Chapter 682 Studying Amethyst

"Fuck, what's going on? Why do I have to run into so many things?"

Commissioner Smith let out a long sigh and pushed open the two front glass doors with completely shattered glass to reveal the entrance. Finally, he turned around and took a look at the furniture store he had just walked out of, which looked like it had been through a tornado. One side of the store's red sign had been broken, leaving only the other side still struggling to hold on.

The clerk of that store also followed out, looked up at the sign, his face drooping. He was not responsible for these things, but he would have to do the subsequent repair and reconstruction work.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, buddy. Remember to send the bill to my office! I will definitely compensate you for the repair costs!"

Seeing that the clerk was almost on the verge of tears, Commissioner Smith waved to him hurriedly, and walked away with an awkward smile. What he said was true. He would naturally be responsible for the expenses of these things. He just hoped that the people in the finance department could understand this unexpected accident.

This is really too bizarre, even more bizarre than any zombies that have appeared in this world before. But at least although those strange birds have very strange names, they have nothing to do with the zombie virus, which can make her feel at ease.

Wait, what if these things are related to the crystal? What if it was the crystal that caused these strange birds to come here and cause so much destruction?
Commissioner Smith slapped his head and hurriedly turned around and ran towards the command center. If his guess was true, then he had to remind his colleagues there that there was a big problem with the crystal!
Yes, he should have thought of it earlier. It is absolutely impossible for a person in the world to pick up treasures while walking on the street without paying any price. He must remind those colleagues now!
Thinking of this, he quickened his pace and did not bother to give way to pedestrians along the way. Whenever he met a passerby blocking his way, he would push them away. Wherever he went, there was a sound of curses.

"Everyone! How is the crystal now? I just found something incredible in a furniture store. Have you been reported?"

More than ten minutes later, Commissioner Smith finally ran into the gate of the base, panting. Even the guard at the door didn't have time to greet him. He saw this guy pushing the door open in a hurry, looking up and shouting loudly to everyone in the base.

"What? What are you talking about?"

A staff member sitting in the lobby heard Smith's shout, turned around from behind the counter and looked at the sweaty man at the door, puzzled.

"Right... It was inside that furniture store! I just saw a group of strange birds, and I finally killed them!"

Commissioner Smith was glancing around as he spoke. When he entered the hall, the first thing that caught his eye was a huge display screen that showed surveillance of all the blocks in this doomsday city. The screen was divided into small grids, with more than a dozen staff members in black uniforms sitting below, staring at it meticulously.

Although it has been some time since the zombie crisis was resolved, they still dare not take it lightly. The zombies appeared so suddenly before, and although those monsters no longer exist in the world, what if they appear again one day?

No one knows if that day will come. The only thing they know is that they should be more careful from now on. This world can no longer withstand another zombie crisis, or any kind of crisis.

Only by being careful and cautious can we continue to live in this troubled world.

Now, these strange birds that suddenly appeared are exactly what Smith is extremely worried about. Although they will not infect humans with their horrible appearance, they are obviously very dangerous. He must report this situation personally to the leader of this city, Magneto!

After thinking of a plan in his mind, Commissioner Smith turned to look at the staff member who had just spoken to him. He was about to speak when he heard an old but hearty laugh coming from outside the door:

"Hahahahahahaha, I heard that you found a priceless exotic crystal? Now is the time when human civilization is in a state of disrepair and needs to be rebuilt. We can all use these things!"

Before he finished speaking, a silver-haired old man wearing a purple metal helmet, purple armor and purple robe slowly flew into the hall with a smile on his face. His feet were at least 20 centimeters off the ground and he didn't raise a speck of dust on the way.

"Lord Magneto!"

"Lord Magneto is here! Please make the decision regarding this crystal!"

Seeing the host coming, all the people in the hall stood up from their posts and knelt on one knee to salute the silver-haired old man. Commissioner Smith was no exception. However, unlike the others who had calm expressions, beads of sweat were already rolling down his face.

This amethyst is extremely powerful, and he is an important person associated with it. If any disaster is caused by this amethyst, then it is absolutely reasonable for him to be punished.

Not to mention that Lord Magneto is by no means a good person. Before the end of the world, he was the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants, who was feared by the world. There was nothing he dared not to do, and it was not difficult for him to kill a few people in this city that belonged to him.

When Smith's heart was in turmoil, Magneto glanced at everyone in the room with his silver eyes, and finally stopped his gaze on the slightly trembling Smith, and said: "Why do you look so scared? And I seemed to hear you talking about something related to the amethyst before I came in?"

"Yes, yes! I was indeed talking about the amethyst just now, and this is exactly what I wanted to report to you, my Lord!"

Commissioner Smith was startled when he was suddenly called, but he swallowed and tried to answer calmly. However, his trembling voice finally betrayed his inner anxiety.

Magneto nodded silently, "Go on, what unusual things have you found about that amethyst?" Magneto's voice was steady and powerful, with unquestionable majesty. His eyes seemed to be able to see into people's hearts, making Commissioner Smith feel a sense of pressure involuntarily.

Commissioner Smith took a deep breath and tried to make his voice sound more stable. "Your Excellency, not long ago, I was attacked by a group of strange birds that I had never seen before in a furniture store in the city. These strange birds were extremely ferocious and had extraordinary strength. They seemed to be completely different from ordinary birds. More importantly, the crystal emitted a strange light. I guess there may be some connection between the two."

He paused, observing Magneto's expression, and continued, "What I'm worried about is that this amethyst may have some unknown power. It may be the source of attracting these strange birds, or even causing a greater disaster. Therefore, I think we must conduct a more in-depth study of this amethyst, and at the same time strengthen the city's security measures to prevent any accidents."

Hearing this, Magneto frowned slightly, as if thinking about what Commissioner Smith said. He walked slowly to the center of the hall, looked around at the people standing nervously, and said in a deep voice: "What do you think?"

Everyone in the hall looked at each other in bewilderment. Finally, a middle-aged woman in a scientific uniform mustered up the courage to say, "Sir, Commissioner Smith's concerns are not unreasonable. Based on our previous experience in studying mutants and special objects, unknown powers are often accompanied by unknown risks. I suggest that a special team be set up immediately to study this amethyst, and at the same time, patrols and surveillance in the city be strengthened to ensure the safety of citizens."

Magneto nodded in agreement. "Very good, this suggestion is very pertinent. Commissioner Smith, as a direct participant in the incident, you will serve as the leader of this special team and be fully responsible for handling this matter. As for the storage and research location of the amethyst, it is located in the deepest part of the base, where the most stringent security measures are in place."

Hearing this, Commissioner Smith felt both pressure and motivation. He knew that he had a heavy responsibility, but at the same time he was full of expectations for the upcoming exploration. He nodded solemnly, saying that he would do his best to complete the task.

With Magneto's departure, the atmosphere in the hall gradually returned to calm. Commissioner Smith began to form a special team, selecting the best talents to join, and preparing for the upcoming challenges. He knew that the secret behind this amethyst might completely change the fate of this doomsday city.

After receiving Magneto's order, Commissioner Smith immediately prepared to transfer the amethyst to a laboratory deep in the base for in-depth research without any delay. He knew that this mission was not only related to the safety of the city, but also likely to reveal an unprecedented scientific mystery.

First, Commissioner Smith convened the top scientists and experimenters in the base to form an interdisciplinary special research team. This team includes experts in physics, biology, chemistry, geology and other fields. They all brought their curiosity and awe of the unknown world and gathered in this laboratory that was about to become the forefront of scientific exploration.

The laboratory is located in the deepest part of the base, surrounded by thick metal walls and advanced protection systems to ensure the safety and secrecy of the research process. The room is filled with various high-tech scientific research equipment, from precision microscopes to powerful spectrometers. There is a tense and exciting atmosphere in the air, and everyone is looking forward to the upcoming research to bring breakthrough discoveries.

Under the direction of Commissioner Smith, the experimenters carefully took the amethyst out of its temporary storage container and placed it in a special transparent container that could be isolated from external interference. This container was made of the most advanced materials, which could protect the amethyst from physical damage and ensure that any energy fluctuations generated during the experiment would not leak out.

The first step of the study was to analyze the basic physical properties of amethyst. Physics experts used a spectrometer to conduct a comprehensive spectrum scan of amethyst, trying to reveal its internal molecular structure and energy distribution. As beams of light penetrated the amethyst, complex and beautiful spectral patterns gradually appeared on the screen, which contained the unique physical properties of amethyst.

At the same time, biological and chemical experts were also busy. They collected air samples and tiny particles around the amethyst and conducted detailed chemical analysis and microbiological tests. They hoped to find biological or chemical traces related to amethyst from these samples, and then infer the biological activity or chemical reactivity that amethyst may have.

However, as the research deepened, the experimenters found that the complexity of amethyst far exceeded their expectations. Not only did it show extremely high stability and uniqueness in physical properties, but it also exhibited many difficult-to-explain phenomena in its interaction with the surrounding environment. For example, when amethyst was exposed to electromagnetic waves of a specific frequency, it would emit weak energy fluctuations; and when it came into contact with certain chemicals, it would produce unexpected chemical reactions.

Faced with these challenges, the experimenters did not back down, but instead became more determined to explore. They began to try more advanced and innovative experimental methods in order to uncover the mystery of amethyst. They designed complex experimental devices, simulated a variety of possible environmental conditions, and conducted a full-scale, multi-angle study of amethyst.

In this process, the experimenters also established deep cooperation and friendship. They often get together to discuss experimental results, share research experiences, and solve problems together. They know that only by unity and joint efforts can they overcome the difficulties and achieve the final victory.

As time went by, the research atmosphere in the laboratory became more and more intense. The experimenters devoted almost all their time and energy to the study of amethyst. They forgot the passage of time, ignored the fatigue of their bodies, and even forgot all the noise and disturbances in the outside world. They had only one goal in mind: to uncover the secret of amethyst!

During this process, the experimenters also experienced many failures and setbacks. Sometimes their carefully designed experimental plans would fail due to a small negligence; sometimes the data they collected with great difficulty would be lost due to equipment failure; sometimes they would even fall into the brink of mental breakdown due to long-term intense work. However, no matter how great the difficulties and challenges they encountered, they never gave up the research and exploration of amethyst.

Because they know: only by unremitting efforts can they get one step closer to the truth; only by bravely facing failure and setbacks can they usher in the dawn of success!

In this way, under the leadership of Commissioner Smith, the experimenters worked, explored and researched day and night...

(End of this chapter)

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