Chapter 671 The Second Tavern

Just as Bai Ye and Magneto were immersed in their own thoughts, there was a slight commotion in the tavern. Several guests sitting not far away seemed to recognize them and cast curious and awed glances at them. One of them, a burly man with a rough face, stood up and walked towards them with big strides.

"Hey, two heroes, I finally found you!" The man walked to the table and said in a loud voice. His eyes were full of admiration and gratitude, as if Bai Ye and Magneto were his saviors.

Bai Ye and Magneto looked up at the uninvited guest. Although they were surprised, they did not reject him. They smiled and nodded in response.

"Who are you?" Bai Ye asked politely, trying to search for the man's figure in his memory.

"Oh, I'm Jack, Jack Harvison!" The man introduced himself cheerfully, "Maybe you don't remember me, but you must remember the time when you rescued my family from the rubble? At that time, my family and I were trapped in a collapsed building, and it was you who used your super powers to save us despite the danger!"

After Jack's reminder, the scene of that day suddenly emerged in Bai Ye and Magneto's minds. It was a sudden earthquake that caused many buildings to collapse and trapped countless residents. After receiving the distress signal, they immediately rushed to the scene and used their respective abilities to rescue many trapped residents from the ruins, including Jack's family.

"It's you, Mr. Jack. Nice to meet you." Bai Ye said with a smile, "That action is what we should do. You're welcome."

"No, no, you are our saviors!" Jack said excitedly, "I have been looking for a chance to thank you, but I could never find the right opportunity. It's great to meet you here today!"

Jack turned to the tavern owner and shouted, "Boss, give me two more glasses of the best ale. They're mine!"

Upon hearing this, the tavern owner immediately responded and soon brought two glasses of fresh beer. Jack took the glass and personally handed it to Bai Ye and Magneto.

"Come on, two heroes, this is a toast to you!" Jack said, and drank it all in one gulp. Seeing this, Bai Ye and Magneto also smiled and raised their glasses to greet him, and drank the beer in the cups.

As the drinks went down, the atmosphere became more heated. Jack held Bai Ye and Magneto's hands and talked endlessly about his family's life experience after the disaster. He talked about how they rebuilt their home from the ruins, and how they supported each other and moved forward together in the face of hardships. His voice was full of love for life and vision for the future.

Bai Ye and Magneto listened to Jack's story quietly, their hearts full of emotion. They knew that there were many families like Jack in this city. They were all trying to live and rebuild their homes in their own way. And all their efforts and contributions were for a common goal - to make this city revitalized and vibrant.

"Mr. Jack, your story is really touching." Bai Ye said, "We are very happy to see that your family can face life so strongly. Please believe us, we will continue to work hard to protect this city and its residents."

"That's right!" Magneto echoed, "We will use our power to fight against those enemies who threaten the safety of this city and its residents. No matter who they are or how powerful they are!"

Jack's eyes flashed with tears when he heard this. He tightly held the hands of Bai Ye and Magneto and said excitedly: "Thank you! With you, we have hope! With heroes like you protecting us, we will definitely be able to overcome all difficulties and rebuild our beautiful home!"

As Jack finished his words, other guests in the tavern also looked at him with admiration and gratitude. They raised their glasses to salute Bai Ye and Magneto, thanking them for all their contributions to the city and its residents.

In this small tavern, people expressed their respect and gratitude to the heroes in the simplest and most sincere way. And Bai Ye and Magneto also felt the warmth and strength from the people. They knew that this strength would become a powerful driving force for them to move forward and protect the city.

The loud voice of the tavern owner instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the entire space. His announcement was like a horn, making the already warm and enthusiastic atmosphere of the tavern boil instantly. "Everyone is free tonight! Let's drink to our heart's content!" This sentence was like a warm current, flowing through everyone's heart, dispelling all restraints and barriers.

The guests in the tavern cheered, some of them slapped the table, some held up their glasses, and passed on joy and excitement to each other. Bai Ye and Magneto were also infected by this enthusiasm, their faces were filled with smiles, as if they had become part of this ocean of joy.

"It seems that we have to enjoy ourselves tonight." Bai Ye said to Magneto with a smile. Magneto also smiled and nodded, with a gleam of anticipation in his eyes. They knew that such nights were rare, and it was a rare fate to be able to celebrate here with these people who had experienced the same hardships and had the same hope.

With the boss's order, the drinks in the pub flowed more happily. Guests stood up one after another, walked to the bar counter to chat with the boss, or looked for like-minded friends to drink and chat. The whole pub was filled with laughter and clinking of glasses, as if this was the happiest place in the world.

Bai Ye and Magneto were also surrounded by people, communicating with different people and sharing each other's stories. Some people talked about their experiences in the disaster, while others expressed their vision and hope for the future. Bai Ye and Magneto became heroes in everyone's mouth, their names were mentioned repeatedly, and their deeds were constantly praised.

However, Bai Ye and Magneto remained humble and low-key for these praises and admiration. They knew that they were just doing what they should do, and these praises and admiration should belong to everyone who was indomitable and brave enough to move forward in the disaster.

In this joyful night, time seemed to be particularly long. The lights in the pub were still dim and warm, and in the flickering light and shadow of the oil lamp, people's faces looked more vivid and real. They found a sense of belonging, warmth, and the strength to move forward here.

As time went by, the atmosphere in the tavern gradually reached a climax. People began to sing and dance, and the whole tavern became a sea of ​​joy. Bai Ye and Magneto were also infected by this enthusiasm. They joined the dancing crowd and enjoyed this rare joy and freedom with everyone. In the intervals between dances, Bai Ye and Magneto smiled at each other. They knew that this night would become a permanent memory in their hearts. Here, they felt the beauty and tenacity of human nature; here, they found the value and meaning of their existence.

As the night deepened, the guests in the tavern left one after another. They bid farewell to this place full of joy and warmth with satisfied and happy smiles. Bai Ye and Magneto sat quietly at the table, looking at the empty tavern and the gradually extinguished oil lamp. Their hearts were filled with emotion and reluctance, but more of it was expectation and confidence in the future.

"Let's go, we should go back." Bai Ye said softly to Magneto. Magneto nodded, and the two stood up and left the tavern.

On the way home, Bai Ye and Magneto silently recalled everything that happened tonight. They knew that although this night would eventually pass, the warmth and strength from the people would always remain in their hearts. They would continue to move forward with this strength and continue to protect the city and its residents. Because they believed that as long as people had love, hope, and faith in their hearts, nothing could stop them from moving forward. And this city would shine even brighter under their protection!

It was late at night, and the noise on the street gradually calmed down, leaving only the occasional barking of dogs and the rustling of the night wind through the treetops. Bai Ye and Magneto stopped on the cobblestone road outside the tavern, their figures elongated under the dim street lights, looking particularly lonely and determined.

"Tonight is a rare good time." Magneto said softly, with a barely perceptible fatigue in his eyes. He looked at Bai Ye, with deep respect for his comrade in his eyes, and a hint of worry about the uncertainty of the future.

"Yeah, I haven't relaxed like this in a long time." Bai Ye responded, but his eyes seemed to penetrate the night and look further away. He took a deep breath, as if preparing for the upcoming separation.

"I should go back to the tower. I have a lot of things to deal with tomorrow." Magneto's voice was a little helpless, but more of a sense of responsibility. He patted Bai Ye's shoulder, which was a silent farewell and a tacit understanding between them that did not require much words.

Bai Ye nodded without saying anything more. He understood Magneto's decision and knew that the road he was about to embark on was also full of unknowns and challenges. The two stood quietly for a while, as if enjoying this rare quiet time.

Finally, Magneto turned and walked towards the tower, his steps firm and powerful, as if every step was in the rhythm of fate. Bai Ye watched him go away, and only slowly withdrew his gaze until the tall figure disappeared into the night.

He did not leave immediately, but stood there, his eyes wandering around, as if looking for something. Finally, his sight was fixed on a residential area not far away. The lights there were dim, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding high-rise buildings, revealing a simple and warm atmosphere.

Bai Ye's heart moved and he decided to go there to take a look. He took a step, walked through several narrow alleys, and came to the civilian tavern. The tavern's sign was a little worn, but the words on it were still clearly visible - "Warm House". This name sounded warm and reassuring.

Pushing open the door, a stronger breath of life hits you. The tavern is not spacious, but it is very cozy. There are several paintings depicting rural scenery hanging on the wall, and several old wooden tables and benches are placed in the corner, with a dim oil lamp on each table. Different from the previous tavern, here there are more laughter and joy of ordinary residents, without so many heroic halos and lofty ideals, only the most real breath of life.

Bai Ye found a seat by the window and ordered a glass of ordinary beer. He looked around and found that most of the guests here were dressed simply and had peaceful faces. They were either talking in low voices or drinking alone. Everyone was immersed in their own world, enjoying this rare tranquility and freedom.

The owner of the tavern was a middle-aged woman. When she saw Bai Ye sitting there alone, she came over and greeted him enthusiastically: "Young man, is this your first time here? Although the wine here is not as good as those in high-end taverns, it is more affordable and authentic."

Bai Ye smiled and nodded to express his gratitude. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the beer. The familiar taste instantly blossomed on the tip of his tongue, bringing a faint aroma of wheat and a hint of sweetness. He closed his eyes, as if he could taste the ups and downs of life from this glass of wine.

As the wine went down his throat, Bai Ye gradually relaxed. He began to observe the guests around him. Some of them were workers who had worked hard all day, some were small vendors who were busy with their families, and some were elderly people with young children. Each of their faces was full of traces of life, but their eyes were full of hope and longing for the future.

Bai Ye couldn't help but fall into deep thought. He remembered his battle and protection with Magneto, and the heroic halos and lofty ideals. But at this moment, he realized more deeply that the real power does not lie in superpowers or heroic halos, but in the persistence and love of life of these ordinary people. They protect the city and its residents in their own way. Although their power is insignificant, it is these tiny powers that gather into a powerful driving force for the advancement of society.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye's mood became a little heavy. He realized that there was a huge gap between him and these ordinary people. He had superpowers and could easily change the world, but he could not truly integrate into life and feel the true meaning of life like them. He felt an unprecedented loneliness and confusion.

At this moment, a loud noise interrupted his thoughts. He looked up and saw several soldiers breaking into the tavern. They were dressed in neat uniforms, holding weapons, and had serious expressions on their faces. They seemed to be looking for someone, and after scanning the tavern, their eyes finally stopped at Bai Ye.

"Bai Ye!" one of the soldiers shouted, "We have been looking for you for a long time!"

Bai Ye's heart tightened, he knew that these soldiers came to him for no good reason. But he remained calm, slowly stood up, and faced these uninvited guests.

"What's up?" he asked, his voice calm but powerful.

The soldiers did not answer his question, but quickly stepped forward and surrounded him. Their movements were swift and coordinated, and they were obviously well trained. Bai Ye did not resist, as he knew that resistance would only make things worse. He closed his eyes silently, waiting for his impending fate.

(End of this chapter)

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