, drooling at the corners of their mouths, obviously seeing the soldiers as prey. These wild donkeys were not ordinary creatures, they were much larger than ordinary wild donkeys, with muscular bodies, and they ran like the wind and lightning, making them unpredictable.

"Wild donkey? How come it appears here?" a soldier shouted in surprise.

"Don't worry about it, get ready for battle!" Bai Ye shouted loudly. He knew very well that in this environment, any hesitation or slackness could lead to fatal consequences.

Upon hearing this, the soldiers raised their weapons and prepared to face the wild donkeys' attack. However, the wild donkeys were so fast that they rushed in front of the soldiers in the blink of an eye. The soldiers could only dodge and fight back based on their instincts and the skills they had learned from training.

For a moment, the passage was filled with chaos and noise. The light of the flashlight flickered as the wild donkeys ran, and the shouts of the soldiers and the neighing of the wild donkeys intertwined, forming a thrilling scene. Bai Ye led the way, waving the dagger in his hand and engaging in a fierce fight with a leading wild donkey. The wild donkey was extremely ferocious, and it kept stomping on the ground with its hooves, trying to shock Bai Ye back. But Bai Ye was as agile as a cheetah, and he cleverly dodged the wild donkey's attacks while looking for opportunities to counterattack.

Other soldiers also fought with the wild donkeys. Some of them brandished daggers and sabers to fight the wild donkeys in close combat, while others used rifles to shoot from a distance, trying to knock the wild donkeys to the ground. However, these wild donkeys did not seem to be afraid of human weapons. Their skin was extremely tough, and ordinary bullets and blades could not cause fatal damage to them at all.

"These wild donkeys are so cunning!" a soldier shouted breathlessly, "They always manage to evade our attacks!"

"Don't panic!" Bai Ye shouted, "Stay calm and find their weaknesses!"

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They began to observe the wild donkeys' attack methods and movement trajectories more carefully, trying to find their weaknesses. After some observation and analysis, they found that although these wild donkeys were fast and powerful, their eyesight did not seem to be very good. When running fast, they often fell because they could not see the road ahead clearly.

"Their weakness is their eyesight!" a soldier shouted excitedly, "We can use this to our advantage against them!"

Bai Ye's eyes lit up when he heard that and he immediately gave orders loudly: "Everyone listen up! Use flash bombs and smoke bombs to disrupt their vision! Then take the opportunity to launch an attack!"

The soldiers responded immediately after hearing this. They quickly took out flash bombs and smoke bombs from their backpacks and threw them at the wild donkeys. For a moment, the passage was filled with dazzling flashes and thick smoke, and the wild donkeys were immediately thrown into chaos. They began to run around and collide with each other. Some even fell to the ground because they could not see the road ahead clearly.

Bai Ye seized this opportunity and leaped up. The dagger in his hand turned into a dazzling stream of light and went straight to the throat of the leading wild donkey. The dagger accurately pierced into the throat of the wild donkey, and a strong energy wave burst out instantly. The leading wild donkey let out a shrill cry, and its body began to tremble violently, and finally fell to the ground powerlessly.

Other soldiers also took the opportunity to launch attacks. They used flash bombs and smoke bombs to create a chaotic situation and fought fiercely with the wild donkeys. Under the joint attack of everyone, the wild donkeys gradually lost their resistance and fell to the ground one after another.

After the battle, the soldiers collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath, their faces filled with the joy of victory. Although the battle was also thrilling, they finally defeated those seemingly invincible wild donkeys with their wisdom and courage.

"We won again!" a soldier shouted excitedly, "We are so awesome!"

The other soldiers also cheered and hugged each other to celebrate this hard-won victory. Bai Ye looked at the wild donkeys lying on the ground with a hint of contemplation in his eyes. He knew that in this underground world full of unknowns and dangers, dangers were everywhere, but they had to move forward bravely and continue to explore this mysterious underground world.

"Everyone take a break," Bai Ye said in a deep voice, "Then we will continue to move forward and look for the exit."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They began to organize their equipment and recover their strength to prepare for the next challenge. Although they knew there were countless difficulties and dangers ahead, they also believed that as long as they united and moved forward courageously, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

After a short rest, the soldiers set out on their journey again. They continued to explore this mysterious underground world, looking for clues and exits that could lead them out of the predicament. In the process, they experienced countless challenges and tests, but every time they relied on their firm belief and tenacious perseverance to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve victory.

As the soldiers set out on their journey again, the mystery of the underground world was gradually revealed, but at the same time, it was also accompanied by more arduous challenges and unknown dangers. The light of the flashlight jumped in the winding passage, illuminating the unknown road ahead and reflecting the firmness and determination on everyone's face.

They went deeper underground and found a narrower and more complex tunnel. This tunnel was full of sharp rocks and sharp stalagmites, and every step had to be taken carefully to avoid being scratched or tripped. The air was filled with a damp and musty smell, which made people frown involuntarily. However, even in such an environment, the soldiers did not retreat at all. They held their weapons tightly, relied on each other, and continued to move forward. Suddenly, a low roar came from the front of the tunnel, as if some behemoth was approaching. The soldiers immediately became alert, and they quickly formed a formation to prepare for the impending crisis. As the roar got closer and closer, a huge figure gradually emerged from the darkness-it was a huge underground spider, its body almost occupied the entire width of the tunnel, its eight long legs were covered with sharp barbs, and its eyes flashed with greed.

"Everyone be careful, this is an underground spider!" Bai Ye warned in a deep voice. He knew very well that this creature was not only huge in size, but also incredibly powerful. Once it entangled him, the consequences would be disastrous.

Upon hearing this, the soldiers raised their weapons and prepared to fight a life-and-death battle with the underground spider. However, the underground spider did not seem to be in a hurry to attack. It moved its body slowly and scanned everyone with its murderous eyes, as if looking for the best time to attack.

"We can't just wait here passively," Bai Ye said decisively, "We must take the initiative and break its rhythm!"

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They began to move forward cautiously, trying to find the underground spider's weakness. However, this underground spider was extremely cunning. It always managed to avoid the soldiers' attacks at critical moments and take the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

After a fierce fight, the soldiers gradually found that the abdomen of the underground spider seemed to be its most vulnerable part. So they began to concentrate their firepower to attack there, hoping to give it a fatal blow. Bai Ye was the first to take the lead. He waved the dagger in his hand and rushed to the abdomen of the underground spider like a flash of lightning. However, at the moment when his dagger was about to pierce the abdomen of the underground spider, a long leg swept over and knocked him out.

"Bai Ye!" The soldiers exclaimed, and they all rushed forward to save Bai Ye. However, the underground spider did not give them this opportunity, it quickly launched an attack and knocked several soldiers to the ground.

Faced with such a critical situation, the soldiers did not give up. They gritted their teeth and continued to fight the underground spiders. They used the weapons in their hands and the surrounding environment to constantly cause trouble and harm to the underground spiders. Finally, with a tacit cooperation, they successfully found the weakness of the underground spiders and launched a fatal attack.

With a deafening explosion, the huge body of the underground spider fell to the ground, raising a cloud of dust. The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, sitting on the ground, gasping for breath, their faces filled with the joy of victory.

However, the joy of victory did not last long because they knew that this was only a temporary peace and there were more challenges waiting for them. They must continue to move forward to find the exit and uncover all the secrets of this mysterious underground world.

On the following journey, the soldiers encountered more difficulties and dangers. They passed through a maze of tunnels full of traps, avoided deadly poison gas eruptions, and fought fiercely with various strange underground creatures. Each challenge made them more united and stronger, and also strengthened their determination to get out of the predicament.

In the process, the soldiers also discovered many clues and secrets about this underground world. They found that this underground world was once the site of an ancient civilization, which hid countless treasures and secrets. However, as time went by, this civilization gradually declined and was eventually forgotten in this dark underground world.

The soldiers were deeply attracted by these discoveries and decided to continue exploring this mysterious underground world and uncover all its secrets. They knew that this would be a road full of unknowns and dangers, but they also believed that as long as they united and moved forward courageously, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

As time went by, the soldiers gradually approached the core area of ​​the underground world. They found that there were more magnificent buildings and richer treasures. However, they also realized that there were more dangerous and deadly traps and mechanisms hidden here.

During an expedition, the soldiers accidentally triggered an ancient mechanism, causing the entire underground world to shake violently and collapse. They were forced to flee the area that was about to be destroyed in chaos and find a new way out. In the process, they experienced life and death tests and difficult choices, but in the end, they successfully found a new way out and continued to move forward with their tenacious perseverance and wisdom.

After countless challenges and tests, the soldiers finally reached the deepest part of this underground world.

Under the light of the treasure, the soldiers' faces were filled with fatigue and victory. However, this brief tranquility did not last long, as a more rapid and fierce horse hooves suddenly sounded, like thunder before a storm, foreshadowing the coming of a new crisis.

"Alert! Something's happening!" Bai Ye responded quickly. He knew that in this unknown land, any sound could mean a test of life and death. The soldiers immediately adjusted their status according to the training norms and prepared to meet the new challenge.

As the hoofbeats approached, a larger group of wild donkeys rushed out from the depths of the dark tunnel, their eyes flashing with madness, and they were obviously driven by some force to launch a more fierce attack on Bai Ye and his soldiers. These wild donkeys were faster than before, and their strength was even more amazing. They were like a black torrent, unstoppable.

Faced with this sudden attack, the soldiers were prepared but still felt unprecedented pressure. Their weapons seemed so small under the impact of the wild donkeys, and every swing and shot was like a stone sinking into the sea, and it was difficult to cause substantial damage to the wild donkeys.

"This is not a solution!" Bai Ye was extremely anxious. He knew that in such an environment, he could not defeat the wild donkeys by force alone. He had to find a completely new strategy, a way to think like a wild donkey and fight like a wild donkey.

Bai Ye quickly observed the movement patterns of the wild donkeys. He found that although these wild donkeys were ferocious, their movements were not without rules. They seemed to have some kind of tacit understanding and cooperation, and could quickly adjust their formation to deal with different attacks. At the same time, their attack methods were also extremely cunning, and they were always able to cleverly avoid the soldiers' defenses and deliver fatal blows.

"I understand!" Bai Ye's eyes flashed with a gleam of determination, "We can no longer fight them with conventional methods. We must think like wild donkeys and use their characteristics to deal with them!"

Bai Ye quickly conveyed his ideas to the soldiers. He asked the soldiers to abandon the traditional defense and attack methods and adopt more flexible and cunning tactics. They began to imitate the action patterns of wild donkeys, using the terrain and obstacles in the tunnel to dodge and counterattack. They no longer blindly pursued the effect of the attack, but paid more attention to the grasp of timing and the control of rhythm.

(End of this chapter)

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