Chapter 670 Tavern

Bai Ye gently folded the blueprint and carefully put it in his chest pocket, as if it was his most precious treasure. He stood up and cast a firm look at Magneto. Without saying anything, the two walked out the door tacitly. The city in the night, although still shrouded in the shadow of doomsday, is no longer as dead and desperate as it was before.

They walked through the factory gate and stepped into the city again. Although the buildings on both sides of the street were still dilapidated, many residents had settled here. Under the dim light, children were chasing and playing, and adults were sitting together, sharing stories and food with each other. These warm scenes formed a sharp contrast with the previous desolation, which made people feel deeply moved.

Bai Ye and Magneto walked slowly on the street, their footsteps echoing in the empty street, but they did not disturb the rare tranquility. Their eyes swept through every corner, observing the living conditions of the residents, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

"Look, those children." Magneto suddenly stopped and pointed to a group of children playing not far away. "They don't seem to know the cruelty and danger of this world. They only know how to enjoy the happiness in front of them."

Bai Ye nodded, with a complex emotion flashing in his eyes. "Yes, they are innocent. We must create a better future for them so that they can grow up without worries."

The two continued walking, and soon came to a market organized by the residents. There were all kinds of goods here, and although most of them were old things collected from the ruins, they were revitalized by the residents' skillful hands. They were exchanging food and supplies, or bargaining, with smiles of satisfaction and joy on their faces.

Bai Ye and Magneto walked into the market and were immediately infected by the lively atmosphere. They strolled around casually and talked with the residents from time to time. Most of these residents came from different backgrounds and professions, but under the baptism of doomsday, they united together to face the challenges of life together.

"Lord Bai Ye, you are here again." A middle-aged woman greeted him warmly, holding a few bags of food she had just exchanged, with a simple smile on her face, "Thanks to the efforts of you and Lord Magneto, we can live like this."

Bai Ye responded with a smile, but a bitter feeling rose in his heart. "Don't say that. We are just doing what we should do. This city and its residents are worth everything we have to protect."

They continued walking and met an old man who was repairing a machine. The old man had white hair, but his eyes were extremely firm and focused. The tools in his hands flew between his nimble fingers, and soon, a seemingly scrapped machine came back to life.

"Old man, your skills are amazing." Magneto couldn't help but admire, "In such an environment, you can still maintain such a mentality and skills, which is really admirable."

The old man raised his head and smiled modestly. "No, no, it's just some tricks. As long as I can help everyone, I'm satisfied."

Bai Ye and Magneto stayed in the market for a long time and talked with many residents. They heard many touching stories and experiences, and saw the tenacity and optimism shown by the residents in difficult situations. However, behind this warmth and harmony, they also clearly felt the difficulties and challenges facing the city.

"Bai Ye, can we really change all this?" Magneto's voice suddenly became low and heavy. "This city and its residents need not only our help and shelter, but also a truly stable and sustainable future."

Bai Ye was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I know this is difficult, but we must do our best. No matter how many difficulties and challenges lie ahead, we must not give up hope. Because only in this way can we create a better future for this city and its residents."

The two looked at each other and saw determination in each other's eyes. They knew that the road ahead would be full of unknowns and hardships, but as long as they worked together, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and realize their dreams.

As the night deepened, the lights in the market gradually went out. Bai Ye and Magneto said goodbye to the residents and set out on the road back to the factory. Their hearts were filled with complex emotions and feelings, but more of them were expectations and longings for the future. They knew that this city and its residents would always be the most precious wealth and source of motivation in their hearts.

Bai Ye and Magneto walked out of the market side by side. It was dark, but some corners of the city were still lit up, like an unyielding beacon in the darkness, guiding the direction and warming people's hearts. They walked through narrow and winding streets, each step was filled with determination and hope, and finally came to the tallest tower in the city.

This tower was once a landmark building in the city. Before the doomsday, it was a symbol of glory that countless people looked up to. However, after the disaster, it was once reduced to ruins. It was the residents' indomitable spirit and hard work that allowed it to stand up again. Although the exterior is still mottled, it contains the power of new life inside.

There is an observation deck on the top of the tower, which is one of the few places that can overlook the entire city. Bai Ye and Magneto looked at each other, and without saying anything, they stepped onto the stairs to the top of the tower together. On both sides of the stairs are traces left by the years, and also the witness of the residents rebuilding their homes. Every step seems so heavy, and so full of hope.

When they finally stood on the top of the tower, the scene in front of them shocked both of them. The whole city spread out in the night, with lights dimming, like stars falling into the mortal world. Although most of the buildings were still dilapidated, the temporary residences and markets spontaneously organized by the residents, as well as the new buildings under construction, all exuded the light of life, and they intertwined together to form a complex and vivid picture.

"Look, that's the result of our efforts." Bai Ye pointed to an area below. It was the new district of the city, which was being built step by step according to their plan. High-rise buildings were rising from the ground. Although they were not yet fully completed, they had already taken shape and the future was promising.

Magneto nodded silently, his eyes showing both relief and worry. "Yes, we have indeed made some progress, but there is still a long way to go. This city and its residents need our continued efforts and protection."

The two stood quietly on the observation deck, letting the night wind blow across their faces, bringing a hint of coolness. They looked at the city, their hearts filled with complex emotions. There was nostalgia and regret for the past, cherishment and gratitude for the present, and even more longing and expectation for the future. "Magneto, do you believe it? One day, this city will restore its former glory, and even be better than before." Bai Ye suddenly broke the silence, his voice firm and powerful.

Magneto turned to look at Bai Ye, with a gleam in his eyes. "I believe it. Because of you, me, and all the people who have worked hard for this city. Our combined strength is enough to change everything."

The two smiled at each other, and the tacit understanding and trust flowed between them again. They knew that although the road ahead was full of unknowns and challenges, as long as they worked hand in hand and worked together, nothing would be impossible.

The city in the night is still quietly telling its story. Bai Ye and Magneto stand on the top of the tower, as if they have become part of the city, breathing and sharing the same fate with it. They look into the distance, their hearts full of hope and determination. Because they know that no matter how many difficulties and challenges are ahead, they will continue to move forward unswervingly, for the city, for its residents, and for the faith and dreams in their hearts.

As time went by, the night deepened, but the lights of the city did not go out. They were like the brightest stars in the night sky, illuminating the way forward and warming everyone's heart. Bai Ye and Magneto stayed on the top of the tower for a long time, until the first ray of morning light penetrated the clouds and sprinkled on the land. They knew that a new day had arrived, and they would continue to move forward, for this city, for its future, and for the everlasting hope and dream.

After walking down the tower, Bai Ye and Magneto stepped into the streets at night. The buildings on both sides of the street still stood silently, but there was an unusual breath in the air. It was the breath of life, the warmth of people's perseverance and mutual support in adversity. They walked through several alleys and finally came to a tavern called "Light of Hope".

The light of the tavern shone through the half-open window, casting a particularly warm glow on the wet stone road. Outside the door hung a slightly old sign with the name of the tavern and a short slogan written in faded handwriting: "No matter what the world is like, there is always a place for you here." This sentence seemed to be a gentle comfort to every tired traveler.

When I opened the door, a mixture of wine, food, and a hint of tobacco hit me. The pub was not spacious, but it was well-organized. There were several paintings on the wall depicting the old and new appearance of the city. There were several old wooden tables and benches in the corners, and a dim oil lamp was lit on each table, adding a bit of warmth to the small space.

Bai Ye and Magneto found a seat by the window and sat down. The owner of the tavern, a middle-aged man with a kind face and deep eyes, immediately came over to greet them. "What would you two like to drink?" His voice was low and gentle, as if it could soothe all the troubles in people's hearts.

"Two cups of your best beer and some simple side dishes." Bai Ye replied, giving the boss a grateful smile. The boss nodded and turned to prepare their food and drinks.

There weren't many guests in the tavern, but everyone's face was full of stories. They were either talking in low voices or thinking alone, but in this small space, they all found a moment of peace and relaxation. Bai Ye and Magneto were no exception, they sat quietly, enjoying this rare tranquility and warmth.

After a while, the boss came over with a tray and placed two glasses of beer and a few dishes in front of them. "Please enjoy your meal," he said with a smile, then stepped aside and continued to work.

Bai Ye picked up the wine glass and took a sip of beer. The familiar taste instantly blossomed on the tip of his tongue, bringing a faint aroma of beer and a hint of sweetness. He turned his head to look at Magneto and found that he was also tasting beer with a satisfied expression on his face.

"The wine here is good." Magneto whispered, "Compared to those cold laboratories and battlefields, it's more relaxing here."

Bai Ye nodded, agreeing deeply. "Yes, this place is like our safe haven. No matter how cruel and difficult the outside world is, as long as we return here, we can find a little warmth and comfort."

The two drank wine and ate snacks in silence, occasionally exchanging a glance or a short word. They didn't need too many words to understand each other's feelings and thoughts. In this small tavern, they seemed to have returned to the simple and beautiful times in the past.

However, they also know that such a time is short. As the guardians of this city, they shoulder heavy responsibilities and missions. They must always remain vigilant and sober, and work hard for the future of the city and the safety of its residents.

"Bai Ye, have you ever thought about our future?" Magneto suddenly broke the silence, his eyes became deep and complicated, "Can we really change the fate of this city? Can we bring true happiness and peace to the residents?"

Bai Ye put down his glass and looked at Magneto seriously. "I know this road is difficult, but I believe that as long as we keep working hard, we will be able to change the fate of this city." He paused and continued, "Moreover, I am not only fighting for this city. I am fighting for those innocent residents. They yearn for peace, happiness, and a home where they can live in peace. I can't let them down."

Magneto was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly. "You are right." He whispered, "We are not just fighting for ourselves. We are fighting for those who need our protection. No matter how many difficulties and challenges are waiting for us in the future, we must face them bravely and overcome them."

The two men clinked their glasses again and drank the beer in their glasses. That was not only encouragement and support for each other, but also a firm belief and determination for the future. They knew that no matter how many difficulties and obstacles there were ahead, as long as they worked together, they would be able to create a better future.

The lights in the pub were still dim and warm, as if cheering for their faith and determination. In a corner of the city, two figures were silently guarding it, its residents, and the everlasting hope and dream.

(End of this chapter)

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