Chapter 683 Underground Air Raid Shelter

The lights in the lab were dim after working for a long time, and the air was filled with a tense and solemn atmosphere. Commissioner Smith was standing in front of the central control console, staring at the data jumping on the screen, his eyes showing both expectation and anxiety. The experimenters around him were busy, and the sound of keyboard tapping and instrument operation intertwined into a continuous scientific research symphony.

At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps broke the silence of the laboratory. The door was pushed open, and a man in black combat uniform and with a stern face, Bai Ye, broke into the laboratory with a team of fully armed soldiers. The soldiers quickly dispersed and occupied every corner of the laboratory, holding their weapons tightly and looking around vigilantly.

Commissioner Smith frowned, turned to look at the uninvited guest, and asked in a deep voice: "Bai Ye, what do you mean? Why did you lead troops into my laboratory?"

Bai Ye did not answer directly, but instead fixed his eyes on the amethyst placed in the special container. He walked forward slowly, each step seemed extremely heavy, as if he was carrying a heavy burden. "Commissioner Smith, I received an urgent intelligence. This amethyst is not simple." His voice was low and powerful, revealing an unquestionable majesty.

Commissioner Smith's heart tightened, but he remained calm on the surface, "Oh? I'd like to hear more about it."

Bai Ye stopped, turned around, and scanned everyone present. "According to the encrypted communications we intercepted, this amethyst is actually a high-tech device from another parallel universe. It serves as a medium for space transmission. In simple terms, it allows creatures or matter from other worlds to pass through this crystal door and cross into our world."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the laboratory froze instantly. The experimenters looked at each other, their faces full of shock and disbelief. Commissioner Smith's face also became extremely serious, "What evidence do you have?"

Bai Ye took out an encrypted document from his pocket and handed it to Commissioner Smith. "This is the decoded communication content, which describes in detail the purpose and transmission mechanism of amethyst. At the same time, we have also monitored that in recent times, the energy field of our world has experienced abnormal fluctuations, and these fluctuations are highly consistent with the location of amethyst."

Commissioner Smith took the document and quickly glanced through it, frowning. He looked up at Bai Ye and said, "If this is true, then those strange birds..."

"That's right," Bai Ye took over the conversation, "Those strange birds were most likely teleported to this world through amethyst. They may just be the vanguard, and more dangerous existences may be behind."

The atmosphere in the laboratory became more tense, and the experimenters began to discuss quietly. Commissioner Smith took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner waves. "Bai Ye, what is your proposal?"

"We must immediately isolate the amethyst and take measures to prevent further transmission." Bai Ye's eyes were firm. "I need you to stop all research on the amethyst until we have thoroughly investigated its origins and potential threats."

Commissioner Smith hesitated for a moment. He knew the importance of the study, but also the urgency of the situation. Finally, he nodded and said, "Okay, I agree to temporarily suspend the research. But you must promise to inform me as soon as there is any new progress or solution."

Bai Ye nodded slightly, "Of course. But before that, I hope you can arrange some people to help us move the amethyst to a safer place."

Commissioner Smith looked at the experimenters around him and ordered, "Everyone, please follow Bai Ye's instructions. We need to move the amethyst to the underground air-raid shelter as soon as possible. There are enough defense facilities there to deal with possible risks."

The experimenters responded immediately and began to prepare for the transfer in an orderly manner. They carefully took the amethyst out of the special container and placed it in a special metal box with multiple safety locks. The soldiers were responsible for escorting the box to ensure the safety of the entire transfer process.

As the amethyst was slowly moved out of the laboratory, Commissioner Smith followed it closely with mixed feelings. He felt sorry for the scientific discovery that might be missed, and worried about the unknown challenges that were about to be faced. Bai Ye stood aside, observing everything with a serious expression, as if he could foresee the coming storm.

On the way to the underground air-raid shelter, the soldiers tightly surrounded the metal box, taking every step with extreme caution. The air around them seemed to freeze, and only their heavy footsteps echoed in the empty corridor. Commissioner Smith and Bai Ye walked side by side at the front of the team, and their conversation sounded intermittently.

"Bai Ye, how much of a threat do you think these creatures from other worlds pose to us?" There was a hint of worry in Commissioner Smith's voice.

Bai Ye groaned for a moment, "It's hard to estimate. Different parallel universes have different rules and power systems. We can't predict what they will bring. But no matter what, we must prepare for the worst."

Commissioner Smith nodded, thinking about the response strategy in his heart. He knew that the days ahead would not be peaceful, and all they could do was to do their best to protect the peace of the world.

As the metal box was safely placed deep in the underground air-raid shelter, the soldiers began to set up strict defensive fortifications. Commissioner Smith and Bai Ye stood aside, watching all this quietly. They both knew in their hearts that the battle for amethyst had just begun.

Deep in the underground air-raid shelter, the lights were dim and soft, adding a subtle warmth to the tense atmosphere. Bai Ye and Commissioner Smith stood beside the metal box, watching the soldiers busy setting up fortifications until everything settled down temporarily. They walked to the simple rest area on the side, where there was an old wooden table and several folding chairs.

Bai Ye took out the tea set from the locker with ease, and skillfully boiled water and scalded the cups. Every step revealed his respect and love for the tea ceremony. Commissioner Smith sat at the wooden table, following Bai Ye's movements with his eyes, and felt a rare sense of tranquility in his heart.

“I didn’t expect you to have such skills.” Commissioner Smith said with a smile, with a hint of appreciation in his tone.

Bai Ye smiled slightly, poured the brewed tea into two exquisite teacups, and pushed a cup to Commissioner Smith, "I need to relax sometimes, and tea is my best companion."

The two of them gently lifted the teacup and took a sip, letting the warm tea flow slowly on the tip of their tongues, bringing a trace of indescribable comfort. The fragrance of tea filled the air, as if it could cleanse the dust in the soul.

"Speaking of which, this matter is really a headache." Commissioner Smith put down his teacup and frowned slightly, as if he remembered something unpleasant. "You know? In the previous battle, I accidentally smashed the window of a furniture store, and now I have to pay for it."

Bai Ye couldn't help but laugh when he heard that. "Oh? That doesn't sound like your style, Commissioner Smith."

"Oh, don't mention it." Commissioner Smith shook his head, a trace of helplessness on his face. "The situation was urgent at the time, and I didn't think much about it. As a result,... now the store owner came to my door and asked for compensation. Tell me, in this world, how come even furniture stores are so difficult to deal with?"

Bai Ye chuckled and patted Commissioner Smith on the shoulder. "Don't take it to heart. It's just a small matter. After all, you are fighting for the safety of this world. Just think of that small loss as a spice to your heroic act." Commissioner Smith couldn't help laughing when he heard that. Most of the depression in his heart instantly dissipated. "You're right. Compared with the threats that may come from other worlds, this little thing is really not worth mentioning."

The two continued to sip tea, and the topic gradually deepened. They talked about their pasts, shared their dreams and regrets; they explored the mysteries of science, and were full of curiosity and awe for the unknown world. In this small space, time seemed to become slow and long, making people forget the disturbances and dangers of the outside world.

"Bai Ye, do you think we can really handle all this?" Commissioner Smith asked suddenly, with a hint of uncertainty in his eyes.

Bai Ye stared into the distance, with a determined light in his eyes. "I believe we can do it. No matter how many difficulties and challenges there are in the future, as long as we keep our faith, nothing is impossible."

Commissioner Smith nodded, drawing strength from Bai Ye's words. He picked up the teacup again and clinked glasses with Bai Ye. "Cheers to our future!"

The two smiled at each other and drank the tea in the cup. At that moment, they seemed to be ready to face the coming storm. No matter where the storm came from, they would work hand in hand to protect the peace of the world.

As the aroma of tea slowly drifted in the air, Commissioner Smith and Bai Ye were immersed in a rare tranquility. At this moment, a slight sound of footsteps broke the silence, and a soldier slowly walked over with a tray with several exquisite biscuits and several plates of tempting pastries on it.

"Captain Bai Ye, Commissioner Smith, these are the snacks that the kitchen has just made. Please enjoy them." The soldier's voice was respectful yet warm. After gently placing the tray on the table, he quickly stepped aside and waited for instructions.

Bai Ye looked up, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "You came just in time, we are a little hungry." As he spoke, he motioned for Commissioner Smith to taste the snacks.

Commissioner Smith also seemed a little surprised. He picked up a cookie and took a bite. It was crispy and delicious, sweet but not greasy. He nodded and said, "Not bad, it tastes good."

Seeing this, Bai Ye also picked up a piece of cake and tasted it carefully. The two of them ate and talked, and the topic turned from the tea ceremony to the making of these snacks. It seemed that they temporarily forgot the tension and danger of the outside world.

"These snacks are really well made. It seems our chef is quite talented." Commissioner Smith said with a smile, his eyes sparkling with admiration for the food.

"Yes, it is rare to be able to maintain such skills in such an environment." Bai Ye agreed, and at the same time he couldn't help but admire the soldiers' professionalism and optimism.

As time went by, the snacks on the table were gradually swept away by the two. Bai Ye put down the empty plate in his hand, glanced at the busy soldiers, and a warm current surged in his heart. He knew that although these soldiers looked strong and fearless on the surface, they actually needed rest and relaxation.

So, he stood up, walked to the middle of the soldiers, and announced loudly: "Everyone has worked hard, now it's your turn to rest. It's enough to leave a few cameras to monitor Amethyst, and the others can go eat something or take a short rest."

The soldiers smiled with gratitude when they heard this. They handed over their work quickly and orderly. After leaving a few soldiers in charge of monitoring, the rest of them found a place to sit down, eat, or close their eyes to rest. The entire underground air-raid shelter suddenly had a more relaxed atmosphere.

Commissioner Smith couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw this scene. He understood that at such a moment, it was equally important to maintain the morale and combat effectiveness of the soldiers. Bai Ye obviously also realized this. His decision not only reflected his care for the soldiers, but also demonstrated his wisdom and determination as a leader.

"Bai Ye, you did a great job." Commissioner Smith said softly, his tone full of appreciation.

Bai Ye smiled slightly without saying much. He knew that his duty was to protect the safety of the world, and all this was inseparable from the support and dedication of the soldiers. He walked to the monitoring screen and carefully checked the situation of Amethyst to make sure everything was under control.

At this time, the underground air-raid shelter was quiet, with only the slight hum of monitoring equipment and the occasional whispers of soldiers. Commissioner Smith and Bai Ye sat aside, continuing to sip tea, occasionally chatting, and enjoying this rare peaceful time.

However, they all know that this peace is only temporary. The mystery of Amethyst has not yet been solved, and threats from other worlds may come at any time. But they believe that as long as they unite as one, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

As time went by, night gradually fell. The lights in the underground air-raid shelter became dim and softer, adding a bit of mystery and uneasiness to the tense atmosphere. But no matter how the outside world changes, Commissioner Smith and Bai Ye firmly believe that they will be able to protect this world until the last moment...

The soldiers gathered in twos and threes, some leaning against the wall, some sitting on simple chairs, enjoying this rare leisure time. One of them took out a cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the white smoke, which lingered in the air, as if taking away the fatigue and tension of the past few days.

"Hey, have you heard? There are new rumors outside recently." A soldier lowered his voice and said mysteriously, attracting his companions around him to come closer.

"What rumor? Tell me quickly." Another soldier asked curiously.

"It is said that there is some incredible power hidden in the amethyst that can change the world." The first soldier continued mysteriously, with excitement flashing in his eyes.

"Is this true? Then why are we still standing here? Can't we just dig it out?" someone said half-jokingly, causing a burst of laughter.

In the laughter, the soldiers temporarily forgot the difficulty and danger of the mission, they joked with each other, and shared their stories and experiences. In this small space, smoke and laughter intertwined, forming a warm but slightly bitter picture.

(End of this chapter)

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